
I'd say it's the refs. This Goodell is such an idiot!
Nnoway 13 Reviews 538 reads

It's fascinating how the NFL's and the news coverage' tone changed when Belichick mentioned on Saturday that besides nature it could be many people's fault, including... THE REFEREES' :)

Also talking about shooting yourself in the foot.

"Based on published reports, the league knew that teams suspected the Patriots of using deflated footballs.  Instead of privately telling the Patriots to knock it off, the NFL set up, essentially, a sting operation aimed at catching the Patriots in the act."  

After Rice and Peterson, no matter what you think about the merits of those cases, NFL just needed another scandal. If I would be owners I really would be looking into replacing the commissioner now.  

I read numerously that Condoleezza Rice dreams about that job. I can see her being much smarter about this whole thing then Goodell. I think from purely marketing perspective having a woman NFL commissioner would be very practical too. Also it would be much harder to accuse her of being insensitive to this and that then to accuse a guy.  


-- Modified on 1/25/2015 3:16:49 PM

Belichick had a great press-conference today indirectly challenging all the smart asses like Aikman and Brunell to put their money where their mouths are and see if they can spot a difference between 12.5lbs ball and 11.5lbs ball (I bet they wouldn't be able to)

And now look at this:

And it turns out that Belichick helped that no-name asshole get his job with the Ravens too! What a pig!  After this pile of shit and Magnini (remember the guy who also owed his carrier to Belichick only to back stab him later) and then this crazy Hernandez guy too (who I just know is gonna get off!), I'm sure that Belichick is just full of love for mankind :)

Those two assholes are lucky that they live in a (more or less) civilized country and that Whitey Bulger is locked up and a bit pass his prime :)  

Here is Belichick quiz for you:

Imagine an exchange in the original Godfather:

Vito Corleone: "I did them a favor Sonny and they fucked me!"
Sonny Corleone: "Well, what's your answer gonna be, Pop?"  

Guess the answer for 6pts:
Mine is NE 28 Sea 17

and the extra point for how many times we're going to sack Wilson :)
I'd say 2

Best Belichick press conference evah! He schooled the corrupt NFL on Boyle's law, and mentioned Mona Lisa Vito... pure gold!

(If indeed it is a who.) let air out of those balls.  Don't you think every possible witness and every frame of video that could possibly yield a clue has been painstakingly examined by every official, foe, and sports hack by now?

If anyone should fall under the suspicion, it is the Colt player who first reported the under inflation.

How did he detect it when several officials had already handled those balls many times without detecting the difference?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Brady likes the ball on the low end of inflation. Physics gas laws state that any given volume of air in a closed chamber (football) is at a certain pressure (psi) at a certain temperature. You drop the temperature, while the volume stays constant, the pressure must drop. There's a lot of talk about how that alone would result in maybe a 1 psi change from indoors to outdoors. But there are two other factors at play. First, all air compressors increase the temperature of the output air as part of compression. I can tell you my air compressor outputs at about 90-110F. 100F drop to 50F is almost 2 psi reduction. Secondly the barometric pressure at the time of the filling of the football vs the pressure when re-measured would also see a slight drop in psi.  

So if you assume the Pats fill the balls to 12.5 psi, league minimum an hour or two before the game, at a very low atmospheric pressure, with an air compressor outputting at 100F, it's going to be 2-3psi lower after equilibrating to 50F, when re-measured after the atmospheric low passed and barometric pressure was rising.  

If you presume Luck prefers balls at 13.5 psi, they probably filled them before they got to Gillette (which is what you'd expect from a traveling team) and simply checked/topped them off before the game, that scenario, which is not far fetched at all, explains the whole thing.  

Now I also am of the opinion that the Pats are smart enough to know all this and take advantage of physics whenever possible. So they probably purposely fill them shortly before have them measured, and know full well physics will bring the psi down to where Brady likes it. Is it the Pats fault they understand physics better than the NFL commissioner? Maybe. Maybe not. That's kind of grey if you look at the spirit of the rule vs the language of the rule.

Me's thinks that was my 7 th grade experiment using a ballon and temp

that I'd rather deflate, inflate, conjugate, manipulate or legislate my balls?  
Fuck this bullzhit. Stop talking about it ... an Eagle fan!

Townman250 reads

Hey Eagles fan, what "bullzhit" annoys you more: Patriots successes as oppose to Eagles failures or Patriots unwillingness to give in to witch hunts artificially created by those envious of their successes?

better hibernate for the winter ... lmao

Posted By: Townman
Hey Eagles fan, what "bullzhit" annoys you more: Patriots successes as oppose to Eagles failures or Patriots unwillingness to give in to witch hunts artificially created by those envious of their successes?


I'm a Pats fan and I had this argument with a Chargers fan, during our dinner date Friday night.

How, during the game, during the numerous *Flags* when the refs touched the ball and all the other payers whom had touched the ball/s...didn't notice the balls deflated, DURING the game?

Crying foul after said team/s lost..simply won't cut it. They lost because...well...they suck!!

The Seahawks are good. But Sunday I'm rooting for the Patriots 100%

Heck two of my teams made it to the playoffs Packs and Pats...and one of them is going to the super bowl.
The losers can well.......kiss my midwest ass.



Posted By: mrfisher
(If indeed it is a who.) let air out of those balls.  Don't you think every possible witness and every frame of video that could possibly yield a clue has been painstakingly examined by every official, foe, and sports hack by now?

If anyone should fall under the suspicion, it is the Colt player who first reported the under inflation.

How did he detect it when several officials had already handled those balls many times without detecting the difference?

Inquiring minds want to know.

It's fascinating how the NFL's and the news coverage' tone changed when Belichick mentioned on Saturday that besides nature it could be many people's fault, including... THE REFEREES' :)

Also talking about shooting yourself in the foot.

"Based on published reports, the league knew that teams suspected the Patriots of using deflated footballs.  Instead of privately telling the Patriots to knock it off, the NFL set up, essentially, a sting operation aimed at catching the Patriots in the act."  

After Rice and Peterson, no matter what you think about the merits of those cases, NFL just needed another scandal. If I would be owners I really would be looking into replacing the commissioner now.  

I read numerously that Condoleezza Rice dreams about that job. I can see her being much smarter about this whole thing then Goodell. I think from purely marketing perspective having a woman NFL commissioner would be very practical too. Also it would be much harder to accuse her of being insensitive to this and that then to accuse a guy.  


-- Modified on 1/25/2015 3:16:49 PM

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