
Re: This thread should not be removed.
octavia.lexa See my TER Reviews 477 reads

Very much so. I know who I don't want to see no matter how amazing references are .

I'm having what for me is a new experience -- post-review regret.  No, not that I was inappropriately harsh in a review because I didn't 'click' with a lady; not that I was harsh because I was disappointed --  Instead, I'm regretting having seen a lady who I really enjoyed my time with because she found my review, which she requested I write (and which was extremely favorable) inadequately positive because it was not a 10/10 -- and let me know so in a rather unpleasant message.  Now I'm wishing I'd never met her, and feel like a complete fool for the review.

Anybody have a similar experience?

I had a session a few years back with one of Las Vegas's superstars and was just not at all impressed and found her to be older than what I was led to believe and with a very artificial body.  My review was good, certainly not great and she was upset that I did not give her 10/10, well she did not deserve that.

Townman847 reads

Refer to Jules post below. They have on days and off days just like all of us do. I only know one provider that in 3 years of seeing her I don't remember even hearing of her having an off day, let alone experiencing one. But that's an exception. Most of them are only human.  

You might've had a good first encounter but soon after ladies often relax and get complacent. Even happens with my ATF. If you developed a good relationship with a girl to the extent where she wouldn't want to lose you - voice your issue but do it gently and more often then not she'll respond to it.  
If she doesn't that usually means that she really doesn't care for you all that much and couldn't care less if you stay or go. If that's the case - she's using you, you're using her - it's totally NSA - she has nothing to lose and you too, she doesn't concern herself with you needs, don't concern yourself with hers - you've got a perfect relationship lol You can do whatever you want, you can write whatever you want, btw you can rewrite you review to reflect your actual sentiment - TER allows that - and you probably should.  

With those that respond to your requests and are attuned to your needs you can have a more imperfect temporary union i.e. when two people actually care for one another. :)  
In my opinion you should never write TER review on those ladies unless they specifically ask you to. Send her your friends instead, those you already had good interaction with behind the scenes. I think they'll be more grateful for that then for another 10/10 or for creating her a TER profile that one day can work in her favor and the next day work against her.  

Just my two (3?) cents.  

-- Modified on 5/30/2016 12:42:49 PM

I have been a provider for nearly three years now. My feelings on reviews are mixed. While most of my reviews in fact all but one or two I felt were fair, there are those times when someone gave me a crap review and it was simply because he could not perform or was just an unpleasant person period. In one example, the hobbyist ended up putting my looks at a 6 or something and then sent me a nasty email like a week later. Another example more recently was me taking out my extension while I wait for my visit with my normal stylist and the client saying it was false advertising. If he were to write a review I am sure he would give me a crap score on looks. Us providers try to do our best. I get it, we are service providers and essentially must look and perform up to the hobbyist standards. But help us help you. Before starting a session especially with someone new. Tell us what you do and don't like. Lay out some expectations (please just be realistic). Lately I have had the question asked about BBFS.. Its not something I offer and had someone get very upset when he came and asked. He said that his expectation was that GFE meant you would do just what a girlfriend would and that includes BBFS and CIM. Neither of which are on my list of offerings. So I am sure his overall experience wasn't to his liking. Why, because again he didn't ask in advance and honestly didn't understand the real meaning of GFE.

Here is the thing, reviews should be honest and fair. But fellas, please keep in mind we cannot work miracles and don't know what you don't tell us.We will no doubt have our off days. Perhaps honesty would be best, if you are in a session and it sucks speak up. We cant read your mind. My motto is simple I strive to treat everyone I see as if our encounter had occurred naturally say we met at a bar or charity event and just had amazing chemistry. With that being said sometimes two people just don't click. Sure be honest in your reviews but also be fair!

Just my 2 cents...

Jules brings up great points from the ladies perspective. I recently had a session with a well known provider. The session was not what I expected so I never posted a review. When I book, I always read the reviews so I have an idea of what to expect. I also ask my date before the session what her rules are. This makes the date more enjoyable.

In general, I care much more about the written review than the number scores. There have been some doozies. Unrestrained written praise with no complaints that sounded like a potential 10/10 but 8/7s or even 6/6s in scores. I'll go with the written review on that. Written reviews describing disappointing encounters paired with high scores seem to be less common, but I'd still go with the prose and downplay the numbers.

Posted By: Lovely_Jules
He said that his expectation was that GFE meant you would do just what a girlfriend would and that includes BBFS and CIM. Neither of which are on my list of offerings. So I am sure his overall experience wasn't to his liking. Why, because again he didn't ask in advance and honestly didn't understand the real meaning of GFE.
I ask you to consider a change from "didn't understand the REAL meaning of GFE." to "didn't understand the VARIABLE meaning of GFE to different people."

Thanks for your perspective and I think you are right on! We should all keep this in mind when we see reviews that are outliers either positive or negative.

I saw a young lady once and she sent me a PM asking why I gave her a 9/9. I never responded. The review was positive and my handle attached to it is another positive for the young lady. In all my years in the hobby, that was the only time it happened. I wouldn't sweat it.

