
Look at the new TER poll under your "My TER"
DirtyDaego 11 Reviews 2819 reads
1 / 52

There's a new poll listed on the front page of the site, regarding BBFS. Something worth checking out. of policy in place.
The discussion of BBFS (bareback full service) will no longer be forbidden on the site, or from reviews.

I'm sure everyone will have their opinions of let's take it in stride and see how things pan out.



_________ 1775 reads
2 / 52

But seriously...

Its going to take an HIV epidemic in this business for people to realize this isn't a game we want to mainstream or play.

With as many fake reviews are written who is to say this is now not going to be included in false accounts?  

Dangerously bad decision on TERs part.  It isn't going to make anyone more informed.  Its going to set a bad precedent and influence people who need an excuse to be even more reckless.

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 1210 reads
3 / 52

I guess with the understanding that is available in some meetings, the discussion while disturbing my save some guys from those that offer it.

Also any reviewer discussing that he has taken advantage of the offering my find a smaller pool of potential new providers.

DirtyDaego 11 Reviews 2765 reads
4 / 52

Ok...everyone take a breath. Deep one.
Now let it oooooout. Sloooowly.
You good? I know I am. ;)

My PM box has been BLOWING UP here recently.
Let's clear this up slowly and rationally.

First....TER is NOT endorsing, rationalizing, or telling everyone to toss out the covers and boink bareback.
Do we have that?
Do we need to repeat it?
Please.....PLEASE....use your rational heads.

Now that we have that established....let's discuss what this means.
Whether you are in denial or not....BBFS happens every day. Deal with it.
Somewhere....someone in the hobby is doing it right now.
Maybe it's a drunken one-time thing. Maybe it's someone "special". Maybe there's a "connection". Maybe someone offers it for extra pesos. Maybe someone does it because they know they have something and want to hurt the opposite sex. Maybe it's for any number of reasons....but let's be adult and at least admit that it happens.

When it's not allowed to be discussed or reviewed....we have NO WAY of knowing who is doing it in our little community.
Don't think the community is little?
Just stop for a minute and think about the "six degrees of separation" thing. The odds are pretty good that almost everyone on this board is "connected".
That guy or gal you think is a douche....or you argue with all the time? Guess're "tunnel buddies" in some way.
I know....makes you ill in some ways...huh? lol.

When it IS allowed to be least we know who's doing it. We can then make INFORMED choices as ADULTS. Right? recap....TER is NOT endorsing the behavior or telling you to do it.
They are admitting that it happens...and taking a bold step to move out of the shadows of blind ignorance....and allow us all to help each other.

Hope this clears things up a bit...and diminishes the 'panic'.

Just sayin'

apropo See Agency Profile 1750 reads
5 / 52

I am for it, not bbfs but for having it out in the open.
That way the ladies who do not indulge in that service, they will know who does and will be able to make a educated decision if she wil see the hobbyist who does indulge in bbfs.

The way the rules are now we don't know who is and who isnt, since it not allowed in reviews or ads but if it is allowed, then it will be up to the individual if he/she wants to do the nasty or not!!

DT_lover 188 Reviews 1868 reads
6 / 52

Allowing discussion of BBFS should prove interesting reading.  Will policy change include a checkbox in the profiles?

ImagineUs 16 Reviews 2736 reads
7 / 52

That some jilted hobbyist doesn't make scurrilous claims in a review  of BBFS being offered by a provider to get back at her for some perceived injustice?

Sure the brush looks like it works fine in one direction when reviews call out providers offering BBFS.  We all want to be safe and know who's putting fair-minded people at risk.  

But what about when questionable unsubstantiated claims are made against providers, giving the community inaccurate untruths about ladies ruining their business and poisoning the viability of the review system?

