
Re: Sometimes better to remain silent and thought of as a fool...than to open mouth and remove all d
GoingForIt! 1375 reads

The old hag can't help herself....she's the self appointed BSC provider rep for the Boston board.

QuinnAdams4258 reads

I am never one to jump on the boards to stir up some drama; rather, my motivation in posting this is actually to get hobbyist and provider feedback on the query outlined below. However, something unbelievably mean-spirited and frustrating happened to me today and I am curious about whether or not others have had a similar experience.

A new client reached out to me through my website mid-week to set up an appointment for this afternoon at his summer home on Cape Cod. With traffic today, the drive took me over two hours, although I waived the incremental travel charge since he booked a full day appointment. It was originally four hours but yesterday he extended it to include dinner (8 hours) and a possible overnight.

When he introduced himself to me through my website (demonstrating he took the time to read it -- usually a good sign), he provided a reasonable amount of personal information for verification, including the summer home address, phone number, and full name, as well as general employment information. When I did some research online (Google, LinkedIn, etc.), all of it checked out and was consistent with his purported identity. I assumed that if somebody is not who they say they are, they are going to be reticent to volunteer so much info -- at least until asked -- or that they will make mistakes and the individual pieces won't align so smoothly. Everything here passed the "sniff test".

We communicated during my entire drive down to the Cape, although it took him a little while to get back to me initially this morning, which did make me nervous (more than it should have actually; perhaps I was subconsciously aware something seemed off). Notably, he did not answer any of my calls today and just communicated via text and email throughout our entire dialogue. This isn't that unusual though... just something to note that now stands out.

After a long drive (~140 minutes) in Cape traffic, I arrive at his house... allegedly. No name on the mailbox, but the letter on the door decoration didn't match the first letter of his last name. Hmmm... (Yet, still easy to explain away; I haven't been deceived or burned before by a hobbyist, and I am not suspicious by nature, so I still was not terribly worried. Perhaps this is naive of me, but lesson learned.)  

The other issue is that he asserts he is from Maine yet not one of the three cars in the driveway has Maine plates. Odd, but not impossible. More concerning is the fact that there are three cars in the driveway. Is it a surprise party for little Quinnie -- and not the kind I (or any provider would) like?!?!

Further, as judgmental as this sounds, his purported house is not consistent with somebody who would spring for a 24 hour session with a provider he has never met. And there were kids toys scattered and abandoned out back throughout the yard.  

And stupidly, I continued to justify all these details and explain them away. "Maybe his friends have small kiddos, or he has children with youngsters..."  

No answer when I knocked. When I called his phone was off. I texted, I emailed... and still, nada.  

Continuing to justify all these little details for him, I told myself that maybe he was out of range, or his phone died, or he was perhaps trying to make an outgoing call simultaneously. Well, he must be making call after call for the past 5 hours because that phone still goes straight to voicemail. And he didn't block just me either; my other cell phone gets the same result.

Long story short, this guy was obviously not who he claimed to be and he contacted me for this very purpose, never intending to actually go through with an appointment. And he is still ignoring my contact, which is just irritating; at least respond to me and either say sorry or laugh at me and tell me how he is the superior being for tricking me this way. And my emails have been pretty nice so it's not like I am going to yell at him or shout... I just want him to acknowledge me. And this incident.

The sad part is that I didn't go visit a college friend who was in town so I could keep the appointment and I also turned down another appointment request from one of my favorite regulars.  

Moreover, I left my home at 10am this morning, didn't get to his town until 1pm. Then I waited around until 2:30pm, hit more traffic on the way home and just got back an hour ago at 5:30pm. So I wasted 7 hours for this fool.

So, I am pretty pissed. I am at my house, alone and bored, with no friends to play with and feeling like I have some pent up steam I need to blow off... I can't believe that anybody would do this to me -- or to anybody -- and I am kicking myself for allowing this to happen (and also, in part, for writing this as I am sure he is going to relish every minute of reading it!!!).  

Who has this much time on their hands to mess with providers this way? And what type of person decides this is how they wish to spend one of their two weekend days?

I always am so darn optimistic when I head off to meet a new client, and I pray this doesn't remain in the back of my mind. I am sure it won't, but in any situation or setting, it always seems the bad actions of one individual mitigate the good behavior of many. For example, we tend to focus on the one negative comment, ignoring all complements.  

This jerk is not representative of most hobbyists I meet, and is certainly the opposite of all my current clients who are respectful and kind -- and far too busy with their successful careers to waste their time setting up this type of scenario.  

I don't know who did this and I don't really care -- I can't do anything anyway nor would I because it does absolutely zero good and is just harmful to his career and family life; in this case, the punishment does not fit the crime -- but I do want to ensure this does not happen again, so... THE QUESTION PART OF THE POST (FINALLY!) for the few of you who are still with me here. :)

So my query is:  

**Do any of the ladies out there require a deposit from a new client who wishes to set up an appointment longer than one hour?**  

What is your policy on this and how do you collect the deposit?  

Do any potential clients get upset or decide they don't want to see you after all because they don't want to make the deposit?

Also, has this -- or anything like this -- happened to any of you? What did you do in response? (I don't want to do anything retaliatory as that is not my style, but is there anything that could partially make up for this?)

And hobbyists, Would you decide not to meet with a provider because she had a deposit policy like the one I am inquiring about? Have you seen anybody with such a requirement?  

Any feedback or advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I am sad and hope never to be in this position again.  

Hopefully my night will get better soon... :(

-- Modified on 8/9/2014 6:21:01 PM

exit91683 reads

Via Greendot.. pay now or pay later.. so my attitude is.. why not, as long as the provider has good reviews on TER.. and if she cancel and has my $$ Iwill trash her here.. so I have leverage..

THat's pretty crappy.. I would contact the reference , at least, and let them know what happened..

NewEnglandGangsta2009 reads

So, no, I will not see a girl who requires a deposit.

I read both stories.  They MAY both be telling the truth if Quinn somehow got the address screwed up.
However, it is also possible that someone is less than truthful.
Based on Quinn's description of location, she was not at correct location.
Just my opinion, please do not shoot the messenger.

One time I went to meet provider and I went to the wrong hotel.  I still can't believe I did that.

NewEnglandGangsta1460 reads

Thank you Quinn for confirming my suspicion.  I'm removing you off my bucket list. You're too much drama for me. Go find another victim to out.

First of all, this sucks - plain and simple. Someone decided to "get back at you", there is no place for this type of thing (and yes, I am aware of previous traffic on this board).

I always had a policy of not putting down a deposit until a couple of months ago when a lady announced her impending arrival here. She fits one of my "bucket list items" and I decided to lock her (and a more favorable rate - I should have known better) in with a not too unreasonable deposit.

Needless to say, she emailed me a couple of hours before the scheduled time, cancelling and requesting that we try again on her next visit.

So be it; maybe it's all on the up-and-up. Maybe not (time will tell).

