
Do you know one of the easiest ways to start a fight?
GaGambler 588 reads

Simply go up to an Armenian and ask him if he is Turkish, when he indignantly retorts that he is Armenian not Turkish, just say "Same difference" and then duck. lol

BeautifulPerson1541 reads

i am gonna start flagging your stupid morning coffee as spam

you are pathetic

DariusX611221 reads

I'm pretty sure about 90% (if not more) of people here appreciate Lamont's morning coffee posts.  After all, there's nothing better than a nice cup of coffee after a late night out!

what's your point LC? when is enough, enough? You like to stir the shit? That's never been my impression..  
Move on..

I skimmed through the thread and it feels like the community is shooting itself in the foot. The provider in question was clearly popular from her reviews. And now there are people who likely won't see her because they're stuck on difficult questions about sexual identity. Was finding out the "truth" worth it? And in the end, does it really matter?

Mob mentality always involves ganging up on someone and this is a good example.. I find it disgusting.. whether I know the person or not.. & I do.. that's not the point.. easy to be a bully behind a computer screen

GaGambler991 reads

and it's the height of dishonesty to tell a lie for your own selfish reasons like getting bookings.

I don't have any issues at all about post op TG people working in this industry, but I do have a problem when they lie about it KNOWING full well many of their customers would not see them with the benefit of the truth.  

How so many people can condone blatant dishonesty like this is beyond me, but of course considering most of the guys here are lying to their wives and everyone else in their lives I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at how many people here have so little regard for the truth.

I think I've read your point over and over.. bully.. bully .. bully..  like I said.. enough is enough..  

You have no reviews.. so clearly  how can you criticize anyone ! please.. here's the door.. you can see it with your other face..

-- Modified on 6/25/2016 2:38:59 PM

GaGambler802 reads

How is asking for someone not to lie being a bully?

You aren't the brightest bulb, are you?  

You do realize you can stop reading my "points" any time you like, we have this thing called "free will" or is that yet another foreign concept to you?

BTW, I like Lamont's posts, and I bet you over 90% of the guys like them too. Good luck to either of you getting them banned as spam.

Posted By: GaGambler
How is asking for someone not to lie being a bully?  
 You aren't the brightest bulb, are you?  
 You do realize you can stop reading my "points" any time you like, we have this thing called "free will" or is that yet another foreign concept to you?  
 BTW, I like Lamont's posts, and I bet you over 90% of the guys like them too. Good luck to either of you getting them banned as spam.
Where do you get off.. saying that.. LC has a lot of posts that I compliment him on.. I've PM'd him before on some of his great stuff..  Is today the day you work really hard at being an asshole, or are you like that all the time..?
You have made your point over & over.. you got NO reviews.. WTF are you, some fat smelly dude sitting in his basement trying to make himself feel good? My point is that you have made yours.. stop being a bully.. STFU

JakeFromStateFarm741 reads

Also, I'm pretty sure I've been downwind of him and never detected BO.  As for "being an asshole," you are incorrect that he has to "work really hard at" it.  Actually, it comes quite easily to him.

BeautifulPerson803 reads

Thank you. I am glad there are nice people who won't give in to the crowd effect. And you are right many won't see me any more because they believe in the "truth" insecure people are preaching...and they are missing out on a beautiful person who gives 120% in sessions...i am at peace it at it, i only want to see people who are evolved beyond the drama and labels...and only see myself as a woman and want guys to make love to me as to any other woman.. post-op TS  is a label i am not comfortable with...but it has been forced upon me by the community and this website...

i bow to you for speaking out against majority that is bashing me right now every way they can and every where they can...they think they are having a good time ganging up on me and making me a public enemy, but the truth is they are putting out a lot of negative energy that will come back to them...


-- Modified on 6/25/2016 10:17:15 AM

JakeFromStateFarm781 reads

Are you saying that a provider presenting herself as something she's not is OK?  Even if some of her clients would never have seen her if they knew she started life with mens' genitalia?  Even if the idea of having had sex with such a person is profoundly upsetting to them?
Now don't get me wrong.  I'm NOT saying I agree with them that they should be upset.  If I were in their shoes I would probably not agree with them.  I've been with enough women so that I can't deny there's a chance I've unknowingly been with a post-op TS girl.  If so, it doesn't bother me at all.  But I won't defend someone who lies by omission and upsets guys who DO care about it.
Is it OK with you if the woman at the door is 20 years older than her info says?  Or if she's 50 lbs. heavier? Or if she's got huge fake tits when her info says she's natural?  How is this different?  She not what she says she is.
Not to mention that she continues to double down and defend the indefensible.  I'm sad to say I think she's shown some severe emotional issues.
So, yes, the truth really does matter.  At least to me.