Who is thinking about those consequences?

ajoi2you See my TER Reviews 1409 reads
8 / 52

I like the idea, post away, at leasty I'll know were not to go, who not to see. Just because it isn't discussed does not mean it does not happen

Chloe_Carter See my TER Reviews 1858 reads
9 / 52

Not only is this a repugnant suggestion (not by you DD!) but it is absolutely the WORST thing anyone can do in this hobby that affects everyone (married, single and everyone in between!)  I am now deciding if I want to continue in this arena of companionship for my life and my health if this becomes the norm. I always felt that SAFETY is first - not just for us providers but for our clientele.  For those who do this will harm so many people - those that lie they are safe (and have not been tested) and god forbid, Chlamydia, Genital warts, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis and Syphilis can get around fast and furious! I am in shock that ANYONE would support this. Even with protection those that have BBFS can get NASTY, NASTY diseases that KILLS!! Please TER stop the insanity! I love how everything is now but with BBFS I may have to retire sooner than later. It would be a sad day indeed.

czcodger 5 Reviews 1480 reads
10 / 52

Anyone that thinks BBFS is not happening now is a damned fool. I read gasps of astonishment. But wouldn't a provider or hobbyist rather know who has practiced BBFS than to not know as is the case now? This is not an attack on providers. But how many of you can say that the man that DATYed you today, even your SO, has not had BBFS with someone within the last few weeks, days or hours? Any provider answering that she definitively can say absolutely not is walking around with blinders on. The same goes for hobbyists saying definitively that their wives or girlfriends have not recently banged someone that was uncovered. Guys, your SO may be uninterested in sex with you because she is getting it elsewhere.

TER is ripping the scab off of a forbidden secret. Smart hobbyists and providers will use the information that comes out reviews that say or imply BBFS to protect themselves. For me, I would rather know that a provider did BBFS with a hobbyist than to get into an encounter with her unaware. With the information in hand, I can move on.

TER publishing information on BBFS in reviews will ACTUALLY prevent a provider that wants to stay in business from ever, even remotely allowing a hobbyists to stick his uncovered cock into her vagina.

ng4u 70 Reviews 2897 reads
11 / 52

I agree with you Chloe!!! this opens up a door that is not good for you or the hobbiest.  The spread of disease is not worth the hobby.  

TER... you should not allow this practice and the discussion wow the dogs are now let out of the house!

whitneywilcoxx See my TER Reviews 1538 reads
12 / 52

I'd like to know if I'm seeing someone who has BBFS and if I read reviews they've written about girls and they've opted for BBFS, I'd like the opportunity to know that and deny the appointment.  

In no way does it seem like TER is promoting it.  Geesh.  Just like in the list of our 'dos and don'ts' and stats, a YES or NO box for BBFS would be greatly appreciated.  I agree it's something we should all make ourselves aware of.  Guys ask for it a lot.  I can only assume they get told yes at some point.

I can't believe 44% of people who took the poll said YES, they'd hurry right over to that provider.  That's scary.

Chenrezigs-dumber-brother 1718 reads
13 / 52

In general, I agree. Discussion of the obvious is a good thing. I think allowing discussion of BBFS on the boards is definitely good.

I am not yet so sure about reviews. There are enough review issues:
 - ladies (not most) that threaten for better grades
 - ladies (not most) that BBFS for better grades, or money, or...
 - ladies (not most) that whine and get reviews pulled when they are ONLY 8/8

And don't get me started on hobbyists that try to sneak off the cover, or coerce a lady into BBFS, etc.

All these an more go on. Adding BBFS to reviews is adding gas to the fire, IMO. Just another thing for immature providers and hobbyists to use as ammunition against the other.

At a minimum, I might go for annotating ladies that advertise BBFS (yes, some do), but I think there needs to be some way to preserve the ad as evidence. The problem here is some folks will use that (as I believe they should) to avoid the lady, and some guys will use it as a roadmap to ladies that offer BBFS (which is bad, IMO).

IfThereisOneThereAreMany 1794 reads
14 / 52

We will have to see how things play out and have extra vigilance to protect ourselves.

Amber33 See my TER Reviews 1530 reads
15 / 52

Would this service raise or lower a womans score on the rating system here?
I would think it would lower? On the flip side I would also hate to see a rise in unsafe practices to ensure a high number...

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 1510 reads
16 / 52

"Its going to take an HIV epidemic in this business for people to realize this isn't a game we want to mainstream or play" ....  that this is definitely what it will take. Too many wanna-be golden pussy's and delusional dicks running around in the hobby actively doing BBFS who have been lucky not to catch anything or anything that haven't been able to get rid of yet. I've never agreed with an alias more.

