
That's why girls move around.
DT_lover 188 Reviews 275 reads

When she's downtown the guys who work in town can see her.  Can wait a day or two for her to come to Burlington or some other nice suburb.

Most touring girls do both intown and suburb.  Makes sense.
Posted By: sasha2cute
Realistically speaking... What's the farthest you'll drive to see a provider?  

Realistically speaking... What's the farthest you'll drive to see a provider

Planning is your friend... I have driven one hour plus to see a desired friend.

The secret is to build margin in the schedule and google map the parking near the location.

And, I never request appointments between 5 and 7 in the city :-)

I haven't encountered yet since I've only been there twice but next month I'm staying a little longer and may even have a rental.

Is it really that bad? Everytime someone mentions Boston the traffic is the first thing they talk about lol


As someone who recently moved here a month ago, I can honestly say yes- so much so a lot of gentlemen prefer to not meet in Boston. I would try to work in mainly the burbs over Boston.

Posted By: AllyVixen
I haven't encountered yet since I've only been there twice but next month I'm staying a little longer and may even have a rental.  
 Is it really that bad? Everytime someone mentions Boston the traffic is the first thing they talk about lol  

Posted By: AllyVixen
I haven't encountered yet since I've only been there twice but next month I'm staying a little longer and may even have a rental.  
 Is it really that bad? Everytime someone mentions Boston the traffic is the first thing they talk about lol
Before Google Maps and GPS, there were many reasons for city and highway traffic. Boston was not exactly a planned city ... except by the cows and sheep. Old downtown streets zig and zag and crisscross whereever the old cows (probably with Mad Cow Disease) wore down the paths. Back back was filled in in the mid to late 1800s and that area is PLANNED and somewhat sensible.  

On the streets, many intersections lacked street name signs! You knew you were on the Main Street but you had no idea what the side streets were if you didn't know that neighborhood.  

The highway system was another product of bad planning. The Fitzgerald Expressway was built in the 1950s and it was obsolete before it was even completed. The Expressway ("Central Artery") was finally torn down and replaced with the underground version starting in the 1980s (yeah, the original plans were to spend around $3 billion for "Depression of the Central Artery"). "The Big Dig" didn't get started until the 90s and will probably never be really finished although I think they declared it finished for a cost of around $22 billion. I'm sure the bills and scams and payoffs are still being paid.  

So history, high population density, lousy Public Transit and bad planning combine to make Boston one of the worst places for traffic:

I will avoid Boston to see a provider during high traffic hours, it would be much better to stay on the outskirts and avoid 93N if possible, and the hotel rates I'm sure are much cheaper the farther away you are.

thickyjr303 reads

or a river wide ... to keep me from getting to you, babe.
Fuck, I love Marvin Gaye too.

It recently took me two hours to get from Worcester to Boston in rush hour traffic, normally it's only one hour.

But when beauty calls, I heel

Neither rain, sleet, snow, nor dark of night.

And I have driven thru a blizzard at rush hour, and brushed 4 inches of snow off my car after an hour with Kendra.

When she's downtown the guys who work in town can see her.  Can wait a day or two for her to come to Burlington or some other nice suburb.

Most touring girls do both intown and suburb.  Makes sense.

Posted By: sasha2cute
Realistically speaking... What's the farthest you'll drive to see a provider?  

Iheartsports298 reads

unless they have a apartment in-call in a good area that brings them a lot of business like Manhattan for example.  

Good point.

-- Modified on 7/24/2016 12:22:05 AM

Iheartsports233 reads

I'm guessing traffic may not be stopping to many people. Don't get me wrong I see Metro West ads but I see alot of Boston even when I'm looking now.

I guess I have to see and weigh the options.

A lot of the girls ads may say Boston, just as a general area but they will often actually stay on the outskirts to avoid the traffic.

Posted By: Iheartsports
I'm guessing traffic may not be stopping to many people. Don't get me wrong I see Metro West ads but I see alot of Boston even when I'm looking now.  
 I guess I have to see and weigh the options.

I'll drive 4 hours to NYC (sometimes 5-6 depending on traffic) to see a provider and make a weekend out of it.  Locally it takes me at least 30 minutes to get into downtown Boston anyway.  I'm used to considering travel time with every appointment.

Boston traffic is pretty terrible like most cities are around rush hour.  In fact I think the traffic can be just as bad in the suburbs as it can be in the city itself.  True it's more concentrated in the city but getting around 128/95 in the afternoon is a challenge too.  Don't forget the seasonal factors.  With school out for the summer traffic can be lighter on the weekday mornings.  But weekend travelers going south to the cape or north to the mountains make for traffic by noon on a friday.

I guess it's all relative.  Just book two hours from 4-6 and sit in bed instead of traffic with a sexy "co-pilot!"

All depends on the time of day, I avoid Boston ans Rte. 128 in general unless it's 10-3ish and even then you nevah know ....

Rush hour is one thing, but getting around Boston isn't all that difficult. It is just a matter of knowing what areas to avoid, and when, and also knowing where to park.

Not much action in Maine, so a long ass drive is almost always necessary to see a quality lady.  Several that have responded to this thread (specifically Lola Luxe and Elise) would have been worth twice the drive!

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