
Re: Speaking of missing posts and links
Townman 415 reads

Lately I've noticed that TER responds more favorably to complaints by providers then by hobbyists. If hobbyist complains they would always ask for the proof, in fact sometimes several hobbyists complain to them about the same thing and it still doesn't provoke any action. It seems to be different with the providers. If a provider says that such-n-such comment hurts her in some way (or disrespects her) they seem to act pretty quickly. I heard that TER changed a lot in that regard since some DC provider threatened to sue them couple of years back and now kind of running scared.  

I'm surprised that Candice's initial remarks on Sofia were not taken down. Talking about character assassination... it can't get anymore "character assassination" then that. By the way never met either of them and likely never will unless by mistake responding to their second (or third) profiles :)  

I don't know if Veronica is Sofia's second profile or not but even if it is I fail to see what's the big thing with that anyway. So to get to the hobbyists the girl markets herself as a prostitute and to get to more of a Evangelical and faithful husband as well as maybe "your nana" types as the one who only does massages. If she excels in both and succeeds in keeping both of her persona's apart I'd say more power to her.  

I never remember Sofia or even her alleged other profile being in any way controversial and even on this thread she's not the one who flips out over somebody else and names names. I don't know about everybody but to me that says everything about Sofia that I need to know.

-- Modified on 4/18/2016 12:52:15 PM

I relocated to Boston ,last year, to be near my family and for other reasons. The hobby portion of my life has been wonderful. I started receiving threatening emails from a provider currently on Boston's Top 4 list. Her emails started in Jan 2016. She threatened to have me removed from TER and from all other advertising sites. I never responded to her email. Feb 2016, my profile gets delisted. Her emails stopped. March 2016, I saw Penelope's post about her delist, check out her placement on Boston's Top 10, I immediately knew who was behind her delist attempt. Penelope is a gorgeous woman, btw:).

Penelope and I both got reinstated. A few weeks go by and I get another email on April 4th, same provider. I respond to her email,.this time, offering to be her friend and not her enemy. She never responded.  Yesterday I get an email from a client of mine informing me about this alias "wolfofsteel" claiming that I threatened to blacklist him if he doesn't give me a 10/10 review. You see, my friend actually sent Wolf a PM and Wolf responded with my name.

I have never had a date with Wolf. Wolf is making a very strong allegation. This is slander and he is attacking my character. Several people have sent you a PM,.you haven't submitted any supporting evidence to your claim.  

I've saved all of her threatening emails and my client sent me a copy of Wolf's response.  

Providers have any of you gone through a similar experience? What should I do?

Hi Sofia,

It is very understandable to feel upset and worried when something like this happens. I will tell you that I've been a provider for a while now and have had issues with both jealous providers trying to ruin my business and jealous hobbyists who try to affect my reputation or cause me privacy issues. Neither has successfully harmed my business. The drama that other people try to draw you into, from my experience, does not harm you if you ignore it. You have handled it with grace and poise and people will see that and understand that the drama was caused by someone else. I'm sorry you are going through this.

the top 5 girls in boston seem to be very competitive about their reviews and being No.1  

I don't know any of u gals and after reading that OP I took a look at all of your profiles and youre all gorgeous.

having said that... every single review 10-10? you're bound to get some people (hobbyists or providers) try to call BS on your reviews. I honestly find it so hard to believe that the top five get nothing but 10-10... but that's just me. i can only imagine the lengths providers who only get those reviews are willing to go to get those reviews. From manipulation, to threatening hobbyists. Until TER figures out who of the top 5 is manipulating her reviews with deceitful tactics; the angle youre playing claiming other providers are harassing you sort of come with the territory.  

Some of the ladies on the boston top 5 have been briefly delisted which means TER has had reason to believe there's basis to do so. My best advice. Ignore, specially if its just hearsay and you haven't been affected by these rumors yet. You gals are running a business.

Balling499 reads

The delisting events were painful for the two ladies affected and TER also saw sufficient evidences to re-list them again.