Charlie101 102 Reviews 1918 reads
17 / 52

I can only speak for myself.  I have never said anything untrue in any of my reviews or posts about any provider.  Not because I am perfect but because if I did it would diminish the legitimacy of TER.  I need TER to be a relatively honest source of information.  I would be lost otherwise.  

To answer the question of unsubstantiated claims.  It works both ways when a provider blacklists a client because he writes a bad review or calls them out on a NCNS.

DirtyDaego 11 Reviews 2447 reads
18 / 52

No one is promoting the practice.
No one is saying that "safe" sex isn't the best way.
No one is denying that BBFS is unwise.

But NO ONE is promoting it, simply by allowing the discussion of it.

Second time I've said that in this thread....hopefully it will stick this time.


nahtynikkey See my TER Reviews 1681 reads
19 / 52

I really, honestly, do not see the guys who do partake in  BBFS, using their real handle to post a review of such activities.... what I foresee is a bunch of alias handles, they we cannot verify anyway. And what about the jilted guy, who couldn't get an appointment, writing a false review to get back at a lady, who in all actuality does not partake in this? If the system is created, so that NO alias reviews would be allowed to post such reviews, then it could possibly work, as then, it would actually serve as a benefactor. But, if no one can actually verify who the guy in question is making the claims, how much credibility does it really hold... and the repercussions it could have on a provider who actually, does not provide this service, could be irreversible.

Posted By: apropo
I am for it, not bbfs but for having it out in the open.
That way the ladies who do not indulge in that service, they will know who does and will be able to make a educated decision if she wil see the hobbyist who does indulge in bbfs.

The way the rules are now we don't know who is and who isnt, since it not allowed in reviews or ads but if it is allowed, then it will be up to the individual if he/she wants to do the nasty or not!!

LongGoneDaddy 107 Reviews 1296 reads
20 / 52

It is apparent to all that it is available if you look hard enough for it, but that doesn't mean TER should change the policy to encourage it.

It certainly endangers us all, and places added pressure on each lady to offer it once it becomes more commonly offered by more and more ladies.

IMO it also justifies more scrutiny and policing by LE for public health reasons, particularly if certain diseases reflect any spike in number of those infected.

TER must really be desperate.

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1337 reads
21 / 52

I have been in biz for 6yrs and in the last 6 months to a yr have had more requests for bbfs than ever.
I always am shocked they ask but they seem to do so casually as if they are offered it often in this rhelm.
I have heard from several clients that in many cases in this p4p arena bbfs was not off the table just more expensive.
I dont care what the trend is we still make choices based on what we each are comfortable with.  I personally will never offer bbfs and I dont believe many others will either.

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1668 reads
22 / 52

allows us to avoid these guys.

_________ 1087 reads
23 / 52

Who in their right mind is going to start writing BBFS reviews with their primary handle?

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1225 reads
24 / 52

I have a review thats false and so do many others. Ter refuses to remove them so we are stuck with them true or not its too bad.
I can see someone going out of their way to slander a Lady who Jilted them. Some ppl are just cruel.
This is going to add another problem for certain.

dtero 13 Reviews 1083 reads
25 / 52

Personally, I am not the slightest bit interested in BBFS and hope that it does not become a mainstream practice.  While I am aware that BBFS does occur and acknowledge that it may be valuable to know the prevalence of such activities, I believe that unsafe sex practices are not in the best interests of the majority of hobbyists or providers.  I would like to believe that most people in this hobby are responsible adults with the best interests of all members of our community at heart.  IMHO, there will always be some people who value short term gratification over long term health concerns.  However, I believe that such practices are unwise from a health perspective. There is an abundance of scientific and medical evidence documenting the efficacy of condom-use in preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.  We have come so far in promoting safe sex since the advent of the 1980's AIDS scare. It would be a shame to take a step back and risk losing all that we have gained in terms of respect for our chosen lifestyle.

Icecreamman33 28 Reviews 1068 reads
26 / 52

Can't agree more. The poll results shocked me. Guess I'm just naive, or sane!!

Foodyguy 29 Reviews 1113 reads
27 / 52

If BBFS is to be allowed in reviews, that the use of an alias not be allowed by the reviewer in that instance.

