
Maybe re-read my post ....
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 83 reads

My point was that in this particular instance, he got thru a high profile provider like Candace's screening protocols, NOT that he (or any other client) should expect a referral from Candace (or any other provider) especially after a poor OR fake review.  

You can disagree with my premise, bit it that would include all "fake reviewers", not just the one CC is referring to in the OP.  

Talk about things that make you go hmmmm.

I'm so sick of people writing fake reviews! My first is from "Lika2525"- claiming we met in NYC, when I had clearly been in Paris all month.

The next is new from "NeoGeo2017", claiming we did GFE but COF was included...  
2. Why would I do a GFE session for this when I am known for my PSE sessions?
3. Why in the WORLD would I have someone to my private incall who clearly has no other provider references?

I'm waiting on TER to take these down, the latest one is new but when asked to provide details of the session of course I never get a response. You can't provide details about someone you've never met in person! I am low volume and I don't have time to see new clients every month, especially people who are crude and can barely string together sentences. Rather than another provider writing these, it's obvious it's just people who don't want to pay for the VIP membership.

Hope you get it all situated love

Seems pretty stupid to do a fake review on an Indy to get VIP when it could be so easily disputed. I would think if the goal was to get VIP one would post a review of an agency girl who is much less likely to see the review or even care. Thats one of the main reasons I dont like to see Agency girls.

-- Modified on 7/14/2017 10:54:32 AM

Answer all their questions, that is how they make sure what is right.  If the answer to something is "you don't know" or not applicable, just say so.

discretionist126 reads

Weren't you in NYC at the end of June?

-- Modified on 7/15/2017 3:40:56 PM

Hi "discretionist"... Yep, I had only been back in Boston for a few days when my NYC review popped up mid-June. NYC was at the end of June into the first week of July.

Glad to know there's someone out there keeping tabs on my schedule despite never meeting me! ;)

discretionist77 reads

Lol, if by "keeping tabs" you mean following you on Twitter, then guilty as charged!  I'll make sure to unfollow you going forward.  Have a good one! :)

-- Modified on 7/16/2017 6:43:06 PM

Is it possible the review was from a previous month?  I can't count how many times I don't have a chance to write a review until the next week or even month.  It sure seems you make such an impression details of the meeting would not be difficult to remember.  

A reviewer has 90 days from the day of the meeting to submit a review. Were you in NYC in Feb, March or April?

Posted By: retirement
Re: date of reviews
Is it possible the review was from a previous month?  I can't count how many times I don't have a chance to write a review until the next week or even month.  It sure seems you make such an impression details of the meeting would not be difficult to remember.  

I often review later too. However if the provider can't remember the guy and he's a reviewer that times his reviews to TER warning notices that VIP is running out it's likely he's posing and didn't see her.

I have 9 days left to post a review but I'll post a real one!  

Lady's 300-350 roses can pm if interested in helping me with my VIP retention  

I like incall  metrowest or north shore or even in town

I guess I'm flexible

I have a very trashy review from when I wasent even in town either. I disputed it and TER informed me that the reviewer said I met him at "a kimpton hotel in DC" and that was enough proof for email or text correspondence, he didnt have to supply anything other than his word. I'm over it.  I was willing to show my travel itineraries to prove it was fake but they werent interested in my side.

So...good luck sincerely on getting them removed.
If they are caught writing fakes sometimes the guy gets their reviewer privileges suspended and sometimes the banned for good. But that's only if staff is convinced that he wrote a fake.

Thank you! They have been super helpful with m in the past so I'm not concerned about TER, it's just bizarre than after several years in the industry I've gotten 4 fake reviews in the past few months. It only takes a few days to dispute so the reviewer ends up losing out on the account and the time wasted writing the review

... other than he was some guy who created a fantasy in  his head to get free VIP.  I've been around a pretty long time too (almost 7.5 yrs here and) I could care less about a new review either lol. Maybe he thought I wouldn't care because it was really good scores (joke was on him I have a lot more integrity than that). In my case it took a whole 16 days not just a few days.  

Not sure if that guy was suspended or banned but yeah even though again TER staff said that's generally how they handle fake reviewers. I did notice that not only did my 9/8 fake get removed but so did the one he wrote before the one he'd written on me.  
4 fakes in just a few months is odd but something similar to me but back in my newbie-ish days (2010/2011) where I got 3 fakes back-to-back but only 2 were removed. Definitely a chin scratcher why one becomes a target. Good luck again to you on getting them all cleared out!

"Seeing" such a highly rated provider like you Candace is a feather in his cap, so to speak, as much or more than free VIP.  

It would imply that a highly regarded provider like yourself screened and verified him. I would think
that a whack job that submits fake reviews isn't bright enough to understand that another provider might contact you to help verify him. Moron.

First off  Lika2525 has over 30 reviews under his belt so your theory does not really work here. He has plenty of ladies, high end ones to that can verify him.  

Now for Leogeo2017 it might work, but since he gave her much lower review numbers then  Candice is use to getting, I doubt he is trying to get a feather in his cap as you would say. With such low numbers, It would be a bad idea to use her as a reference.

What I find odd is in her Twitter posts on June 25th she made the following comments  

 Candice Carter‏ @GFECandice Jun 25:
I'm so sick of people using fake reviews to try and "bump" others down on the top 100.... I haven't even been to NYC this month.
0 replies 0 retweets 3 likes

 Candice Carter‏ @GFECandice Jun 25:
If you provided a valuable service you wouldn't have to put other girls down to try and get new clients... because you'd have regulars! Ugh!
0 replies 2 retweets 5 likes

Looks like she may have known about these reviews a while back......

Something to make you go Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.  

( by the way, you should check it out her twitter feed, this is one lady that knows how to take a great selfie).

Hi Lamont,

Firstly, I never provided a reference for these reviewers nor would I. I posted on Twitter regarding my review from Lika2525 mid June. The one from *neogeo* is new.

As far as the reviewer seeing people similar to me, neither reviewer has seen people with even moderately comparable online presences or considerations to mine.  

TER has stepped in and I am in good hands moving forward. Thank you all for your input!

My point was that in this particular instance, he got thru a high profile provider like Candace's screening protocols, NOT that he (or any other client) should expect a referral from Candace (or any other provider) especially after a poor OR fake review.  

You can disagree with my premise, bit it that would include all "fake reviewers", not just the one CC is referring to in the OP.  

Talk about things that make you go hmmmm.

all the fake reviews accepted by TER that were obviously written by agency shills, you know the reviewer who has written 10 out of 12 of his reviews for providers at the same agency and they all sound like they are about some fine wine. I find this offensive even if I like the agency and the girls who work there.

all of the reviews on TER are written by the same 400 pound guy sitting on his bed in New Jersey, the same guy we all owe our existence to. If he keels over or decides to stop writing we're done and THAT'S what the fake media doesn't want you to know. Word.

hey wait a minute, I am not close to 400 pounds and I avoid New Jersey.  I will say my mirror does lie to me every day.  I know I am 6'2" weighing in at 200 pounds with movie star looks.  Not the image I see on a daily basis.  Does anyone know where I can find a good mirror?  Don't say the carnival, be more creative.

The Evil Queen has a great mirror.
Plus, she's pretty hot. (Ignore the chemistry scores and don't take the drink she offers.)

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