But to answer your question: no, I will not play with someone that requires an advance deposit.

who_said_that1889 reads

I don't think the guys who said you ripped them off where making their stories up either.

-- Modified on 8/9/2014 7:32:32 PM

QuinnAdams1951 reads

Your comment below adds zero to the conversation and is juvenile -- sort of like the C-average kid who makes obnoxious fart noises in the background while the teacher is trying to explain something to the class.

I can't speak for the group, but I am guessing everybody is pretty sick of talking about -- and hearing about -- the false assertions and misinformed speculations pertaining to my personal life. Who even cares? My life is really very boring, even in moments of craziness like the recent episode.

Since you were not personally involved in the situation you seem to be such an expert on and so eager to continue to bring it up, it just seems bizarre to me that you are so obsessed with the issue. Does it make you feel better about yourself to bully a provider during her weakest moment? Even when she doesn't acknowledge your comments or retaliate?  

Maybe next we can pull the wings off a wounded butterfly and laugh about it. And then talk about it everyday for the next year.

(Seriously, let's move on. This is getting weird.

Realtiycheck2375 reads

Posted By: QuinnAdams
Your comment below adds zero to the conversation and is juvenile -- sort of like the C-average kid who makes obnoxious fart noises in the background while the teacher is trying to explain something to the class.  
 I can't speak for the group, but I am guessing everybody is pretty sick of talking about -- and hearing about -- the false assertions and misinformed speculations pertaining to my personal life. Who even cares? My life is really very boring, even in moments of craziness like the recent episode.  
 Since you were not personally involved in the situation you seem to be such an expert on and so eager to continue to bring it up, it just seems bizarre to me that you are so obsessed with the issue. Does it make you feel better about yourself to bully a provider during her weakest moment? Even when she doesn't acknowledge your comments or retaliate?  
 Maybe next we can pull the wings off a wounded butterfly and laugh about it. And then talk about it everyday for the next year.  
 (Seriously, let's move on. This is getting weird.)  

QuinnAdams1573 reads

I am not sure why the only three people who care at all about my personal life have never met me and have never even corresponded with me. I guess I should be flattered, but I am actually creeped out.  

(The response that came before this is gone; it was pretty good and I meant every word but I will not stoop to the level of the idiots I condemn therein,)

-- Modified on 8/10/2014 1:09:14 AM

bbbj1977 reads

How do you know only 3 people care about your personal life. I have had 2 PM's regarding your post.Also how do you know that you don't know any of the above ?

Posted By: QuinnAdams
I am not sure why the only three people who care at all about my personal life have never met me and have never even corresponded with me. I guess I should be flattered, but I am actually creeped out.  
 (The response that came before this is gone; it was pretty good and I meant every word but I will not stoop to the level of the idiots I condemn therein,)

-- Modified on 8/10/2014 1:09:14 AM

What a coincidence that all three anonymous posers write with the same level of contempt and disdain. I bet they all live together and write from the same IP address. Oh, and they probably send anonymous PMs to each other.

a deposit to a provider I have never seen before. I don't know how much checking you did but if your going to book that much  time I would make sure you talk to someone who will personally vouch for their character.

Clearly someone wanted to screw with you. I won't even speculate on why, etc... as to me it doesn't matter. First, from my point of view I see nothing wrong with a provider asking/expecting some type of deposit from a first time client for a multi-hour session, or at a minimum expect that the client has been verified by other providers (i.e. - P411, Date-Check, etc...) and it certainly seems to me that it would make sense to verify the person with someone else before committing so much time and effort into an appointment that might not work out.  

As a client I would never schedule such a long initial appointment regardless of how well the provider was reviewed, because just because a number of other men had great times, for who knows what reason she and I just might not hit it off. Generally I wouldn't schedule more then an hour+ appointment with a provider on a first meeting for a number of reason's. If she didn't show up I would feel like crap (the other side of the coin) and if for some reason I couldn't make it at the last minute I would feel terrible as I had caused her to book time with me that she could have used for herself or someone else. I would honestly feel that I owed her something for her time - even if I didn't see her in that case.

From your point of view, I would just chalk it up as a learning experience. Unfortunately there are some people out there who just aren't very nice and lie. It seems to me that having some type of deposit policy for new clients who want multi-hour sessions makes sense. Also, if you are going to have to drive a long distance it seems reasonable to have some type of travel fee that you will assess as well. This seems to be fairly standard for a number of providers.  

Perhaps this might reduce or eliminate some potential new clients, but I think the peace of mind and financial protection it would bring would offset any loss of revenue.

Sorry you had this happen. I spare you some of my horror stories.

So sorry to hear someone put you through an ordeal like that.  Total waste of time, money and energy on your part that could have been spent better in so many other ways.  I hope you never have to deal with another encounter like this.

As to your question, I personally would not give a deposit, especially not to someone I've never met, as I prefer to take care of the donation/gift at the time we meet face to face.  For the record my longest date was a 5-hour dinner date with a visiting provider that I had never met before.  She never asked me for a deposit and I didn't think about giving one...fortunately all worked out as planned.  

Solid references from highly regarded providers is key in this hobby world and will hopefully prevent another episode like this.

Best wishes and I truly hope your night gets better too :-)

Rick-Rude2047 reads

And who in their right mind would give a deposit to a provider who just a few weeks ago ran a scam on the hobbyist community? You would have also blacklisted this "phantom hobbyist" by now. You are getting more BSC by the day.

Realtiycheck1478 reads

Out him out your good at that.  
Funny how all of a sudden you went from Broke to having a house.
Maybe if U raised your fee to $700 you can buy a Mercedes

If he was planning on spending that kind of cash a deposit to cover your travel time is no big deal.

Square cash its discrete and easy to use.

You, Quinn and all reliable and upscale providers, are incredible and valuable assets.  

I know the analogy isn't perfect because we are talking about people and not objects, but...I wouldn't ship a car to a buyer, wouldn't UPS an eBay item, wouldn't ship my Rolex to a repair shop, wouldn't send kids to college, wouldn't commit to 7 hours of my business day, wouldn't do a zillion things that hold value or have importance WITHOUT a firm confirmation and a financial deposit absolutely committing to the action or event (or item).

I haven't yet enjoyed a 3 or 6 or 24 hour "hobby" appt, but I when I do I would definitely expect to give a deposit.  For the providers commitment and for my confirmation.  It's just very reasonable.  Sadly, by not getting one in your today's scenario you screwed yourself.  One has to go with their's done is and learn

Really not sure what to think anymore...

So I'm going to stop thinking about it.


Agreed that both the alias based venom and the questionable provider decision-making is pointless on these boards.  

What's supposed to be a fun thing is ruined by this stuff.  It happens.  Hobbiests get stood up.  Providers get duped.

You'd still have wasted five hours, but at the very least, you'd know that this shitstain had to shell out some money for his stupid practical joke.

I'm so sorry you had to deal with this.

Whether for am extended date or overnight. No matter what.
If a deposit is required I pass.  Same with cancellation policies.  
This is a hobby.  Sometimes life gets in the way.  
And at least I have the balls to post without and alias.  

