
Re: Your a trick that fuck prostiues
papidog 74 Reviews 1154 reads

Can't see joy I'm waiting to bring wine to Tara Patrick ...I'm still waiting for Chloe to expose all the other agencies that are posting phony pics? She was gonna have her phone girl do it days ago, she posted that right before you rode in on your white horse to rescue her you smooth talking schill. Btw seem Lamont exposed escapades of similar foolishness but their site is down as they revamp for the fifth time. Hope that doesn't happen to Chloe or you'll be back on backpage chasing those girls that need to shoot to deaths door to be able to stomach you.

Was looking over ads and noticed that one agency is using questionable photo.

The agency ad:  

The lady in question:

Did a search of the photos and found this:

Something tells me she in not new to the Business  

Something to think over.

Thanks for doing the great work that you do for this company cause God knows I don't have the time to Google Image search every photo that I get.
Enough said that is what she told me when speaking with her on the phone. To be honest if a young lady  apply's for a job and sends me photo's I never question that girl I take there word for it, I guess I'm a trusting person!!!!!!!!!!!  

Why did maybe she lie,,,,,,,, I don't know.... I do know if you would like the answer then I suggest maybe you make an appointment with her when she is on the schedule and then you can ask her for yourself!!!!!

Also she does have a professional photo shoot later with a very well known photographer so as soon as I get them back they will be posted and then you can Google Image Search them as well, or would you rather go over the proof's for me??????

If this is such a problem for me then it looks like I'm batting a 100 cause our clients and lady's are happy!!!

I'm pretty sure we have gone over this discussion before and for some reason some providers use, take, steal or borrow photo's. That really is not my problem. It is also not my problem that other agencies don't have the time either to Google Image Search there photo's on there website cause I'm sure if you did that to other agencies you would find the same thing. But no I get singled out all the time and if your going to do it to me you best do it to other's cause at this point once again it looks like it is only me.

As a matter of fact since you won't do it to other agencies I'm going to have the phone person today make it her number one priority to do Google Image Search all agencies in Boston and I will give you the results.

Thanks for the time you truly spent doing this for me I see I'm your number one priority and it makes me feel very special!!!

octovert1252 reads

that someone took a wrench to that indefatigable skeptic

has been used to show a line of of guys who think they are big cheeses waiting for an appointment with a real cut up.

-- Modified on 6/18/2014 3:15:00 PM

I seems that Lamonot is concerned about where the photos came from.I do not care about that all I care about is when I show up at the door its the girl in the picture.Bostobeb has never disappointed me with the girls or service. Have they ever disappointed you Lamont ?Oh wait you don't see girls but your a critic of the girls you don't see..It's kinda like Siskel and Ebert not going to movies but they report on them..LMFAO

The other site you showed was a girl doing phone sex but not a provider.hhhmmmmmm!!!!

Posted By: Foodyguy
has been used to show a line of of guys who think they are big cheeses waiting for an appointment with a real cut up.

You say you do not care where the photos come from.  You state that when you get to the door you want it to be the girl in the picture.

If someone points out that the pictures are of other women, why is it you do not appreciate the service so that when the door opens you get the girl in the pic?

Please clarify your post.

it don't read it dooooshbag. I read em all and have used his info more than once when making a decision. He has focused on other services as well especially if they are new. Oh, I love the pics he posts too!

HonkeyPox1508 reads

I don't know anything about Lamont, and I've never used Boston EB; I have no dog in any fight here. However, I've been a long-time advocate of doing everything possible to inform hobbyists of any borrowed/fake photos used to misrepresent a provider's appearance, both as a matter of principle and a desire to be an informed consumer.  

Did Boston EB do this maliciously? Probably not. Do they have a responsibility to post verified photos? Not really. If they don't have the time to check their photos, that's their business. Buyer beware. Ah, but that's where you -- the hobbyist/TER-member/buyer -- have every right to do your own research, and that is precisely what Lamont has done. Right on.

Is Lamont singling out Boston EB, as has been implied? I don't know. I hope not. Instead, I hope he does this with every agency in Boston. He certainly does this with Eros, and I'm very glad he does. Please keep doing it, as it's one of the primary reasons I read the Boston board.

I am glad you commented on this and unfortunately, Lamonte is singling us out and has been for a while. We are used to it now but it has not gone unnoticed and is getting old.

We are not a malicious or shady company and work very hard to uphold the honest and reliable reputation we have earned. Unfortunately, their will always be someone trying to knock you down and in our case its him!

A few other times, there have been situations where a model has given us a fake photo and the issue was addressed immediately and there are other times where the photo in question was stolen and being used by someone else. ( I actually turned to Lamonte for advice and never received a response )  

Needless to say, we can always count on him to check up on us and make sure we are being 100% honest. What he doesn't know and is actually none of his business but I'll say it, to ease anyones mind they may have any doubt about us is,  new models, that we have never worked with, are required to submit a photo i.d. with a comparison photo and are met in person. And that my friend is enough for me.  

Again, thank you for your comment and it's to bad he didn't do this with everyone but that's life!

responding to this thread created a huge thread

ignore the moron who lives in his moms basement ….really

It seems he has to much time on his hands! What I am baffled by, is that Boston E.B. is the only one he does this with, yet, he has NEVER, I repeat, has never seen not one of our girls to know whether the photos are stolen, borrowed, lent or being used by someone else, which is the case in this matter.  

From what I heard, he just appears to be a computer geek, who sits in his chair, drinking beers all day watching porn! Way to go cheapo!!!! That's the way to save money!

