
How about
yajtsenre 79 Reviews 376 reads

"Don't waste my time"... When I read that one I click to the next one so I don't waste her time. Another that gets me is just the word "BLACKLIST"…go ahead and write that one in your post and you will not see me.

Providers, why do some of you place ads that say " Will leave you wanting more".. Jeez I just want to be real satisfied when I leave..
Ads that say "you will be begging for more"  I think I saw this provider 10 minutes and she was gone....I was kinda begging for more...
Why do ads say " Up all night" this really makes me think you are a drug addict. Late night hours might sound more customer service orientated.
What do ads say " You will remember this experience" I just think if I was LE I would be cute enough to add this little gem with a smile...
Just sayin...

"It's me or it's free!"  Really?  Will the person who replaces you honor that guarantee?

Or, more to the point, my thought when I see that quote is, "well, if it isn't YOU why would i want it, free or otherwise?

If she leaves you wanting more means the job wasn't well done ! Lol
How about : will leave you exhausted, and yes the pictures are me less than 10 years ago!

Posted By: chmplt
Providers, why do some of you place ads that say " Will leave you wanting more".. Jeez I just want to be real satisfied when I leave..  
 Ads that say "you will be begging for more"  I think I saw this provider 10 minutes and she was gone....I was kinda begging for more...  
 Why do ads say " Up all night" this really makes me think you are a drug addict. Late night hours might sound more customer service orientated.  
 What do ads say " You will remember this experience" I just think if I was LE I would be cute enough to add this little gem with a smile...  
 Just sayin...

I see all those ads for things I can't live without.  Not only that, if I order one if the next 22 minutes, I'll get a second one FREE!!!!  I just have to pay separate shipping and handling.  I think our lady friends should add that to their ads!  

But sometimes the shipping and handling will kill you

"Don't waste my time"... When I read that one I click to the next one so I don't waste her time. Another that gets me is just the word "BLACKLIST"…go ahead and write that one in your post and you will not see me.

saying just how insanely funny humans seeking funny humans can be!

Lady Miss Anna

-- Modified on 6/14/2015 1:05:38 AM

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