I understand both points of view though.

bbbj1510 reads

I can only imagine...

I also find it curious that you would book a 8 hr or possible over nite with a guy you never meet..  


Guys give fake info to me daily

They give crazy details and work info and none of it matches up

There are some men who live in mommies basement who have nothing better to do then outsmart yo

péineas1891 reads

Boo hoo. What a DQ.  As another already said in this thread, what goes around comes around.

ok I get it ya dont like Quinn, whatever your reasoning is, all of you are riding the same bandwagon and its past the point of obnoxious.

you dont like her, simply dont see her but stop harassing every post she makes.

y'all are like boys on a school yard pulling her hair as she passes by. Enough already.

Realtiycheck1815 reads

Posted By: sweetnicole1
ok I get it ya dont like Quinn, whatever your reasoning is, all of you are riding the same bandwagon and its past the point of obnoxious.

you dont like her, simply dont see her but stop harassing every post she makes.

y'all are like boys on a school yard pulling her hair as she passes by. Enough already.

Quinn has proven to be a LIAR and a THIEF.

bbbj2367 reads


Posted By: Realtiycheck
Posted By: sweetnicole1
ok I get it ya dont like Quinn, whatever your reasoning is, all of you are riding the same bandwagon and its past the point of obnoxious.  
 you dont like her, simply dont see her but stop harassing every post she makes.  
 y'all are like boys on a school yard pulling her hair as she passes by. Enough already.
 Quinn has proven to be a LIAR and a THIEF.

QuinnAdams1448 reads

This line was so witty and original you felt the need to use it twice? *eye roll*

bbbj1394 reads

You thought you had a score coming your way and if it worked out you would have bank ... But it blew up in your face now you wanna cry baby soup . I think you should just keep all your personal info personal .. IMHO  

Just a word of advice .. If your as finances are as fucked up  as you claim I think you should come down off your high horse and charge a more reasonable rate .. Then maybe you can create some action  

Posted By: QuinnAdams
This line was so witty and original you felt the need to use it twice? *eye roll*

bbbj1105 reads

You can't make this stuff up.....Oh yes you can

jonnhy771364 reads

Hahaha bro is this ur only line ? Seriously... It's fucking dumb

bbbj1463 reads

Providers take great care in insuring there safety, anonymity and  health. As a hobbyist we must worry about anonymity and when someone exposes a hobbyist it a very hot spot for us..  
That being said Quinn has been linked to an unfortunate exposer of a hobbyist .  
She also clearly asked for money from someone and he felt dupped by her.. So please spare me your drama

Posted By: QuinnAdams
I am never one to jump on the boards to stir up some drama; rather, my motivation in posting this is actually to get hobbyist and provider feedback on the query outlined below. However, something unbelievably mean-spirited and frustrating happened to me today and I am curious about whether or not others have had a similar experience.  
 A new client reached out to me through my website mid-week to set up an appointment for this afternoon at his summer home on Cape Cod. With traffic today, the drive took me over two hours, although I waived the incremental travel charge since he booked a full day appointment. It was originally four hours but yesterday he extended it to include dinner (8 hours) and a possible overnight.  
 When he introduced himself to me through my website (demonstrating he took the time to read it -- usually a good sign), he provided a reasonable amount of personal information for verification, including the summer home address, phone number, and full name, as well as general employment information. When I did some research online (Google, LinkedIn, etc.), all of it checked out and was consistent with his purported identity. I assumed that if somebody is not who they say they are, they are going to be reticent to volunteer so much info -- at least until asked -- or that they will make mistakes and the individual pieces won't align so smoothly. Everything here passed the "sniff test".  
 We communicated during my entire drive down to the Cape, although it took him a little while to get back to me initially this morning, which did make me nervous (more than it should have actually; perhaps I was subconsciously aware something seemed off). Notably, he did not answer any of my calls today and just communicated via text and email throughout our entire dialogue. This isn't that unusual though... just something to note that now stands out.  
 After a long drive (~140 minutes) in Cape traffic, I arrive at his house... allegedly. No name on the mailbox, but the letter on the door decoration didn't match the first letter of his last name. Hmmm... (Yet, still easy to explain away; I haven't been deceived or burned before by a hobbyist, and I am not suspicious by nature, so I still was not terribly worried. Perhaps this is naive of me, but lesson learned.)  
 The other issue is that he asserts he is from Maine yet not one of the three cars in the driveway has Maine plates. Odd, but not impossible. More concerning is the fact that there are three cars in the driveway. Is it a surprise party for little Quinnie -- and not the kind I (or any provider would) like?!?!  
 Further, as judgmental as this sounds, his purported house is not consistent with somebody who would spring for a 24 hour session with a provider he has never met. And there were kids toys scattered and abandoned out back throughout the yard.  
 And stupidly, I continued to justify all these details and explain them away. "Maybe his friends have small kiddos, or he has children with youngsters..."  
 No answer when I knocked. When I called his phone was off. I texted, I emailed... and still, nada.  
 Continuing to justify all these little details for him, I told myself that maybe he was out of range, or his phone died, or he was perhaps trying to make an outgoing call simultaneously. Well, he must be making call after call for the past 5 hours because that phone still goes straight to voicemail. And he didn't block just me either; my other cell phone gets the same result.  
 Long story short, this guy was obviously not who he claimed to be and he contacted me for this very purpose, never intending to actually go through with an appointment. And he is still ignoring my contact, which is just irritating; at least respond to me and either say sorry or laugh at me and tell me how he is the superior being for tricking me this way. And my emails have been pretty nice so it's not like I am going to yell at him or shout... I just want him to acknowledge me. And this incident.  
 The sad part is that I didn't go visit a college friend who was in town so I could keep the appointment and I also turned down another appointment request from one of my favorite regulars.  
 Moreover, I left my home at 10am this morning, didn't get to his town until 1pm. Then I waited around until 2:30pm, hit more traffic on the way home and just got back an hour ago at 5:30pm. So I wasted 7 hours for this fool.  
 So, I am pretty pissed. I am at my house, alone and bored, with no friends to play with and feeling like I have some pent up steam I need to blow off... I can't believe that anybody would do this to me -- or to anybody -- and I am kicking myself for allowing this to happen (and also, in part, for writing this as I am sure he is going to relish every minute of reading it!!!).  
 Who has this much time on their hands to mess with providers this way? And what type of person decides this is how they wish to spend one of their two weekend days?  
 I always am so darn optimistic when I head off to meet a new client, and I pray this doesn't remain in the back of my mind. I am sure it won't, but in any situation or setting, it always seems the bad actions of one individual mitigate the good behavior of many. For example, we tend to focus on the one negative comment, ignoring all complements.  
 This jerk is not representative of most hobbyists I meet, and is certainly the opposite of all my current clients who are respectful and kind -- and far too busy with their successful careers to waste their time setting up this type of scenario.  
 I don't know who did this and I don't really care -- I can't do anything anyway nor would I because it does absolutely zero good and is just harmful to his career and family life; in this case, the punishment does not fit the crime -- but I do want to ensure this does not happen again, so... THE QUESTION PART OF THE POST (FINALLY!) for the few of you who are still with me here. :)  
 So my query is:  
 **Do any of the ladies out there require a deposit from a new client who wishes to set up an appointment longer than one hour?**  
 What is your policy on this and how do you collect the deposit?  
 Do any potential clients get upset or decide they don't want to see you after all because they don't want to make the deposit?  
 Also, has this -- or anything like this -- happened to any of you? What did you do in response? (I don't want to do anything retaliatory as that is not my style, but is there anything that could partially make up for this?)  
 And hobbyists, Would you decide not to meet with a provider because she had a deposit policy like the one I am inquiring about? Have you seen anybody with such a requirement?  
 Any feedback or advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I am sad and hope never to be in this position again.  
 Hopefully my night will get better soon... :(  

