
Re:Pictures Are begining to trickle In..
iluvlegs 8891 reads

Somebody has been hard at work at the gym.

That ass looks so hard you could probably bounce a quarter off it.

Aphrodisia, you look great!

Aphrodisia10700 reads

As my photographer slowly eeks her way back from Europe my proofs are begining to trickle in...Take a peek!


-- Modified on 6/10/2003 9:27:29 AM

-- Modified on 6/10/2003 9:28:04 AM

Aphrodisia11217 reads

I will post a bunch on my site tomorrow~

-- Modified on 6/10/2003 10:03:41 AM

Aphrodisia8785 reads

Thanks hunnybunny..All fixed and thank you for your lovely email! xoxo

I want to see all your hot new pictures.You look great! But your link still won't work for me.

Shy_N_Jewish9034 reads

I never had time to look at it when I saw you... I was too busy with the rest of you.  Now that I have time to see your posterior, it looks scrumptious.  I'll need to pay more attention to it next time (less you, more rear end!)


iluvlegs8892 reads

Somebody has been hard at work at the gym.

That ass looks so hard you could probably bounce a quarter off it.

Aphrodisia, you look great!

Aphrodisia11124 reads

Laughing..yes, it is indeed harder and I have certainly been on a springtime "roll" ;-)

I would however, like to make a plug for all the good professional photographers out there -- the goal is NOT to alter a person , rather to bring out the best in them.  It's worth the investment. Camera angle and lotsa lunges baby..but my popo was never very flabby..We have discoursed before legs, and anytime you wish to examine and compare, well, you know exactly where to find me! xoxo

I really "dig" people who inspire me!!!!! wink....You are looking very HOT! I know from spending many hours in the gym myself that it is HARD work!!!

Verrry nice, lloking forward to the whole set!

Aphrodisia11143 reads

On their way...Pony Express, but soon!

Great Shot! Love The Stockings!

It's already been said...but damn, you look good.

Aphrodisia10786 reads

Thanks for the heads up, everyone :-).  That's what I like about this community and board, everyone is supportive!

I am in deed having some problems with my domain which I am working on UGH!  Hopefully they will be resolved today.  I am hoping to have all new pics up by next week - photographer willing!

xoxo me

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