
What a waste of taxpayers money.
FreedaNipple 13 Reviews 401 reads

Every time some story about hookers is in the news, they have to throw in the words Human trafficking just to give themselves a pat on the back and make the public think its a huge ongoing problem. Such BS
There are Firefox adons that will block google from tracking anything

octovert599 reads

We're elliots, remember? Just how deep is LE digging now

All I can really say is wow LE. Technology always ends up getting people caught up unfortunately.

After reading the article, I opened a new window to search for Megan Costello.  As soon as it opened, Google wanted to know my location and asked if I would allow or block it.  Coincidence?

This new initiative by the BPD to collect data on supply and demand, along with a $30,000 grant from Demand Abolition, is aiming to reduce the online sex trade by 20 percent in a year.  In addition to stopping Human Trafficking, which I abhor, they're approach targets the sex buyers to decrease the demand.

maybe thats why its been so quiet

That's not going to stop me from hobbying

Every time some story about hookers is in the news, they have to throw in the words Human trafficking just to give themselves a pat on the back and make the public think its a huge ongoing problem. Such BS
There are Firefox adons that will block google from tracking anything

Can you list an add on that you recommend

Send To "John School"!!!  REALLY!!!  DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!!!    Hardly at all to a solution which will never be!!!

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