-- Modified on 8/9/2014 6:21:01 PM

Taking a 4 hour appointment that may turn into an overnight with a guy you have never
meet is foolish if not down right stupid.

Also goes to show being greedy is not a good idea, you were looking to make 1900 to 4500 for the day.
I have the feeling you were thinking more about the money, that you forgot to use a little common sense.

All in all this is 100% your fault. You got scammed and you should have known better

QuinnAdams2021 reads

I did get scammed, you are right, and I agree with you that had the earnings not been so extreme, I probably would have taken a step back to consider whether all of this really made sense.  

So I do accept responsibility for some of this, but I don't think it is 100% my fault because I am not the one sitting in my parents' basement with nothing better to do than maliciously set up a provider. I wasn't the one who sent fake into to somebody -- that was all the "client" in this case.  

Even now, when I look at the facts, there were no true red flags out there. Nothing that is a really obvious issue with the information I was given.

I have done an overnight before with a client I have never met, reserving the right to leave at any point and pro-rate the donation if things go south. So that isn't totally out of the ordinary.

Did you check his TER handle and his reviews?

QuinnAdams4847 reads

He said he didn't have one, and I have seen a number of fantastic new clients who don't use TER or P-411 and just provide a references. This is totally fine with me.

In addition, there have been wonderful new clients I have seen who have a TER handle but don't write reviews. This is also okay with me assuming other info checks out.

He gave me his full name and employment info (but I didn't call his work because of the sensitive nature of the business -- I was trying to be respectful here and discrete, a lot of good that did me!) and his address and phone number. I didn't have to ask or anything; all the info was volunteered so initially I had no reason to doubt anything.  

It wasn't until I began heading down to Cape Cod that things seemed a little off...

Posted By: FireinHearth1
Did you check his TER handle and his reviews?

southpaw581487 reads

Sorry everyone is giving you the 10th degree here when you are the victim here. I would love to be a "reliable" client of yours. Do you ever have incall in the area?

QuinnAdams1318 reads

I am going to private message you darling and really appreciate your kind words. :)

Now we know that Quin doesn't know how to screen, and verify information herself. I guess she hadn't heard that p411 hasn't been safe in a  long time and there are numerous blogs around showing all the providers and clients that have been busted through their site.

 No wonder she didn't mention who the guy was, because from what he posted, he was a established client with tons of references.  I think she is lucky the guy didn't cancel when she announced someone was driving her as most clients don't want someone waiting in the car in their driveway.  

 Since the man allowed her to pick the time, I would have booked for early morning and I would have avoided the traffic.

"Whiners get nothing"

IsorokuYamamoto1881 reads

Why would an 'experienced' and Ivy League educated well reviewed, successful provider post this? Huh.  

Posted By: QuinnAdams
I am never one to jump on the boards to stir up some drama; rather, my motivation in posting this is actually to get hobbyist and provider feedback on the query outlined below. However, something unbelievably mean-spirited and frustrating happened to me today and I am curious about whether or not others have had a similar experience.  
 A new client reached out to me through my website mid-week to set up an appointment for this afternoon at his summer home on Cape Cod. With traffic today, the drive took me over two hours, although I waived the incremental travel charge since he booked a full day appointment. It was originally four hours but yesterday he extended it to include dinner (8 hours) and a possible overnight.  
 When he introduced himself to me through my website (demonstrating he took the time to read it -- usually a good sign), he provided a reasonable amount of personal information for verification, including the summer home address, phone number, and full name, as well as general employment information. When I did some research online (Google, LinkedIn, etc.), all of it checked out and was consistent with his purported identity. I assumed that if somebody is not who they say they are, they are going to be reticent to volunteer so much info -- at least until asked -- or that they will make mistakes and the individual pieces won't align so smoothly. Everything here passed the "sniff test".  
 We communicated during my entire drive down to the Cape, although it took him a little while to get back to me initially this morning, which did make me nervous (more than it should have actually; perhaps I was subconsciously aware something seemed off). Notably, he did not answer any of my calls today and just communicated via text and email throughout our entire dialogue. This isn't that unusual though... just something to note that now stands out.  
 After a long drive (~140 minutes) in Cape traffic, I arrive at his house... allegedly. No name on the mailbox, but the letter on the door decoration didn't match the first letter of his last name. Hmmm... (Yet, still easy to explain away; I haven't been deceived or burned before by a hobbyist, and I am not suspicious by nature, so I still was not terribly worried. Perhaps this is naive of me, but lesson learned.)  
 The other issue is that he asserts he is from Maine yet not one of the three cars in the driveway has Maine plates. Odd, but not impossible. More concerning is the fact that there are three cars in the driveway. Is it a surprise party for little Quinnie -- and not the kind I (or any provider would) like?!?!  
 Further, as judgmental as this sounds, his purported house is not consistent with somebody who would spring for a 24 hour session with a provider he has never met. And there were kids toys scattered and abandoned out back throughout the yard.  
 And stupidly, I continued to justify all these details and explain them away. "Maybe his friends have small kiddos, or he has children with youngsters..."  
 No answer when I knocked. When I called his phone was off. I texted, I emailed... and still, nada.  
 Continuing to justify all these little details for him, I told myself that maybe he was out of range, or his phone died, or he was perhaps trying to make an outgoing call simultaneously. Well, he must be making call after call for the past 5 hours because that phone still goes straight to voicemail. And he didn't block just me either; my other cell phone gets the same result.  
 Long story short, this guy was obviously not who he claimed to be and he contacted me for this very purpose, never intending to actually go through with an appointment. And he is still ignoring my contact, which is just irritating; at least respond to me and either say sorry or laugh at me and tell me how he is the superior being for tricking me this way. And my emails have been pretty nice so it's not like I am going to yell at him or shout... I just want him to acknowledge me. And this incident.  
 The sad part is that I didn't go visit a college friend who was in town so I could keep the appointment and I also turned down another appointment request from one of my favorite regulars.  
 Moreover, I left my home at 10am this morning, didn't get to his town until 1pm. Then I waited around until 2:30pm, hit more traffic on the way home and just got back an hour ago at 5:30pm. So I wasted 7 hours for this fool.  
 So, I am pretty pissed. I am at my house, alone and bored, with no friends to play with and feeling like I have some pent up steam I need to blow off... I can't believe that anybody would do this to me -- or to anybody -- and I am kicking myself for allowing this to happen (and also, in part, for writing this as I am sure he is going to relish every minute of reading it!!!).  
 Who has this much time on their hands to mess with providers this way? And what type of person decides this is how they wish to spend one of their two weekend days?  
 I always am so darn optimistic when I head off to meet a new client, and I pray this doesn't remain in the back of my mind. I am sure it won't, but in any situation or setting, it always seems the bad actions of one individual mitigate the good behavior of many. For example, we tend to focus on the one negative comment, ignoring all complements.  
 This jerk is not representative of most hobbyists I meet, and is certainly the opposite of all my current clients who are respectful and kind -- and far too busy with their successful careers to waste their time setting up this type of scenario.  
 I don't know who did this and I don't really care -- I can't do anything anyway nor would I because it does absolutely zero good and is just harmful to his career and family life; in this case, the punishment does not fit the crime -- but I do want to ensure this does not happen again, so... THE QUESTION PART OF THE POST (FINALLY!) for the few of you who are still with me here. :)  
 So my query is:  
 **Do any of the ladies out there require a deposit from a new client who wishes to set up an appointment longer than one hour?**  
 What is your policy on this and how do you collect the deposit?  
 Do any potential clients get upset or decide they don't want to see you after all because they don't want to make the deposit?  
 Also, has this -- or anything like this -- happened to any of you? What did you do in response? (I don't want to do anything retaliatory as that is not my style, but is there anything that could partially make up for this?)  
 And hobbyists, Would you decide not to meet with a provider because she had a deposit policy like the one I am inquiring about? Have you seen anybody with such a requirement?  
 Any feedback or advice you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I am sad and hope never to be in this position again.  
 Hopefully my night will get better soon... :(  

