
Re: Stop searching I found her
benman4fun 1 Reviews 533 reads

Thank you Lamont.

Your generosity and altruism are appreciated.

I will start applying what little google image search knowledge I have to BP and TER.

That model's smile has me searching for 'Sam' nation wide....

Thank you Lamont.

Your generosity and altruism are appreciated.

I will start applying what little google image search knowledge I have to BP and TER.

CampAloha420 reads

A simple Google image search shows multiple websites with galleries on this image.

Google image is your friend.

Learn how to use it and it will save you tons of wasted time.


Called her and she seemed nice.  Asked about GFE, and she was honest enough to say no.

It's not the girl in the picture anyway right?

She very well could moonlight as a model and get one or four paid modeling gigs a year. I had a few paid modeling jobs but not enough to have been living off that. Before i used ter i used those pics for ads. If people searched them they woulda linked to photographers web sites i was a model on, . i still have one pic that will show hits for a modeling web site. {yay go me. } Aldo actually has me in his landscapes photography sect on his web site/  so i guess I aint over the hill just yet. ....!
 any ways guy s just cuz she landed a job in a no name catalog cuz her face is model material and body great for  lingeraie modeling, That doesnt mean she isnt trying to procure one massage for an extra 250 or whatever to pay for her nails and spray tan that weekend. She may not care to get reviews or a wen site or ter profile cuz maybe she just wants 250 for the tan and the nails?
 Doesnt mean she isnt legit just cuz she isnt making a career out of this!!!!
 That great that i finally went thru all the hassle to learn ter get a website with logo on it, ect ect. Not every lady that provides is gonna take this job seriously or even ever post again, that may even be a one time thing  for her and maybe then a hot sugar daddy scoops her up after that ad and says what do you need here it is, Just see me now. If they are in 20 s and as hot and healthy as her, She definetly looks smart clean healthy, As opposed to 80 percent the ads on there the ad looks like youd catch hep c just by LOOKING at the girls pics. THEN when you see her rates and it says 60 special or 8o.
 and its in escort section! aaagh, vomit!
 this chic is most likely real. and if you arrived and she was horrid just shut the door in her ugly face and go get in the car.  
!!! she isnt SOOOOOO pretty that I d assume it couldnt be real. I think its realistic she cute, CUTE> she s not above postin a bp ad, I d said its legit, and try it, . She looks normal and healthy in pics. I d call if i was a guy with hobby money looking for adrenaline rush, The risk and the unknown is half the fun most the time isnt it? Go and see and fill us in after....xo

gnone2013322 reads

Posted By: bennyg
Called her and she seemed nice.  Asked about GFE, and she was honest enough to say no.
I call also she said everything is on the menu...

... that if the pic doesn't allow you to 'enlarge' for better viewing, it is a tip that the pics are not of that girl.
Selfies, while usually poorer quality, are 99% of the time from the lady posting the ad

Latest version of Chrome makes image search easy, just right-click on image and select "search Google for this image".  If right-click is blocked, all you have to do is temporarily disable javascript in your browser, refresh the page, now right-click will work

gnone2013286 reads

-- Modified on 4/21/2014 4:41:58 PM

gnone2013347 reads

So anyone think this might be a setup with 5-0? Im she looks real good...why no reviews though?

Seem suspicious?

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