
Possible [email protected] St. Louis...NO SHOW!!
Dino3884 10 Reviews 17862 reads

Communicated for a number of days...went well. She requested 50% paypal deposit. No problem...used it before and had no regrets...until 6/24.
My 11am meeting at a Boston hotel came and went...without a single word via cell, no email notice either. It's 3:00pm and still no word. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but this level of poor customer service and lack of responsiveness is alarming and I wanted to alert any potential hobbiests. This is a 1st for me...never happened before today. I will proceed to go to "national" board and alert others. Her proposed trip includes visits to St. Louis, NY, Tampa,Orlando,Miami. She complained of no shows and is therefore initiating ironic.Anyone know more of her?

I can't beleive it she scammed me as well. I sent her 100% tribute for tomorrow night. Emails went excellent, she even offewred me a bonus for more $ but I said NO! I can't beleive this. What do we do now? Dino any suggestions. email me as I am bummed this happened.
Thanks Dogbone.

Her loss.She missed out on meeting two great guys.

Dogbone, I have emailed her twice and will continue to put pressure on her as best I am able from Boston. Let me have your email and we'll continue this dialogue. Any knowledge on how we can reach her in home town of St. Louis and post notices there which may have a more direct economic/financial impact on her livelihood. No response from her as of yet. credit card co gas been notified and informed that product/service was not delivered as promised and that payment will not be made by me at this time. Paypal is initiating an "investigation" and will attempt to resolve the issue within a 30 day period. Meanwhile...let's all continue to enjoy ourselves and move on!

fdisk21507 reads

I don't know if I'm being an alarmist or a little paranoid, but going through legal channels and asserting your rights under consumer protection law might have consequences that you are not anticipating. Dino, did you stop to think this through? Don't start something that might snowball out of control and come back to haunt you. I think I would be inclined to eat the loss and learn a lesson, but then I'm not in your shoes! Just promise you'll think this through and consider your options, after all, it's just money from your recreation budget, right?

Dogbone...sorry to learn of your similar "problem" with Brooke4xtc. Would email you, but don't know your email address. My email: [email protected]. What have you learned to date? I have communicated with a few people...some who claim to know her, but haven't received anything by way of an apology from Brooke directly. Until she talks with me and we find a happy resolution to this "issue", then I will continue to stand by my sad conclusion that I was deliberately ripped off...that $$$ was stolen from me..and that she should have her "provider career" destroyed. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but without any communication from her and without appropriate reimbursement, I will not try to correct her current status, which is that she is a scam artist not worthy of any hobbiests attentions or support! Hope to hear from you at some point.

On Las Vegas board of TBD, she posted that she was arrested.

I'd like to burn her picture into my memory, in case she changes names and we cross paths.


Based on her TBD website, pics and appointments available via email only!


We need a pic.
I do not believe that you guys booked an appointment and sent a deposit without a pic! or a Homepage
Jeez, Boston has more resident and visiting hotties than any US City than LA. Why go to St Louis, a town known only for being in Missouri, as was John Ashcroft.
You were thinking with your WHAT!
I know. Happened to me with a Dallas babe a year ago. Similar M.O.
This is multiple wire fraud. Complain to the feds and put a stop to this kind of thing. She could be stealing thousands of dollars.
Complain to Vegas LE too, both state and federal.

Did she? Let's see who she was pretending to be.
If so, put up a link on the national General Discussion Board and, TBD, and fire away.
Her scam was clever, calculated, and will resurface. She stirred up a great deal of local interest, but no reviews apparently.
If there were, the legitimacy should be studied carefully.

She pretended a national tour, but is not on Eros or Exotics. That was part of the scam, getting deposits from all over the US.
For a month she promoted herself with e-mails hard and fast, stirring up deposits based upon these unknown photos.
That's about as long a lead time she could get by with.
What do you suppose she brought in? 15 deposits a day for 35 days at $200, plus some extra for upselling more services?
That is $105,000 guys, more than enough to get the attention of the FBI.
Now she's gone, pretending some imaginary bust in Vegas.

For all we know, this person was a total trog, but a very clever one, sitting in an apartment in Nigeria, laughing her ass off, maybe even laughing his ass off, scheming to outsmart those horny American hobbyists. All she had to do was study the St Louis TBD Board for a week in order to sound local, and the rest was a piece of cake. I mention Nigeria because of their leadership in scams documented by the UN. The boiler rooms of Irvine, CA, a few years ago were equally capable of this. Some of the escort scams from Ft Lauderdale have been quite slick too.