-- Modified on 8/9/2014 6:21:01 PM

as an Indy for LESS than 6months or just barely.

there are a lot of tricks to this trade lots to learn and she is fresh more or less.
Shes bound to make mistakes.
I think its a good lesson in the end it was a time waster and she lost money but noone got hurt and she may next time listen to her gut.
The bottom line always, dont make it about the money. Keep that as an afterthought.
Once you let the money cloud your thinking all sorts of bad things can happen.

As an Indy Quinn is new shes not seasoned so this lesson hopefully goes a long way!

bbbj1480 reads

She lost money ??? She stiffed a guy made him wait and she fucked around and never showed up.. She is a fraud.. You want providers like her representing your business .. Come on she has come out here with 2 major blunders and you want ppl to feel bad for her ..  
Further more really she had a bit of a doubt what was the real story b4 this one but now there is no doubt she was guilty on both cases ..  

Posted By: sweetnicole1
as an Indy for LESS than 6months or just barely.

there are a lot of tricks to this trade lots to learn and she is fresh more or less.
Shes bound to make mistakes.
I think its a good lesson in the end it was a time waster and she lost money but noone got hurt and she may next time listen to her gut.
The bottom line always, dont make it about the money. Keep that as an afterthought.
Once you let the money cloud your thinking all sorts of bad things can happen.

As an Indy Quinn is new shes not seasoned so this lesson hopefully goes a long way!

IsorokuYamamoto1272 reads

But um she's an Ivy grad. Don't they do things like business plans, research, analysis etc? Getting a deposit from a guy not on p411 or TER is rocket science? I'm bumfuzzled.  

Posted By: sweetnicole1
as an Indy for LESS than 6months or just barely.

there are a lot of tricks to this trade lots to learn and she is fresh more or less.
Shes bound to make mistakes.
I think its a good lesson in the end it was a time waster and she lost money but noone got hurt and she may next time listen to her gut.
The bottom line always, dont make it about the money. Keep that as an afterthought.
Once you let the money cloud your thinking all sorts of bad things can happen.

As an Indy Quinn is new shes not seasoned so this lesson hopefully goes a long way!

she is new and by her account it was a lesson.
I do not condone bad behavior from the Ladies or the gents
I do not condone dishonesty  or out right craziness and drama.

I was very beside myself once reading Col2014s post that casts a totally different light and all this nuttiness is out of hands.  {hers I am speaking of}

Up to this point in the thread the client had not given his side so at face value I was only stating by her account its a lesson.

Now...well after reading the clients perspective, very different.
all I can do is shake my head.

No Quinn did not make this up BUT her facts are OFF! I contacted her over a week ago. Asked if she would travel to the Cape. She took two days to reply but said yes. I typically use a well known outcall only agency but her website caught my eye. Reviews were great and I decided to go outside the box. I supplied my real first and last name, my primary home info and my address on the Cape ( outcall location). I ALSO GAVE A REFERENCE! REFERENCE WAS AN AGENCY THAT I HAVE USED FOR 9+ YEARS. Not ONE PROBLEM in 9+ years. She told me she "knew her well", my reference. I would have supplied additional references if requested. This was all done prior to setting up the time/date. She said all ok and she PICKED THE TIME. 1pm for FOUR HOURS-----NEVER SAID EIGHT HOURS. At 12:30 pm on Sat she calls my phone and texts me. Yes I was slow to respond because I was in the shower THOUGHT I HAD A 1PM LADY, SHOWERING. I saw her texts/ 1 call after shower and texted her back because SHE SAID AT 12:30 THAT HER CAR BROKE DOWN YESTERDAY MORNING AND WAS GOING TO BE A LATE BUT IN ROUTE WITH A FRIEND DRIVING! Text not call because she said she was in a car with another person! She never called my phone other than once at 12:30 all text. I replied back to her text said ok, she then texts at 12:45pm said she WAS 2 MILES FROM THE BRIDGE. The bridge is 15min from my door.After an hour went by I started to think something was off. Tried to text, no reply, call, straight to vm. I sat there like an idiot waiting thinking her cell may not have a signal and traffic? Waited ANOTHER HOUR----TWO HOURS TOTAL! Still no text , call or anyone at my house! At that point I left my house angry that I waited like a chump for two hours. I left my house AT 3PM. NO SHE WAS NEVER AT MY HOUSE AT 1PM BECAUSE I WAS SITTING LI8KE A LOSER WAITING FOR HER.  
Come on here and read this as she wrote and I am bewildered. What is the reason for the altered truth? I HAVE TEXTS WHICH I READ AGAIN AFTER READING HER POST HERE.  Why would I give my address if I was going to blow her off? Yeah thats logical????? My reference was solid, years always 3-4 hours because I cant hobby often. I had ONE DAY, SHOULD HAVE CALLED AGENCY!
I never said I didnt read TER Quinn, I dont review. I can see by your post you were assuming it was ok to post altered truths without me replying. I was looking forward to yesterday and gave you all the info anyone has ever needed to screen me, gave a live real living reference you said you knew her well, I was ready at 1pm for our 4hrs ( i never once said ANYTHING ABOUT 8HRS), you had car trouble, I waited and waited and waited. You told me 2 miles from the bridge ( a guy on crutches could WALK to my house from the bridge in less than a half hour), how long should I have waited for you? 3, 4, 5, 6  hours? I waited two and you say you showed at 1pm? LMFAO you were NOT AT MY HOUSE AND TEXTS PROVE IT.  

