
Re: Where are your reviews? eom
Bostonbobby 584 reads

I posted one on a provider that ripped me off.  They did not post it so others will be ripped off.  I have not found a provider worth spending money on.  I don't want a 30 or 40 something.

Bostonbobby1440 reads

I was wondering where the good looking girls in Boston have gone.  Most now are fat and ugly.  Or just ugly.

There are plenty of hot girls in Boston. They magically appear in spring at the first sign of warm weather. Until then they are a little hidden under layers of clothing but they are still there.

The east coast girls are hip I really dig those styles they wear.

I will be gettin fatter soon, I am still adhering to a paleo diet with cheats on weekends only....And brown rice, and quinoa but no packaged crackers or breads or cereals. Unlimited fruit and vegetables and lots of hummus and tofu and fish.
              Speak for your self pal I am hot and I never will be fat.  
                               What a whiney complaining ass. Then get off our boards and go where your happy. Aint no one holdin ya here buddy! Who needs ya any way!  
 Then go some where where you can find what you want and stop yer bitching!

gsplver504 reads

Whoa, must have missed that news flash, will you still be providing?

Posted By: sunandsand
The east coast girls are hip I really dig those styles they wear.
And South of Boston girls, with the way they talk, they knock me out when I'm down there.

They can quickly become handsome to me.
                                                                  Thats mean spirited. Some one piss in yer cheerios???????

I posted one on a provider that ripped me off.  They did not post it so others will be ripped off.  I have not found a provider worth spending money on.  I don't want a 30 or 40 something.

starquarterback384 reads

Hey tell us who the rip off artist was!

I couldn't help but notice you started a tread about getting ripped off by a BP girl. Maybe if you stayed off BP and did the research you might find something more to your liking. Boston is loaded with beautiful women if you know where to look.

Being attractive according to "conventional standards" Doesnt have a dam thing to do with a ssense of entitlement over a non stereo typical all american beauty or perfect looking. Some guys just want some company , a good b.j. Not everything is about what meets the eye to all us. If i told you how many fat, old, not in good shape , not "attractive" by conventional standards gentlemen i have had the PLEASURE of having a great orgasm with.  
              Like wise i have met supposed "aestehically handsome, " guys that I didnt have a great time or orgasm with.
                    Look beneath folks exteriors and enjoy people for thier other talents, Personality is HUGE.
      Ever fucked a super hot chic but she was a STAR FISH? That means she just laid there.
                     Ever met a model material gal but she had NO personality cuz she simpky doesnt have too and gets by on her looks?
                      I fucked many "not attractive by conventional " standards women as well . Over weight, And no not faces like super models.
                    I feel sorry for people that are superficial good luck with that one pal. ha! wow.

If I'm spending money I will not spend on a fat or overweight girl.  Sorry.

Suggest that you review the TER Ad Board for possible options.      If your budget is in the $200 range or less, then you will generally be limited to backpage ads, and you will be dissatisfied and ripped off frequently.

You're probably an ugly fucka with a false sense of entitlement

LOL....based on this original post I can imagine some Providers are thinking....."where have all the handsome, professional, gentlemen hobbyists gone ?  Most are fat out of shape slobs, with no manners, no respect, no communication skills, and no education. "

Its all about perspective
one persons prince is another ones frog and so on

DamienScott441 reads

Posted By: skip_ibt
LOL....based on this original post I can imagine some Providers are thinking....."where have all the handsome, professional, gentlemen hobbyists gone ?  Most are fat out of shape slobs, with no manners, no respect, no communication skills, and no education. "  

I might be of a certain age you would never see, I have no issue with that. Personally, don't really give a f***.

It is true, though, I've seen men P4P and have had a nice experience with...many are men I would never date/go out with in real life. lol, in real life...first and foremost, you have to be at least my height in heels. So, in real life, anyone under 6 foot need not apply.

P4P, I have met some of the best guys a woman could ever hope to find...they come in all shapes and sizes and in this business I have learned to look beyond the appearance.  

Beauty is skin deep, if you choose to look no further...well, that's your problem and shame on you, there are alot of great people out there.