LC called out a different agency about a month ago. I believe it was escapades

HonkeyPox1223 reads

Like I said, I don't know who this guy is at all. However, the amount of time he has or what he drinks or watches is entirely irrelevant. He found a borrowed photo, and I'm glad that he DOES have the time to do the 'net searching that he does. I sure don't.  And I'm sure you'll correct the situation, and that will be that.  

I have to note, however, that it is also irrelevant whether Lamont has or has not seen any of your girls. Surely you're not suggesting that the best way to determine the authenticity of a photo is to spend a few hundred dollars booking a date, just to find out? A Google-image search is obviously much less expensive and efficient. I do this constantly, whether the pics are from an independent or an agency.  

Just politely contributing to the discussion. Hope you don't interpret my comments as saying anything bad about you or your agency. I think you have the best looking women in Boston, and I look forward to booking with you soon!

Posted By: bostoneb
It seems he has to much time on his hands! What I am baffled by, is that Boston E.B. is the only one he does this with, yet, he has NEVER, I repeat, has never seen not one of our girls to know whether the photos are stolen, borrowed, lent or being used by someone else, which is the case in this matter.  
 From what I heard, he just appears to be a computer geek, who sits in his chair, drinking beers all day watching porn! Way to go cheapo!!!! That's the way to save money!

You are correct, the amount of time he has, what he drinks or watches is entirely irrelevant. I guess my point was, is if he is kind enough to do the research then he should be kind enough to offer assistance when asked for advice about the situation or say he's wrong when it's someone else using our models pics. Which happened several times.  

This is why, not just myself but many people feel he is being malicious and not trying to be helpful. Which, would be a different story.  
Also, I definitely was not suggesting that the best way to determine the authenticity of a photo is to spend a few hundred dollars booking a date, just to find out. Clients call us because they trust that the girl in the picture is the girl they are going to see and we make sure of that.

Last thing, I know you were not being rude and I truly thank you for your feedback. I look forward to hearing from you!

Not an attractive response on your part.  I believe your response does not shine a good light on your agency.  You might want to think again about the statements you have put out there.  The vast majority of people who do not comment here, but, do read here might not want to deal with a person who exhibits that tone on this site.

RSG  has had posting of girls that were in fact not working and still have pictures of girls that are inactive.SOOOOOOO that being said it would be easy to suspect some nepotism.  
Jill once posted about the issues with girls and all the bullshit she has to deal with I am sure BEB is no different.If you have seen the recent rant by some providers out here talking some crazy shit its easy to see that their are issues in this business.  

Posted By: LamontCranston69
Was looking over ads and noticed that one agency is using questionable photo.  
 The agency ad:  
 The lady in question:  
 Did a search of the photos and found this:  
 Something tells me she in not new to the Business  
 Something to think over.

Lamont's post are mostly useless to me and a waste of space to me. I disagree with his posting so called Psa  regarding listing excellent providers right next to frauds as it confuses most as to what the hell he's trying to accomplish, I know it has hurt the pocket of well reviewed ladies that traveled on their own dime and got rooms etc. only to be listed by Lamont because their ad was googled by him?? But Jill post ladies that are and do work for her and their pictures come down immediately at their request if they move or go Indy or retire etc. too see who available you go to that prompt on her website.. To tell her to take down the girls that aren't available that second is stupid whining..and to compare her to an agency that post phony pictures is way way off, she doesn't do it. Boston EB is not an agency I've used yet and that's not to say I won't if I get the chance but, this is a huge blunder! I appreciate that Lamont seems to have a hard on for this agency. ( not the good kind) but a simple tin eye is all that was needed and if you as owner are so trusting you don't check then shame on you, you will not provide a safe environment for the provider or hobbiest if you are so trusting, this is a fun hobby but mutual safety is a huge priority to me. If I get to a room and the girl is older or heavier or has more tattoos or is a blonde now when the pics are of a brunette then I'm usual ay a bit disappointed or taken aback but if it's the sane lady then that's just the way it is. If it is a totally different person then that's plain old fraud or bait and switch and I'm leaving regardless if she cute ri friendly or whatever, I'm out I don't deal with agencies or indies that use fake pics it is just dishonest

Well we agree pupi as I said Jill HAS  had girls that were posted that had not worked for a long period of time Diane and the girl on the motorcycle. She has since taken the pictures down and that's old news. I think that it's unfair to patrol one agency for the betterment of the hobby and not all the agencies.

So your right Lamont does have a hard on for bostoneb and I have one for him . Now what ?

You have a hard on for Lamont ? Eeew!!, not that there anything wrong with that .

As for Jill taking down the pictures if girls not with her anymore as she's stated if they ask it will be done but others prefer to keep them up as it adds credibility to them when they are not here and working elsewhere. I.e. An attachment to a long established agency. As for posting phony pics and policing potential new hires well, that's irresponsible and fake pics are huge caution sign for me..

I disagree with your statement, “that an agency does not have the responsibility to post verified photo.” YES they do. It is there job to show a true and accurate profile of the services they offer. As Khloe says in on her website “All photos are 100% authentic and recent”  
Now how can she be doing this when as she says “To be honest if a young lady applies for a job and sends me photo's I never question that girl I take their word for it”.  
The best advertising for agency is honesty, when they are not being honest, you need to question it.  
That‘s all I’m doing.  

 As I told you before, that anything that goes on you website is your responsibility, if it wrong or fake that is 100% your fault and all you have is whine about how it’s not your fault. Well lady it is your fault, the only reason your pissed off is someone is catching you do it. So please grow up and be responsibility of what you do and don’t blame web designer or being too busy to do a 30 second web search.  