I am not some guy in a basement as you said, NO there is no grandious scheme to have you drive to my house, is this an attempt to gain relevance through pity? Must be because YOU NEVER SHOWED. You got the last laugh, I did waste my day but dont come on here and lie!  Biggest sad story I ever read and if you really did show up at my house yesterday it had to have been AFTER 3pm. I left at 3pm. Yesterday was a bust but today reading your STORY makes me wonder what the hell are you trying to do? How is your car by the way? Get real!

bbbj1236 reads

So with all the confusion regarding this and the other drama involving Quinn seems to be a pattern of deception..
The problem with people that boast about there intellect are just pretentious  asshole that think everyone is stupid .  
Imagine if you her a deposit.. Lmfao  


Posted By: col2014
No Quinn did not make this up BUT her facts are OFF! I contacted her over a week ago. Asked if she would travel to the Cape. She took two days to reply but said yes. I typically use a well known outcall only agency but her website caught my eye. Reviews were great and I decided to go outside the box. I supplied my real first and last name, my primary home info and my address on the Cape ( outcall location). I ALSO GAVE A REFERENCE! REFERENCE WAS AN AGENCY THAT I HAVE USED FOR 9+ YEARS. Not ONE PROBLEM in 9+ years. She told me she "knew her well", my reference. I would have supplied additional references if requested. This was all done prior to setting up the time/date. She said all ok and she PICKED THE TIME. 1pm for FOUR HOURS-----NEVER SAID EIGHT HOURS. At 12:30 pm on Sat she calls my phone and texts me. Yes I was slow to respond because I was in the shower THOUGHT I HAD A 1PM LADY, SHOWERING. I saw her texts/ 1 call after shower and texted her back because SHE SAID AT 12:30 THAT HER CAR BROKE DOWN YESTERDAY MORNING AND WAS GOING TO BE A LATE BUT IN ROUTE WITH A FRIEND DRIVING! Text not call because she said she was in a car with another person! She never called my phone other than once at 12:30 all text. I replied back to her text said ok, she then texts at 12:45pm said she WAS 2 MILES FROM THE BRIDGE. The bridge is 15min from my door.After an hour went by I started to think something was off. Tried to text, no reply, call, straight to vm. I sat there like an idiot waiting thinking her cell may not have a signal and traffic? Waited ANOTHER HOUR----TWO HOURS TOTAL! Still no text , call or anyone at my house! At that point I left my house angry that I waited like a chump for two hours. I left my house AT 3PM. NO SHE WAS NEVER AT MY HOUSE AT 1PM BECAUSE I WAS SITTING LI8KE A LOSER WAITING FOR HER.    
 Come on here and read this as she wrote and I am bewildered. What is the reason for the altered truth? I HAVE TEXTS WHICH I READ AGAIN AFTER READING HER POST HERE.  Why would I give my address if I was going to blow her off? Yeah thats logical????? My reference was solid, years always 3-4 hours because I cant hobby often. I had ONE DAY, SHOULD HAVE CALLED AGENCY!  
 I never said I didnt read TER Quinn, I dont review. I can see by your post you were assuming it was ok to post altered truths without me replying. I was looking forward to yesterday and gave you all the info anyone has ever needed to screen me, gave a live real living reference you said you knew her well, I was ready at 1pm for our 4hrs ( i never once said ANYTHING ABOUT 8HRS), you had car trouble, I waited and waited and waited. You told me 2 miles from the bridge ( a guy on crutches could WALK to my house from the bridge in less than a half hour), how long should I have waited for you? 3, 4, 5, 6  hours? I waited two and you say you showed at 1pm? LMFAO you were NOT AT MY HOUSE AND TEXTS PROVE IT.  
 I am not some guy in a basement as you said, NO there is no grandious scheme to have you drive to my house, is this an attempt to gain relevance through pity? Must be because YOU NEVER SHOWED. You got the last laugh, I did waste my day but dont come on here and lie!  Biggest sad story I ever read and if you really did show up at my house yesterday it had to have been AFTER 3pm. I left at 3pm. Yesterday was a bust but today reading your STORY makes me wonder what the hell are you trying to do? How is your car by the way? Get real!

growup1403 reads

Posted By: bbbj
So with all the confusion regarding this and the other drama involving Quinn seems to be a pattern of deception..  
 The problem with people that boast about there intellect are just pretentious  asshole that think everyone is stupid .  
 Imagine if you her a deposit.. Lmfao  
 I don't know who to believe, but it's interesting that you believe him 100 percent while not asking any questions. It's possible there was a mix up.

-- Modified on 8/11/2014 4:11:35 PM

bbbj1324 reads

I am glad that your not blinded by the truth or at least the other side to this story..When something like this happens and the pattern starts you gotta wonder whats going on here.
Clearly she has deceived her clients and has tried to ruin there names  out here and thats sooo not cool

