awesome for you
Selina See my TER Reviews 15624 reads
1 / 7

After an illustrious and incident free career, my luck ran out on May 23 at 9:15pm. I made an outcall to a prestigious hotel to find a reasonably nice man by the name of Mark B****, a 43 year old radiologist from Middlefield Wisconsin, who discovered me from the The Erotic Review board.
He was about 6'2. 350 lbs, dark hair and severe psoriasis on his body. Nevertheless, as a sympathtic professional, I proceeded with the service with additional extra care. As the session progressed, he became more and more demanding and insisted that I perform oral sex exclusively in a multitude of positions for alomost the entire hour. After my neck and jaw gave out, the time was almost up and he became frustrated with his inability to orgasm.(he also asked to straddle me, all 350+ lbsof him, which I refused). I went to the bathroom to freshen up and he barged in. "What do you think you're doing?"
I replied that I was freshening up and I was only paid for a 1 hour session (which I would have gladly extended for free under normal circustances had it not been for his demanding/sadistic attitude).
He then insisted that I give him his money back, despite my having worked on him tirelessly under the most difficult circumstances imaginable. He then blocked my exit and would not let me leave the bathroom. He then demanded his money be returned, and when I refused, he ripped my purse from my hand and tore my nail off. I let him have the purse and ran out the door to the hallway and called hotel security, who entered his room and retrieved my purse, minus $300 and my ID being re-arranged.
I insisted that the police be called, and I filed a report, giving them a 100% accurate account of what had happened.
It would have been easier for me to just have left, but I refused to allow this type of 'man' on the loose to repeat or escalate his violence on less assertive women.
The police were unbelievably cool, obtained an apology for me from him and recovered my money, (remember, this is Canada, bless our nation)in exchange for my not pressing charges. He will be on record in the US and Canada as a predatory sex tourist.
The unbelievable part was that by the time the police arrived to question him, he had another escort in his room ......BEWARE!

-- Modified on 5/27/2005 2:02:47 AM

Anneke See my TER Reviews 15509 reads
3 / 7

I'm considering a visit to Toronto. After a recent tour of London I'm seriously considering most of my time be spent OUT of the US. I am so sick of having to look over my shoulder constantly AND having NO recourse if a situation like yours had happened here. I am so sorry that it happened to you and am glad you are okay. Would you please PM me his full name. I don't want to run into him on one of MY tours.


CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 17684 reads
4 / 7

Let us do that in the USA..  and they would say one or two thing

"run along home little whore"
"come with me whore "

Bless you and what you've done for your girls in Canada !

OXYGEN 37 Reviews 19324 reads
5 / 7

Selina and Anneke, is there some way that you can communicate your experience and warnings to other providers in the U.S. and Canada?
Selina, I am sorry that you had to go through what happened with that SOB.
A provider friend of mine was visiting Myrtle Beach and went to a client's home(condo) not far from where I live. He too, was, by her estimate between 350 and 400 lbs. While she was on top, she was OK, but when he rolled her over, she was face-down on the bed and he sat on her upper back, she wasn't sure what he was going to do, and she told him to get off. He did but she had several bruised ribs and was in severe pain. She called me and I took her to her hotel,(she didn't want to go to the hospital), I applied warm compresses to her upper back for a couple hours, and she was able to return to the ATL area the next morning.
The only good thing was that he let her go without hurting her further!!
I hope you girls keep aware of the damage that a heavy man can do if he so chooses.
I'm glad you're still around to tell your story.

Selina See my TER Reviews 16139 reads
6 / 7

Thanks to all for your support!
Although I wasn't seriously hurt, I am still shaken and a bit bewildered........
I love my chosen profession, and despite it all, I wish my assailant inner peace, for he has major problems.
Ladies and gentlemen, please visit Toronto and enjoy the scene/tour with true freedom and police support, not harrassment!

-- Modified on 6/19/2005 9:32:20 PM

madiphx See my TER Reviews 18270 reads
7 / 7

Thank you for sharing.  I'm glad you weren't harmed physically in any way, and It sounds like you handled a major problem in a very civil manner. Good for you. (And your "by the way this is Canada" quotes make me miss my homeland soooo much)   Take care.  All of you beauties out there, you know who you are!!
-MJ from Phoenix, born in Ontario.

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