As for help you out, I told you before that is not my job, that is your job! I have no idea how to run and escort agency, but as you claim, you worked and help run Flirt escort for years. So why are you turning to me for help? You’re the experience professional, why in god name would you ask help for as you said it, “he just appears to be a computer geek, who sits in his chair, drinking beers all day watching porn”
to help you with your agency?? What did you think I was going to become one of your agency little lapdog like DC/BN or BT. Sorry lady I’m no one’s lapdog.  



You seem to be very quick, to jump all over RSG and only them, Seems to me that you have a hard on for them to.  You bitch about why they are posted photos of girls that have not worked for RSG for a long time. So answer me this question, Why is Kloe from EBE still posting photos of Dylan and Ryan ?
They have been on her website since first day she started and they have never visited or have been on her calendar. Why aren’t you bitching about that? Oh and we can clearly see the nepotism you have for EBE. Oh and the hard on you have for me, I’m not worried about it, It’s a very very little threat


First off, I was not asking you for help on how to do my job. You posted that one of the girls pics were stolen, when in all reality they were being used by someone else and that is what I asked for your opinion on what to do. My mistake.  

In regards to Ryan and Dylan, they come to Boston twice a year and they do stay for around a week, therefor, making them Bosto E.B. Models. Just like Jasmeen, who comes every few months. They are visiting girls, not going to take them off the website because you think they don't work here.  

I have no problem taking responsibility for something, as I have in the past, but once again, you are making it seem I am doing something dishonest and that's not the case.  

If you truly were doing this because you care about the hobbyist, then why is it I have noticed things with other agencies posting fake pics and girls that aren't even working.,just to get their agency exposure. Example: well known Elly, supposedly coming to Boston in July. Well, did you know she is 7 months with child and is on another agency website? You wouldn't because your to busy worring about me.  

Bottom line, I would say it is you who should get off my lap and give me room to breathe, your to heavy!

1) There is no bait and switch here!! When a new model is hired, she provides us with picture, she is met  in person and has to show a photo i.d. along with a comparison photo!!

2) I'm sure if we knowingly used fake photo's, someone would make it known in the TER world, don't you?  

3) It's malicious, to single out certain agencies or providers because Lamont wants to!  

Have a great day!!

I read your post, did you read mine? Dishonesty and stupidity often result in the same thing. If you unknowingly posted  phony pics because you " trust" a complete stranger in an underworld business then your right you are not dishonest. But what are you? Smart?dilligent? Cautious? Or____________  

Try tineye and don't give Lamont ammunition to fire at you.  Your white knight daiscorp can fight with Lamont all he wants  and say shit about rsg and their posting picture of inactive girls etc. but Jill list them as inactive and is very honest, to the point where she's told me not to see girls because I wouldn't like them and that can in no way benefit her pocket as I'm calling to see a  lady when she's telling me to pass. I have given some of her girls honest and sometimes harsh reviews of underperformance so I am in no way a schill like your lapdog daiscorp...maybe if he got off your lap you would be able to breathe better.

First off nobody's lap dog buy it's ok I don't need your approval . Im also not a shill for anyone as well. That being said I have no vested interest in beb but but I do like the way they run there service . I feel the RSG (Jill) does not treat the girls as nice as beb because they  are always under the pressure with Jill . But if u see a former RSG girl ask them how they liked working for her. But really it's not my concern. But keep the playing field even ..  

Also Lamont however shows no reviews so why would anyone listen to his input

I'm not so into the girls business that I ask if Jill's treating them right. But I do know her travelers by and large return frequently and that's an indicator that she's pretty fair with the ladies she reps. I have seen rsg girls gone Indy and most certainly not all have nice things to say about Jill . As for you not seeing her girls I assume you would not be allowed to even if you did want to so perhaps your view is tilted.

Like all industries there are different personalities involved here and not everyone is going to click but if you are not a schill then you are just fortunate to have not had any negative experiences in your review of Chloe's girls but very unlucky (according to your reviews) with other ladies.  

Would Chloe let me send a friend in with my credentials.? Maybe I have a friend who is a perfect gentleman and a good tipper as well, still the guy is an imposter or poser ..kinda like fake pictures posted on a site that says they don't do that and attacks the person that calls them out on their  
D. All of the above

Never once, did I know pictures were fake and post them! Absolutely not! That would be pointless and definitely not my character.  

Believe what you want, say what you want. I'm done with this negativity.  

Enjoy the rest of your day!

I believe you when you say you did not know they were fake pictures
I believe you when you post on your site that the ladies are whom you say they are.
I am confused that you own an agency and never bothered to tineye a picture of a complete stranger before posting it as authentic. Then you confront the poster that eased your mistake.

How careful are you in screening?  

If there's a problem with a hobbiest how careful are you before you let him see your ladies, and if the girl is new to you how safe is the hobbiest that she is not looking for more than her fee?  

You admit to being too trusting and obviously easily fooled so how safe is it hobby with your agency.?

Negativity as you called it in your last post has kept me safe and unexposed for 15 years in the hobby.

Trust is earned not a right you deserve because you feel you are being picked on.

Fast and loose ain't how I wanna play with my reputation and career so I chose to play with others that are private and concerned about their other portion of their life outside the hobby as well.

Panthera121197 reads

It has all the drama of a soap opera. WK's, shills, finger pointing and deceptive agencies. If I could only hear the arguing and bickering with those funny Boston accents I would be on the floor LMAO.