I love how people out here are preaching truth and honesty while hobbYing in an illegal industry. Just awesome.
Leave OL the fuck alone and just drop it.  
You all have so little going on in your lives that you are spending all this time rehashing and restating the same thing.
Let's just sum it up and move on: we all want honesty from our providers and we will be mad if one of them lies.
Because none of us have ever lied at our jobs to further ourselves. Um, yeah right

JakeFromStateFarm662 reads

And about one of the core facts about who you are.  I don't think so.  Lots of people in this business lie about lots of things.  That doesn't make it OK.

I don't even think you are the real Jake from State Farm
.  I think you totally made that up

JakeFromStateFarm729 reads

If it actually describes anything about you then you are officially dumber than a bag of hammers.  Got any more red herrings for us?
I mean, really, if this is the best you can do please go to the Iowa Board.
Got penis?  OL does.  It's just turned inside out and is now called a pussy.

I enjoy reading these posts while I am on the toilet. It is really the only time they are worth reading.  You seem to be out here all day and night on every board available so that you can spew your vitriol. You even know the commentary covered on the Iowa board.  Holy shit.  
Well, I'm done on the toilet, so I gotta run. I think your mom just yelled down to the cellar for you. Your cereal is getting soggy.

JakeFromStateFarm631 reads

Could you have any less credibility here?
I'd say no.

So I don't have credibility on a board full of fools?  Um, ok, I'm crushed.  How will I ever move on from this

Reid.Janssens813 reads

You calling in sick so you can go fishing with your buddies is the same as someone not mentioning they had a penis before you have sex with them? Are you for real? Also, before you get all holier than thou with us I will point out that you saw Octavia and  her former self (TS Electra) yet did not feel it was important to mention in your review of OL?

Who are you?  Alias? No reviews? Bye
Are you going to be the arbiter of how much detail we all have to include in our reviews?
Where are yours?  I'd like to read a few.

BeautifulPerson879 reads

all the providers and hobbyists that did not speak out publicly but did PM, email and text me all kinds of positive affirmations...I love you make this world a better place:)

BULLING !!!! How is it bulling when you have a woman that was a man selling herself being deceitful about her sexuality . I see it no different then getting a BJ and founding out he has a cock .i was think about seeing her and thank god I never did .. Then she/he has the balls to come out here and talk shit to everyone ... Please...
Does everyone that gave her a t view know she was a he ... I bet not!! Look at there reviews and see how many have been with TS or TG .. Not many  

Posted By: LamontCranston69

Great point. And it's weird that no one out here has made that point yet. Oh wait, I'm wrong. 174 people have already made that point. Nevermind.

Uhh.. It's spelled Bullying.. Not Bulling.. so that may put it in a new light for you..  

Posted By: dasicorp
BULLING !!!! How is it bulling when you have a woman that was a man selling herself being deceitful about her sexuality . I see it no different then getting a BJ and founding out he has a cock .i was think about seeing her and thank god I never did .. Then she/he has the balls to come out here and talk shit to everyone ... Please...  
 Does everyone that gave her a t view know she was a he ... I bet not!! Look at there reviews and see how many have been with TS or TG .. Not many  
Posted By: LamontCranston69

I'm using my phone so i tend to fuck it up sometimes.. So I guess my grammar voids my point huh!?!? Frankly I would fear for retaliation if i was him/her. I'm sure not all those guys knew what they were fucking . So in the end it's a good thing she/he is retiring end or the summer .. Or sooner .  

Ask why did he/she become so vocal out here with such deception.  

But one thing has never been answered did he/she tell clients that she was a man ?  

Posted By: josulli
Uhh.. It's spelled Bullying.. Not Bulling.. so that may put it in a new light for you..  
Posted By: dasicorp
BULLING !!!! How is it bulling when you have a woman that was a man selling herself being deceitful about her sexuality . I see it no different then getting a BJ and founding out he has a cock .i was think about seeing her and thank god I never did .. Then she/he has the balls to come out here and talk shit to everyone ... Please...  
  Does everyone that gave her a t view know she was a he ... I bet not!! Look at there reviews and see how many have been with TS or TG .. Not many    
Posted By: LamontCranston69

No. Some guessed before or during sessions, some found out later, some haven't found out until now. That was the whole point of the discussions!

