
theseeker14 2 Reviews 143 reads

Wow! Thanks so much for the very informative and well thought out response. I will definitely look into the resources you provided!

Hey everyone,

Lately I have been feeling paranoid about booking an appointment with a provider. I don't mean a specific provider but rather in general.

I don't hobby very often. (Maybe once or twice a year) but I do enjoy it and to be frank it helps my sex life stay "balanced" lol.

However, I'm a father and have a shitty ex wife. So being nabbed for something like this would obviously put me in a bad spot.

I guesss I am looking for all of your opinions on the "Safest" way to go about this hobby. I have seen some wonderful ladies in the past. Some hosting in private places and others in Hotels. For some reason the Hotels make me more paranoid then a private location but admittedly I have no logical reason for that.

Recently I have been considering going through an agency because scheduling on short notice seems to be a bit easier and I tend to make these arrangements on a whim.

I look forward to hearing your opinions!

It's perfectly understandable that you feel that way. Every heard of "End the Demand"? It's a big organization with deep pockets trying to make you feel exactly how you feel, and they are best buddies with our dear old AG. For whatever reason, fate has chosen this particular moment to make this particular Puritan town even more Puritan than usual. The media, the government, and popular opinion are all conspiring to make you run far, far away from gratifying your most human of needs.

The tried and true tips that have been written about lots before in threads below:
1. Only see reputable ladies who have a lengthy trail of reviews.
2. If they don't ask to screen you, RUN AWAY. That means either they're up to something, or they down care about their own safety, which means they certainly don't care about yours.
3. NO AGENCIES. LE is far more likely to bust agencies because they fit the "human trafficking" label much better than independent women and they'll get more bang for their buck (no pun intended).
4.  Stay away from hotels. Hotel staff, in some places, are being trained on "what to look for" (? bizarre) and have been offered incentives to turn in people they think are likely clients or providers. Find ladies with a private incall.

And, finally, support your local activist organizations! Google SWOP-USA and make a donation earmarked for the Boston chapter. There is a small but dedicated and very, very clever group of activists in this town working against said bullshit. We are working on a direct donation method, but in the meantime, if you want to support the people who are lobbying congresspeople against stupid bills that take away your civil liberties and mine, donate.

I've linked to another website that might make you feel less alone in this and tell you more about best client practices.

Well said Ernestine and we are fortunate to have you. Thanks for the link and some good info.

Wow! Thanks so much for the very informative and well thought out response. I will definitely look into the resources you provided!

What an excellent response and great advice.  I think as you don't play very often you may think about establishing a go to lady where you can be very comfortable and feel safe when you visit.  I have had that situation in the past and it worked very well to the point that it was not only very regular, but I would cook for her and then proceed to the bedroom for a very intimate time.  You can get to know your lady better that way and your time together is not "transactional".

and ask his or her opinion about whether an arrest for a misdemeanor solicitation charge would in any way jeopardize your parenting rights.   My guess is that is would not, but better to be sure.  In any case, I've never heard of a situation where such an arrest caused problems on that score.

Of course, if you do not yet have a final divorce settlement, you might want to dial things back and play extra safe.   It's not that unusual for one or the other partner to hire a tec to snoop.

I find myself being VERY careful.. I also have decided that for me.. No agencies.. is the way I have to go.. I loved working through an agency.. The simplicity of booking on short notice was great (once set up).. but recent pressures have made me fearful of working with ANY agency.. regardless of their reputation.. way way way too much heat.. so a well reviewed independent carries zero concerns for me.. my personal decision.. I miss the sense of a situation where the theme song plays when I dial ("everybody knows your name".. ) but my sense of paranoia has become overpowering about the visibility of an agency..

It's a courtesy we always appreciate!!

And, you're thoroughly welcome!

Stay safe, boys.  

I can't advice you on your legal woes but I can tell you that the safest way to see ladies is finding a low volume independent provider. Agencies will always be the biggest target for LE because of human trafficking laws.  
Good luck!

I usually feel more comfortable if an independent gal visits me at a hotel. Ask people hotel ideas (discussed often and should be via pm).  There are even non hotel rental options if that freaks you out.  But I have to think the chances are theoretically much lower in an outcall situation.  

My stress also goes down when I see gals that I have seen before.

I'm so glad I posted this question, I hope it helped some others as well.  

If you are a lady who fits these descriptions (low volum indi) or a hobbiest who has a recommendation for such a lady. Please do PM me.

Thanks again all and stay safe and happy!

So as a newbie who has recently be reinvigorated by awesome people here I started to look for someone to spend time with that is local to me so I can recharge more often. Similar to the OP I have a lot at stake if I had a run in with LE or a Crazy.  I am following the cardinal rules... indies, p411 reviews and trying to cross check by PMing recent reviewers. Even with all of that I can't shake the nearvous feelings. So question in my area their was a recent (February 2017 see Boston board) bust of a well known agency.. apperiantly they had warrants for we and email Info... Did that ever amount to anything? Asking because the research I am doing makes me nervous that the ladies I am perusing to spend time with could have been in that circle. I have no way if knowing. Lastly one of these ladies has a "booker" or assistant ... not sure of the relationship is that like an agency? Something I need to avoid?

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