Certainly it might be difficult to believe 10/10's, yet it is also OK to be receptive in believing in those 10/10's, some of the top ladies are just that beautiful, and if a hobbyist walks away from the first meeting thinking about meeting that same companion many times more, wouldn't that be a 10/10? What the 10/10's don't show is the number of meetings without reviews and what would the scores have been for those.

Also, at least one of the top companions in Boston has a calendar showing dates available and she seems to be booked often one month out, that in itself is a good indicator of how solid the supports are for her and the validity of 10/10.

From a hobbyist standpoint, it has seemed more like one companion might have initiated this, and if Sofia is willing to defend her name in public, let that hobbyist share those so called threatening emails with screen shots, and those truly exist and it was Sofia who had supposedly threatened, then Sofia will be exposed once and for all.

Somehow I don't think that is the case, otherwise it is a very poor decision for Sofia to defend something that she either did/didn't do and have tried to lead us believe different.

May the one with good intention and genuineness emerge protected

The fact that she posted this without an alias speaks volumes. But I think that the best course of action is to ignore the accusations until they actually affect the provider in question. Until then this is purely Hearsay and she should just ignore. It is annoying of course to get caught in unnecessary drama. But she may be fueling this drama by allowing it to continue by posting about it.  

My comment on the reviews being 10-10 is purely my opinion. I know that if Ter approved the reviews and the reviewers have other reviews, makes these reviews legitimate. So basically what I was trying to say is that other providers in their quest to become No1 will try to do anything to challenge girls with outstanding reviews to achieve their goal. This is by no means a direct attack on any of the girls in the Boston top 100. We fight for our good rep and I admire girls with such scores. Gosh I wish I was as hot as any of them. I personally have a crush on Penelope. She's super hot 😅

Posted By: Balling
The delisting events were painful for the two ladies affected and TER also saw sufficient evidences to re-list them again.  
 Certainly it might be difficult to believe 10/10's, yet it is also OK to be receptive in believing in those 10/10's, some of the top ladies are just that beautiful, and if a hobbyist walks away from the first meeting thinking about meeting that same companion many times more, wouldn't that be a 10/10? What the 10/10's don't show is the number of meetings without reviews and what would the scores have been for those.  
 Also, at least one of the top companions in Boston has a calendar showing dates available and she seems to be booked often one month out, that in itself is a good indicator of how solid the supports are for her and the validity of 10/10.  
 From a hobbyist standpoint, it has seemed more like one companion might have initiated this, and if Sofia is willing to defend her name in public, let that hobbyist share those so called threatening emails with screen shots, and those truly exist and it was Sofia who had supposedly threatened, then Sofia will be exposed once and for all.  
 Somehow I don't think that is the case, otherwise it is a very poor decision for Sofia to defend something that she either did/didn't do and have tried to lead us believe different.  
 May the one with good intention and genuineness emerge protected.  

Townman317 reads

I agree with this 100%.  

I believe that young Catherine Deneuve was the most beautiful thing to ever grace the screen but there are those who think she's too icy looking. I'm sure I'd give her looks 10++ but those in the other category would probably never give her more then an 8.  
That's why when I see continuous 10s, or even only 10s and 9s I go "hm...". Performance maybe but looks? I just don't see how it's possible.  
And even with performance, providers have their better days and worse days. Moreover with one hobbyist she clicks and goes all out, with another she doesn't. Does perfect world exist? I don't think so.  

And knowing for a fact that trade offs and intimidation in regards to ratings do happen I can't help but wonder what's the real story behind perfect ratings.


I rarely read these boards or participate, but it has been brought to my attention that I have been indirectly (or directly!) mentioned publicly by your post.  I'm very sorry that you and Penelope are being harassed by someone seemingly in the "Top 4 of Boston", but I can assure you that I haven't emailed, threatened or harassed you ever.  I'd like to make some things very clear to all readers in response to these vague accusations:  The gentlemen who has been generous enough to spend their time with me know the type of woman I am, my maturity, and love for what I do. They also know I am not the type of woman who sits around dissecting other woman's scores on a review board, gets intimidated, and try and knock someone else's accomplishments.  It's simply not me, and I'm simply not interested.  I'm too busy entertaining my clientele.

