
Re: Ghosting (no call/no show, cancellation...)
Paydirt123456 9 Reviews 140 reads

right, well hopefully the rest of the world finally listens to me and we move to a system of electronic currency, lol...
obviously cancellations/ghosting go way the hell down if a deposit is already made.
I know, whole lot of legal mumbo jumbo in play here: is the deposit protected?  against what?  failure of performance?  what performance?  blah blah blah, before I'm dead somebody's gonna figure it out, I'm calling it, you heard it first!!!

I saw Kiki Michelle once a long time ago.  The session was pretty good even though it was limited: massage and BBBJ for a very reasonable rate.  She has pretty positive reviews here.  I texted her one afternoon recently and we made a date for the next afternoon.  I arrive on time after driving a half hour. When I get there I have a text from her saying she has to cancel. I hadn't been watching my phone while I was driving. She also offered me a discount the next time we get together, which will be never. She apologized but I was pissed. She is a flake as far as I am concerned.

You had to drive a whole 1/2 hour?  Seriously?

At least you weren't watching your phone while driving. That puts you among the 10% who are smart drivers - will give you that...

Anyway, if this type of stuff causes you to have a cow and call out a provider, poor you...

I'm sorry she cancelled you, that sucks.  At least she did tell you, instead of simply not answering when you showed up.
And she offered you a discount?  That's really sweet of her, didn't think that ever happened in this hobby of ours.

Life happens, sometimes out of our control. At least on the rare times girls have to cancel there is usually a valid reason behind it.
BOSTON MEN are so much worse.
I haven't even been here very long and do you know how many times MEN have cancelled half hour before AFTER I have paid to check into a hotel? or even worse told me they are on their way and suddenly ghosted because something else came up and they don't think the appointment they have made is worthy of a text to say Sorry something has come up.

Yeah its a bummer you had to drive half hour but at least you haven't sat around waiting for them nor have you  had to cough up money for a hotel that is now not being used. That's my evening, yep and I am pissed to, but I feel like mine is more earned.

Exactly why I prefer to stick to outcalls primarily. I may not get as much business that way, but at least I don't end up throwing money away, so I think it evens out in the end.

curious: have you been cancelled/ghosted on any outcall appointments?  how about other providers you speak with?

Only once in the last couple of years has it happened to me on an outcall. In comparison with incalls it was at least once or twice per week I'd get last minute cancellations or just straight no shows.

GiselleMcpherson- sorry for your troubles.  I don't know how many times it's happened to you (being cancelled/ghosted).  I'm interested in the topic, I sadly cancelled/ghosted in the past and am interested in stopping the trend

Thank you, you have made me feel a little bit better this evening.
It makes me happy to hear that you are wanting to stop the trend, and show some remorse, especially after my evening.

It happens more than you think. Last week I wasted $450 on hotels that went unused due to people cancelling last minute or ghosting. I get things come up, and sometimes you really can't make it, but it really is just getting beyond a joke.

It's not even just about the money.
This evening I had a 7pm booking. He contacted me prior to say he was stuck at the office and could he possibly reschedule it until 9pm. I said that was fine my schedule aloud it. He let me know he was out of the meeting and asked the location, said he was on his way and never showed up.
Putting the money aside, I spent my entire evening sitting around for someone that didn't even have the decency to at least let me know they changed their mind and wanted to head straight home.

Honestly for me personally while I was annoyed that I had wasted my evening sitting around when I could have done other things, what really made my blood boil, was the fact that I didn't even get a text saying sorry I can't make it. Even when I texted asking how far away he was, and if he was still coming, I received silence.

Its respectful and well just basic common courtesy which sadly in todays day and age is vanishing to the point of extinction.

right, well hopefully the rest of the world finally listens to me and we move to a system of electronic currency, lol...
obviously cancellations/ghosting go way the hell down if a deposit is already made.
I know, whole lot of legal mumbo jumbo in play here: is the deposit protected?  against what?  failure of performance?  what performance?  blah blah blah, before I'm dead somebody's gonna figure it out, I'm calling it, you heard it first!!!

If that's the worst thing that has happened to you in hobbyland you are very lucky.

Thank you for not reading texts while driving.

Same thing happened to me with Kiki. Not once, not twice, but three time. Disappointing because I really wanted to meet her but I moved on.  

So Kiki's a flake?  Good to know.  I'll cross her off my fuckit list.

She cancelled on me once at the last minute. I rescheduled and was glad I did!

It seems as though you're more upset about the 30 minute drive than you are of Kiki's cancellation.  WTF?!  Dude, 30 minutes is NOTHING in this hobby!

As far as the cancellation is concerned, life happens.  People have last minute things they need to do and TRUST me, the girls' reasons for cancelling (if they give one) are usually a hell of a lot more legit than a guys' reasons (excuses)


PS. She also didn't need to offer to make amends, but she did.  I guess you're on all the girls' must see list now....

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