
new to the hobby/bbbj
canjockey 85 Reviews 1328 reads

I have had a few bbbj's from a few providers. should I be worried about catching anything. I know it may be a silly question, but I had to ask.

You have no idea what your provider may be carrying and when she was tested (what her status is) and how many other gents she has been servicing bbbj and what their status is. Many people are under the impression that they know their status and are "clean" based on basic std testing they had months or even years ago. It is much more complicated than that. Testing requires much more than just an Oraquick for HIV, you need full battery testing for all std's and to be sure that you are not only testing negative for HIV but following up with serum levels and oral swabs/penile/vaginal swabs/ blood work to completely rule out any other silent infections as well as HPV, Gonorreah, Syphillis, Trich, and Hep infections which are on the rise as well as HSV 1 and 2. There are more as well you can easily educate yourself about.

Never assume that the other person is being honest and forthcoming. People lie to protect their own interests. What may feel good for a moment can have lasting repercussions for a lifetime. Get yourself tested for reassurance and be proactive in your sexual health and practices instead of reactive.  

Hindsight is always 20/20 and there are players on both sides of this hobby who are known to continue to play regardless of the risks they may impose to others. Play safe and be careful. Common sense should always prevail.


responses I have read on the board regarding this topic. Thank you Grace.  

May I ask one question. Over the years I have read MANY posts where people are under the impression that bbbj is much safer than bbfs. I am no expert by any means but it seems to me that either is of equal risk.  


Posted By: GraceShepherd
You have no idea what your provider may be carrying and when she was tested (what her status is) and how many other gents she has been servicing bbbj and what their status is. Many people are under the impression that they know their status and are "clean" based on basic std testing they had months or even years ago. It is much more complicated than that. Testing requires much more than just an Oraquick for HIV, you need full battery testing for all std's and to be sure that you are not only testing negative for HIV but following up with serum levels and oral swabs/penile/vaginal swabs/ blood work to completely rule out any other silent infections as well as HPV, Gonorreah, Syphillis, Trich, and Hep infections which are on the rise as well as HSV 1 and 2. There are more as well you can easily educate yourself about.  
 Never assume that the other person is being honest and forthcoming. People lie to protect their own interests. What may feel good for a moment can have lasting repercussions for a lifetime. Get yourself tested for reassurance and be proactive in your sexual health and practices instead of reactive.    
 Hindsight is always 20/20 and there are players on both sides of this hobby who are known to continue to play regardless of the risks they may impose to others. Play safe and be careful. Common sense should always prevail.  

Bbbj is absolutely no safer than BBFS. Not by a long shot, anyone under that false belief should take a long hard look in the mirror and sit themselves down for an honest self talk about risk, and realize that having multiple partners immediately puts you in a high risk category. Safer sex practices, regular testing, open communication and the use of condoms and dental dams to reduce your risk of transmitting std's is essential to a safer and more rewarding healthy sex life. A good provider will know how to make all of this still very fun, sensual, and arousing.  

Don't share toys, always sterilize your toys after use and don't be afraid to ask questions if you enjoy things like strap on and prostate work. Make people wash their hands, don gloves, and sanitize their equipment and cover it in front of you.  

Now go forth and have wild, fun, safe adventures!


Very little regulation in the industry and despite claims that parlors sterilize everything it continues to be a source of blood born illnesses.

Then I suggest you stay out of the tattoo parlor or perform due diligence before getting that heart tattoo with MOM on it for Mother's Day. Again, sterile technique, watching and asking questions (can you wash your hands please?) can help you. If your ink needles are not coming from a sterile package being opened in front of you then stop and ask why. Only you can advocate for your health and safety. No one is going to do it for you. Very few infectious blood borne pathogens are actually traced back to licensed tattoo shops. It is possible with poor infection control but unlikely. Most pathogens transferred during tattoos happen in prisons or other unregulated places such as tattoo parties and in home shops

Not true. There are licenses for parlors but no oversight. Even the chemicals used in the ink are not regulated. Try giving blood with tattoos and see what happens.

