
Re:change in plans! (not that you'll notice this alllll the way down here!) Waltham area on Friday!
Lady Rose 8407 reads

I saw it too.  Although, the question of the day is....DO YOU HAVE ANY OPENINGS??

PlumpPrettyPeyton10908 reads

Greetings, Gentlemen!

Yes, I eye-catching headline so piqued your curiosity, you could not help but see what was contained within! ;-)

We can get wiggly in the Waltham area this Wednesday afternoon & Thursday morning, or playful in the Peabody area on Friday!  I know, I know, its a veritable plethora of new and exciting information! How does she do it? Where does she find these exotic locales?  Is it magic?  Hmmm....I may need to examine your wand to find the answer!


Lady Rose10188 reads

Peyton, how do you do it?  I can't help but admire the clever topic headings you   Hope you have a great week!

Aphrodisia8364 reads


She is just a genious.  What can I say?  Pey and I have been doing doubles for awhile now and I can honestly say, that her innovative, yet creative approach is what makes it all worth while. Lunch tomorrow?


PlumpPrettyPeyton10656 reads


Coming up with these clever titles is a long and arduous process.  I generally start 3 days in advance because as I learned in my former career as a newspaper columnist, the key to good writing is rewrite, rewrite, rewrite.....for hours on end, I sit here slaving over every word--nay, every syllable--as they fall from my fingertips to the keyboard. I allow myself short breaks every 8 hours to take a 7 minute nap and use the ladies room.  

I know, I are marveling at my dedication to my craft.  But fear not!  I'll soon be offering classes in the area, "Headlines to Taglines: Maximize Your Exposure on the TER Message Boards!" Of course, I only have a couple openings in the classroom....but if more ladies sign up, we'll have plenty of openings and will surely get those juices flowing....creative juices, you gutter-minds! ;-)


Lady Rose10661 reads


I have decided that I want to be just like you when I grow up.  I feel this incrediable connection even though we have yet to meet in person.  Anyone that can phrase words as eloquently as you is sure to be put on a pedestal.

May I be the first one to register for your creative writing class? Pleaseeeeee???

Speaking of topic headings...don't you just smile a bit whenever you see a thread that starts, "I have a few openings available" ;)


PlumpPrettyPeyton11421 reads

LOL Yes, I most certainly do....and of course, like me, the openings you immediately think of are nostrils. ;-)

Shy_N_Jewish11293 reads

Funny story (to me at least)....

I met Peyton one snowy day in the Newton area.... For some reason I figured she'd be taller than me since I'm only 5'11 (no hair height... I've got a u-turn on top) and she's what, 6'?  But barefoot, she seemed my height so I dared say to her.. "I thought you were taller?!?!"  So, does that make me so dorky that providers will put me on their "dorky-do-not-call" lists? I was just having a bald (not blonde) moment! :)


Shy_N_Jewish9376 reads


If I weren't trying to get a place 10 feet over the border up in New Hampshire (new job), I'd be waiting at your doorstep this weekend. *sighs deeply while thinking about ... YOU!*


Peyton11848 reads

Just a quick note, I've decided to relocate to the Waltham area for Friday evening/Saturday morning!


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