You do fine a job LC. Keep up the good work!

We agree on most things but you still want to argue with me.

Ok I'll give you the attention you want.Just like my wife.

First off I have no affiliation with BEB.I like their service better then RSG.I have seen 3-4 girls with BEB and they have all been as promised..One of the reasons is because I ask about the girl and they are very honest about them.Have you ever tried to talk with Jill she is the most uninviting person I have ever spoken to in my life.Its like she has a government job.WTF.Bonnie works a couple a days a week and she is much easier to talk to and girls say when she works they do more business.But that's not my issue.

We also agree that girls that have gone INDY many have negative things to say about Jill.It is not my concern about the work environment however you can clearly tell when a provider is upset because Jill did or said something to them. Takes the fun out of it for me at least.Girls that have worked for Jill and now work for BEB have said that they treat them a lot better and are much nicer then Jill ever was.

I have seen many RSG girls like you and my standards just must be higher then yours.You rated one girl a 7 and I walkout on her and never wrote a review about her.You gave some girls a 8-9 that I thought were 6-7..You date black girls I don't.We both seem to do half hours.I however don't care about a girl getting off. You might think they get off with your large cock LMFAO sorry to disappoint you tough guy they don't think your as great as you do.They aren't there to have a big "O" they are there for your "O" get paid and move on...Get it.

Let me ask you this pupi you think the girl that shivered and screamed her "O" off with you did that with the tricks before you and the ones after you or was it just all you big fella.  

As far as Lamont goes we agree once again I think his PSA is total BS. He has no reviews therefore he has no credibility in my mind .

Well I (wasted) took the time to look at your reviews and of the last 20 Boston girls you saw 13 are RSG and 7 are not RSG.Many of them  you only spent a 1/2 hr with.Is that because you got them off so good they couldn't fuck anymore..LMFAO I think you might be entitled to a free RSG T-shirt.

That being said I like beb you like RSG and  may we both live apply ever after. :0


-- Modified on 6/19/2014 10:50:53 PM

Just for the record RSG does not see the girls before they come to work for her..Period..Jill has them send pictures then puts them to work.

You think Jill sits down and has interviews with these girls.Sorry to say she doesn't.

Next RSG girl your with ask what she did to get hired.See if she meet Jill to verify the pictures.

I think its a industry standard procedure.  Agree with it or not that what happens .Sorry to disappoint you but there is no Santa Claus BTW.

These posts must bring in more calls for BEb then anything..

The saying goes "there is no such thing as bad publicity"

SO maybe that's why BEB follows up on all this bullshit.hhhmmmmmmm


Your illiteracy is astounding! Your revisionist history is so good you should run for office.

You walked out on a girl I gave 7? But you didn't write a bullshit you can't wait to slam a girl just look at your review history. Jill is great o speak with so we don't agree there either , she is brutally honest and she's barred you from seeing her girls.

I won't get a t shirt because I hobby all over not just rsg and I am not afraid  to write a poor review of her girls if I feel it's deserved it... I believe my harshest of reviews was some of the duds at rsg over the years. So again no agreement there

You have no affiliation to the agency but you like their service...good for you and enjoy the huge discount you'll revive for answering all these post and defending to the death the honor of and agency that puts up phony pics. Your welcome for that

I make the girls shiver and come with my big cock? I never claim that and I'm not so insecure or deluded to believe that but I don't repulse them either and many call me when they are in town because I'm easy to deal don't care if they cum or enjoy you and they probably don't based on the way they seem to treat you in your reviews. Sorry we seem to disagree on my sessions too..of course I'm the one there so I'll take my word over yours.

I have 5 white list referrals you have?.. That's right zero, because you don't care if they enjoy you or not and you treat them as such.

Jill post picture without seeing the girl first? Correct we finally agree and if misrepresented she sends them home immediately ...and she uses tineye unlike the brain trust you hobby with that post Tera Patricks picture! roflmao  

You don't see black girls but I do? Correct again but you should keep it that way because they are in my educated opinion a tad bit edgier than a lot of the girls you see.

As for publicity I'm happy if Chloe gets business from this post it doesn't concern me...I'm not Lamont  

But to recap you are a schill
Chloe is either too trusting and therefore reckless or she is dishonest.
Jill has been her forever and when she quit for a while the backlash was well documented on this boston board. And many of her girls that have gone Indy have nothing but good to say about her so you are wrong yet again...there seem to be a pattern here with that.

Hope Chloe enjoys this free advertisement and takes a bow with you just like

Eastern companions
Sexy maids
The Bella Donna
Goddess girlfriends
Miami companions
Linsey's all  American girls. And all the rest that were " trusting" and surprised by their troubles later on

Good luck with the fast and loose approach to the hobby ...unlike your wife who I am nothing like btw, I feel sorry for you when you get into trouble dealing with irresponsible provider

Well I did walk out on a girl (Joy)you gave 7's.Sorry but that's the truth.We all rate girls differently.So your 10's maybe my 7.That's ok for you.
Like I said 13 of the last Boston girls you saw were from RSG  7 were not.Its ok don't feel the need to defend that.

I have not received any discounts from BEB but hopefully I will.That's a great idea hope they read this.But if you want Jill is running a special now $200 for an hour you might wanna cash in on.But I know your a big baller so maybe you won't need to. You think Jill does that because her business is so great lately?Or do you think it's possible that RSG is losing it's market share.I don't know since I have been banned.LMAFO You are a educated guy that seems  far more intelligent then me.You figure it out.