Posted By: col2014
No Quinn did not make this up BUT her facts are OFF! I contacted her over a week ago. Asked if she would travel to the Cape. She took two days to reply but said yes. I typically use a well known outcall only agency but her website caught my eye. Reviews were great and I decided to go outside the box. I supplied my real first and last name, my primary home info and my address on the Cape ( outcall location). I ALSO GAVE A REFERENCE! REFERENCE WAS AN AGENCY THAT I HAVE USED FOR 9+ YEARS. Not ONE PROBLEM in 9+ years. She told me she "knew her well", my reference. I would have supplied additional references if requested. This was all done prior to setting up the time/date. She said all ok and she PICKED THE TIME. 1pm for FOUR HOURS-----NEVER SAID EIGHT HOURS. At 12:30 pm on Sat she calls my phone and texts me. Yes I was slow to respond because I was in the shower THOUGHT I HAD A 1PM LADY, SHOWERING. I saw her texts/ 1 call after shower and texted her back because SHE SAID AT 12:30 THAT HER CAR BROKE DOWN YESTERDAY MORNING AND WAS GOING TO BE A LATE BUT IN ROUTE WITH A FRIEND DRIVING! Text not call because she said she was in a car with another person! She never called my phone other than once at 12:30 all text. I replied back to her text said ok, she then texts at 12:45pm said she WAS 2 MILES FROM THE BRIDGE. The bridge is 15min from my door.After an hour went by I started to think something was off. Tried to text, no reply, call, straight to vm. I sat there like an idiot waiting thinking her cell may not have a signal and traffic? Waited ANOTHER HOUR----TWO HOURS TOTAL! Still no text , call or anyone at my house! At that point I left my house angry that I waited like a chump for two hours. I left my house AT 3PM. NO SHE WAS NEVER AT MY HOUSE AT 1PM BECAUSE I WAS SITTING LI8KE A LOSER WAITING FOR HER.    
 Come on here and read this as she wrote and I am bewildered. What is the reason for the altered truth? I HAVE TEXTS WHICH I READ AGAIN AFTER READING HER POST HERE.  Why would I give my address if I was going to blow her off? Yeah thats logical????? My reference was solid, years always 3-4 hours because I cant hobby often. I had ONE DAY, SHOULD HAVE CALLED AGENCY!  
 I never said I didnt read TER Quinn, I dont review. I can see by your post you were assuming it was ok to post altered truths without me replying. I was looking forward to yesterday and gave you all the info anyone has ever needed to screen me, gave a live real living reference you said you knew her well, I was ready at 1pm for our 4hrs ( i never once said ANYTHING ABOUT 8HRS), you had car trouble, I waited and waited and waited. You told me 2 miles from the bridge ( a guy on crutches could WALK to my house from the bridge in less than a half hour), how long should I have waited for you? 3, 4, 5, 6  hours? I waited two and you say you showed at 1pm? LMFAO you were NOT AT MY HOUSE AND TEXTS PROVE IT.  
 I am not some guy in a basement as you said, NO there is no grandious scheme to have you drive to my house, is this an attempt to gain relevance through pity? Must be because YOU NEVER SHOWED. You got the last laugh, I did waste my day but dont come on here and lie!  Biggest sad story I ever read and if you really did show up at my house yesterday it had to have been AFTER 3pm. I left at 3pm. Yesterday was a bust but today reading your STORY makes me wonder what the hell are you trying to do? How is your car by the way? Get real!

countryguy81324 reads

" ... she then texts at 12:45pm said she WAS 2 MILES FROM THE BRIDGE ..."

If push ever comes to shove, remember that the phone company has records identifying the cell tower through which her 12:45 p.m. text message entered the network.  Near the bridge?  Or from a bridge too far?

lvstoski1178 reads

Col2014 aren't you even curious as to whether she made it to the cape?  Does her description of the house, cars or kid toys, look like any in your area?? Neighbor, right street wrong house?  Just trying to see if there was a mix up..... and look no alias!

Realtiycheck2018 reads

That 3 Strikes and Your OUT of here
1) The false review you wined about
2) Scamming money from guys  
3) The Cape Cod fiasco  

Your like the Bitch that Cried Woof Once toooooooo Many

That's so immature - I'm sorry he wasted your time! Look up his number on spokeo!

Frankly, this is getting completely out of hand.

We have one provider who may (or may not) have contributed to a hobbyist being outed a while back.

We have one guy using multiple aliases (or several idiots who banded together) that is (are) carrying out a personal vendetta against her.

If Quinn invented part or all of this episode, the best thing was to ignore her.

If she did not, many folks including other providers explained her folly to her.

We can each make our own adult decision on seeing her (or not).  

Her profession is hard enough to make a go at it without all the venom that is appearing on this board

péineas1353 reads

Given the mysterious outing of personal information of a longtime participant here who just happened to have seen this provider and loaned her money and had the temerity to try to warn hobbyists here when she didn't respond to his inquiries about being paid back and now this, the coincidences are a little too many to continue believing the bullshit "I'm a sweet innocent little provider who is being taken advantage of by mean people" ruse. An alias provides a layer removed from meeting the same fate.  Deal with it.

Realtiycheck1583 reads

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
Frankly, this is getting completely out of hand.  
 We have one provider who may (or may not) have contributed to a hobbyist being outed a while back.  
 We have one guy using multiple aliases (or several idiots who banded together) that is (are) carrying out a personal vendetta against her.  
 If Quinn invented part or all of this episode, the best thing was to ignore her.  
 If she did not, many folks including other providers explained her folly to her.  
 We can each make our own adult decision on seeing her (or not).    
 Her profession is hard enough to make a go at it without all the venom that is appearing on this board.  

IsorokuYamamoto1518 reads

Remind me again who started this trainwreck? Ya I thought so.  

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
Frankly, this is getting completely out of hand.  
 We have one provider who may (or may not) have contributed to a hobbyist being outed a while back.  
 We have one guy using multiple aliases (or several idiots who banded together) that is (are) carrying out a personal vendetta against her.  
 If Quinn invented part or all of this episode, the best thing was to ignore her.  
 If she did not, many folks including other providers explained her folly to her.  
 We can each make our own adult decision on seeing her (or not).    
 Her profession is hard enough to make a go at it without all the venom that is appearing on this board.  

péineas1181 reads

...where negative replies will get moderated.  I'll bet BostonJeff/omgwtfnoway and Col2014 would find this quote interesting:

"All of the posts on the TER boards originate from one individual, essentially turning this into one massive and very public He said/She said debate."

Last I looked, Ms. Ivy League started this current very public debate herself.

Posted By: péineas
...smells fraudulent to me...
Surprisingly, none of us who are vouching are using aliases except you.

-- Modified on 8/15/2014 1:11:38 PM

péineas938 reads

... And post your Quinnie "review" then, ya big WK.

Privateprovider1147 reads

The alias use is NECESSARY for some because of  real world info on many. Maybe you should heed the advice from an alias user. He very well be trying to make others aware of what has been done to him. Is that any less logical than assuming the alias equals false info?  One man tried to help the others and he made the mistake of using his real handle.  Look how that turned out. A difference of opinion is a healthy debate but the bashing of alias use is really silly in this instance.  " the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior".  2+2.

I am not using an alias. I have nothing personal against Quinn or any other person on here. I dont know who you think is banding together. I posted for one reason and one reason only. I gave her a reference, that reference is a reputable agency in Boston. I have used the agency almost exclusively for years. I am assuming she called and talked to the agency before agreeing to see me. I also assume most agencies read or keep up with the goings on here on this board. The agency I use is listed here and her girls have reviews here. Safe assumption she reads this board. If Quinn called and got a reference on me and is now posting this crap about me, how inclined do you think the agency will be to send a lady my way when I call again? When I gave the reference she said "I know her well".  I am not going to let someone lie on my name and the agency think I blew off a girl. There is nothing personal on my end. I WANTED to see her. I sat on posting since last night. Read the post again this morning and read her texts. I would say a bad miscommunication on both ends BUT SHE LIED ON HERE. I dont understand what the game is but use someone elses name, not mine. She cant be texting me saying she is in the car at 1pm and standing in front of any house knocking. I was home and would give her the benefit of doubt that she was at the wrong house if not for that text and others. Then lying saying 8hours? It was 4hours. It goes on and on , the point is she is saying one thing here and another in her own texts. I would have given her a deposit if she asked, I gave her my address even cross roads for her gps. She never showed end of story. There is something going on here but its not me starting trouble for her, its me defending MYSELF. Her text messages contradict her story here which tells me its a game. Why? Dont know, dont care. No conspiracy. There will be another date and another girl. You can believe whoever you want but I wont allow lightening to strike twice.