Being a "top provider" now comes with the good and bad I guess.  You can't simply love what you do and thrive at it.  Now I find myself defending my reputation on a topic that I should have not been so vaguely inserted into.  

To the provider who is taunting other providers:  Being #1 in Boston is not all that important that you should find yourself neglecting whatever standards or morals you have to compromise others' reputations that they have worked so hard to build.  Boston has been graced with beautiful woman of all flavors that I honestly think was much needed for the area and I welcome the much needed diversity.  Every client has a type and choice which is theirs to make, not yours.  There are enough clients for us all. I could only hope that one day clients and escorts alike wouldn't get so caught up in the scores.  It's getting real high school.  Just a friendly thought.  

Good luck to you Sofia and I hope that you can continue to thrive without continued assaults! You are a very lovely lady :). Since you have already been reinstated, my advice would be to ignore and block the person in question and continue being good at what you do.  Just focus on the opinions of those who matters the most: your actual clients, and continue to make them happy.

With Kind Regards,

Will we have it down to who is behind all this drama, if you note in Sofia email she said it was one of the top 4 provider that is attacking her and Penelope. So we know it is not Soifa, Penelope or Jennifer that is doing all this damage so it has to be the only person let on the list of the top 4. You can to go to the list on the main page of TER and figure out who it is.

I agree with TS Sasha, There is no way a provider can get only 101/10 reviews. Something funny is going on there,
I mean we had all the drama about fake ads about discounts for 10/10 reviews and then the persons in question get  14 + 10/10 reviews written in a month.

 A coincidence I have serious doubts about that .

Then we have all the alias white knights jumping into the mix.  

Will say this is going to be some good reading for the next few days, Thank goodness I have plenty of popcorn.

One last thing to consider there is a saying " The best defense is a good offense" I'm wonder if that would apply here.  

Just my thoughts on the matt

shad0wwalker441 reads

Has anyone else noticed that in the last year, the national top 100 has gone cuckoo? When I first started, there were no ladies with perfect 10/10s. Recently there were I think 7 perfect 10s. Some have been delisted or had old reviews put up, who the hell even knows what's up with that.  

But I think numerical scores have overshadowed actual performance and it is creating an intensely hostile environment. Both amongst providers and clients. Ladies can threaten but clients can also threaten. If you don't do xyz or give a discount, they will mess with your score.  

Maybe just having text reviews with no numbers is the best? Because isn't that what this site is really supposed to be about? Making sure the lady is safe and does what she promises?

Townman387 reads

I think the main problem here is this:

When a board allows for more or less equal participation from supply and demand such situations become inevitable. You can get rid of rating but the competition for clients on this or similar forum remains.  

Those of us who participate actively on other more hobbyists-oriented forums remember what happens when admins there lets some provider or providers to post actively. I don't remember a single case when it did not lead to drama and strife. I'm sure if you allow one or two hobbyists on some providers only board it would inevitably lead to the same thing.  

So... you can abolish the rating or keep the rating it won't change a thing. I prefer TER keeps rating because that allows us to make up our own minds on how much trust to put into each individual score based on our own individual notions and experience.

shad0wwalker389 reads

I don't think your reasoning makes sense. I'm talking about numerical scores and you are talking about posting on forums. By removing numerical scores, it levels the playing field. No one is getting ranked so gentleman could write whatever review they saw fit. You'd no longer have to "explain" your score. I have heard some clients get angry that ladies who don't offer FS get 10s.  

It all goes back to- what does the score really accomplish? Does the review text not tell you if she looks like her pictures, if she was on time, if she did what she advertised?

Townman420 reads

This maybe all true but numerical score gives you general idea on which profiles to look at and which to pass on. It also provides for great filtering mechanism.  

Get rid of the score and you have to labor through much of the staff that wouldn't interest you in addition to trying to figure out the nuance of the term.  