I am glad you hold your 5 white lists as a badge of honor.Your right I wish I could join the ranks of your elite status.

I don't see black girls Chinese or flat girls.Now that is a personal preference. But being the scholar that you claim (insecure) to be you knew that. Edgier? Really?

So the last post you said that you have seen many girls that have gone indy that were RSG and many DO NOT have nice things to say about Jill.Now you say they have nothing but god to say about her..FRAUD.

YOU MAY THINK YOU KNOW Jill or Chloe but I am sure you have know idea about either.


BEB never had a chance for someone to claim the pictures are different then the girl in the picture.I am sure if someone says that's not the girl Chloe will dismiss them ASAP.
You have no experience with them so how can you judge them.Oh wait your a educated and we are all dumb asses .I however know Jill's MO.

Last but not least not sure why you are trying to make this so personal because really it has nothing to with me or you just a difference of opinion.You want to judge me on the prostitutes that I see and you hold yourself in higher regard because of the prostitutes you see.WOW for a man with your education that seems pretty fucked up even to a low life like me.

But if you really feel the need to attack me personally you should inbox me and we can"talk" about it a little more.  TTYL  

Posted By: papidog
Your illiteracy is astounding! Your revisionist history is so good you should run for office.  
Posted By: papidog
Your illiteracy is astounding! Your revisionist history is so good you should run for office.  
 You walked out on a girl I gave 7? But you didn't write a bullshit you can't wait to slam a girl just look at your review history. Jill is great o speak with so we don't agree there either , she is brutally honest and she's barred you from seeing her girls.  
 I won't get a t shirt because I hobby all over not just rsg and I am not afraid  to write a poor review of her girls if I feel it's deserved it... I believe my harshest of reviews was some of the duds at rsg over the years. So again no agreement there  
 You have no affiliation to the agency but you like their service...good for you and enjoy the huge discount you'll revive for answering all these post and defending to the death the honor of and agency that puts up phony pics. Your welcome for that  
 I make the girls shiver and come with my big cock? I never claim that and I'm not so insecure or deluded to believe that but I don't repulse them either and many call me when they are in town because I'm easy to deal don't care if they cum or enjoy you and they probably don't based on the way they seem to treat you in your reviews. Sorry we seem to disagree on my sessions too..of course I'm the one there so I'll take my word over yours.  
 I have 5 white list referrals you have?.. That's right zero, because you don't care if they enjoy you or not and you treat them as such.  
 Jill post picture without seeing the girl first? Correct we finally agree and if misrepresented she sends them home immediately ...and she uses tineye unlike the brain trust you hobby with that post Tera Patricks picture! roflmao  
 You don't see black girls but I do? Correct again but you should keep it that way because they are in my educated opinion a tad bit edgier than a lot of the girls you see.  
 As for publicity I'm happy if Chloe gets business from this post it doesn't concern me...I'm not Lamont  
 But to recap you are a schill  
 Chloe is either too trusting and therefore reckless or she is dishonest.  
 Jill has been her forever and when she quit for a while the backlash was well documented on this boston board. And many of her girls that have gone Indy have nothing but good to say about her so you are wrong yet again...there seem to be a pattern here with that.  
 Hope Chloe enjoys this free advertisement and takes a bow with you just like  
 Eastern companions  
 Sexy maids  
 The Bella Donna  
 Goddess girlfriends  
 Miami companions  
 Linsey's all  American girls. And all the rest that were " trusting" and surprised by their troubles later on  
 Good luck with the fast and loose approach to the hobby ...unlike your wife who I am nothing like btw, I feel sorry for you when you get into trouble dealing with irresponsible providers  

I don't know you enough to care about attacking you. You are a schill and very defensive of Chloe. Thank you for telling me about the rsg special I was unaware. I don't see me attacking you ? I did see you fabricating how I view my time with escorts and bashing Jill for no apparent reason. Clearly if she treated the girls so bad she wouldn't have so many and then have them constantly returning. I don't review every lady I visit but if you say 13 out of 20 were rsg I'll believe you. Apparently their menu and convenience appeal to me. The five whitelist I have only indicate credibility that you don't badge of honor  but as far being more educated then you I'm unsure I do know this:

I'm smart enough to tin eye a tgtbt picture of say like I don't know Tera Patrick and I also don't need to post under an alias because I'm a schill... But if I did I wouldn't be so mentally challenged that yi would get flipped because of my own posting!

The one fun thing dealing with an agency with fake pictures is you get a surprise when the girl opens the door like in the old boston Phoenix days so Chloe's got that going for her clientele plus with the wide selection of 1-2 girls on the site you'll be able to develop a relationship so, who needs variety  

Clever call by saying it was joy you walked out on given her recent drama here, she unlikely to engage you in your fabrication for had you really walked out you would have written a review of how she was too : old or fat or black or Chinese for you and how Jill lied to you etc. never happened.  

Your reviews are credible I'm sure those 9's and 10's for ecu are spot on

I am no more of a  schill then you are but of course you far to narcissistic to see that.One of your first posts was condemning the girls I see and being cheap because I  only see them for and 1/2 hr and you boast of the $500 girl(s) you saw but in fact many of the girls you see are for a 1/2.

Did I say I saw Joy in the midst of her turmoil? Not sure when I did that.

You have not experienced BEB but yet you say shit you know nothing about.I have used RSG and don't like the way Jill conducts her business and thats my choice and hers.You on the other hand have no experience with BEB but make comments based on nothing but Jills words.    

