
No Good Deed.....
8567000 92 Reviews 785 reads

...goes unpunished!

Last Tuesday my Public Service Announcement in  post got pulled, I got an answer back from TER today on why it got pulled.
They said "Providers are constantly complaining about this"  

So my question to you ladies is what is the problem with the post

Your posts, since they focus primarily on EROS ads (which are predominantly touring providers) are seen by the local Providers who don't want to pay for EROS as extra pseudo ads for the competition.  

There is a cadre of local providers in every region that rely on the grass roots marketing strategies that are inherent in the TER structure.  

Developing a board presence,  responding to  threads, posting threADs about innocuous local topics, swarming ISO's, etc...  Since their TER reviews are linked to their handles, every opportunity to post is really a free, defacto ad.

Your posts give attention to those who don't put in the same effort and are direct competition.  

When I modded regional boards, including Boston, the ads were on the regular board, but I never had to worry too much about monitoring them for noncompliance because my PM inbox would would fill with complaints within ten minutes of a non compliant ad being posted.  In fact, ANY post that was questionable resulted in about ten PM'S per hour including the local WK's who were prompted to PM me by the offended Provider(s).

I disagree with your posts being pulled.  The free Provider marketing that the locals enjoy is ancillary to the true purpose of this site, which is sharing information FOR the Hobbyist.  The complainers should have been told to suck it up since your posts contain valid information and are not intended as pseudo ads.

BTW, I would bet my left nut that most of the guys that complain about your posts do so at the prompting of local providers either overtly or because of pillow talk bitching about how you interfere with their business.  

I, for one, appreciate the efforts you put in.

Yet anyone can post on Eros or any ad venue

I have seen Lamonts posts of providers questioning their legitimacy, I have seen him piss off more than a few. Not saying he's right or wrong but I see where he could be pissing ppl off.

I also agree his posts are helpful,

When a reason of "Too many Providers complaining" is given, it means that support is just tired of the grief from the street corner protectors.

Most of them will never come out publicly and admit it because part of the marketing is perpetuating the illusion that they are just Nymphomaniacs who get a little donation to be the roaring sluts that they are rather than businesswomen looking to protect their market.

Hey Lamont i love your posts i enjoy reading who is naughty and who is nice. I know my pictures are legit and i appreciate that when i am coming to town you are letting the people on ter who don't know me know i am legit . thank you. I understand that not everyone advertises on eros. than let someone else pick up the slack for other sites. I think it is wrong for them to pull your posts. I really enjoy reading it and checking out the hot ladies and i love the pictures you put at the end. I am not gay. Just flexible;-)

If someone advertises on other sites why dont they do what you do. I think the members of ter will be penalized if they take your posts down. I wish NYC and San Francisco where I also work had someone doing the same thing.

with that said i do have a question. I too have been curious about other good sites to advertise on. i really dont like city vibe it is very messy site. But if anyone can suggest other good places to advertise especially on the west coast i would appreciate

Just to finish thank you lamont

be well

Holly Paige

Hmmmm pretty interesting side/explanation I never thought about.

Posted By: DC.
Your posts, since they focus primarily on EROS ads (which are predominantly touring providers) are seen by the local Providers who don't want to pay for EROS as extra pseudo ads for the competition.  
 There is a cadre of local providers in every region that rely on the grass roots marketing strategies that are inherent in the TER structure.  
 Developing a board presence,  responding to  threads, posting threADs about innocuous local topics, swarming ISO's, etc...  Since their TER reviews are linked to their handles, every opportunity to post is really a free, defacto ad.  
 Your posts give attention to those who don't put in the same effort and are direct competition.  
 When I modded regional boards, including Boston, the ads were on the regular board, but I never had to worry too much about monitoring them for noncompliance because my PM inbox would would fill with complaints within ten minutes of a non compliant ad being posted.  In fact, ANY post that was questionable resulted in about ten PM'S per hour including the local WK's who were prompted to PM me by the offended Provider(s).  
 I disagree with your posts being pulled.  The free Provider marketing that the locals enjoy is ancillary to the true purpose of this site, which is sharing information FOR the Hobbyist.  The complainers should have been told to suck it up since your posts contain valid information and are not intended as pseudo ads.  
 BTW, I would bet my left nut that most of the guys that complain about your posts do so at the prompting of local providers either overtly or because of pillow talk bitching about how you interfere with their business.  
 I, for one, appreciate the efforts you put in.