Let's say for example, I rate somebody as "comfy" or "cool". You'd have to read my whole spiel to figure out what I really meant. But if in addition to my "comfy" you'd also see 9 or 7, you'd have a much better idea on whether to give my review a read or not. Sure, there is no perfect world out there and numerical rating would carry some unintended negative side effects with it. Still with all things being equal I'd prefer to have numerical rating as one of the criteria rather then not.

-- Modified on 4/16/2016 1:42:20 PM

skepticalpatron332 reads

Especially in big cities.  There are simply way too many ladies to sift through when making choices.  Most just don't have the time to read through every review to try to decipher if the lady is worth it.

Scores are by no means the only criterion to use when choosing a lady, but at the very least scores provide a good starting point to decide who to further research and who to not bother with.

That has turned the entire review process upside down. When there was no top 100 the 10/10 review wasn't as common as it is today  

Posted By: shad0wwalker
Has anyone else noticed that in the last year, the national top 100 has gone cuckoo? When I first started, there were no ladies with perfect 10/10s. Recently there were I think 7 perfect 10s. Some have been delisted or had old reviews put up, who the hell even knows what's up with that.  
 But I think numerical scores have overshadowed actual performance and it is creating an intensely hostile environment. Both amongst providers and clients. Ladies can threaten but clients can also threaten. If you don't do xyz or give a discount, they will mess with your score.  
 Maybe just having text reviews with no numbers is the best? Because isn't that what this site is really supposed to be about? Making sure the lady is safe and does what she promises?

Townman269 reads

Yep. That make sense. At least to me it does

It's also a great case for removing aliases, unless the poster can come up with a legitimately good reason for using one.

Townman341 reads

That would be an awful idea that by definition would preclude most if not all from sharing their bad experiences with providers.  

In fact I think TER should provide us with an opportunity to have more then one alias.

I think it would help legitimize the whole process, instead of the current shit-show free-for-all.  If you have a genuinely bad experience to share, you don't need to hide behind an alias

Townman331 reads

Yes you do. Because if you won't you may get blacklisted and may have harder time hiring escorts from that point on. Obviously I'm only talking about those escorts that are active on-line.  

Anyway, absence of aliases would definitely cut down on negative reviews. I know I'd never write a bad review on anyone on this board if that would be the case. It's just not worth the risk. So you got a short end of the stick. Shit happens. You just move on. With alias however you'd also have a chance to warn others.  

I see it doesn't bother you since your list of reviews contain both positive and negative. Kudos to you man but I myself am sure ain't no hero. Not in relation to TER reviews anyway.

-- Modified on 4/16/2016 2:19:25 PM

TER got rid of it years ago  

Posted By: Townman
That would be an awful idea that by definition would preclude most if not all from sharing their bad experiences with providers.  
 In fact I think TER should provide us with an opportunity to have more then one alias.

Balling414 reads

In this case if Wolfofsteel as an alias could be noted as either a companion or a hobbyist with at least certain number of reviews would help a great deal. And for all folks who use alias too.

ZERO reviews , if TER had when he signed up and if very recent  that would be very interesting .

Townman311 reads

I'm not sure whether number of reviews is necessary because some people use aliases for forum posts only but I suspect an obligatory (H) for hobbyist and (C) for companion at the end of an alias could cut down on providers smearing each other in addition to providing an extra piece of info about whose take on things we're looking at. TER knows who is who.

Just wanted to add to this thread that Sofia is awesome.  I cannot wait to see her again (and again).  


AGREED!! She is absolutely beautiful and a class act .....

So many ideas for new policy and good discussion of reasons why.  Sometimes good ideas end up causing unanticipated problems.  Think I'll just add my $0.02 and suggest this thread be copied if not moved to the S&P board:

TER recently allowed payment of VIP in ways that allowed the payer to remain unknown.  For years you had to pay with a credit card.  Lots of people complained and TER finally listened.  The change in policy has given rise to a new problem which could not have been anticipated.

Now it is possible for a troublemaker to buy VIP and create a name like wolfofsteel to spread lies, or whatever they want to do.  They can wreak havoc on the careers of top providers and never be traced.  It only cost them one month's membership.