Best part of this thread for me? The opening line where Quinn says she's  never been one it stir up drama!  
Ted kasincinski the Unabomber was admitted to Harvard at sixteen, so being Ivy League educated or even being intelligent is no guarantee of sanity. This girl is sociopathic in her behavior in so much as she clearly craves attention and feels the need to explain misdeeds as if she was the one wronged. There are many other safe choices that a hobbiest can make so anyone that continues to defend these actions and especially other providers hat have yet to meet her are crazy to contribute to this drama.
Btw anyone at this point that believes she is Ivy League educated is delirious.

$600 to get fucked by a lunatic or $600 to get fucked over by a lunatic and her boyfriend...pass

bbbj1297 reads

So you think it's still one guy with multiple aliases.. Lmfao    

Posted By: OnlyLiveTwice
Frankly, this is getting completely out of hand.  
 We have one provider who may (or may not) have contributed to a hobbyist being outed a while back.  
 We have one guy using multiple aliases (or several idiots who banded together) that is (are) carrying out a personal vendetta against her.  
 If Quinn invented part or all of this episode, the best thing was to ignore her.  
 If she did not, many folks including other providers explained her folly to her.  
 We can each make our own adult decision on seeing her (or not).    
 Her profession is hard enough to make a go at it without all the venom that is appearing on this board.  

GoingForIt!1348 reads

I think the only "Likes" Quin has scored have been by her and her 3 WK's.
It's a blowout baby!

Ever think that this girl saw a lot of boston  before this all started. One guy tried to warn others and wound up on a blacklist. Who the hell would comment now without an alias? Slamming alias use says she must not have your real info. Give her your info, give her some cash, let her put your real name on a blacklist and trash you on here, then give your opinion.

HonkeyPox1984 reads

Through an apparently doctored tale of waaaaa, attempt to build support from and provide justification to the Boston hobbyist community for her asking for DEPOSITS, in my humble speculation. Very strategic.  

"Of course I have to ask for a deposit! I don't want to, but didn't you read on TER how that mean guy burned me?"

Oh Quinny.....I'm so sorry that you were put through this ordeal :)     With each one of these Quinn threads over the past several weeks we see less and less of the Quinny lemmings posting support for her.    From what we have seen in these various threads she is clearly a pathological liar, but also intelligent and a skilled/experienced appears she has wrapped some guys around her finger with her stories and manipulation.     The Ivy League story is complete bs.   Anyone that would schedule with her now or believe anything that she says, needs to have their head examined.

why waste any time responding orc commenting this pathetic wretch's posts? aside from not seeing her the board feeds her need for attention
anyone seeing this douche or anyone who supports her is tempting fate with a psycho(s)

Posted By: skip_ibt
Oh Quinny.....I'm so sorry that you were put through this ordeal :)     With each one of these Quinn threads over the past several weeks we see less and less of the Quinny lemmings posting support for her.    From what we have seen in these various threads she is clearly a pathological liar, but also intelligent and a skilled/experienced appears she has wrapped some guys around her finger with her stories and manipulation.     The Ivy League story is complete bs.   Anyone that would schedule with her now or believe anything that she says, needs to have their head examined.  

starquarterback1453 reads

Um... really? :) I had to laugh a little reading this again. That quote cracked me up. But I have to give you credit. These threads are more entertaining than Orange is the New Black episodes.

Seriously though I think it might be time for you to walk away from this profession. You've lost the ability to keep a low profile so it might not be worth it for you anymore. I say that with compassion and not in a judgmental or critical way. I realize that there is a human being on the other end of this. This occupation comes with a lot of risk and a lot of drama.

who_said_that1725 reads

I would have a different opinion of you if you were thankful to those that helped you in your time of need, and if those individuals were now praising you for how pleasantly you treated them after recovering from your crisis.  But such a scenario has not panned out, has it???

southpaw581198 reads

So I have not met Quinn, but I find myself wondering how many of you actually have even though you are all quick to condemn. It feels like kind of a mob mentality. Reminds of the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Who are most of you to judge without first hand knowledge. Just saying!

growup1631 reads

Posted By: southpaw58
So I have not met Quinn, but I find myself wondering how many of you actually have even though you are all quick to condemn. It feels like kind of a mob mentality. Reminds of the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Who are most of you to judge without first hand knowledge. Just saying!
Yes. It's funny how all the insults are coming from people using aliases

bbbj1304 reads

Using an alias just like you are .DB

Posted By: growup
Posted By: southpaw58
So I have not met Quinn, but I find myself wondering how many of you actually have even though you are all quick to condemn. It feels like kind of a mob mentality. Reminds of the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Who are most of you to judge without first hand knowledge. Just saying!
 Yes. It's funny how all the insults are coming from people using aliases.  

growup1137 reads

I didn't saw it's wrong to use aliases, but if you're going to attack, attack like a man.

bbbj1077 reads

Why are u using an alias ?  

Posted By: growup
 I didn't saw it's wrong to use aliases, but if you're going to attack, attack like a man.

growup1255 reads

ecause you are. You're not man enough to argue with your real id.

who_said_that1365 reads

She is not at all apologetic to those she “borrowed from” and is still in denial of other facts.  Or has she paid back those that helped in her time of need?  What do you know firsthand?

Salem Witchcraft?  That's the kind of drama Quinn would write.

southpaw581782 reads

Who said that --- you just proved my point about zero credibility with many of these posts. Clearly in referencing my post you no nothing about me or my post. It's kind of amusing that you think I am Quinn. I don't know the lady, and if your information is like any of the rest, none of it is credible. Thanks for the help in deciphering who said what!

who_said_that1301 reads

Especially when facts are being called out.

Realtiycheck1299 reads

Posted By: southpaw58
So I have not met Quinn, but I find myself wondering how many of you actually have even though you are all quick to condemn. It feels like kind of a mob mentality. Reminds of the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Who are most of you to judge without first hand knowledge. Just saying![/quote
This is your second   WK posting of her
Have U  NOT read all her lies that were Caught ?
Or are U just brown nosing up to her so she can give U a discount

who_said_that1671 reads

"Quinn" is becoming synonymous with a real, un-rushed GFE service so authentic it seems that, for our time together at least, I really am your girlfriend. When you are with me, the world around you will seem to stop and any cares and worries will rapidly dissolve from your mind.    
So, if you want to see what all the hype is about while I am visiting for a few days, please don't hesitate to drop me a line via PM or email, or visit my website (below) for more information.    
 Don't you deserve it?  
 Quinn Adams  
 Boston's Ivy League Sweetheart

starquarterback1207 reads

I can't wait till the next one. It keeps the board interesting. :)

péineas1067 reads

Don't worry, we will get another one within a day or two because this one has fallen off the front page of the forum. Have to keep the drama front and center.

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