HHMMMMmmmm 1281 reads
28 / 52

How on earth do we prove whether what is said is actually true?? The reviews can hurt someone by promoting something we don't even do. This will send away all the good and send in all the bad, maybe needlessly! This is making me want to retire much earlier then planned :(

moutoncadet 8 Reviews 1434 reads
29 / 52

More respondents would go to see a provider who provides BBFS than those who would not. Both dtero and I have more detailed responses to this on the General board. I have long thought all the discussions about BBFS have been more about trolling for than warning about. The poll, unofficial as it might be, reinforces this concern. If you wanna get yourself or someone sick, that's your deal. But this practice holds the promise of another epidemic, and providing a forum that some may use as a conduit to seek out those who offer it is not, in my opinion anyway, a wise idea. I can see the headlines - "The Erotic Review is named in a lawsuit for complicity, supplying the defendant with information which he/she used to cause bodily harm to..."

inicky46 61 Reviews 1893 reads
30 / 52

Reviews with BBFS claims are ripe for abuse as payback.  They will only lead providers to leave this site,making it less valuable.  So, discuss BBFS, sure!  Put it in reviews?  Nuts.

juliane See my TER Reviews 1411 reads
31 / 52

Alias Reviews = Unsubstantiated Junk
BBFS Reviews = Unsubstantiated Junk

See a trend here?

bostonint See Agency Profile 1304 reads
33 / 52

The women in this business on a daily basis have to deal with clients who want to forgo using a a condom. we have banned clients and black listed them if they try to slip off the condom during the session. we just banned a very good client for doing just that. the safety of the girls and the clients comes first at boston int. all our girls are gfe but none and i will repeat none will ever go with out a condom for full service. i fear the flood gates are about to open with clients requesting something that is unsafe and  unavailable with our service

Posted By: DirtyDaego
There's a new poll listed on the front page of the site, regarding BBFS. Something worth checking out. of policy in place.
The discussion of BBFS (bareback full service) will no longer be forbidden on the site, or from reviews.

I'm sure everyone will have their opinions of let's take it in stride and see how things pan out.



IWant2DATY 67 Reviews 1159 reads
34 / 52

what a more important question is if anyone, we all know BBFS does happen, will admit to having caught something from a Lady. And can everyone just see the flame wars that will occur if a Gentlemen states openly on the board he has caught something from someone, the crap he is going to get, accusations will be flying every. DD, I do not envy you being the MOD. Good luck after this.

ZarahAdams See my TER Reviews 2306 reads
35 / 52

100% Agree! VERY well said! The talk of BBFS should not be censored!! Hobbyists/providers deserve to know when their health are at risk. This is just excellent!

Bob Crane 68 Reviews 1964 reads
36 / 52

This is such a bad idea. Such a review or discussion could—and will—function as advertising. Even if it's not TER condoning bbfs, it will have the same effect. It reminds me of Napster claiming it had no role in illegal file sharing, when such a denial was absurd. And given that half the reviews are fake, there's nothing to stop a false claim, perhaps a claim made to 'get even' with a provider. If I were a provider, I’d get delisted over this before I had to deal with the fallout.

I also don’t think this is prevalent in the business at all. Of all the girls I’ve seen, not one has mentioned it, except to say, “I’m glad your not one of those guys asking about it.” I actually wouldn’t buy a guy’s claim about it anyway.

NaughtyLindsey 1325 reads
37 / 52

Posted By: Chloe_Carter
Not only is this a repugnant suggestion (not by you DD!) but it is absolutely the WORST thing anyone can do in this hobby that affects everyone (married, single and everyone in between!)  I am now deciding if I want to continue in this arena of companionship for my life and my health if this becomes the norm. I always felt that SAFETY is first - not just for us providers but for our clientele.  For those who do this will harm so many people - those that lie they are safe (and have not been tested) and god forbid, Chlamydia, Genital warts, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis and Syphilis can get around fast and furious! I am in shock that ANYONE would support this. Even with protection those that have BBFS can get NASTY, NASTY diseases that KILLS!! Please TER stop the insanity! I love how everything is now but with BBFS I may have to retire sooner than later. It would be a sad day indeed.
-- Modified on 11/23/2011 5:19:04 AM

octovert 1452 reads
38 / 52

would be good if it led to a way of tracing those who practiced it. Disease control requires a trail of carriers. My civvies partners and I had unprotected intercourse, because they had some other form of contraception, and none of us had slept around. The hobby, OTOH, is defined by a lot of mixing, so a bug could really have a field day in its populace.

