
Ahh if it is correct..there's not much to skim over tho and it does look very to the point. But...
TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 1220 reads

...yikes at how she's handling this. Her cancellation policy definitely makes mine look extremely lenient.
I'm guessing she figures her being outted here won't hurt her much because she feels she has greater client reach via BP (it has a higher ranking on Alexa anyways than TER so unfortunately she might not be wrong).

-- Modified on 1/22/2015 9:49:01 PM

Beantownhero2183 reads

Hi all - I posted from an alias (Beantownhero) earlier this week about a provider black mailing me.  

They are now threatening to contact my place of work if I don't pay. She has already added my info to blacklist on TER and is threatening other sites.  

I've tried to reason her with no luck. Please give me any advice you have.  

If anyone wants to help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

-- Modified on 1/22/2015 3:02:49 PM

Beantownhero1535 reads

She's now threatening to come to my place of work

-- Modified on 1/22/2015 4:12:58 PM

You have us way to far up the hook now.  You have to tell us who this is.

Let's face it she has the plan to rat you out, so you might as well do it first.

She left you no choice, just tell your story and let everyone know who she is.

Let's just say I have the feeling there is a pimp involved in this and if it is the one I think it is.
He is not going to let this go.

Just my thoughts on it

I have a LOT of patience, but I think it's time you outed her as many ways as you possibly can.  I agree with Lamont.

and whether she can really carry out her threats. Sounds like you gave her enough. You have options:

Name her here. Name her on other hobby sites. Post scam/blackmail ads on BP with links to her ads, phone, pics, and other info.  

Pay if you think they'll really go away.

Call LE, tell them the story, and let them hunt her and pimp-daddy down for blackmail/extortion with your help. Not sure if you committed a crime by calling and then cancelling, but it's probably minor compared to the federal crime they are committing.

Sorry you are caught up in this.

PS: I was unaware that TER HAS a blacklist; is that real or bullshit from her and pimp-daddy

Not much you can do to prevent her from doing anything.  Not sure what you/she means about blacklist on TER.  If things are the way you say, her reputation on TER will go sour soon.

In your original post you said the girl was from Backpage.  Did she have any reviews?  I suspect not, as you would have mentioned them.  If she does not have a good name on TER, then she does not have much to lose with her bad behavior.  Save any pictures you have of her, for future warnings.

-- Modified on 1/22/2015 8:29:41 PM

Analias1243 reads

will post her name and follow it up often until they go away.

Make it hurt their wallets severely as a major defense.  Suggest that her future earnings will be affected a lot more than a single cancellation fee and that the TER boards seem to agree with you.

Good Luck.

Beantownhero1325 reads

tried this. she didnt seem to think posting her name on TER would hurt her.

One piece of advice, don't pay her, if you do she can come back to blackmail again and again.

I would do my best to make sure everyone knows about this. Make sure she does not do this to anyone else.

Bad behavior like this should not be tolerated and need to be brought to light so it will not happen again.

jojo131167 reads

If Lamont's TER link is to the correct provider, her cancellation policy is clearly listed on her website and it is one of the most severe I have seen. Once the meeting is confirmed, the cancellation fee is $300 and if cancelled the day of the meeting, the fee is the full amount. The fee is to be paid online by CREDIT CARD. This to me is a big red flag and is very risky.

A lesson here is to read the websites and not to just skim them. Sorry she is playing hardball, but the website was upfront about her policy. I think the policy is overly harsh and if people read it, it should cut down on her business substantially. I know I would not schedule with a provider with that policy. She is probably counting on people not reading it and then hounding them for the fee when they have to reschedule or cancel.

...yikes at how she's handling this. Her cancellation policy definitely makes mine look extremely lenient.
I'm guessing she figures her being outted here won't hurt her much because she feels she has greater client reach via BP (it has a higher ranking on Alexa anyways than TER so unfortunately she might not be wrong).

-- Modified on 1/22/2015 9:49:01 PM

whatsupwiththat897 reads

Why do people act like some bullshit written on a website is the law or something? Fuck her cancellation policy.

I would ignore any and all attempts to harrass and black mail you
she will likely just move on to her next victim !
I would also let Ter know that they are representing her and She should be banished from advertising, having reviews etc etc
I dont normally get caught up in the gossip but I feel very strongly about this and feel sorry you ate going through this !  
She sounds desperate for money And it leads me to believe that some of her reviews might be fake !
This is not a common practice of most providers

I hope your future endeavors are a more postive and rewarding experience !

This girl will eventually cross the wrong person and the tables will turn on her

Hey guys,

I guess I should reply myself though I don't frequent these boards.

