
To the TER Boston community
thirsty 2 Reviews 17603 reads

I want to address my response to the “a link would help” post from a few days ago. Even though I didn’t reveal actual handles, the fact that I acknowledged a user would post under multiple handles was out of line. I recognize the usefulness of the alias feature. I have said that I prefer that people know who I am. I often sign post with my real name. However, everyone has a different comfort level. I understand and respect that fact.

Not that long ago, TER Boston probably saw about 20 posts a week, mostly ads and unanswered ISO’s. Even before the current unrest in the hobby community, the number of posts to this board has grown to around 20 a day. I like to think that I had something to do with that with my effort to “stir the pot,” by replying to orphan posts or by linking to reviews or other posts. I think what pushed my buttons about the post in question was my (sometimes frustrated) desire to help create a community where people would feel comfortable jumping in and posting a link or correcting a bad link for the benefit of the community.

I’ve written in the past that those who faithfully read the posts of others without ever making themselves known are perhaps even more important than those of us who post our thoughts. Everyone should contribute to the community in the way they feel most comfortable.

Feel free to tell me what you think - good or bad publicly or privately - [email protected]


St.Bobo20633 reads

Dear Thirsty,
I gave our incident a lot of thought and
I realized I was being a real asshole.
Maybe it's mid life crisis.  Whatever it was,
I apologozie for my poor behavior and you are
doing an exceptional job as the moderator of this board.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I will be signing off after today.
At this point of my life, I decided to move on
and put this hobby behind me.  
Good luck and God bless.

My apology to you as well. I am not proud of myself...we all make mistakes. I guess the best we can hope for is to learn from them.


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