I am willing to bet that the VIP behind wolfofsteel has no reviews and made no positive contribution to TER.  TER could ban this VIP and they are gone, but for $25 they can come back under another VIP.

Discussion?  Your thoughts, if any?

-- Modified on 4/17/2016 9:37:38 AM

-- Modified on 4/17/2016 10:23:56 AM

Balling285 reads

You might be absolutely correct and for $25 a month, why not stir up the pot and accuse a companion and then watch the show.

This is a really good point and may this person continue to spend $25 for each alias then?

And I'm not referring to Sofia...

-- Modified on 4/17/2016 5:23:39 PM

I wanted to clear my name as I had a few messages in my inbox today. I have had an excellent reputation in the community for  over a year and several providers are my close personal friends. I spend most of my time traveling and see a few clients during the week when I am home and have time. Unfortunately TER does not allow you to use the same computer for different accounts, and I did not post the recent thread about Sofia.

In the winter two clients told me a similar story: they booked their session with Sofia, who, after the session, handed them back $200 "in exchange for a 10/10 review". One client emailed TER and nothing could be done without "proof". The one time I emailed Sofia was to tell her directly to not copy my website as most of hers was identical to mine.

TER has blocked sofia from my account for me months ago, along with another alias "wolfer69", who I'm not sure is Sofia or a fake reviewer account. The bottom line re reviews is no one gets a new 10/10 review every day from a ghost reviewer with no other credentials. I feel like from photos you can get a good sense of who is really a 10/10 in appearance.  

Sofia has sent me multiple emails from the same IP address whether it is random threats or fake potential appointments, to the point where I am considering legal action (if anyone remembers Quinn last year it is a similar situation). Sofia, if you had regulars you would not feel the need to attack other providers and mess up the system for clients either. I was sent the link to your massage website as well and it's confusing why you still offer massage under a different alias if business is allegedly going so well.!photos/zoom/mainPage/rkdfh  As you can see, it is the same woman and has been reviewed by the same people. Not rocket science.

Sofia, you are clearly much older than 26, and this still feels like high school. I recommend you focus on your business and getting regular clients rather than hijacking the system and bullying other providers and causing drama in your spare time. If you can't act as a support or friend to another sex worker then leave them alone.

Balling431 reads


Great for you to come out and try to clear your name, if you were not the implicated companion allegedly causing issues.

I tried following all the links on your post and they are all broken/don't exist/lead to pages that don't exist.

Please advise. Thanks

wolfer69 responds:
Candice claims wolfer69 is an alias for Sofia. Please look at my 29 reviews and whitelist with 5 provider names. Yes I am a real hobbyist. Why Candice dragged me into her crazy rant is beyond me.

Balling484 reads

Dear Candice,

You sound 100% confident when you stated

"Unfortunately TER does not allow you to use the same computer for different accounts, "

How have you found out and how have you known for sure?


Follow this link:  

Also it is very easy to trace an IP address from an email.

Should answer all your question W

shad0wwalker516 reads

Obviously they don't want providers writing fake reviews for themselves or other providers. So, for instance, a provider with an alias could not write a review for another provider because TER would know the IP address. Or if a provider made a different account from the same computer or used the same internet connection to write a review for themselves or someone else, it is my understanding that TER would know.

In terms of your previous question, it seems quite odd that a well reviewed massage provider's website isn't working when she got a new review just this month, doesn't it? Hmmm

Townman395 reads

It's true but it also applies to hobbyists. I tried to set up a separate account from different e-mail address and TER instantly called me on it, forced me to choose and banned me from "Reviewer's only" for a month. :)

This is no deterrent, it's very easy to mask, hide or change your IP address.

Posted By: shad0wwalker
Obviously they don't want providers writing fake reviews for themselves or other providers. So, for instance, a provider with an alias could not write a review for another provider because TER would know the IP address. Or if a provider made a different account from the same computer or used the same internet connection to write a review for themselves or someone else, it is my understanding that TER would know.  
 In terms of your previous question, it seems quite odd that a well reviewed massage provider's website isn't working when she got a new review just this month, doesn't it? Hmmm

Balling431 reads

Did anyone see a previous reply with phrases like "glasshouse", "throwing stones" being addressed to Candice with about 100+ reads as of the night before Boston Marathon, and now it is gone?  

