
He hate us 'cuz he anus. (EOM)teeth_smile
glyyyven 16 Reviews 386 reads


and lovers of all things beantown. Tommy's fav baseball team is the NY Yankees and his All Time fav athlete is Derek Jeter. How do u beantowners feel about that?

I don't care about TB's personal favorites!

I love Boston sports, always have! I could care less about the fact TB favors the team south of here, I'm also a Big 10 fan! I also like KG, I don't like the Nets!

So, I think, we're Patriot fans...want me to list off some great players...starting with another TB!

Another TB, Humm, well it's not Justin Edelman, nor Paul Pierce, it can't be Ray Allen, who can it be.....not Big Papi, nor Dustin Pedroia....let me think, if it has anything to do w hockey I'm fu**ed. It's not Aaron Boone, it's not Bucky Dent, it's not Roger Clemens........can I call a friend....Suzyn Waldman do you know the answer

It's Tedy Bruschi.

Now go back to Jersey, you bum!

never left, darn I failed the TB quiz

Posted By: tednet
It's Tedy Bruschi.  
 Now go back to Jersey, you bum!

Considering that TB is from San Mateo, Ca and an admitted life-long 49ers fan who cares who he is rooting for on his time off! It's well known in Boston that Brady likes to hang out in the Big Apple. The likes of Brady are in the different world then you and I. I mean for all you know him and Jeter might be tight and that's why he likes Yankees.  

I mean when LA used to come to Boston, Kobe and Pierce would always hang, and Bird and Magic are now great buddies too. Guys, as long as these pros are not playing for their home teams, they really don't give a hoot about the town they play for. And hwy should they? They are not obligated, especially if they win all the time. For Brady the Pats are "his" team. I mean I'm sure he likes it here too but outside of that it's pretty unrealistic to expect the kid from San Mateo, Ca to have allegiances to Boston, Ma. It's like if Eli cares about NY, or Rogers Green Bay. Please.  

Posted By: randyram
and lovers of all things beantown. Tommy's fav baseball team is the NY Yankees and his All Time fav athlete is Derek Jeter. How do u beantowners feel about that?

I love it when a New York fan is hurting and tries to find solice.

Again New England bests New York!

-- Modified on 2/3/2015 10:57:27 AM

Posted By: Foodyguy
I love it when a New York fan is hurting and tries to find solice.  
 Again New England bests New York!

-- Modified on 2/3/2015 10:57:27 AM

*solace (sp).......NY fans were really hurting with the Tyree catch, the Manningham catch, Eli's 2-0 record vs Brady in the SB, Bucky freaking Dent, Aaron freaking Boone, Bill Buckner and those pesky (no pun intended) 27 titles by the former evil empire.

Not ancient history.

When is your Super Bowl parade scheduled?

Posted By: Foodyguy
Not ancient history.  
 When is your Super Bowl parade scheduled?
you are the current gold standard indeed....kudo

I'm curious how you know that.  And it also doesn't surprise me, either.  He went to school in Michigan.

Posted By: jayematt
I'm curious how you know that.  And it also doesn't surprise me, either.  He went to school in Michigan.
I believe he and his missus own an apt in NY's West Village. He's regularly seen sporting a Yankee cap and it's pretty well now that he's a fan. The Jeter part I think I read that somewhere.

Are you sure it's not just a safety precaution on his part? Maybe the guy is just trying to save money on bodyguards? Imagine, not only he's the NE quarterback he'd be also wearing the Red Sox cup in the Yankee-land. If I know anything about New York, I know that that would be asking for trouble.  

As for the Giants wins, dude, both of those wins were as much of accidental wins, as during the last Superball. The Manningham catch and the helmet catch? Come on, Eli was just lucky. In any 7 game series against any of those two Patriot teams the Giants wouldn't stand a chance. So it's fair that the Pats finally won, especially if it was on the similar type of play as did the Giants earlier. Btw I'd say Brady has (at least!) one more Superball victory in him before he is through. By the time he is done he's got to make sure that there is no doubt in regards to him being better QB then Montana. I actually think there is no doubt now, imagine if year after year Brady would have the same receiving corps as did Montana at SF?  

Anyway, I was actually wondering what would happen if they'd had a native-based team tournaments, with teams comprising only of those who are born and raised in their respective regions (like NE vs. NY, Southern Cal vs. Northern Cal and the like). Wouldn't that be great? I bet the players would play their hearts out and the fans would feel much more vested into their teams knowing that they're actually rooting for "their boys".  

I remember when for a short while NHL tried an all-star format with North America vs. the World (i.e. Europe). I remember I really enjoyed watching those games. I bet now they can have a pretty good game doing the same thing with the NBA too.  

Any physical affiliation would make a difference. Dreams dreams dreams... dre-e-e-e-eams :

you seem like a reasonable guy, I appreciate your response and respect your opinion. Not that I agree with everything you say, but sports opinions are subjective. I guess I'm just an old fashioned guy and couldn't imagine Jeter prancing around Boston in a Pats cap, or Pedroia strutting around NYC with NY Giants cap on.  

Posted By: Nnoway
Are you sure it's not just a safety precaution on his part? Maybe the guy is just trying to save money on bodyguards? Imagine, not only he's the NE quarterback he'd be also wearing the Red Sox cup in the Yankee-land. If I know anything about New York, I know that that would be asking for trouble.  
 As for the Giants wins, dude, both of those wins were as much of accidental wins, as during the last Superball. The Manningham catch and the helmet catch? Come on, Eli was just lucky. In any 7 game series against any of those two Patriot teams the Giants wouldn't stand a chance. So it's fair that the Pats finally won, especially if it was on the similar type of play as did the Giants earlier. Btw I'd say Brady has (at least!) one more Superball victory in him before he is through. By the time he is done he's got to make sure that there is no doubt in regards to him being better QB then Montana. I actually think there is no doubt now, imagine if year after year Brady would have the same receiving corps as did Montana at SF?  
 Anyway, I was actually wondering what would happen if they'd had a native-based team tournaments, with teams comprising only of those who are born and raised in their respective regions (like NE vs. NY, Southern Cal vs. Northern Cal and the like). Wouldn't that be great? I bet the players would play their hearts out and the fans would feel much more vested into their teams knowing that they're actually rooting for "their boys".  
 I remember when for a short while NHL tried an all-star format with North America vs. the World (i.e. Europe). I remember I really enjoyed watching those games. I bet now they can have a pretty good game doing the same thing with the NBA too.  
 Any physical affiliation would make a difference. Dreams dreams dreams... dre-e-e-e-eams :)  

Or Magic and Bird going out for the beer after triple overtime nailbiter. But that's exactly what was happening when Paul Pierce was the main Celtics star and Lakers came to town. Do you want to see Kobe? Head over to Parkerhouse House after the game. You'd have a good chance seeing him there grabbing a bite with his body Pierce. Btw, I'm sure that Ellsbury hangs with some of his former teammates every time Yankees come to Boston. The guy is from Oregon. What does he care about Boston/New York issues? For all u know he probably doesn’t like either place.

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