bobby_orr 13 Reviews 2118 reads
39 / 52

I  for one do not think many if any provider will advertise it in the open nor will guys post they got it with a lady...  Still think it will stay under the radar in those 2 cases.

I am sure it will be discussed just as much on the boards but really don't think guys are going to post about getting bbfs out in reviews nor will providers advertise it in the open...

The reason is they do not want to listen about it from the other people on here who do not agree nor like it...  If they do provide it they will not want everyone to know as they would still want control over who they provide that service to...

In conclusion don't see much changing even if it is allowed to be advertised or reviewed for...

czcodger 5 Reviews 1209 reads
40 / 52

should be able to find out whether a client name matches a BBFS review alias. Put in the name, if the answer comes back yes, refuse to book him.

deb4512 1947 reads
41 / 52

I agree!  I've gotten false reviews (that I had poop on me!!!!!!! by some deranged man who was harrassing me with emails.  and this last review, the guy must have paranoia.  I buzz repeats in, and live in a highrise with people coming in and out all the time.  I actually freak when I see a new review of myself not knowing if it's going to be good or bad.  Look at backlashes towards people on the discussion board who have a difference of opinion. There is so much anger in people and btw I am verifying, so please don't bring it up again.  If someone writes a false review that a provider does bbfs she has no recourse to defend herself.  I only make $10.70 per hour taking care of the disabled with a B.A. in Psychology and escorting is the only means by which I don't end up in a homeless shelter!  Is TER staff going to contact providers to ask if they give bbfs before printing the review?

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 2082 reads
42 / 52

its gonna happen.
You know how hard it is to convince Ter a plain old not so great review is retaliation I am guessing the fall out of false bbfs reviews are going to be off the charts.
There will be no way to tell whats real and what isnt any longer.
AND you will be stuck with them.

sambrown64 2 Reviews 1677 reads
43 / 52

I cant get over that most are DATY. Can you get a disease from that?

newted 46 Reviews 1166 reads
44 / 52

If the reports of BBFS were reliable, this would be somewhat useful, as the great majority of us (providers and clients) who want to remain safe could avoid the minority who are into this crazy practice.  

But the reporting will be unreliable and impossible to verify, except for a tiny minority of providers who, I suppose, will openly advertise it.  And what's the point of that?  It will cause 2 things to happen:

(1) TER will help reckless providers connect with reckless clients, who will NEVER admit they did BBFS in a review and will continue to see other, non-BBFS prividers.  This expose us all to God knows what, not to mention LE scrutiny.

(2) Meanwhile, providers who do not do BBFS will be in danger of having their reps ruined by assholes who falsely say they did it.  If I read a review that says a provider did BBFS, even if the review is dubious, I will avoid her like the plague.  

Unfair, imprecise, and stupid.  What a bad call!

czcodger 5 Reviews 1172 reads
45 / 52

TER's idea to print BBFS reviews is timely. I move between being a hyper active hobbyist and focusing on my other life pursuits. I want to know whether a provider that I am considering seeing has provided BBFS. BTW, one angry or stalker reviewer can't paint your profile for intelligent hobbyists, anyone that overweighs one review is a fool that you should consider not seeing if you can figure that out beforehand. Now, if several reviewers say, or imply that a provider offers BBFS then she should consider changing her business model, or just leave the business.

czcodger 5 Reviews 1252 reads
46 / 52

"(2) Meanwhile, providers who do not do BBFS will be in danger of having their reps ruined by assholes who falsely say they did it.  If I read a review that says a provider did BBFS, even if the review is dubious, I will avoid her like the plague."

I never make a decision on one review. When I want to see a provider, I read all available information on her AND attempt to make a decsion on whether her reviewers are in my social and education class. I will give more weight to a review that is clam, appears factual and is well written. But even if a well written reviews says a provider offered or provided BBFS, I would not strike her off my list unless other reviewers wrote or implied the same.

