
My Boston schedule for July
Coastalclaire 20622 reads

Good morning gentlemen,

My recent trips to Boston have been both so enjoyable and successful that I am trying to fit more journeys to your town into my plans. As a true independent, I feel it most appropriate to commence my more frequent travels to your "cradle of liberty" during this month of both American and French independence, so here's the dates I will be in your fair city:

July 7 - 10; July 17 - 20; and July 28 - 31. Although I am usually located in the Andover or Peabody area, some people have requested I try for a more central location and I will consider giving that a shot at least during one of these trips.

Many of you have shown both the courtesy and kindness of booking in advance and I truly appreciate it. As those of you who have seen me know, I do not like watching clocks and I really like making sure each client is completely and totally satisfied.

This being the case, I hope I will hear from many of you in the ensuing days so that I can fill up all the openings I may have (double entendre intended). I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July... here's to independence, the pursuit of happiness and treating each other as well as we can...



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