
Re: Yes, absolutely!!
SeductionMya See my TER Reviews 481 reads

I'm a latina myself just asking a simple non threatening question about the demand of Latinas in the area.  Maybe I should explain a little better .

Are Latinas highly wanted in the Boston area?

orallyfixated877 reads

with your history of drama on the NY and DC boards--complaining about no-shows, bad reviews, rude local guys, etc.-- Boston would be better served if you just stayed away.

-- Modified on 4/9/2015 6:15:37 PM

Oh wow you sound like a chump! Thanks for being anonymous! Good day!

orallyfixated658 reads

It must really suck to be you.
Speaking of chumps, I'm sure you'll find a few that are dumb enough to pay to fuck you.

She has page after page of high reviews ?  This bashing from an a
Alias seems cowardly , unless of course it's another provider with an axe to grind. Orally fixated is a good alias for a cocksucker like you

orallyfixated833 reads

You're defending some random whore whom you've never met?  I'd rather be a cocksucker than an asslicker like you.  
Before you started shooting off your ignorant mouth, you should have done some research and checked out all her bullshit on the NY and DC boards.  And if you had seen the negative reviews she had removed, which would have given you a clearer picture of her  stank ass, you'd feel like even a bigger fool than you are now.

Great place to refer to the ladies as " random whores" come out from behind the alias tough guy.
Probably you never got to see her or she wouldn't see you a second time so you try to sabotage her with innuendo and you hide behind an alias.

You are a loser with an agenda and no one listens to post that are negative from cowards afraid to show who they are and what handle they hobby under

orallyfixated473 reads

She raised a white knight who comes to the rescue of random whores he's never met. Bravo.
(Whore: a woman who engages in sexual acts for money.)

By the way, more people have read my posts than yours.  Again, proof of what an ignoramus you are.

-- Modified on 4/10/2015 10:08:03 AM

You use an alias to bash someone whom you've probably never even met?  Not cool.  I have seen Mya many times and she is the shit. (See my review.)

thickyjr680 reads

lmao .... perhaps your intent was not as it seemed, but the question is possibly shallower than it is racist.

I know several (no shill this time TER,  smh) Latinas that I'd sell my eye teeth to be with. We each have our preferences, but ... except for the purple chick on Backpage.

How is this racist. I'm a latina my self! I Was just asking a question before my tour!

thickyjr567 reads

I DID not call you racist, I said the question was shallower than racist. I agree your question could have been a bit clearer and I was actually trying to add some levity to what seemingly hasn't been taken very seriously.  

Maybe if you re-read my response, you'd realize that. I'm not here to judge, don't in my private life, so I don't carry it over to the hobby.

she was asking if theres a market
you are the one misreading her question

and to answer the ops original question

Yes theres a market I believe you will do well here

come to Boston "woc" friendly it was (aka curious how good the market is/would be).  
Sometimes looking different than the norm can translate to very good business.  
In any case I definitely don't think her look will be an issue at all in the Boston area.

Is this a real questions?  Latina women are the most beautiful.

I'm a latina myself just asking a simple non threatening question about the demand of Latinas in the area.  Maybe I should explain a little better .

wrps07601 reads

Up in Haverhill/Lowell areas they are in heavy demand. Enjoy and have fun.

She kicks ass. You Beaneaters are in for a real treat if she decides to cum your way.

If you are a good provider nobody will care about your background.However if you suck they will eat you alive.
good luck  

Posted By: SeductionMya
Are Latinas highly wanted in the Boston area?


especially with Dat Ass

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