So, sorry to fat, ugly ass aka 5'9+, size 4; not grabbing my North Face and Uggs because you think we're all fat and ugly.

Maybe you should go troll on a different board, Boston knows how to create their own drama!  Funny, thought drama was what we were all trying to avoid?

-- Modified on 11/12/2014 6:23:19 AM

lvstoski408 reads

I can climb any tree when its on the ground!! Bostonbobby.

BB, you are clearly entitled to your likes and dislikes.  Further, you are entitled to spend your money any way you wish.  

Advertising your DISLIKES, and insulting more than half of the providers in Boston, is pretty mean spirited. As mentioned by others, the connection between adults is complex at best.  You have a concept of what is good service.  That's fine for you.  There is no need to take a shot at innocent bystanders.

Why not tell the board about a provider you really LIKE?  Maybe you can give other providers a role model.....

with your handle when you try to book. It is so much more fun for them that way. ;)

That being said, might we be being just a wee bit picky and jaded? Sounds like it's hurting your ability to enjoy getting laid. Of course, you can always find the HB10's at your local watering hole and try your luck!  

Ultimately, it's up to YOU to have fun in this hobby, not for someone to make it fun for you. If you have no fun... then find another hobby. The whining is douchey.

and well dammit if you have a bad day and arent havn fun all the time thats ok too but no need to say all boston providers suck. or that being a certain shape or having a different look means fats and ugly. Who makes up these standards of beauty? In the fashion wprld? GAY MEN. They select models that look closest to none other than little boys.
 Real men like women with tits and ass and just like women of all shapes. small boobs , big butt, no butt, big boobs, ....
 but in all honestly the set criteria for the fashion industry which is what sets the tone for feeding us through the media and magazines and commercials/t.v.  
              Gay men run the fashion world hence the females that resembles little boys is the "inj" thing, As a man not being able to find beauty in a women simplky for being a goddess from with all life springs forth and you owe your actuall life too a woman.
                  perhaps he is just gay or a pedophile and yearns for the shape of an under ages body and this is where he frustration stem from, Certainly seeing all women in boston as fat and ugly, well what does he seek an adolescant boy with no shape? well there arent adolescant boys on the boston ad boards he will never be happy cuz he is craving under age , In fact the gal he posted that fucked him over looks 12! thats disgusting he wouldeven take a risk on seein what looks like an 11 year old run away,  
     definetly is just a pedophile or gay diddler and is like all in an uproar he doesnt find actual REAL women attractive,  thats his beef and he has to deal.
 what you see on boston boards those are women over 18 dude, apparently you cant find attraction in that, that chick that ripped him off looks tweleve so , i mean, shows kinda guy he is a perve or suppressed sicko some kind. so theres my insight on his ass.  
 from a gorgeous goddess that loves every inche her body and i love my curves, My boobs are 36 c and silicone free and i wouldnt trade myself with a teenage boy looking suoer models body any day. If guys want a little boys body then they have issues to deal with, i can give them the name my counselor . thats for the therapist to fix not our problem.

Posted By: Bostonbobby
I was wondering where the good looking girls in Boston have gone.  Most now are fat and ugly.  Or just ugly.  
You need to raise your budget.

is available. All the top escorts in the United States like holly of miami is it on the national top 100,. caramel dime, she is number 9 on the national top 100, Look at the national top 100 list of best in the world. Most are personal trainers or models or in adult films or whatever.  
 They all make the rounds and frequent boston you will see them in the Boston Ad Boards. I think this week there is a play bay model from New york touring here actually. I looked at her ad she looks like a brunette barbie.
                    So yes that was kinda a silly thing for him to say, As one of the biggest money making cities aside from new york, we have the most expensive rents and stuff too aside from New york.
                                        So they all want to visit here cuz there is alot of money just like New York and Connecticut.
So we actually have the pick of any we want.  
              He is looking for under age look at the one he said ripped him off and she had no reviews. To go see a lady that appears 12, AND has no reviews is dangerous, If i were guy gonna risk seein some one with no reviews i d at keast be sure they looked over 18........

...not a local tho but if I did move it'd be between Boston or Chicago. :)

-- Modified on 11/14/2014 12:46:10 AM

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