From the get go, the poster was cheap and disrespectful of my time. I asked for him to confirm twice before extending my hotel reservation for our date, and then he cancelled after confirming.

I feel entitled to at least the cost of the hotel, but realize he probably can't afford it. I have made no blackmail attempts, take my job seriously and provide great service. I think of my clients as friends.

Anyone who thinks otherwise from my reviews (not sure how they seem fake) or anything else (I have never had Ann issue with a potential or current client until now) is entitled to their opinion. I'm a full time student from out of the country and this is my only job. I think it's obvious from the fact that in the beginning of the month I had to request less reviews (obviously they help with business but I have no need for 4+ a month and getting so many emails was hindering my ability to answer all of them in time) from clients that I have a great business.

I won't be reading the replies and don't care. I don't understand why so many people will jump at the idea to be upset about something with no factual evidence. Sucks that the locals may have a certain opinion about me now but I love my regulars and they would never believe this BS. Just consider what may be wrong with an older adult man who spends his time trying to mess with the lives of 20 year old.

Also, I took the pics off my site a few days ago because my body is distinct and after December I had extreme anxiety about how popular I have become- it's nice to have the income but I don't want to be famous. I didn't delete my photos from the rest of the internet and anyone who knows how to use Google can attest to that. Sigh.


This is her cancellation policy

What if I cancel a confirmed appointment?

My cancellation policy is $300/1 hour, $200/half hour. For no shows and day ofs it is the full consideration for our scheduled date. This is payable by credit card online.

But her rates are 900 for 2 hours and 450 for an hour if she has an incall.

Were does the the 200 for an half hour come into play ????

Something funny is going on here

I don't offer half hour rates, Lamont.

My cancellation policy is to dissuade people from having me book in call (someone else has to book my priceline since I'm not 21)- most clients just reschedule.

$300 is because for appointments before 3 PM I automatically have to book two nights or I can't check in. That's why I ask several times if they can confirm when I'm the one booking.

Again, read my earlier thread. I am nothing but serious about treating my clients well and having positive interactions with other community members.

Thank you all!


His reaction sounds like he had a gun to his head with the sudden 180. Very fishy.

He cancelled 4 days in advance. No loss to you. Simple greed at work here. Stay in school. Learn about best business practices.  

It appears you were trying to take advantage of this guy. Understand that there needs to be leeway in any business relationship, otherwise it eventually bites you in the ass.

I have to just say that it's not at all good to threaten people. Many girls have cancellation policies, but threats turn this whole thing into something low class, violent, and scary. Don't you believe in fate? That the right people will be brought together if it's meant to be ? Why push fate or take karma into your own hands? These behaviors hold consequences, and I'd not want to test the effects of karma. It sucks when men cancel. It's awesome when they cover the cancellation fee. But if he refused, let the karma be on him naturally. Don't push it. I remember I was kneeling beside my grandfather's grave in ohio. I had never met him alive, nor seen his grave. It was a precious moment and yet I was on a time restraint to drive to an appointment. He pushed me to take the appointment, so I agreed. I remember walking backwards to my car, holding my eyes on the gravestone until I couldn't see it anymore. So I was on my way to this appointment, an hour into my drive to him, and he cancelled. Can you imagine how horrible I felt? I asked for a cancellation fee and he refused. I still feel sick in my soul about that experience. But I didn't threaten him because karma must be allowed to naturally take care of these kinds of interferences. Once we step in and match their behavior, we will have karmic debts and trouble. I highly suggest you stop being threatening. Accept your cancellation fees when it's done out of true consideration from the gentleman. If he is a jerk about it, then just let it go and trust karma. I'm one of the mature providers. I speak from lots of experience and I remember the sad days that I occasionally brought anger into complicated dealings. But believe me it's not worth it. You will feel miserable and resonate at a low frequency unless you let love go before for you in all manners of this business and life in general

-- Modified on 1/24/2015 1:22:14 AM

Beantownhero1285 reads

Hi All,

Ellie and I have worked this out over email. It's my fault for missing the cancellation fee. If I had seen it I wouldnt have booked so far in advance.  

It was a huge mis understanding to how much she was charging for the cancellation. All of this was pretty surprising given her reviews (which she's right, look great) so I was taken a back and reacted poorly.

I ask that the Moderator take down these posts so we can all move on and enjoy hobbying!

Sorry for all the drama

I had a cancellation of a three hour appointment today and I am sure my rates are higher than this back page blackmailer i spoke to a few girlfriends and none of us have ever heard of a four day out cancellation fee.  

If you ever book with her again you will get what you deserve.

