
Dear Mr Tiddles
USGrantlover 220 Reviews 161 reads

Sometimes it's best just to keep your lips zipped. Please.

-- Modified on 5/3/2015 1:26:39 PM

Myself and fellow Mods, Crystal, MltBob, Codpeace, Uni and Huki appreciate everyone coming out this week for our Spring party. As usual, lots of familiar faces plus some new ones. We take it that everyone enjoyed themselves and look forward to the next party in October.

And it didn't rain!!!!  Let's hope this is the start of a trend and not an aberration.

Thanks again, without all of you there would be no party!

Calvin88894 reads

Angel said she was cold and some poor john offered her his jacket. Now, she is accusing him on trying to strangle her with his coat!

.... and it was a pleasure to have her as a guest. We hope she comes back to future events!

Too bad there are still idiots that like to start something on the board without an ounce of truth

octovert596 reads

Who are you? No one on these boards refers to a hobbyist as a john. Go home to your stuffed tiger, troublemaker

Morgan, Hailey and I would like to say Thanks so much to the organizers ! We had a great time and y'all did a great job.... fantastic place, easy to find and to park. Yeah!

Plus, Its always fun to put a face behind the voice/handle.  And where else would you see such a bustling  party filled with such a diverse and interesting crowd?   I coulda stayed and talked to ya'll all night!  But alas..... 'Someone' had to take Morgan home to bed a bit earlier than intended  LOL

I wish I could've met everyone that was there!  I didn't get the chance to talk to many of you beauties, but hope to make your acquaintance next time.  Nice to meet you Angel, keep that chin up baby :) , Good to see you again Queeny, its been Way toooo long and thanks AW for graciously helping Morgan and Hailey mingle, and hey to the man across the room that I just HAD to meet, Im still crushing on you ;)   Call me  

Cant wait for the next one!!

You even arranged it somehow that the Sox would beat Toronto.  Not sure how you did it, but thanks so much.

The grub was tops, too.

And even the weather was fantastic.

GNO249 reads

I just started to see Rods posts and I must say this guy is good.  

"It takes one fool to throw a stone in the lake and 10 geniuses to get it out"  

Why would you try to have him justify his being.

Good job Rod it's people like you that got the riots started in MD.

Keep up the good work Rob..

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