there are 3 of us I believe ... please check the site by location ...
scr5540 22 Reviews 4848 reads
1 / 9

Chicago providers that have been through Miss Jaeleen's school.

TSRachel See my TER Reviews 4083 reads
2 / 9

... I think I am the only one also trained in her new experience ... Elysium™

scr5540 22 Reviews 3139 reads
4 / 9
ClairJordan See my TER Reviews 2997 reads
5 / 9

please, from both clients and the women who have done the training?
Much appreciated!

Clair Jordan

TSRachel See my TER Reviews 3628 reads
6 / 9
jaeleen See my TER Reviews 3741 reads
7 / 9


Please don't contact Angel ~ she's one of my web techs and had to create a page to facilitate changes in the back of the website.

TSRachel See my TER Reviews 3023 reads
9 / 9

Hello Sister Goddess! I am still in Europe ... Athens now .... just had the most amazing blended session just now ... beautiful gent who flew in from Bulgaria ... OMG ... it flowed so beautifully and truly was a connection for us both ... he immediately wrote the agency upon his return to the hotel(will forward to you)

thanks for sharing your gift,

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