I saw a review last week.. The reviewer was very positive and was glowing in his review.. His numerical grade was a 7/8.. I immediately discounted his review.. but wondered how he could only give a 7/8 to someone that he gave a great review to and also fit the TER requirements for a 10/10.  I wondered how the session could have been better..
If I see someone give a high level review to someone a 9/9 or a 9/10 or an 9/8.. They all mean the same to me.. it's a good review..  
Also some girls get so upset with a bad review.. One I know had a series of 9/10's, 9/9's and so on and suddenly a guy wrote a good review but gave her a 6/7 for some weird reason.. the girl was sure that the bad number was costing her business.. That made zero sense. she has a number of great reviews.. I would ignore the low number.. when I looked at her history.. it was an outlier

I think there is a limit of how many 10s and 9s one can give. They some times have to give 8 or 7s

Are you more upset because you were over positive with your review or because she thinks you were not positive enough!!

If you fell that upset you DO have the pleasure to review that person again. The new review will replace the first one you wrote.

Just saying ......

Typical of people who are crazy nuts.

Be rid of her, go on

i hate to break it to you, mr fish

and i do have at most respect for you despite this post, but most providers you so much praise and adore will starve long before me...and they do not even wish for it...

and i am not being mean like you, it is just the reality of this business

to be successful in life takes more than good reviews and hot body....

Posted By: mrfisher
Typical of people who are crazy nuts.  
 Be rid of her, go on.  

... names should not be mentioned. What started as an innocent question has turned into personal attacks on women and men.

-- Modified on 5/31/2016 9:03:29 AM


Posted By: Erin Keevy

This post is not innocent. It was obvious from the first post OP is talking about me. massman and northofboston knew what they are doing. Julia's secret just made sure that non-vip members know as well that i am the one OP is trashing

For some of us, personality is a major enticement to book a session.  Threads like this give those that might be interested more information.  I would imagine that works on both sides of the booking.

Very much so. I know who I don't want to see no matter how amazing references are .

gave her an 8/10 ... she thought she was a 10... she is a beautiful woman, but a 10 is for "they don't get any better looking than you babe" ... I upped her score to a 9 and thought that was reasonable. They don't do 8.5 Now she won't see me any more, after 6 visits, I found out I'm not her type. But she still likes me.  

Go figure ...

i never asked u to change the score, you decided to change it after we struck up close friendship...our friendship ended when you asked me out for dinner and asked me to split the bill because you needed money to see a provider the next day...she stood you up, you asked me to come see for an outcall because you already paid for the room...i refused to do so because i have some pride, and it is not all about $...pretty darn you are backstabbing me because i refuse to see you....


Posted By: nothrofboston
gave her an 8/10 ... she thought she was a 10... she is a beautiful woman, but a 10 is for "they don't get any better looking than you babe" ... I upped her score to a 9 and thought that was reasonable. They don't do 8.5 Now she won't see me any more, after 6 visits, I found out I'm not her type. But she still likes me.  
 Go figure ...  

your comment does include a few accuracies, but on the whole, not accurate overall. I did ask to "chip in" wirh the tip because of a problem with my credit card.
I do recall leaving most of my cash at your place  

... but c'mon, I told you I needed money for someone else the next day? Untrue.

As for the NCNS, yea, that happened. So I called and asked if you were available. And that insulted you? I didnt know we were exclusive.  

I won't engage you here beyond what I've already said which was probably more than was necessary.  


Posted By: octavia.lexa
i never asked u to change the score, you decided to change it after we struck up close friendship...our friendship ended when you asked me out for dinner and asked me to split the bill because you needed money to see a provider the next day...she stood you up, you asked me to come see for an outcall because you already paid for the room...i refused to do so because i have some pride, and it is not all about $...pretty darn you are backstabbing me because i refuse to see you....  
Posted By: nothrofboston
gave her an 8/10 ... she thought she was a 10... she is a beautiful woman, but a 10 is for "they don't get any better looking than you babe" ... I upped her score to a 9 and thought that was reasonable. They don't do 8.5 Now she won't see me any more, after 6 visits, I found out I'm not her type. But she still likes me.    
  Go figure ...  

I did ask to "chip in" with the tip because of a problem with my credit card.

and yes, i am a beautiful person inside and out...misunderstood, but yet beautiful no matter what score you put on it...

Posted By: nothrofboston
gave her an 8/10 ... she thought she was a 10... she is a beautiful woman, but a 10 is for "they don't get any better looking than you babe" ... I upped her score to a 9 and thought that was reasonable. They don't do 8.5 Now she won't see me any more, after 6 visits, I found out I'm not her type. But she still likes me.  
 Go figure ...  

If you believe your review is fair do not change it.  
If you do change the review because you want to keep said provider happy then that means your review is useless.
Then how can we trust your other reviews., if you are going to write or change reviews to keep providers happy.

This seems to be becoming sore point with provider, not getting the numbers they want.  
Remember the post a few months ago about a reviewer saying he was being threatening by a provider for not giving her a 10/10 review.  

