
Some more erotic fiction....updated....LOL
neprof 17 Reviews 11509 reads

As the tip of my tongue slowly circles your @#$^&, you reach out your hand and softly stroke my >(*#^%@, feeling it swell in your grasp.  Your hips bgin to gyrate rapidly as you have #@^&* after #@^&*, with my mouth firmly against your $^&*#%&, .....

info please10032 reads

o ^ #

Sorry...a little to suggestive for my puritan tastes.

BigBlondie11134 reads

I would like directions to your house!!!!   LOL  ;)

So, Big B; what's your vote?...should I publish Part 3?...and risk offnding someone....

Actually, you have already experinced parts one, two, three..and four.....since we did get together in W about two weeks ago....

Well.....I guess I won't continue my series and risk offending people......sigh.....we artists are always so misunderstood.....

Aphrodisia12931 reads

This is a GREAT thread btw..anyhoo

prof, I think you should publish part three, however may I suggest that you leave out the following words s they may cause others to react in a less than favorable manner:

!~=~ - too personal for some, may trigger a post traumatic reaction.

(*&^%) - though largely misunderstood, (*&^%) is often confused with  ;)*&^( which has been known to cause blindness in some and loss of blood in others.

**$%#@!! - just too fuckin' nasty if you ask me.  Don't go there.  (correction:  I meant to say *&*^%&*( nasty, my apologies)...and my favorite...

**%$%##@#^$^! -- this word says it all and needs no explanation.

If you can adhere to these basic guidelines, prof, I think your story should be OK.

Of course, you could tell the POWERS THAT BE to..  (*&^%)  !~=~  ;)*&^(  **$%#@!!   **$%#@!!   **%$%##@#^$^! .

Naturally, you do this at your own risk and I assume no responsibilities for your actions!!!

Aphrodisia10280 reads

I believe the correct spelling is: #@^&*?

wow had to say just get the part 1 ,2,3  omg awsome  


-- Modified on 3/9/2003 5:35:54 PM

Aphrodisia10869 reads

Well my girl, we don't wanna cause any unnecessary Sugar Honey Iced Tea, now would we? LOLOL

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