
Another Idiot With Nothing Better To Do But Bitch!sad_smile
loarthan 4 Reviews 4075 reads

Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance!

When you go fishing, do you expect the fish to provide the bait?
When you go hunting, do you expect the bear to provide the bullet?

Some folks just look for things to complain about.

Give the provider(s) a break.  For whatever reason, they don't have them from time to time.

If you are going to drop >200/hour on a bit of the quim, I am sure you can afford the 2-3 dollars for the condoms.  If there is the slightest chance this could be a problem, how about preparing for it.

I recently had an experience through a service, that promised and delivered a GFE.  The girl was great - if you look at the description of GFE below she fit all categories, except for one - we were unable to do the actual deed due to the lack of condoms.  I did get multiple oral pops and I did enjoy the hour - although during the encounter I specifically said that I wanted full service...after 5 minutes of looking for a condom and none being found I settled for oral.  Bare back never entered my thoughts and I'm sure they didn't enter the young woman's thoughts either.  

I'm not trying to sound too bitchy, because I really did enjoy the oral skills but it wasn't what I ultimately wanted.  After the first bj, while she was cleaning up and I was gearing up for full service, I put a little extra into the donation as this woman really did provide a nice time.

Unfortunately, I left the session feeling a little cheated and a little pissed off.  I felt and feel that I didn't get what I bargained for.

I contacted the service via email and received a response offering $50 off my next my thinking I paid $300 (including tip) for full service and I didn't get what I paid for.  $50 off is less than 1/5th of the cost of my hour (excluding tip).  To me, those numbers don't add up and I responded, in an appropriate way, to that effect to the agency.  I've not received a response to my 2nd email.

I equated the experience to going to a movie theatre and instead of seeing a movie getting a really good tv show.  I was entertained during the show but it was not what my goal was in going to the theatre.

Some may say that I should have brought a condom with me - maybe I should have but I haven't in the past and I won't in the future - knowing me my s.o. will find the receipt or something stupid like that and I'll get really screwed.

I realize that I may be expecting too much which is why I posted - I'm curious as to what you all think of a situation like this.

Any comments?

Have had several times when the lady didn't have a condom large enough.  I have taken to bringing my own.

BigBlondie4399 reads

should have a variety with them at all times!   I always carry an abundance as well as various sizes.  

Just my .02

Have Fun


I always have condoms on me, but I also had clients who brought their own, just in case the ones that I had, didn't fit. Also, to always guarantee that you are going to get some "nookie", and what my clients have done, you might want to just buy a small pack (with cash, and throw away the receipt), when you are on your way towards the provider, and if they haven't been used/are unused ones left, either throw them away, hide them somewhere in your car, briefcase, or just do the simple thing and give the extra ones to your provider :) A provider can never have too many! Right? ;) I hope this helps :)

Mel :)

I always make sure I bring LOT! And in ALL sizes!

I think I had this happen to me once long ago, but since that time I always bring some of my own condoms.  If you absolutely cannot bring your own, the next option would be to run down to the hotel gift shop (if you were in a hotel) to a nearby store to buy some condoms.  I would expect that the time spent buying condoms would not come out of your session time.


This happened to me too.  I chaulked it up to not enough research on my part.

I would never bring condoms with me for the same reasons.  I think you should have received a better resolution from the agency.

> Some may say that I should have brought a condom with me

That would be common sense.  In fact, bring a couple in case of breakage.

> maybe I should have but I haven't in the past and I
> won't in the future - knowing me my s.o. will find the
> receipt or something stupid like that and I'll get
> really screwed.

Buy a small pack of condoms on the way to your appointment, use cash.  Throw away what you don't use.  If you're paying $300 for a rendezvous, $5-10 shouldn't be a big deal.

I think you're being a baby about this.

i understand that it's disappointing when you didn't get exactly what you wanted, even though you had a VERY good time. and i agree that providers should arm themselves with an assortment of condoms at all times - "should" being the operative word.

if you KNEW exactly what you wanted then you should have brought them yourself. the fear that your SO will find a receipt sounds a little feeble to me, but if you really can't figure out a way to disguise a condom purchase, then why not ask the girl or the agency, in advance, to be sure condoms are available? either way, there's no guarantee expressed or implied that condoms will be made available, so i don't see why the agency should refund a penny ESPECIALLY when the girl was accomodating and you had a good time. i think the fact that they offered a discount shows a desire to keep your business, and a fair gesture.

i don't mean to be bitchy, either - but you asked for opinions, and this is mine. we are all big boys here.

Proper prior planning prevents piss poor performance!

When you go fishing, do you expect the fish to provide the bait?
When you go hunting, do you expect the bear to provide the bullet?

Some folks just look for things to complain about.

Give the provider(s) a break.  For whatever reason, they don't have them from time to time.

If you are going to drop >200/hour on a bit of the quim, I am sure you can afford the 2-3 dollars for the condoms.  If there is the slightest chance this could be a problem, how about preparing for it.

I asked for feedback good and bad not to be insulted.  You may have all the answers in your book but I don't, which is why I posted.  

-- Modified on 2/9/2004 7:03:35 PM

Come on buddy, that had to be the most unintelligent question I have ever seen.  I think a bit of common sense and a dab of creativity would have helped you work it out.

and it is your delusion that makes you the perfect catch / wall decor.

Hey redsoxfan, maybe she just didn't have one big enough for ya.  Fortunately, I've never had that problem - damn it.

Mr,BeHaven4544 reads

Hey Now that I read this I think I will bring along my own condominium the next time. I believe that we all have to be a little careful about this time we share together. I also hope that all of you really realize that I know I spelled the word condom wrong. Ha ha ha.  Hey lighten up guys and girls.

CurvyZoe3538 reads

I believe that wearing a condom is basically an act of self preservation, and it makes sense that you would want to make sure you will have some if you plan on having intercourse. And personally, I prefer to know that the ones I have are of good quality, intact and have not been tampered with so I always bring my own...

Wow, this sounds like a safe sex class...
Well actually I had to teach some when I was a college student in biology, and I learned quite a bit from various governmental and health ressources... And I have perfected my technical knowledge with terrain experience since then.

All that made me concerned about not only having condoms, but also having the right ones. A condom that is not well fitted might slip, tare or just fold over and break.
To prevent this, I litterally carry about a dozen different kinds with me, varying in lenghts, width, shape, thickness and composition (latex or not for allergics).

If not only to insure the best mutual protection, I also have found that choosing the condom that fits best also allows much better sensations for both partners, making it sometimes almost imperceivable.

For example, did you know that men that are uncut will not require the same shape of condoms then those who were circumcised? Try those with a looser top.... It will allow the foreskin to move around much like it does with unprotected intercourse. ;-)
And what about putting a dab of warming lubricant before slipping the condom, making the feeling more natural for both?

The point after all is to give each other pleasure...
OK, I'll stop before I sound like a sexologist!

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