-- Modified on 6/25/2016 5:19:03 PM

BeautifulPerson653 reads

first of, i am she/her....i am not a man, never was...and i won't be telling anybody something that is simply not true....if some lunatic kills me they gonna kill a woman...and the blame is on Ts Nnoway....

i got vocal because i got tired of being tormented by Nnoway and then final draw was Erin and Angelina  

Posted By: dasicorp
I'm using my phone so i tend to fuck it up sometimes.. So I guess my grammar voids my point huh!?!? Frankly I would fear for retaliation if i was him/her. I'm sure not all those guys knew what they were fucking . So in the end it's a good thing she/he is retiring end or the summer .. Or sooner .  
 Ask why did he/she become so vocal out here with such deception.  
 But one thing has never been answered did he/she tell clients that she was a man ?  
Posted By: josulli
Uhh.. It's spelled Bullying.. Not Bulling.. so that may put it in a new light for you..    
Posted By: dasicorp
BULLING !!!! How is it bulling when you have a woman that was a man selling herself being deceitful about her sexuality . I see it no different then getting a BJ and founding out he has a cock .i was think about seeing her and thank god I never did .. Then she/he has the balls to come out here and talk shit to everyone ... Please...    
   Does everyone that gave her a t view know she was a he ... I bet not!! Look at there reviews and see how many have been with TS or TG .. Not many    
Posted By: LamontCranston69

GaGambler635 reads

Pointing out the truth is hardly "tormenting" someone.
and I couldn't care less if Nnoway is a tranny, a man, a woman, or a fucking Martian. He is not the one "tricking" tricks into having sex with him for money.

except for nnoway, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, not that I give a shit, has anyone that he seen many of OLs clients voice much dissent. Except for the relentless rehashing of the same point, where is the outcry?

I see 80+ reviews that are routinely 10s and as Y'ALL like to guess, multiply that by up to 10 (I never agreed with that guess) and you get 500 - 800 clients that could reply. If you remove the ladies that responded repeatedly on the General Board, there's only a handful of guys with a grasp of the truth. Truth is easy. It either is or it isn't.  

So it seems to me that there hasn't been the global outcry that one might, or might not imagine for this "atrocity". Maybe those 800 just don't give a damn. I ain't heard it. Perhaps they've been tactful and sent her a PM expressing their horror or dissatisfaction. I'don't bet that some have. And that's their right. But it's their .02.  

You can repeat and repeat your point and I won't contest it. But why not bring something new to the table like the guy that just wrote about deception to advance one's career. And I'm not justifying that either. But this is the real world folks even if you think it's a hobby. It's your real world and mine too. Nothing fake about it. Not the men or the women.  

I have an opinion but it won't ad value to this conversation except to say "where's the 800 guy outcry by the guys that got their brains fucked out?" And while I don't think calling yourself a legend was the most appropriate choice of words, I understand OLs backlash to the bashing. But she is. So hide your feelings behind the word "truth" .... and your aliases.  

Time to move on IMHO ... or ad something knew because after 100x
it is bashing, regardless if you make a good point. This is a human being we're talking about folks, not the devil. Talk to your politicians that is stealing from you and your families ... have you made that call yet? Written to the OpEd section of the NYT? That's real life boys and girls. This as you say is just a hobby.  

And for the record, I had a "private" issue with OL where she told me she hated me and would never see me again. I've evolved enough to get beyond that petty squabble and come to her defense ... not because of the truth, but because I know her and still like her. It's called being a friend. Try it IRL, it works well there too.

She's a fucking person and right or wrong, that won't change. CHIL

Very well said... enough... get over it.. the point has been made .. over & over.. yes that's bullying... and she is a person...

-- Modified on 6/25/2016 6:40:32 PM

I wanted to stay away from this thread and to tell you the truth Lamont I think you restarted it here just for your own amusement which I don't find amusing at all but...  

...since I've been mentioned here I want to put the record straight:

Until lately, when OL's profile's been change to what it was suppose to be in the first place, TER would not let through any reviews that even hinted on OL's real TS status. Period. So north don't get all too excited about OL's round digits.  

And as for you exit9, one more addition to this thread and I'll make the connection public. You know exactly who I'm talking to. The topic has been flashed out on 2 boards and extensively so. If Octavio or exit9 wants to keep dragging it on just keep responding. It'll drag on at least until Monday.  