Panthera12577 reads

But DC. hit the nail on the head. Local providers think that your posts are hurting their business by drawing attention to visiting providers. So they banded together and complained.  

Maybe we should take a poll so TER can see just how popular your PSA's are.  


-- Modified on 7/25/2014 8:33:04 AM

They felt that being on the list had negative implications...that it was a "problem" list.  You have explained many times that this is not the intent, that the list is informational only.  But many ladies on the list want it to "go away" right or wrong as they may be.

I understand you are trying to help.  My personal opinion that your lists provide excessive inconclusive information.  Lots of stuff to read but it doesn't get you off square one.  There would be much more value in a list of actual "scammers".

-- Modified on 7/25/2014 12:08:47 PM

Are you sure about that:  

This post:
Eros ad for Chanel LaBelle:  
Hits on Photo: Nothing  
Search of Phone# 404 823 0564:  
Search of Email: Nothing  

Now there is a link to her 16 pages of reviews, now how inconclusive it that?  

Eros ad for Samantha:  
Hits on Photo:  
Search of Phone# 970 449 3996: Nothing
Search of Email: Nothing  

Now there is a link to her borrowed photos, what is so inconclusive about that?  

Eros ad for Leilani:  
Hits on Photo: Nothing  
Search of Phone# 702 701 0340: Nothing
Search of Email: Nothing  

Now this one you say is inconclusive.

But you got to remember this one thing DT Lover, What you see in my research is exactly want what you would find if you did it yourself.  

So how can this research be so  inconclusive? and if you can't get off of square one as you say with this research, maybe you shouldn't hobbyin

"So how can this research be so  inconclusive? and if you can't get off of square one as you say with this research, maybe you shouldn't hobbyin"


I like the pictures and do appreciate the efforts you put in, even though I don't make use of your info myself.

I am telling you there have been ladies on your list that did not like being on your list.  I am not saying anyone is right or wrong.

Your criticisms of local agencies have been damaging, but I will leave that topic for a later thread.

QuinnAdams1142 reads

I don't really see a problem with your lists ever and basically think that any tricks that some of the less reputable providers are pulling have the potential to make everybody look bad. I definitely see the merit in what you do and would never complain to anybody unless I brought it to you first.

That said, I also see how your PSAs have the potential to appear as though they favor some young ladies -- and I
Guess you could make the argument that they favor everybody who pays the very expensive monthly fee for Eros. I, for example, will never be on one.

Overall though, I don't think the weekly reports are a big deal and I feel they do more good than harm.

You think you know what you are talking about and you don't have even the slightest idea.  And you insist you do, which is arrogant

He claims she's fake, ir someone else and I agree when you are wrong its a shit show.
we are not playing here we are running a business and it can be a real problem.

I have never had an issue myself but have read the many threads and some he should just mind his own business I have to say yes with this I also agree...

IsorokuYamamoto730 reads

That's too funny. I guess you're rated how you're rated for a reason.

Posted By: DinahMight
You think you know what you are talking about and you don't have even the slightest idea.  And you insist you do, which is arrogant.  

Panthera12691 reads

Are you sure that you are even on the right thread?

IsorokuYamamoto593 reads

Scratch another from the list..........

Posted By: Panthera12
Are you sure that you are even on the right thread?  

include only the scammers and not the legit ladies.

Posted By: LamontCranston69
Last Tuesday my Public Service Announcement in  post got pulled, I got an answer back from TER today on why it got pulled.  
 They said "Providers are constantly complaining about this"  
 So my question to you ladies is what is the problem with the post?  

