Boston the best Medicine
hottstacey 9639 reads

This week was shaping up to be a stellar week and then BOOM a few people ended up with cold and/or flu bugs and of course my favorite the "pop up" business meeting. Don't you men work hard enough already without having to work while hard? I think that all corporations and businesses should recognize the need to keep their employees healthy. They fund programs to help you improve your intelligence, gym programs to help you keep your body physically fit (which by the way is not the same thing I am referring too because regular exercise is allot of work and only stimulates the body)..the kind of eXXXcersize I am referring to stimulates your total person) These companies promote seminars to keep you up to date, luncheons to boost camaraderie and all you men really want and crave is to take care of the muscle "boost" in your khakis. Did you know that exxxercize helps and improves strength, endurance, and cardiovascular health and also helps control blood pressure? Since I do not see your companies approving this form of stress relief and healing anytime soon I will tell you how to get started on your own. First: Consult your doctor first. ~You may need to ask advice on what kind of vitamins you will need as well as the possibility of viagra...horny goat weed all natural herbal supplements always seem to do the trick as well. Secondly: Select the eXXXersize provider of your choice~ one that will put your endurance to the test, but yet will not pressure you to perform...unless you like that sort of thing Tee hheee Thirdly: Warm up and go with the familiar first to let your body ease into the more physically demanding activities....don't go directly to the hanging off the chandeliers doing chin ups...just yet. Fourth: Adapt activities to your particular situation. If you are an avid golfer, for example, you could get out the cherries and your heavy equipment and practice hitting chip shots in her backyard. (Only the advanced may try this scenario...and it is best when taught by the Greek) Fifth: Establish a regular routine. Keep your nine iron well greased and ready to hit it at any time. After all, you would be the laugh of the golf course bringing out the ole' rusty 9 iron. Sixth: Forget about the old rule of thumb about wearing loose-fitting clothes and comfortable shoes. What you need is a rip off suit jacket shirt and pants...Velcro ones work the best...this type of exercise requires that your body not be confined.
Seventh: Never ignore comments about pain, dizziness or shortness of breath...this is more something I as your instructor will have to remember, but you never know some of you men are WILD! :-) Eighth: Keep it interesting and Fun...afterall no one wants to put themselves through the are here to de-stress relax and have a blast.....a spurt..okay a explosion...whatever you want to call it and depending on the skill of the instructor that could determine the out CUMM...of your whole workout. LOL Ninth: Remember ambulance trips are not always a bad thing.....after all you get to ride in the back with preferably sexy EMT vixens, who all they have on their minds is sticking you, rehydrating you, helping you, pumping you....1-2-3 well as filling you up......with oxygen that is LOL Ten: Try to avoid step nine it actually is not the glitz and glamour I tried to portray..and I would not want to steer your wrong...although I do like to drive....ah hell that would make for another interesting story. LOL

Nice to see you BLOWING off that mental steam again, although i can honestly say that I didn't get the usual "RISE" that accompany your posts. HARD to do that without exciting some people the wrong way, I guess.  Many CUMpanies have health clib facilities on the premises, so you can PUMP iron at lunch. Others offer discounts on  MEMBERships ot local clubs, where you can go anytime to practice the BREASTstroke, BUTT i would much prefer if management acted as a PROVIDER of the mental stress reduction techniques offered by ladies on this board. I would rather HEAD to a lunch meeting with you than EAT chicken THIGHS RUBBED with HOT sauce in a conference room with a bunch of empty suits.

Ah, the intelligence level of this board cannot be measured (back-handed compliment, I know)

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