References work both ways
btvegas 2 Reviews 1574 reads

I generally hobby when away but found myself with a couple days / evenings where I could partake here at home.
So I went in search of someone to see and found that almost everyone I wanted to see was looking for references.
To be clear I understand it is the girls right to ask and provide for her safety.  US has been doing this forever.

So I decided to ask someone I had met 2 1/2 months ago if she was available.  The short response I got was "please send me your references".  I initial thought was, that would be you, but elected to pass.

So here is my question / rant.
- references is a two way street.  
- if your going to request them then you also need to be the girl that will provide them to others
- in 2-1/2 months if I no longer exist then why would I see you when you can't return the favour if I need  
- leads into the security of my information as well
- I can provide references of ladies I have met elsewhere but I would assume they don't want their information given out or to be bothered providing a reference when the favour won't be returned if she was to ask.  Let alone the validity of the information to be used for her safety.
- also my trusted friends have personal information of mine that I would prefer not to be passed into the Canadian market.
- Remember the basis for changes in Canada is that the hobbiest is now the guilty party.  
- many of the Toronto ladies are now asking as well for Personal and Business information which I wouldn't provide in the Canadian market.
- There are many well reviewed TER girls in Toronto that are established and can be trusted in this reference system.  But there are also many now requesting the same information with few to no reviews.
- The trust and safety factor needs to work both ways.

Sorry for the long rant but I believe we don't quite have it here in Canada or my doubts have been raised.  Maybe it's a topic for discussion
For the time being I think I'll just stay home tonight and save for my next trip :)

Have a good day everyone

"So I decided to ask someone I had met 2 1/2 months ago if she was available.  The short response I got was "please send me your references". "

Quite unusual.

Hard for me to compare my situation to yours. Have you tried seeing visiting ladies from out-of-town? They need business and seem to be laxer about references.

So I decided to ask someone I had met 2 1/2 months ago if she was available.  
If you meet someone 2.5 months earlier and she did not recognize it something is a bit wrong.  Either this was more of a meet and greet met or if it was an actual met her for an hour to two. If the earlier I could understand the ref ? if the later literally just say her and do you remember blah blah blah.  If still no then there is something definitely off and move along.  A P411 type service may help on the ref issues as well the ladies can see who you were with which is kinda like an instant ref. There is white list here too but I tend to lean towards P411 and Ter to do some homework with.  And one more thing this type of hobby you will always learn something.  some not so good and some really nice.  I have never meet a girl a second time for her to ask me for a ref even if it was 2 years, but i do travel the p411 route so they are always in my history.

Hello my Beauty from Venice.  How are you?

For me this is more about asking the new group of girls requesting references to get organized and show some professionalism.

I'll keep this short and sweet as I'm typing on my phone.  

I  agree that references are a two way street,  but the business is somewhat different in Canada.   I give out references to dates I've previously seen and will use US,  international or Canadian providers as a reference as long as they are established and reputable.  

You mentioned that you don't want private information coming over to Canada.   This most likely won't happen in a reference... Most ladies use references as a supplement to other forms of screening.  I've never been asked more than the general "is he safe,  sane and general personality traits"    likewise I've not run into anyone who has divulged unnecessary information.

Personal information is held to the highest regard....the last thing I want for my dates is to be scared away from the hobby.  However often times,  without p411 or RS2k it's difficult to know exactly who you are seeing.   This is why personal information is needed.   Yes,  men can be found guilty in Canada,  but the risks of physical and sexual harm are higher if an escort takes screening lightly.   As a person who only has a handful of dates each month,  it's a personal choice to minimize that risk.  

That being said,  there are many reputable agencies in Toronto who will provide a girl with minimal screening,  if you don't want to give out personal information this would be the way to go.   Good luck work your search!   :)

Hi Emily,
I guess my comments were too broad.  I fully trust yourself and the other reputable providers.

I was aiming more at the new group that have begun asking for references to show that they are responsible with the information provided.  So that they may provide yourself and others with a reputable reference if I was to ask.

As I had said I understand and agree with your need for safety.

In the situation that occurred the girl is asking for references but doesn't even know who she has seen.

Well said EmilyOsgoode.

Posted By: EmilyOsgoode
I'll keep this short and sweet as I'm typing on my phone.  
 I  agree that references are a two way street,  but the business is somewhat different in Canada.   I give out references to dates I've previously seen and will use US,  international or Canadian providers as a reference as long as they are established and reputable.    
 You mentioned that you don't want private information coming over to Canada.   This most likely won't happen in a reference... Most ladies use references as a supplement to other forms of screening.  I've never been asked more than the general "is he safe,  sane and general personality traits"    likewise I've not run into anyone who has divulged unnecessary information.  
 Personal information is held to the highest regard....the last thing I want for my dates is to be scared away from the hobby.  However often times,  without p411 or RS2k it's difficult to know exactly who you are seeing.   This is why personal information is needed.   Yes,  men can be found guilty in Canada,  but the risks of physical and sexual harm are higher if an escort takes screening lightly.   As a person who only has a handful of dates each month,  it's a personal choice to minimize that risk.  
 That being said,  there are many reputable agencies in Toronto who will provide a girl with minimal screening,  if you don't want to give out personal information this would be the way to go.   Good luck work your search!   :)

I make fake emails to give out fake references, and give out fake names, numbers and work info. As long as you are nice to these girls, they are pretty clueless about it. These girls are not known for their intellect, after all.

Not interested in misleading the girls in this matter with a false sense of security.  Helps no one.

My point is that if you are going to request references then you also need to provide references of someone you've seen for another provider if so requested.
Not just play one side of the game

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