I really think that OL and his two supporters are just plain stupid people for getting involved in this especially now. That's just my personal opinion. And one more thing to just to answer any comments in advance - the hell will freeze over before I'll refer to OL in feminine!

-- Modified on 6/25/2016 4:37:34 PM

-- Modified on 6/25/2016 5:19:58 PM

-- Modified on 6/25/2016 5:20:37 PM

BeautifulPerson625 reads

you have to understand that his hate comes from major insecurity of his...encounter with me really messed with head  because he is a transgender person himself but he is in denial....he admitted it to me...he is telling me about "honesty"....i am honest with myself...i am a fuckin woman, and that is all there is to it...unfortunately not everybody is willing to see that, they are more comfortable with another label so that they can ostracize me and single me out....Ts Nnoway is not honest with herself and she is angry and she will not stop posting and talking about me....and yes i put label on her , because she did everything in her power to put one on me....she tormented me for months through PMs and posts with aliases...she kept on telling that i am man-made woman, i will never be a real woman....he tries to sound all politically correct, writes huge posts, so others feel like he is intelligent and knows what he is talking not be fooled...You can read her review on Kate Scarlett to get an idea what kind of judgmental person she in fact is...every person i know who met Kate only had nicest things to say about her...Ts Nnoway was so concerned that Kate is not real french..who cares if she is not french but can speak french,right?who cares?only Ts Nnoway shit that meeting me completely through her for the loop...Ts Nnoway is just that annoying type of person you wish you never encountered...she is not the type to let it go...she will gossip and gossip and complain and complain .......ignoring her does not help, she does not give up...

p.s. i only referred to myself as a legend in the heat of argument, and i am just trying to find a positive in all the negativity that is surrounding me right now....can you blame me? i am teaching myself to love every person should...if Nnoway loved himself this shit show would have never happened...

Posted By: nothrofboston
except for nnoway, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, not that I give a shit, has anyone that he seen many of OLs clients voice much dissent. Except for the relentless rehashing of the same point, where is the outcry?  
 I see 80+ reviews that are routinely 10s and as Y'ALL like to guess, multiply that by up to 10 (I never agreed with that guess) and you get 500 - 800 clients that could reply. If you remove the ladies that responded repeatedly on the General Board, there's only a handful of guys with a grasp of the truth. Truth is easy. It either is or it isn't.  
 So it seems to me that there hasn't been the global outcry that one might, or might not imagine for this "atrocity". Maybe those 800 just don't give a damn. I ain't heard it. Perhaps they've been tactful and sent her a PM expressing their horror or dissatisfaction. I'don't bet that some have. And that's their right. But it's their .02.  
 You can repeat and repeat your point and I won't contest it. But why not bring something new to the table like the guy that just wrote about deception to advance one's career. And I'm not justifying that either. But this is the real world folks even if you think it's a hobby. It's your real world and mine too. Nothing fake about it. Not the men or the women.  
 I have an opinion but it won't ad value to this conversation except to say "where's the 800 guy outcry by the guys that got their brains fucked out?" And while I don't think calling yourself a legend was the most appropriate choice of words, I understand OLs backlash to the bashing. But she is. So hide your feelings behind the word "truth" .... and your aliases.  
 Time to move on IMHO ... or ad something knew because after 100x  
 it is bashing, regardless if you make a good point. This is a human being we're talking about folks, not the devil. Talk to your politicians that is stealing from you and your families ... have you made that call yet? Written to the OpEd section of the NYT? That's real life boys and girls. This as you say is just a hobby.  
 And for the record, I had a "private" issue with OL where she told me she hated me and would never see me again. I've evolved enough to get beyond that petty squabble and come to her defense ... not because of the truth, but because I know her and still like her. It's called being a friend. Try it IRL, it works well there too.  
 She's a fucking person and right or wrong, that won't change. CHILL  

She had beautiful long blonde hair, nice looking pussy (from a distance, anyway I did not get close), and really nice fake boobs.  A gut feeling tells me this was you, or someone you know. It was several years ago, maybe 5? years.

Care to comment

5 years ago? You realize one year ago she still had a dick?
Not to mention the fact that she is pretty young, and five years ago she was probably underage?

Posted By: DT_lover
She had beautiful long blonde hair, nice looking pussy (from a distance, anyway I did not get close), and really nice fake boobs.  A gut feeling tells me this was you, or someone you know. It was several years ago, maybe 5? years.  
 Care to comment?  

The person I am talking about is well over 25, with a change in TER profile less than a year ago.  The dick has been missing for years.  It was reported missing in the previous profile...but not in the new one.  