TER printing BBFS reviews will not cause more of that activity IMO. Did you look at the TER poll on that subject. With around 2500 replies, 46% replied that they would absolutely have BBFS, 22% replied that they would consider a provider that provided BBFS and only 32% replied no way in hell would they see such a lady. I am part of the 32%, but in arriving at that conclusion, I will give a privider a fair hearing in the event that some asshole or assholes are trying to damage her reputation. If I singularly conclude that she likely provider BBFS after my review of all available information, I wouldn't schedule time with her.

Wait until you see what controls TER put in place before jumping off the deep end. Any hobbyists that falsely writes or implies that a provider offers BBFS and is found out to have lied, should be permanently banned from TER and have their name given to other review sites for blacklisting.  

czcodger 5 Reviews 1336 reads
47 / 52

I work to schedule time with providers that will feel good to me even if I had a concrete block covering my man member. A major part of what happens in this business happens between a person's ears. Hobbyists asking for BBFS should examine how they select providers. I know that providers that turn me on, don't do much for other men, but I only give a damn about what type of looks gets me going when I hobby.

YouveLostYourMind 1762 reads
48 / 52


YouveLostYourMind 1274 reads
49 / 52


YouveLostYourMind 1686 reads
50 / 52


finisterre 12 Reviews 1323 reads
51 / 52

Gents and Ladies:

Let's not beat up on Dirty Daego. From my personal experience in the Hobby over the past 5 years close to half of the providers I have seen have offered this service.  In this situation on can politely decline (as I do) the offer and stay safe. But I am sure that there many who do partake. Otherwise, why would the offer by made?

Ladies, no one expects you to do something that you are not comfortable with. It is your choice on how to run your service not ours. The TER reviews focus on your courtesy, appearance, and level of service. Clients make a decision to see you primarily by the quality of your reviews. As evidenced by the feedback to Daego's thread, some are interested in BBFS and others are not. Thus, if you do not provide that service, it will be mentioned in the reviews, and the chances of you becoming annoyed by a client asking or pushing you to do something that you do not want to do is greatly reduced.


Posted By: DirtyDaego
Ok...everyone take a breath. Deep one.
Now let it oooooout. Sloooowly.
You good? I know I am. ;)

My PM box has been BLOWING UP here recently.
Let's clear this up slowly and rationally.

First....TER is NOT endorsing, rationalizing, or telling everyone to toss out the covers and boink bareback.
Do we have that?
Do we need to repeat it?
Please.....PLEASE....use your rational heads.

Now that we have that established....let's discuss what this means.
Whether you are in denial or not....BBFS happens every day. Deal with it.
Somewhere....someone in the hobby is doing it right now.
Maybe it's a drunken one-time thing. Maybe it's someone "special". Maybe there's a "connection". Maybe someone offers it for extra pesos. Maybe someone does it because they know they have something and want to hurt the opposite sex. Maybe it's for any number of reasons....but let's be adult and at least admit that it happens.

When it's not allowed to be discussed or reviewed....we have NO WAY of knowing who is doing it in our little community.
Don't think the community is little?
Just stop for a minute and think about the "six degrees of separation" thing. The odds are pretty good that almost everyone on this board is "connected".
That guy or gal you think is a douche....or you argue with all the time? Guess're "tunnel buddies" in some way.
I know....makes you ill in some ways...huh? lol.

When it IS allowed to be least we know who's doing it. We can then make INFORMED choices as ADULTS. Right? recap....TER is NOT endorsing the behavior or telling you to do it.
They are admitting that it happens...and taking a bold step to move out of the shadows of blind ignorance....and allow us all to help each other.

Hope this clears things up a bit...and diminishes the 'panic'.

Just sayin'

nu2it 19 Reviews 1805 reads
52 / 52

"Any hobbyists that falsely writes or implies that a provider offers BBFS and is found out to have lied, should be permanently banned from TER and have their name given to other review sites for blacklisting."

Forgive my ignorance but how will TER determine if it was a lie or not?   It will be a classic example of "he said, she said."

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