You had better do your home work sugar pie because as long as you wait the 12 months to heal the Red Cross will gladly accept your donation so long as you meet their criteria. All blood products are fully tested. There are folks with tattoos who donate blood and are listed as organ donors. With shortages of whole blood products everyone is encouraged to donate if they can even the inked! Gasp! Please don't faint...smelling salts are available!

bignuts777 reads

You dare say that "BBBJ is absolutely no safer than BBFS"You have know idea what you are talking about ..NONE.
First off there have been NO NONE NODDA a single case of HIV as a result of a blow job giving or receiving.BBFS is a risk but a small one for men a greater one for women.The cases of HIV from men to woman is about 2000 total cases in the US HIV history.However herpes is a far greater concern for all parties. DENTAL DAM wow I have never heard of a provider requesting all of those things.But to each there own.
Get your facts straight...

Posted By: GraceShepherd
Bbbj is absolutely no safer than BBFS. Not by a long shot, anyone under that false belief should take a long hard look in the mirror and sit themselves down for an honest self talk about risk, and realize that having multiple partners immediately puts you in a high risk category. Safer sex practices, regular testing, open communication and the use of condoms and dental dams to reduce your risk of transmitting std's is essential to a safer and more rewarding healthy sex life. A good provider will know how to make all of this still very fun, sensual, and arousing.  
 Don't share toys, always sterilize your toys after use and don't be afraid to ask questions if you enjoy things like strap on and prostate work. Make people wash their hands, don gloves, and sanitize their equipment and cover it in front of you.  
 Now go forth and have wild, fun, safe adventures!  

Privateprovider604 reads

Sorry bignuts but this subject is far too important to have bs stats. 2000 diagnosed cases of male to female HIV transmission in the US? Uhmmmm no. Center for Disease Control Google it. 8,650 cases of male to female transmission in 2012. That's one year.  So your 2000 in US history is inaccurate.  Grace gave the correct answers whether you choose to follow is your business but please don't post a rebuttal until YOU do your homework.  Suggesting that BBFS is low risk is foolish.  Geesh even 6th grade sex ed they teach the risks of BBFS. Ty Grace for trying to keep us all healthy while we play!


Awesome post and accurate.  Anyone with basic common sense and open eyes can do some medical research on the internet and see that BBBJ is not safe, and there are a variety of STD's that are transmitted that way.   I think some forget what sort of game this is and the people that we are meeting who have had hundreds/thousands of different sex partners, and each of those partners have had hundreds/thousands of different sex partners, etc, etc.   But some mongers would rather die than give up their BBBJ !   BBBJ or Die

irst Privateprovider I didn't say there was no risk for BBFS I also said women to man is less risky .. Also the cdc say condom are only 80% effective .. Seems s but low for using protection .. Do you know why it's so low oh great one?  
To say a bbbj is unsafe is not true .. Show me any supporting articles to show me when a HIV case was reported. But I'm sure you know it all .. Btw what provider uses a dental dam maybe TER should put that in there reviews now!! Lmfaoooooo

Privateprovider556 reads

I did read your post.  Your words "the cases of HIV from men to women is about 2000 total cases in the US HIV history". I addressed your exact words.  Oh great one?  Hardly,  I googled the CDC website for the stats.

Bbfs is obviously beyond any doubt the most risky behavior there is ... Unless you plan on sharing needles with a provider too, bbbj is really only primarily unsafe for the blower not too risky for the blowee...mouth sores being the major risk here but daty is super unsafe for the person at the Y ( according to a Dr. I am friendly with who also happens to hobby quite often. Dfk btw also risky, the context here is what's risky and what suicidal, the hobby is risky for the most part and false sense of safety due to clientele being more affluent or the lady being more expensive is myth. Best thing to do is have fun use caution and exchange the least amount of fluids as possible. IMHO working gals are still safer and cleaner than some girl you meet in a club looking to sport fuck

ShortNotice471 reads

I don't doubt the validity of what most of you are saying about STD's, and that's what makes it really depressing that you can't DATY, DFK, or for the woman BBBJ without major risks. Add that to  the fact that we're all covered during intercourse, and it takes a lot of the enjoyment out of it. Maybe I should just buy one of those Fleshlight fuck holes lol

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