The more I read your posts the easier it is to figure you out.You are a out of shape troll type and a very insecure kinda fellow that either has a dozen dogs or cats.You most likely have a lot of trouble getting dates with women and try to fantasize about this women you just paid $150  being your real girlfriend.The kinda guy that brings a bottle of wine to a prostitute when she is just looking to get  get your money.But I am sure that you feel that your the speical one.Sorry your not.You are trying to think this is real but it is not. Providers do this for a living fatso.How do you know that the girls arent replused by you.Oh your white listed by 5 prositutes so your clearly more credible then me.

Maybe you take this far more seriously then I do but its ok.In this business there are games that are played and to come out and cry about a picture being posted is bullshit.The girls do this for the money and judging by your views you really believe they want you after all they white listed you only a honor destowed only the best Johns in the businees.That clearly indecates you are a credible..I wonder when your out with friends (if you have any) if you tell then  about your staus as a hobbyist.  LMFAO  

Ya your right I did fuck up with my alias I just didnt change it when I made a post..Stupid fuck I am but its ok becuase I find it frustrating to have a troll like you hide behind a alias and cast aspersion on me with never having the balls to truly expose yourself.I do know one thing you would never talk to me this way if I was in front of you but since your able to hide go nuts.

I checked my inbox didn't seee anything from you....surprise!!!!!TTYL

Posted By: papidog
I don't know you enough to care about attacking you. You are a schill and very defensive of Chloe. Thank you for telling me about the rsg special I was unaware. I don't see me attacking you ? I did see you fabricating how I view my time with escorts and bashing Jill for no apparent reason. Clearly if she treated the girls so bad she wouldn't have so many and then have them constantly returning. I don't review every lady I visit but if you say 13 out of 20 were rsg I'll believe you. Apparently their menu and convenience appeal to me. The five whitelist I have only indicate credibility that you don't badge of honor  but as far being more educated then you I'm unsure I do know this:  
 I'm smart enough to tin eye a tgtbt picture of say like I don't know Tera Patrick and I also don't need to post under an alias because I'm a schill... But if I did I wouldn't be so mentally challenged that yi would get flipped because of my own posting!  
 The one fun thing dealing with an agency with fake pictures is you get a surprise when the girl opens the door like in the old boston Phoenix days so Chloe's got that going for her clientele plus with the wide selection of 1-2 girls on the site you'll be able to develop a relationship so, who needs variety  
 Clever call by saying it was joy you walked out on given her recent drama here, she unlikely to engage you in your fabrication for had you really walked out you would have written a review of how she was too : old or fat or black or Chinese for you and how Jill lied to you etc. never happened.  
 Your reviews are credible I'm sure those 9's and 10's for ecu are spot on

I don't drink I hate cats( allergic) and I'm fit and in shape. In keeping with your consistent level of perception your blind read was well, blind.

I am liked by the ladies I visit because I don't overstay my time and I don't want to be their boyfriend fantasy is your not mine, seem in your reviews you get treated poorly and take offense, obviously you repulse many of your victims ( I mean dates)@

Keep schilling for Chloe and keep posting your nonsense it only adds to your lack of credibility.

Your comments are about as real as the photos on Chloe's

Btw ask your friend when Tara Patricks coming I may want to book with her...if she's still in business then or if she buys another agency by

-- Modified on 6/20/2014 9:03:57 PM

Well we have something in common.I don't drink I am very fit.But I think its nice you bring a girl a bottle of wine so you can have a romantic evening with her.

Of course your liked by the ladies being narcissistic what else would I expect.You don't over stay your time but you have referred  to many girls "she's not a clock watcher" that is a bit conflicting.But ok I understand.

My credibility is paramount out here and hopefully I can join the elite white list someday.My goal  is to get 6 prostitutes to say I'm a good guy.

I think you should take the time and see some of the girls at BEB  even though it may be a bit out of your price range.But if I get the discount you say I get maybe I can pass it on to you.But since RSG is reducing there prices due to a abundance of business I mean lack of business you wont need BEB.

Lastly I hope someday we get the chance to meet and chat in person.I don't know who you but I sure as fuck know who I am.. My comments are as real as chloe's  website. That being said I hope you take the time to PM me so we can make our convo a little more personal.This name calling is getting boring so I'm going to wait for your PM until then good  luck with all those goddess like beauties that love you.


Posted By: papidog
I don't drink I hate cats( allergic) and I'm fit and in shape. In keeping with your consistent level of perception your blind read was well, blind.  
 I am liked by the ladies I visit because I don't overstay my time and I don't want to be their boyfriend fantasy is your not mine, seem in your reviews you get treated poorly and take offense, obviously you repulse many of your victims ( I mean dates)@  
 Keep schilling for Chloe and keep posting your nonsense it only adds to your lack of credibility.  
 Your comments are about as real as the photos on Chloe's  
 Btw ask your friend when Tara Patricks coming I may want to book with her...if she's still in business then or if she buys another agency by

-- Modified on 6/20/2014 9:03:57 PM

Why do you prefer to use the term prostitute? Every single post it's escort I believe they prefer or provider ...I know you don't see black girls as you indicated but I hope you don't still use the n word?  To see providers or as you like to say ( prostitutes)  and have 42  reviews but none of them like you is an indication that you are repulsive to them. So yes if they like me I'm ok with that. By the way the white list ones you keep mentioning are not roomservice girls  and vary from 350 to $500 an hour...a plateau you've not seemed to reach. I was disappointed to see Jill only had one girl offering a special rate as she is new to rsg so that was misleading on your part too. I have avoided thanks to you the $100 provider that blows you in her cellar in Worcester that disappointed $100 in a Worcester ghetto , how the hell did you get fooled there?  who of thought pulling up to a rundown place and paying a full c note you'd get less than stellar service.