JoeAverageHobbyist747 reads

Bottom line, the list is not for the benefit of providers, it is for the benefit of hobbyists.  If the providers don't like what site the list is compiled from or how it's formatted or who is listed on it, etc. too bad.  TER is site for hobbyists to exchange information, not a marketing and advertising site catering to the whims of providers.  Lamont is the one who took the initiative, spends his time researching and posts the list every week, so he is the only one who gets to decide what the list consists of.  End of story.

I don't know who is upset with the list I've never had a problem but he has been wrong before and its not fair when he casts doubt in the direction of someone legit.

I get that you don't give a shit about providers opinions on anything   I guess its good you're not in charge.

I say lets be fair to everyone. Singling out someone and damaging their reputation can damage their business. That's just not fair

Panthera12671 reads

and just because they took it down does not mean that they made the right decision.

I'm not for nor am I against.

I'm just agreeing...well, nothings perfect.

Privateprovider874 reads

I see Lamonts posts as informative for the men and think he puts a lot of time and effort into helping others.  No issues with Lamonts posts from me BUT: your view of ter being a site for men and men only is incorrect. Women are paying the same vip to belong as you.  They are advertising TER on their websites as well. Those websites bring memberships into TER. TER treats the women with respect and is quick to address fake reviews etc. This treatment draws more women to TER.  There are other sites that imho don't hold a candle to TER.  This is why we women choose to advertise, participate in the boards, join vip and advertise TER on our websites. TER is a success in no small part because of their fair treatment of all members. Men and women alike.  

Posted By: JoeAverageHobbyist
Bottom line, the list is not for the benefit of providers, it is for the benefit of hobbyists.  If the providers don't like what site the list is compiled from or how it's formatted or who is listed on it, etc. too bad.  TER is site for hobbyists to exchange information, not a marketing and advertising site catering to the whims of providers.  Lamont is the one who took the initiative, spends his time researching and posts the list every week, so he is the only one who gets to decide what the list consists of.  End of story.

I think the posts on new Eros ads are very useful.

Just last week I read a review of a guy who was met at the door by a gal who was  not the one depicted by the photos in her eros ad.  If he had read LC69's posting the week before he would have know that the pics were copied from other sites.

I think any one helping the community should be allowed to post.  I have seen help provied from both providers and guys.  Often there is someone to object, but that in fact is part of a discussion board.

No one can claim that his posts do not pertain to the hobby in Boston.

Let them stay up!!  LC69, if they can be made clearer please do so.  I think they are pretty clear when theyshow either reviews on TER or pics from other sites.  I certainly do not think LC69 should determine whom others see, but providing some context is a good thing in my mind

Realtiycheck964 reads

Posted By: Foodyguy
I think the posts on new Eros ads are very useful.  
 Just last week I read a review of a guy who was met at the door by a gal who was  not the one depicted by the photos in her eros ad.  If he had read LC69's posting the week before he would have know that the pics were copied from other sites.  
 I think any one helping the community should be allowed to post.  I have seen help provied from both providers and guys.  Often there is someone to object, but that in fact is part of a discussion board.  
 No one can claim that his posts do not pertain to the hobby in Boston.  
 Let them stay up!!  LC69, if they can be made clearer please do so.  I think they are pretty clear when theyshow either reviews on TER or pics from other sites.  I certainly do not think LC69 should determine whom others see, but providing some context is a good thing in my mind.  
Lamont posts are meant for us hobbyiest and they are VERY helpful

I agree that maybe some kind of disclaimer from Lamont would suffice.

I always thought he was just putting out there what he found not making any conclusive statements. I know it's been discussed here before that many interpret that if a lady is on "the list", it's perceived that she's questionable.


I don't know LC69, but I appreciate his service.  My very first attempt at hobbling was an Eros scam.  Since that time, I've read reviews where other newbies fell into the same trap.  If we had seen LC's work, we could have saved time, money, and frustration.