And that is the whole issue here.  There are some things a surgeon cannot change, and those remain the same.

y two cents ....

1. The sex worker business is incredibly truth challenged on both sides.
2. Everyone now understands the current issue if it was not obvious before.
3. God is good and love is all we need.
4. Can we please move on and find me a Hippy Chick?;

BeautifulPerson779 reads

Just because you did not have courage to transition even though you look, feel, sound female and have a female demeanor it does not mean you have to take it out on others    
You admitted to me that you wish you were a woman but you are afraid of the society...    
Pretty sad that you are so unhappy with yourself that you bring others down...  
i forgive you for the torment, i do hope one day you finally come to terms with yourself ...  
this thread is not about me, it is about you really  
for now you have this board to give your purpose in life it seems...gossiping...UTR providers make you feel somewhat important?lol  
i am moving to new beginnings, and i have a lot of opportunities ahead of me because i am a nice person actually, i cannot say the same about you  

you did your best to force a label on me based on your judgement, so i have a right to do the same based on my judgement

GaGambler583 reads

He still has plenty of balls for a guy who's also been "whacked" and over the last year or two he has become one of my favorite characters.

Dr.Freud804 reads

I have no personal opinion towards this person one way or the other
I do though think ,that it's necessary to be as basically honest as you can be
No matter what you consider yourself if she feels that she is always been a woman that is a personal issue for her
But if she was biologically a man I think it's necessary for her to disclose that and be honest

I don't really understand why the reviews from the TS provider did not carry over because it's still the same person
If anyone else were to change their name their reviews will follow
I can understand why there are people that are upset they feel that they have been lied to and deceived
And this is something that she needs to understand

It appears that she is burying her head in the sand and saying this is not true I have never been a man I have always been a woman
I understand that clearly in her mind she has always been a woman in a man's body but the problem is she did have a man's body that's how I see it anyway this is what people are saying
I would think there's an ass for every seat and if she advertises herself as she is now she'll be busy because there are people who will see her
And yes there are people who won't see her
But if I put in my ads that I'm 25 years old put up old pictures and people come see me and that's not who i am, I'm lying then. Same same here
The same goes for not being honest about your gender now or previously
I think there's a very fine line of what information she wants to give and what information is probably necessary to give this is a very intimate business

Personally I'm with Krystal agreeing that she in her own mind as a woman and that's good enough for me but I'm not having sex with her so I think the guys are owed an explanation to some degree
But serioysly, I don't understand how she can't see the point here it just doesn't make sense
If on your birth certificate it said bouncing baby boy, thats what these guys are all up in arms about.
Theres a way to do this and be yourself but clearly some ppl are upset because otherwise this wouldnt Still be an issue.
Fess up be yourself and move on
See those who love you for who you are and avoid those who are not interested
I would guess this too is a part of you. A part of your journey and your struggle in life and this is another thing that also makes you who you are

-- Modified on 6/26/2016 12:11:18 PM

From the subject at hand . The jest of it was why are you commenting on things you don't know about and starting shit. Well I was about to respond by saying ..

Your on these boards all the time talking shit why don't you just clear the air and say I am a woman never was a man if that's the case ? But I was blocked :(

JakeFromStateFarm673 reads

The "lady" in question just doesn't know when to STFU and leave well enough alone.  So she keeps doing herself more and more damage.  I guess she has yet to learn that the first thing you do when you find yourself in a hole is stop digging.

BeautifulPerson553 reads

at least other providers know now who not to see

BeautifulPerson624 reads

you are armenian before booking them, so you don't by accident fuck a turkish chick (it is a just a parallel, i do not really feel that way

It's most preferred that if your Armenian you fuck a Turk in her ass BB.. It the right thing to do.

Posted By: BeautifulPerson
you are armenian before booking them, so you don't by accident fuck a turkish chick (it is a just a parallel, i do not really feel that way)  

The genocide of 1915 can hardly be paralleled to anything on ter.  It was an attempt to kill off all Armenians by the Turkish government.   Over 1,5 million were killed.  Being Armenian, is possibly why I take offense to the comparison, cause in my eyes you can't compare the two.  Over 100 years has passed since massacre.  Although I will never forget what happend, I don't hate  Turkish people today.  Thats just silly.

The Turks sucks being Armenian it sure is a sore spot but I would expect nothing less  from him/her..