You pm box sadly will remain empty as I have no need to talk to you about anything really. You prefer fake pics and I prefer real. I see rsg girls and other providers and you don't . I have whitelist and  you don't instead you prefer to use terms like prostitute to demean the only species of woman that will fuck you, albeit for money and obviously their repulsion shines through so even you can see it. Best part is you use that term as if your better than them on a board where they decide if they will see you...

I am done engaging is a battle of wits with the unarmed, it seems unfair and is like teasing the slow kid on the short bus.

Best part is the " I know who the fuck I am" statement hysterical you don't even know who the fuck you aren't! Big nuts or daiscorp..

Pm me when Tara Patrick is in town.. I'll bring her a bottle of win

Well I am sorry to tell you I prefer to call the girls what they are.I know that it blows up your fantasy because they aren't prostitutes in your mind they are women that truly enjoy your company.After all why would you bring a prostitute a bottle of wine if her only purpose was to fuck you for her fee.Im sure you really try to make it a GFE experience for you..Do you call your dates by hun babe?I am glad that you have been able to determine that many of them are repulsed by me by reading my reviews.

Did I go to the getto in Worcester? Wow ok.That's a little pompous.  

So are the the one getting picked on the short bus or doing the picking..

I'm sorry if you find the term prostitute demeaning (not sure why) but that is the correct term.Provider is just a fluff  term that makes tricks like you go somewhere that you can never go.
I guess they don't call them trash men anymore now they are sanitation engineers.  Same same right.

Not sure how you determined that 42 reviews and none of them like me,not sure how you got that but OK.Just because a PROVIDER aka hooker drinks a bottle of and listen to your stories of greatness doesn't mean she thinks your hot..LMFAO

I knew you would never contact me but just like the beautiful back goddess (they like to be called African Americans) that desire you it can only be my dream to meet with you.Oh yah I do use the N word but not usually to white ppl.

But really all this is fantasy because for you..BTW there is no Santa Claus.  

Posted By: papidog
Why do you prefer to use the term prostitute? Every single post it's escort I believe they prefer or provider ...I know you don't see black girls as you indicated but I hope you don't still use the n word?  To see providers or as you like to say ( prostitutes)  and have 42  reviews but none of them like you is an indication that you are repulsive to them. So yes if they like me I'm ok with that. By the way the white list ones you keep mentioning are not roomservice girls  and vary from 350 to $500 an hour...a plateau you've not seemed to reach. I was disappointed to see Jill only had one girl offering a special rate as she is new to rsg so that was misleading on your part too. I have avoided thanks to you the $100 provider that blows you in her cellar in Worcester that disappointed $100 in a Worcester ghetto , how the hell did you get fooled there?  who of thought pulling up to a rundown place and paying a full c note you'd get less than stellar service.  
 You pm box sadly will remain empty as I have no need to talk to you about anything really. You prefer fake pics and I prefer real. I see rsg girls and other providers and you don't . I have whitelist and  you don't instead you prefer to use terms like prostitute to demean the only species of woman that will fuck you, albeit for money and obviously their repulsion shines through so even you can see it. Best part is you use that term as if your better than them on a board where they decide if they will see you...  
 I am done engaging is a battle of wits with the unarmed, it seems unfair and is like teasing the slow kid on the short bus.  
 Best part is the " I know who the fuck I am" statement hysterical you don't even know who the fuck you aren't! Big nuts or daiscorp..  
 Pm me when Tara Patrick is in town.. I'll bring her a bottle of wine  

I did bring a bottle of wine to a traveling gal after we'd discussed her visit in the past to napa. Did you bring a bag of smack to the gal whose eyes rolled back in her head as she passed out in the middle of your $100 date with a prostitute.

Your a misogynist trick

I'm a hobbiest that try's to enjoy the hobby. Seems fake pics don't bother you because you've had the phony pic "trick" happen before and you listened to the little head in your pants according to self control no respect for yourself.

Btw I tip valets and waiters too...what a trick I am

We all do it and it's ok. I heard Joy is available.Hurry before she goes back home. Oh you stud .

Posted By: papidog
I did bring a bottle of wine to a traveling gal after we'd discussed her visit in the past to napa. Did you bring a bag of smack to the gal whose eyes rolled back in her head as she passed out in the middle of your $100 date with a prostitute.  
 Your a misogynist trick  
 I'm a hobbiest that try's to enjoy the hobby. Seems fake pics don't bother you because you've had the phony pic "trick" happen before and you listened to the little head in your pants according to self control no respect for yourself.  
 Btw I tip valets and waiters too...what a trick I am

Can't see joy I'm waiting to bring wine to Tara Patrick ...I'm still waiting for Chloe to expose all the other agencies that are posting phony pics? She was gonna have her phone girl do it days ago, she posted that right before you rode in on your white horse to rescue her you smooth talking schill. Btw seem Lamont exposed escapades of similar foolishness but their site is down as they revamp for the fifth time. Hope that doesn't happen to Chloe or you'll be back on backpage chasing those girls that need to shoot to deaths door to be able to stomach you.

I know when the "providers"that provide for you are truly there to enjoy your company.I am surprise they even take your money.

