
Yep.. (EOM)
Staff 11427 reads


Oops! I forgot to mention my rates! Sorry guys! I  caharge 200.00 for 1/2 hr., and 300.00 for the hour.
Thanks, hope to see you soon!! Giselle 708-275-7090, Waltham area. xoxoxo

Here is an announcement of a new lady in Boston.However the poster is a guy who has one review posted here on TER.I'm sure Giselle is wonderful and has a logical explanation so nitpickers like me can understand and would consider seeing her.

I think I may be getting closer to the answer to this puzzle.Her Eros ad says SHE IS FROM LAS VEGAS. Oh well need I say more.Giselle,if you are out there and wish to extole your virtues to the Boston guys who have been stung and stung again by the travelling Vegas providers please join in.We really hope that you are one of the exceptions.

one of these days, someone should sit down and commit pen to paper and write a whole slew of Vegas Escort jokes ... as in to the tune of Blonde jokes!  LOL

-- Modified on 6/11/2003 9:56:18 AM

Vegas is great for one thing (or should I say, many things), losing money.  Most of the time, it's fun gambling it away, or seeing a really great show (Cirque De Soleil's "O" .. great show!!), we don't mind it too much.

But, when the scam artistas start exporting their "wares" and show up locally.. run for the hills!!

Sorry,guys, you have it all wrong. I (Kristy of Chicago) posted that for Giselle, who is from Chicago, as well as I. She's a sweetie, nothing like the Vegas girls!Even though I accidentally posted it under a friends name, I really am just trying to help out Giselle. Give her a break! Don't blame it on her, it's my mistake!!Kristyofchicago.


Can anyone tell Kristy what happens now?


-- Modified on 6/11/2003 4:52:04 PM

Kristy11246 reads

Sorry, luv, I'm not biting the dust anytime, for an honest mistake. I suppose you've never made one yourself? Oh, you're perfect, yeah, right. Like I said before, I don't need to post any reviews, my reviews speak for themselves.

Kristy10499 reads

No, you morons, I don't need to post any 'self-reviews', I've got plenty for the short time I've had my site up. I was just trying to do Giselle a favor, never again! I hope that clarifys your bashing of me. Thank God I don't live in Boston. Are you all really that bored? KRISTY

...I'm just puzzled over why she only gave herself a couple of 8's.  I mean, if you're going to post fraudulent reviews, why not go the whole 9 yards?  "I ... uh, I mean...'SHE' was a goddess, did everything I could ever want, several things I don't even know names for, cleaned my house, changed the litterbox, did my taxes, and then it just got better..."

Sorry, I know I'm a newbie (come to think of it, this is my first post here...), but even I can smell this load...

Kristy11928 reads

I did what? Check out my other reviews, they speak for themselves. Remember, never ASSUME anything, it makes an ass of u and me. Newbie, my butt.

Uhh... what other reviews?  The email address you gave further down in this thread ([email protected]) doesn't turn up any reviews, and since I'm forced to assume (and please leave the whole issue of asses out of it) that your profile was deleted because it was a self-review, what other conclusions can I draw?  If you meant to indicate that your "other reviews" are available through your "website," the link that you posted was unusable.  If you want to post an email address, you need to start it with "mailto:" and there is no need for the "www" in front of your username.  I don't begrudge you this, just thought I'd take a moment to try and be helpful.
   Honestly, you got busted, try to take it with a little grace.  People would have the same reaction to finding out that a restaurant owner wrote a review for his own establishment in a local newspaper, it's just inherently dishonest, but it's also pretty damned funny.  People looking through the reviews are doing so (and again, this is an assumption) to find a lady or ladies that they feel can provide them with a pleasurable experience.  It's a source of information, and there are a HUGE number of ladies that have spent a lot of time and effort to build a loyal and adoring "fanbase" (for lack of a better term).  It's insulting to them to try and circumvent this process by faking your own reviews, it's deceitful to those hobbyists (and prospective hobbyists) who come here looking for some honest info, and it's just flat-out against the rules you agreed to follow when you joined TER.
   Ok, this is running long, and I don't want to make a life-long job of replying to this thread.  I'll drop it after this if you want to, and probably won't remember it next week.  Take Care....

Kristy11252 reads

I REALLY wish tat you knew your FACTS before sending such B.S., and having the nerve to post it. You talk out of your ass. Who in the world puts-mail to, instead of www, before they go to a site? No, I don't need to post my own self-reviews, my happy clients are more than happy to do it for me. I swear, you've GOT to GET A LIFE!!!

Even your link doesn't work.So I guess,neither does Giselle

it's that i still don't know what the phuck is going on!  LOL

if FIREITUP1 was not Giselle or Kristy then why ...

or if Kristy already had an account then who ...

and why are republican tax cuts so hard to swallow!?

Kristy10519 reads

it's that you ALL need to get a life!!! Know your facts before you respond...

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