
Exactly (e)
bobby_orr 13 Reviews 1571 reads
1 / 16

trying to see what the common procedure is when a provider blows off a client from a set appointment?

Had a set appointment with someone, they told me where they were and to call when I'm close so they know.
I get to her location when I was supposed to and she did not answer, I waited about 20-25 minutes and I called 3-4 times and still no answer.  So I left.

What should I do?  Do I keep trying to call and see if she will answer and explain why she blew me off.
Do I do nothing and give her a chance to call me, explain what happened, and see if she will make it up to me some way?

I don't like to be negative but it's totally disrespectful and I have never blown someone off when I have made an appointment.  I don't want her tho think it's ok to do this to people so I don't have a problem with outing them or giving a bad review...

thanks for your help

AlexaV See my TER Reviews 380 reads
2 / 16
bostonint See Agency Profile 335 reads
3 / 16

We've had situations in the past where the girl told us she was ready and then disappeared when the client came. In the three cases I remember, the girl got taken down from the site and we sent the guy to someone else with an apology and a hefty discount. I hope your provider had a good reason to blow you off. In the future, here are some options:

a) Get a Preferred411 account so you can get screened more easily, and then reach out to two or three providers asking if they accept short notice appointments on the day you're planning. Don't waste a provider's time by making a plan you'll flake on, but keep your options open.

b) Have at least one regular you can call upon.

c) Use an agency. ;)

d) For this particular situation, you can't really write a bad review since you didn't actually meet her. But I would steer clear of her unless she offered an explanation, an apology, and a discount toward a future visit.

impposter 49 Reviews 559 reads
4 / 16

NCNS: it shouldn't happen but it does. Many of us feel your pain.  

Give her a chance to explain, if that's possible. Sometimes, there's a legit excuse for the NS ("car broke down") but it's rare that there's a good excuse for the NC part ("I called AAA and then my phone died." Yeah, right.) If you hear nothing after a few days, forget her.  

You can only review someone that you have actually met, no matter how brief. (Show up at the door; not the girl in the pics; bait and switch; leave; YES, you can review based on the meeting.)  

All things considered, you got screwed by not getting screwed by the NCNS but that is NOTHING compared to the screwing you got from that piece of shit Alan Eagleson. I'd like to put him in the net w/o equipment and let the guys he screwed use him for slap shot practice

Harry5390 89 Reviews 302 reads
5 / 16

Happened to me on Friday after I drove through Boston in traffic. After 24 hour notice Got to Wakefield early, got address and sat waiting in car for call. I found  out later I got stood up by a gal who bitches a lot about guys being late, no show, chiseling her for change, etc and has a history of it. Wish I knew about her before hand. I wanted to make a stink but...she has my real name, phone number, etc.

josulli 15 Reviews 377 reads
6 / 16

Look for her on Board.. when she starts complaining.. jump in and out her..

FreakedOut 300 reads
7 / 16

You already sorta outed her. Communication and scheduling is not her strong suit, but I've never had a NCNS from her. She's not one of these women who's going to send you a text the morning of the appointment, "can't wait to see you babe". I've had a couple of cancellations on 2 hour's notice though, so I've learned to send a confirmation text the morning of the appointment. I feel your pain.
Did you text her to say "Where are you/WTF?".  

-- Modified on 8/15/2016 12:34:03 PM

cbos10 26 Reviews 231 reads
8 / 16

I agree with the pleasant lady from BI, it happens, have a backup plan just in case.

bobby_orr 13 Reviews 499 reads
9 / 16

Thank you to everyone who responded with advice, much appreciated.

We talked today and  will file it under things happen.
Everything is ok and will meet up and she will make it up to me as she feels bad about what happened...

I won't be naming her or giving any info on what happened as this is now a non issue and everything has been smoothed over...

Analias 299 reads
10 / 16

There is no other excuse for lack of communication.

If it were me that had that happen all would not be right today.

Y2KM900 15 Reviews 156 reads
11 / 16

Posted By: Analias
There is no other excuse for lack of communication.  
 If it were me that had that happen all would not be right today.

DT_lover 188 Reviews 285 reads
12 / 16

Always give the girl a reasonable time to answer.  Especially if you like the girl and want to see her again.  There are plenty of valid reasons for a girl not to answer.

I waited months for one issue to be resolved and was finally [made up to] by the agency. The problem was not the girls fault.  The previous client overstayed and so my appointment was cut short.  The agency called the girl 25 minutes into my appointment saying the next client was on his way upstairs.  Patience paid off in this case.  The agency gave me a full hour at a very special rate.

I have a "truth is stranger than fiction" story going back over 10 years.  Remember Shannon of RSG?  I booked her indi after she left RSG.  Drove into Boston and waited two hours and she never answered my calls.  Never returned my calls.  Come to find out she had got married and left hobbyland (and the state) the week before.  And her ads were still up on Craigslist!  This was long before the Craigslist killer happened.  No harm telling the story now.  Best wishes Shannon, where-ever you are.

Harry5390 89 Reviews 178 reads
13 / 16

I have almost 100 reviews. This wasn't my first rodeo. I texted the day before, in the morning, and before I left work and got an answer every time. I screwed up by not doing research on this board rather than just looking at reviews. There are guys on here essentially making excuses for her. "Scheduling not her strong suit" my ass. As for me calling and saying WTF, what would be the point? Do you really think she's going to tell the truth? I respect people's time. I'm never late and I have never no showed. And I don't do business with people who don't respect my time. As far outing her goes if You connected the dots and came up with a name, then her reputation precedes her so you don't need me to write it. She has a number of good reviews too, so she doesn't flake out every time.

impposter 49 Reviews 296 reads
14 / 16

Posted By: bobby_orr
We talked today and  will file it under things happen. ...

I won't be naming her or giving any info on what happened as this is now a non issue and everything has been smoothed over...
Without being specific, what sort of excuse caused the No Show (sick puppy; car problem; overslept; I double booked and the other guy showed up first; forgot about my sister's wedding; the cops only gave me one phone call and it was not to call you. ...)? Stuff DOES happen, even if it is highly improbable strange stuff.  

Without being specific, what sort of excuse caused the NO CALL? "No cell signal at the vet and I couldn't walk 25 feet to get a better signal." "Phone battery died." "I decided to buy a new phone 2 hours before our appointment and I didn't have your number on the new phone (even tho you called me several times)." "I was at the library and started to call when the librarian shushed me."

Harry5390 89 Reviews 328 reads
15 / 16

Sinkhole swallowed the bed and phone was on it.
Poltergeist sucked her into TV.
Got a lead on Jimmy Hoffa case, had to go check it out.
She's a volunteer fireman, got called in to knock down blaze at the old Miller place.
Her Aunt Flo came to town. No, really, her aunt is Florence Henderson

SassyBitch 276 reads
16 / 16

You're garbage and a scumbag so really who gives a fuck. When you put out negative energy you get it back troll.

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