Posted By: dasicorp
We all do it and it's ok. I heard Joy is available.Hurry before she goes back home. Oh you stud .  
Posted By: papidog
I did bring a bottle of wine to a traveling gal after we'd discussed her visit in the past to napa. Did you bring a bag of smack to the gal whose eyes rolled back in her head as she passed out in the middle of your $100 date with a prostitute.  
  Your a misogynist trick  
  I'm a hobbiest that try's to enjoy the hobby. Seems fake pics don't bother you because you've had the phony pic "trick" happen before and you listened to the little head in your pants according to self control no respect for yourself.  
  Btw I tip valets and waiters too...what a trick I am

I'm as realistic as you regarding the providers motive I'm just way less angry about it. I guess you need to hobby but can't afford it , so bills are not getting paid and once you shoot your load the guilt of being a failure seeps in and hence the angry reviews and term like prostitiute and all the venom toward Jill who is so very successful and you contributed to it with money you don't have.  I better shut up now because I'd never dare talk to a tough guy like you in person like that..check you in box it's still empty. Write another schill review before your free VIP runs out loser.

Sorry you are wrong again.I can assure you that I can afford far more then you.Jill is not successful at this business.Ask one of her providers aka prostitutes how her finances Sorry to disappoint you again.Sorry the term prostitute makes your hobbying feel cheaper and less romantic.  
I would never expect you to inbox me,why would you.You are correct that you would never speak to me in person this way, not so much because I'm a tough ,but more likely because your a tool.
I hope we get the chance to one day meet.But that won't happen,so as you dream of having a girlfriend like that black (African American they don't like the term black its not PC) goddess,I will dream of meeting you....LMAO  

Posted By: papidog
I'm as realistic as you regarding the providers motive I'm just way less angry about it. I guess you need to hobby but can't afford it , so bills are not getting paid and once you shoot your load the guilt of being a failure seeps in and hence the angry reviews and term like prostitiute and all the venom toward Jill who is so very successful and you contributed to it with money you don't have.  I better shut up now because I'd never dare talk to a tough guy like you in person like that..check you in box it's still empty. Write another schill review before your free VIP runs out loser.

You assurance is not too credible to me. Your favorite agency assure people that their pics are real and they are not, then they claim they will show other agencies doing the same bait switch yet they don't...seem the only other agency exposed was by Lamont and lo and behold it is the agency that spawned ecb! You can afford more.? Then do it big shot stay away from the backpage unverified junkies you are so fond of reviewing after you've victimized them. Your comical in your stupidity, Jill's got financial problems just ask her former employees ? How would they know? You said they don't meet her? Which is it are they doing her books or are they perfect strangers .? Make up your mind, I think you drank the bottle of wine I was gonna give Tara Patrick when she tours with Chloe
Your hobby history speaks for itself you never go above 300 and you typically look for downtrodden backpage specials unless Chloe throws you a bone

Your such a fool .." Your comical in your stupidity, Jill's got financial problems just ask her former employees ? How would they know? You said they don't meet her?"Did I say former employees ? Nope. But you just ask and answer your own questions is fun to watch. Jill doesn't meet the girls unless she is picking up the money ,but you knew that. You also knew that doesn't happen often since she doesn't live around here and you knew that as well right ?Oh why doesn't she live around here you may ask. Lol

I understand that you can only bond with high end black hookers that entertain you and tell you how great you are ,after you have told them how great you are of course .. I think all prostitutes are victimized because surely most would prefer to be doing something else with their life..

I love posting so I can hear your stupid response and how you truly think girls enjoy your company because they told you ..I think Jill is the true meaning of being a pimp .. Oh wait I need to be more respectful and call her a madam.  

I also understand being with $100 ho's is truly the bottom of the barrel although I have seen many of RSG girls just like you .  

So I'll stick with my service and you stick with RSG . Did you ever call Jill and the girl interested in was posted but not available because Jill didn't have enough girls so she faked it just like the girls that had all those O with you and your $500 ho' it true that when you pay $500 there not prostitues  anymore they are providers of sex for a fee..  

So read my posts carefully to clearly understand what I'm saying ..  
Good luck with RSG while it lasts great service for a guy like you ..

Not sure why you feel the need to attack me out here when we can make it far more personal in private.i understand you are protecting the providers honor .. Btw the term black,nigga, spook ,colored,are all derogatory and racist comments. So saying she is the most beautiful black goddess I've ever been with is far worse then calling her a  prosititues.    

Posted By: papidog
You assurance is not too credible to me. Your favorite agency assure people that their pics are real and they are not, then they claim they will show other agencies doing the same bait switch yet they don't...seem the only other agency exposed was by Lamont and lo and behold it is the agency that spawned ecb! You can afford more.? Then do it big shot stay away from the backpage unverified junkies you are so fond of reviewing after you've victimized them. Your comical in your stupidity, Jill's got financial problems just ask her former employees ? How would they know? You said they don't meet her? Which is it are they doing her books or are they perfect strangers .? Make up your mind, I think you drank the bottle of wine I was gonna give Tara Patrick when she tours with Chloe  
 Your hobby history speaks for itself you never go above 300 and you typically look for downtrodden backpage specials unless Chloe throws you a bone

Your a racist on top of a misogynist.. Get a new boss middle management is making you angry I'm afraid you may go postal.

I don't have an " agency" like you btw. But if I do use an agency I make sure they post original pictures not bait switch .

Goddess btw is not my term I was paraphrasing what the young lady calls herself or as you prefer: n---  prostitute. Don't you have some poor junkie to go victimize? Troll

Your getting weak puppy dog ..lmfao

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