
angelann See my TER Reviews 10183 reads

In which I drove almost 2 hours Sun night for on back country roads  for what was to be a 2 hour appointment. And almost killing my self  trying to get to his door  of his big white home on his ice covered  walk  way. Which he is too cheap to sand down.And then being nice and letting him yak on and try to push cheap bad wine on me for a half hour before inquiring about the fee which should have been in plan view from the start . Then  when I ask for my fee he gives me this shit eaten grin as he tells me that he would like to try me out first  IE..."TEST DRIVE"  first before deciding to "BUY"! Then getting down right NASTY with me when I tell him I need payment in cash in full before the session. And then trying to tell me he'll give me half now and the other half later if he liked me. Then THREATENING to write a bad review about me. You can't. You have no session to review. It would be a fake review. TBD BEWERE OF RECENT REVIEWS OF ME IN THAT AREA OF MA. .  DAVID. I don't know your user name but I do know that you are a payed  member of that  Other board. And I'm sure your on this one also. You know who you are. And beleve me I WILL find out your user name here. THIS IS NOT A CAR DEALERSHIP WHERE YOU WALK IN TO TEST DRIVE THE MERCHANDISE BEFORE BUYING!!!!!!!!  You have wasted my time and made me  drive for hours that evening for nothing.You also made me lose a call the next day with one of my good reg. because I got home so late and needed to rest after being worn out from driving all that way for nothing.God only knows and so does the nice gentlemen and sweet ladies and wounderful MOD  of this board what I've been going through with my health. And thank God they were able to get the cancer and I'm ok.And now I'm just getting back to work and I have to see a SHIT HEAD LIKE YOU!  I HOPE AND PRAY TO THE DEAR LORD IN HEAVEN THAT SOMEONE SLIPS AND FALL'S ON YOUR ICED OVER WALK WAY  AND SUE'S YOUR FUCKIN  FAT ASS TO KINGDOM HELL!!!!!!!!  Thank You.

As I said on TBD, anybody who does things like that shows absolutely no class, and deserves all the wrath of everybody on this board.

I have not met you Ann, but from everything I have seen, you are a pure class act (Like most every lady here), and anybody who would do that is either really stupid and honestly believes that you can "test drive" a person, or is just a pure piece of crap.

Either way, you (or any other person) should never have to deal with that.

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