Like the TER reviews, pics, and websites, LC's posts are a part of the information needed to make a good hobbying decision.  If someone who posts an Eros ad doesn't have reviews or a website, it doesn't necessarily men that the provider is a scam artist, though the probabilities are much higher than otherwise.  I've seen women blatantly change their names after a bad review or steal pics, particularly from London.  Anything reasonable to prevent those people from succeeding is a good thing.  Making a decision on a first-time encounter can be difficult under the best of circumstances.  It is very helpful to know that certain info at your disposal may be suspect and probably should be disregarded.

As for the claim that LC's posts gives Eros advertisers or visitors more visibility, I don't see that.  Locals can and do advertise on Eros and TER.  

I find this whole issue rather ridiculous.  There are many boards where the people who get noticed are the loudest, most obnoxious, and most inaccurate.  LC takes a professional, low-key approach to providing info that helps us guys make good choices.  I'm sure his work takes a fair amount of time.  I think he is to be commended, not criticized or censured.

In addition to the very worthwhile substance of LC's posts, the fabulous pics are a great touch in our fantasy world.

I give LC a 10/10.

For example, when you have "Hits on photos" and Lamont puts "nothing", that actually is a good thing.  It's when you get a link that means it is borrowed pics.  But not everyone understands this so when you have a provider listed and all her attributes show "nothing", and just one link to her reviews, people may think it is negative.  So hence the confusion and requests for the post to be pulled.

Agreed, though I hope people are not making that mistake.  Thinking is vastly underrated.   :)

I saw a gentleman a while back who said something about being glad he saw me in spite of seeing my listing on a 'list' - this list. Board regulars know how the list works, but there are many more lurkers here than regulars, and, frankly, the lurkers are the preferred clients for most ladies. I wasn't one of the ladies who complained, but since you asked - getting 'flagged' on the board is one of the reasons I haven't visited Boston in a long time. It's not a deal breaker for me by itself, but it's definitely not a positive for me.

Why are providers running this or any other public board here? Last time I checked, this is the hobbyist's board, not the provider board. The provider board is the private PO board so if they don't like your very helpful PSA posts, they can go bitch about it there. TER is wrong for pulling your posts and if that was happening on my local board, I'd be pissed at the TER admins, They're fucking up royal with this decision. Are you reading this TER Admins? You fucked up.

I'll bet anything that the providers complaining about your posts aren't exactly the up-and-up stellar performers...

individual to make a determination about the how legit a particular Eros ad is.  At the end of a particular search you may see Lamont post this "In 2 cities at the same time".  That is good legit information.  99% chance there is something shady going on.  If a provider feels there is an explanation for advertising that they'll be in 2 cities at the same time, then by all means explain how you do it.  If you have come up with some kind of teleportation device, then please share the technology, cause I would love to use it to avoid rush hour traffic to and from work.  Hell, in the Wash DC Friday PSA there was one with "In 4 cities at the same time" note.  
     If a provider finds something amiss with Lamont's post, then she should contact him with the correct info and have him post a correction or errata notice.  Also, if the information about bad phone numbers is there, then a provider may want to clean up a few of the website she advertises and put in the correct and current info.  I really doubt that Lamont is making up bad phone numbers in order to fuck with any of the providers.  The providers should use his posts as a check on what is out there about themselves.  That would make good business sense, imo.


-- Modified on 7/27/2014 8:53:49 AM

-- Modified on 7/27/2014 8:57:38 AM

No man in Boston should be getting ripped off, and for that every legitimate lady who doesn't use fake pics or rip clients off should be thankful. In Dallas, EROS is not used by the locals because there are at least 3-12 questionable girls at any given time who advertise monthly. I'm sure the guys who post RIPOFF reviews on these ladies at least every month wish you did this in my city.  

Most men don't screen their Companions and they end up having a terrible time, and it affects how they feel about what's possible in this industry. There are women that operate with integrity, at least on a base level. Your posts are a complete service to them and the men who are looking for them.

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