Re:What do you taste like ?
WebTerrorist 21003 reads

Hmmmmm....  I have an idea...line up a number of the fine Tornto Ladies, I'll put on a blindfold and we can have a taste test, after each taste I can cleanse my palate with raspberry sorbet and ice water...of course if the ladies find out I'm the taste tester they might want their own blindfolds...that way they can pretend it's someone they actually want tasting them....of course if they still figure out it's me they'll probably just kick me in the face...hmmmm...maybe the taste test is a bad idea.

Web Terrorist says she tastes like Beef Jerky and Pepsi.
I must taste like Coffee and Trident ? I dont always taste like coffee and trident because I occassionaly cook a great Italian Meal. I love a big fat Bracciole too.
So what do you taste like ?
tyvm , P.T.

-- Modified on 3/11/2005 2:04:15 PM

WebTerrorist21004 reads

Hmmmmm....  I have an idea...line up a number of the fine Tornto Ladies, I'll put on a blindfold and we can have a taste test, after each taste I can cleanse my palate with raspberry sorbet and ice water...of course if the ladies find out I'm the taste tester they might want their own blindfolds...that way they can pretend it's someone they actually want tasting them....of course if they still figure out it's me they'll probably just kick me in the face...hmmmm...maybe the taste test is a bad idea.

Your Dollahs green ( of course in Canada  they are multi colored purty dollahs). The higher the dollars, the higher the tolerance levels I presume ?
The taste test is a good idea!
tyvm , P.T.

WebTerrorist18924 reads

I really doubt there is enough money in the world to achieve those kind of tolerence levels...though I guess we could bench mark them and do a burnin test to see for sure...but I fear proof would only make me feel worse....I shall instaed stick to living vicariously through the guys here that share their forays into the land of pleasures of the flesh...

As for the taste test I'm sure more than a few of the aforementioned guys would be more than happy to volunteer.

Im sure theres lotsa guys here just afoamin at the mouth to deflower someone..........EVEN YOU !!
What say guys ?
tyvm, P.T.

WebTerrorist19998 reads

Nah....not me...turns out cherries apparently have a shelflive...and mine is way past it's experation date.

I meant they would volunteer for the taste test of the fine ladies of Toronto.

Isn't technology wonderful!! Hi PT, surprised to see you up here!! Remember, I told you about a romantic evening sitting in the lounge of a classy hotel, listening to soft music, sipping apple brandy and getting a room.
I remember soooo well, the Royal York and the King Eddie(my old haunts). But then, that was in the late 40s, and I was young and delightfully foolish. It was truly the time of young romantics. We had risked our lives in a war that we had to win. And then was atime to celebrate, and that we did!!! The times have changed but the memories of romance stay with me to my last gasp!!!

I see that Apple Brandy. Works 4 Ya !!
tyvm, P.T.

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