Don't you just hate being taken to the cleaners like this?

Revenge within the law is very sweet, however.
This person may have committed wire fraud on a grand scale. The FBI routinely investigates and prosecutes such cases for practice. Vegas LE might also be interested since they were accused of a ridiculous bust.

At least put the details together fully and send an anonymous report to the appropriate FBI and LE LV vice and fraud squads.
Otherwise this scam will resurface again and again and again.
Guys will never stop thinking with their DICKS! NLOL.

Sam Kenison would have loved this!

Hey, don't go bad-mouthing St. Louis over this one.

This Brooke person posted one time and one time only on the Missouri TBD Board claiming she was from rural Missouri and had decided to move back to St. Louis (from where she didn't say). She tried to push her PayPal prepayment scheme, but never aggressively marketed herself here (I guess she started her supposed national tour elsewhere). Several locals, including myself balked at the scheme for its scam potential. I even told her that most adult stars don't require a deposit let alone full prepayment. I guess she was put off by our less than warm reception. She never posted on any Missouri/St. Louis board again that I'm aware of and never emailed any pics or link to her supposed website that was underdevelopment.

And as for Ashcroft...That right-wing bible-thumper is not from St. Louis. He's from boondocks of rural Missouri and so's this Brooke person. Hmmmm...maybe he's behind this whole Brooke scam as a way to fund his theological/political agenda. Yeah, that's the ticket! Iran/Contra all over again, only this time with a more sexy angle. :)

There's not any real evidence this Brooke is even from St L or any known place. I'd put my pool money on audacious Ft Lauderdale scam guys, who knew just a little about St L. If Brooke said she was from Ft Ldt and no one ever heard of her, then the suspicion would start. St L is so low profile in this biz, that she could get by with it and only raise suspicions in St L itself.

It's an insidiously clever scam, a waste of a good analytical mind. S/he'll be caught and jailed, bet my schlong on it.

BTW, I truly admire a man who can go three rounds with Rita without his f**kin d**k falling off and his brains being totally scrambled. St L was fortunate to have her visit, and your review is an inspiration to all of us good Christian Soldiers.

How many guys do you suppose sent Brooke deposits from StL?

I don't know. She never acted like she was ready to schedule appointments in St. Louis. After that one and only post, I was curious and emailed her about her prepayment arrangements and rates. We traded a couple emails. I also asked for a pic. She acted like she was in the process of moving, getting new pics, setting up a website and scheduling her tour stops. I told her to email me her pic(s) and we would talk more. I never heard back from her and never saw any more posts.

I've been stood up before countless times by local girls and scammed twice by girls that would get the cash and run out the door to their waiting boyfriends/managers leaving worthless clothes, shoes, purses, etc. because they "forgot" something in their car. Not wanted to risk being mugged, I ate the losses. I also cut short a session with another local girl after a weird harassing phone call by a boyfriend or manager pretending to be Larry E who told me to send the girl out or else during our session. I had no intention of sending Brooke payment in full to book an appointment. Way too risky for my taste. If she had good reviews and nice pics I might consider a nominal deposit but not 50 or 100 percent.

If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, walks like a duck and smells like a duck, it's probably a duck.

As for Rita, I count myself fortunate to have enjoyed her company. Miami Companions had difficulties with their 3 tour stops here. Alyssa got sick in the middle of her visit and had to go home early. Brooke (no relation to Brooke4xtc had an unpleasant meeting with Larry E while in our fair city) and Rita's visit didn't generate enough interest during and after the Memorial Day weekend (too many hobbyists were out of town over the long holiday weekend) and MC had to cut her visit short. We're now off MC's tour schedule (maybe for good). Who knows if we'll see any of their companions here again. But, I do intend to see the lovely Rita again, some how, some way...even if I have to fly to Miami later this year. She was a treat!

Talisa19538 reads

why did she even bother to post that she had been busted and spent 3 days in jail?  The whole thing is so weird.   Also as far as making an anonymous report, I understand anonymous reports are not taken seriously.  You don't need to report it...LE is all over the boards and no doubt Vegas LE already knows about this.  :))


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