Posted By: crystalforfun
The genocide of 1915 can hardly be paralleled to anything on ter.  It was an attempt to kill off all Armenians by the Turkish government.   Over 1,5 million were killed.  Being Armenian, is possibly why I take offense to the comparison, cause in my eyes you can't compare the two.  Over 100 years has passed since massacre.  Although I will never forget what happend, I don't hate  Turkish people today.  Thats just silly.  

And I. Hope i didn't come across that way.  Just stating the Armenians did not chose to be massacred

GaGambler589 reads

Simply go up to an Armenian and ask him if he is Turkish, when he indignantly retorts that he is Armenian not Turkish, just say "Same difference" and then duck. lol

BeautifulPerson621 reads

you should disclose to clients beforehand that you will be talking about photography most of the session  


girl, you are a riot  

Posted By: Dr.Freud
I have no personal opinion towards this person one way or the other  
 I do though think ,that it's necessary to be as basically honest as you can be  
 No matter what you consider yourself if she feels that she is always been a woman that is a personal issue for her  
 But if she was biologically a man I think it's necessary for her to disclose that and be honest  
 I don't really understand why the reviews from the TS provider did not carry over because it's still the same person  
 If anyone else were to change their name their reviews will follow  
 I can understand why there are people that are upset they feel that they have been lied to and deceived  
 And this is something that she needs to understand  
 It appears that she is burying her head in the sand and saying this is not true I have never been a man I have always been a woman  
 I understand that clearly in her mind she has always been a woman in a man's body but the problem is she did have a man's body that's how I see it anyway this is what people are saying  
 I would think there's an ass for every seat and if she advertises herself as she is now she'll be busy because there are people who will see her  
 And yes there are people who won't see her  
 But if I put in my ads that I'm 25 years old put up old pictures and people come see me and that's not who i am, I'm lying then. Same same here  
 The same goes for not being honest about your gender now or previously  
 I think there's a very fine line of what information she wants to give and what information is probably necessary to give this is a very intimate business  
 Personally I'm with Krystal agreeing that she in her own mind as a woman and that's good enough for me but I'm not having sex with her so I think the guys are owed an explanation to some degree  
 But serioysly, I don't understand how she can't see the point here it just doesn't make sense  
 If on your birth certificate it said bouncing baby boy, thats what these guys are all up in arms about.  
 Theres a way to do this and be yourself but clearly some ppl are upset because otherwise this wouldnt Still be an issue.  
 Fess up be yourself and move on  
 See those who love you for who you are and avoid those who are not interested  
 I would guess this too is a part of you. A part of your journey and your struggle in life and this is another thing that also makes you who you are

-- Modified on 6/26/2016 12:11:18 PM

JakeFromStateFarm547 reads

I'm assuming that means Admin edited it to remove your outing of another member's alias.  So my question is, are you still able to post here?  For your sake, I hope the answer is "no." In which case you won't be able to answer.

starquarterback623 reads

I'm curious to read it but there are a lot of posts with multiple replies on there.

Makes me kind of worried to tour here, but I'm not going to lie.. I'm here for it.

BeautifulPerson736 reads

love the pic

because there is a lot of old thoughts in this city, despite MA being a liberal state...

Reid.Janssens629 reads

So now it is a Boston thing? The reality is your game doesn't play anywhere. Evidence of this is clear in the general thread which is national.  
What I think you failed to realize during all this is that people are not hating on you because you are a post op woman. They are hating on you because you are an extreme asshole.

Reading all the drama, I honestly think you need to take a break from posting. Go on vacation or binge watch a new show, just take a break from TER. The more you reply to everyone, the more this will keep snowballing.

I'm not siding with anyone, just my opinion.

GaGambler547 reads

According to OL, siding with common sense is yet another "personal attack" on her.

Don't get me wrong, I actually support her right to post, but I also like rattling the bars on the monkey cage and I LOVE train wrecks. So I don't know how much weight you want to give my opinion. lol

octovert658 reads

If I had reason to believe my intimate partner was an artificial woman constructed out of a man I would leave asap, and take with me as much of the donation as I could lay hands on. And to imagine TER aids and abets this ultimate bait-and-switch

Dr.Freud569 reads

They are condoning the bait-and-switch basically and it's outrageous the site that is supposed to be on your side for you to make a clear decision and if they are allowing deception that is technically a bait-and-switch it's crazy

Dr.Freud524 reads

I think a break from posting is a really good idea for the person in question  watch some tv go to the movies go get a massage

just stay offline for a while...

And if you repeated...I won't say.

-- Modified on 6/28/2016 9:58:35 PM

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