Now I know that when it comes to looks and performance it a personal preference, I find it hard to believe that a provider can get all 10/10 reviews without something going on behind the scene. Either a deal for the 10/10 or a hobbyest afraid of making the provider mad.  

I think it's time for people to be more careful about giving out 10/10 reviews and provider not be so anxious to get a 10/10 review  

Just my thoughts on the matter

you don't even know me
i grew up in poverty, i am anything but spoiled
i put myself through school and everything i own i worked for...nobody handed me anything just for being pretty....some girls hustle sugar daddies , i refuse to be a hustler....

...i try to be confident and outspoken, but still shy at times


Posted By: Avsfan04
Can you say spoiled?

I apologize for my poor choice of words.  

Posted By: octavia.lexa
you don't even know me  
 i grew up in poverty, i am anything but spoiled  
 i put myself through school and everything i own i worked for...nobody handed me anything just for being pretty....some girls hustle sugar daddies , i refuse to be a hustler....  
 ...i try to be confident and outspoken, but still shy at times  
Posted By: Avsfan04
Can you say spoiled?

just got back after weekend trip in Miami with a client and seeing

i really do not care at this point about opinions...opinions are like assholes everybody has one...and most stink....

rodins, i never asked for 10/ specifically messaged and asked me how i liked your review so i gave you my opinion on it...if you don't like it,it is too bad....

you making a circus out of this and damaging my reputation just speaks to your character...

northofboston, you were always a close friend...sad to see you turn on me, because i do not want to see you as a client and platonic friendship is not enough for you...good luck to you...please do not comment on my threads or threads about hurts and it is unfair...

juliassecret, you are part of bitter old lady brigade...not surprising at all....your comments are very strategic and predictable...but if you had basic logic you would know that you make yourself look bad with your comments more than anything else ...when are you moving to Florida?it might warm up your personality....

this is a very dirty industry, and it took a lot out of is also addictive game we are all playing...i have learnt not to trust people...and i have learnt that most people will through you under the bus first chance they get....

it has been fun, and I have met some amazing people and some people i really wish i've never met...overall, i have no has been a journey that taught me a bunch

i am still young and still have a lot to learnt, i made some mistakes (who does not?!) but i did the best i could with the cards i am dealt with...  




-- Modified on 5/30/2016 11:36:28 PM

you messaged me first and ask me for a white list, i did white list you at the time and said " cannot wait to read the review" and white lists are two way streets...i do not like seeing guys who only have white lists and no does not give any idea to provider what clients like , it only gives info on what is client's approximate wrote the review and messaged me asking what i thought of it..i gave you my did not like my opinion and decided to trash me on here...i really thought your emotional intelligence is higher than this...maybe i am still young and very opinionated sometimes..what is your excuse? your post makes other believe that i specifically ask for reviews and 10s which is not the case... do i feel like i deserved 10 on performance because of certain things i did in this particular session. I absolutely do. I am entitled to feel the way  i feel.  You complained in other reviews how vanilla everybody was and unwilling to tailor sessions to your needs, so i delivered and gave it 120% like i always try to do. Looks are subjective, however. In any case, there was no need to air private conversation on here, but I am good with it at this point. Thanks for the publicity.  

Posted By: rodins
I'm having what for me is a new experience -- post-review regret.  No, not that I was inappropriately harsh in a review because I didn't 'click' with a lady; not that I was harsh because I was disappointed --  Instead, I'm regretting having seen a lady who I really enjoyed my time with because she found my review, which she requested I write (and which was extremely favorable) inadequately positive because it was not a 10/10 -- and let me know so in a rather unpleasant message.  Now I'm wishing I'd never met her, and feel like a complete fool for the review.  
 Anybody have a similar experience?

Perhaps you might have withheld the insulting message that was your response to my review in the first place.  A review, that by any reasonable point of view was incredibly POSITIVE by the way.

I never can never understand why destructive posts are made .. Makes no sense.. as was pointed out.. change your review.. You don't have to make it such a big deal.. It's not at all unusual for a girl to questions something.. As I said, I ignore the number and read the review.. The number is entirely subjective.. no one is served by you saying you feel like a fool...  
Agenda are everywhere..

Can't we all just get along? This is supposed to be a pleasurable activity after all. Time to kiss and make up.  

Posted By: josulli
I never can never understand why destructive posts are made .. Makes no sense.. as was pointed out.. change your review.. You don't have to make it such a big deal.. It's not at all unusual for a girl to questions something.. As I said, I ignore the number and read the review.. The number is entirely subjective.. no one is served by you saying you feel like a fool...  
 Agenda are everywhere..

There ya go. Spread the love.

Posted By: jazzman121847
Can't we all just get along? This is supposed to be a pleasurable activity after all. Time to kiss and make up.

I really appreciate all the support and positive affirmations you gave me today. I wish some posted here publicly though.  But I understand nobody wants to get messy. Nobody wants to be the public enemy ...after all keeping quite is a higher road to take. I am aware of it, just could not hold back in this case. #sorryaboutit

...why I like so few people.  And sometimes I know exactly why.

I hear ya  

Posted By: Y2KM900
...why I like so few people.  And sometimes I know exactly why.

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