Was that a dream or the dream had been interrupted? Is this "Inception" all over again? The marathon hasn't started yet?

Quickly removed.

But it's so nice that one of Sofia white knight's made sure to bring it back up

I think it kinda funny that all the links to the website Sofia/Veronica had were removed right after Candice's post.
Funny how her TER profile has been removed to, but wolfer69 reviews is still up.  

Now why would that happen??

Someone have something to hide??


So White Knight what's your answer to these questions

Balling352 reads

Not a white knight and have not met Sofia.

Maybe Candice might have some unique connection with TER due to the entire Quinn situation, that TER would rather defer to her, and she could inadvertently appear to be slightly favored by TER?  

Or maybe we are just all hopeful for fairness to prevail and facts to be unearthed?

TER would eventually get things right I assume.

Townman416 reads

Lately I've noticed that TER responds more favorably to complaints by providers then by hobbyists. If hobbyist complains they would always ask for the proof, in fact sometimes several hobbyists complain to them about the same thing and it still doesn't provoke any action. It seems to be different with the providers. If a provider says that such-n-such comment hurts her in some way (or disrespects her) they seem to act pretty quickly. I heard that TER changed a lot in that regard since some DC provider threatened to sue them couple of years back and now kind of running scared.  

I'm surprised that Candice's initial remarks on Sofia were not taken down. Talking about character assassination... it can't get anymore "character assassination" then that. By the way never met either of them and likely never will unless by mistake responding to their second (or third) profiles :)  

I don't know if Veronica is Sofia's second profile or not but even if it is I fail to see what's the big thing with that anyway. So to get to the hobbyists the girl markets herself as a prostitute and to get to more of a Evangelical and faithful husband as well as maybe "your nana" types as the one who only does massages. If she excels in both and succeeds in keeping both of her persona's apart I'd say more power to her.  

I never remember Sofia or even her alleged other profile being in any way controversial and even on this thread she's not the one who flips out over somebody else and names names. I don't know about everybody but to me that says everything about Sofia that I need to know.

-- Modified on 4/18/2016 12:52:15 PM

They don't give a rats ass about me anyway.  That ass wipe paulglnlvt  or whatever he calls himself had the nuts to actually hit me in my face and get pissed off that I wasn't into it  yet left the ugly parts of the date out of the review. I asked that it be removed. I even sent them a  conversation via pm between he and I where he admitted doing it and still the review is there.  So no they don't listen to the providers more.  At least not me and I've been a member since 2007.

Townman290 reads

I guess grass is always greener on the other side, eh? Since we both complain of bias towards the other side I guess they're either doing something right or doing it all wrong :)

Better yet,
                Why hasn't wolfofsteel responded to all these accusations? , mysteriously vanished after posting a malicious thread,  Hmmm, now  that has me thinking???

In regard to the "glass houses" post...

I'm not sure how Candice has managed to make it this far without her multiple profiles being merged. She formerly went as Ellie Lust, as well-know black-listed scam artist who blackmailed both hobbyists and providers. She also went by other names before that.  

If you look at the attached link, or simply google the name, it's very clear they're one in the same.  

Is she the perpetrator being discussed in this thread? I'm sure her victims would infer that. Who knows, maybe she's changed her ways.

Balling529 reads

Maybe Candice could make another statement, clear her name and say definitively that Candice is NOT Ellie Lust?

Their chins do look very much alike, and the combination of mix Japanese/Brazilian is rather rare in the Boston area, with similar height and torso/belly button rings

Candice seems to have recently dyed her hair blonde, as one of the other top companions in Boston is a natural blonde and she might also seem to have gone to the same photographer for pictures with similar postures; so these pictures might be closer to Candice before her new blonde look

At the same time, Ellie could just be a mere look alike of Candice?

You guys are better than. The CIA, FBI, and Scotland Yard combined !

Townman516 reads

Yep, we're all working for FSB. We're highly trained and deeply under cover.

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