And in regards to the cancellation it was a nice client and i realize things come up. I am looking to build up a clientele for the long run i am not a get them in get them off and get them out kind of girl.  

There is no circumstance that would justify going to your place of employment for canceling appointment.

Do you think she gives the clients money when she needs to cancel last minute

this makes me so angry because it gives all of us ladies a bad name.

Months ago, without naming anyone, I posed a question about canceling out when I was asked to secure a hotel room for a weekend, even though I was only looking for an evening event. Many fellow hobbyists told me I was nuts, some lovely ladies wondered if I mis-represented the facts. At the time there was no web-site with any policies. My advice to all, use your big head when shopping.

jdentente, are you saying Ellie was the woman you posted about in September?

Posted By: jdentente
Months ago, without naming anyone, I posed a question about canceling out when I was asked to secure a hotel room for a weekend, even though I was only looking for an evening event. Many fellow hobbyists told me I was nuts, some lovely ladies wondered if I mis-represented the facts. At the time there was no web-site with any policies. My advice to all, use your big head when shopping.

Reid.Janssens1274 reads

Did you work it out by paying her the cancellation fee, by rescheduling, etc?
Pretty easy to "work it out" by agreeing to her outrageous terms and paying her.

Makes Deflategate seem like a more interesting topic!

Here's my summation...

OP is a "reputable hobbyist" using an Alias "to not muddy the waters"  drops keywords like "Backpage" and "Blackmail."

Ellie, not using an alias, defends her position and policy (which I found VERY easily on her website) in a mature, convincing manner and denied any blackmail attempts.

OP apologizes for missing the policy and "reacted poorly."

Do I have it right?

People.  Get the facts, react rationally and don't jump to conclusions.  This nonsense can be harmful to reputations and diminish a lot of hard work in an instant.  

Oh, and read the policies!  The women put them there for a reason

Posted By: Erotiqua
Makes Deflategate seem like a more interesting topic!  
 Here's my summation...  
 OP is a "reputable hobbyist" using an Alias "to not muddy the waters"  drops keywords like "Backpage" and "Blackmail."  
 Ellie, not using an alias, defends her position and policy (which I found VERY easily on her website) in a mature, convincing manner and denied any blackmail attempts.  
 OP apologizes for missing the policy and "reacted poorly."  
 Do I have it right?  
 People.  Get the facts, react rationally and don't jump to conclusions.  This nonsense can be harmful to reputations and diminish a lot of hard work in an instant.    
 Oh, and read the policies!  The women put them there for a reason.  

Bellichick deflated the balls to get back at beantownhero and Brady paid the price with Elle.

Now it makes sense.

anon637940 reads

She may have good reviews, but this isn't the first time somebody has had trouble with her. Somebody else posted on another forum about having problems with her as well. I've never seen her, but the impression was that she's great in bed, but is a little young and not quite equipped to handle the customer relations part of the business.

The claims that I am either LE or working under someone else's control are ridiculous.  

I have an inbox full of clients and providers that I have great relationships with. Being gossiped about by men who have never met me on a message board does not affect my business, so defending myself and having all my clients vouch for me isn't worth it.  

From my perspective, my reviews are too far from generic to be coerced. Not sure what that is all about. After getting 4 reviews in December I started specifically asking each new client for less because I don't want to be all over the internet. I have a job and attend school, two things that I'm not willing to lose because I carelessly left traces of my appearance and mannerisms on escort sites.

Also, I have no clue who Giselle is... Is it because we have a similar ethnicity? (I don't even have a VIP membership on TER so I can't look her up). I'm sure you can still find my photos online on Google and when I advertise (it will be a lot less now that school started again) they are on my ads. Now I am deciding to take even less new clients because I am scared of someone like this contacting me again.

Also, I am nowhere on national blacklist, a site I check frequently when screening! If I were anything other than advertised or sketchy I would be on it since I have been working for at least 6 months!

Again, consider the situation and the person complaining. Men feeling rejected (lowballing my SET rate) and reacting poorly isn't a new thing, in a vanilla dating scenario or in this underground hobby we all participate in.  


my Giselle reference had nothing to do with you, it was about deflategate. It was meant to be a reply under "different thread". The Giselle I referred to is Tom Brady's wife. She is Venezuelan. ooopps, lol

lvstoski844 reads

I like this gal!  You may be the one to break my own no review policy!

aznwomenrbest893 reads

In your previous post you say that this is your only job,,,,,now in this post you say you have another job?  These are reasons why people may not think your above board. Just pointing out the reality of what you said.

browneyes_625 reads

My advice to you is to keep in touch with providers that are straight forward (like myself) instead of sweet talkers that might be mean and two faced ones!

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