start 2 minutes 50 seconds into video
sobeslave 740 reads

Hello,   I am thinking of buying a cock cage. Does anyone have suggestions or experience?

CB6000 cages are great for shorter-term wear, and are also more affordable. They're not particularly great for wear that's going to extend over a week; comfort and cleanliness can become an issue.

Some people prefer steel cock cages, and there are a few people who take custom orders for them. Mature Metal and Steelwerks Extreme produce great pieces.  I've linked to a measurement guide below

Thanks for reply sim still looking. Then I have to find a key holder


I think this is a case where you should be careful what you ask for.  I have never been in chastity before but I understand that the fantasy of it is far different than the reality.  Short term (no more then a few days) is fine but anymore then that it gets real difficult and real uncomfortable.  Do you know the hard on's that you have when you wake up in the AM? Well, that experience will turn into jumping out of bed and running into a cold shower if you are in chastity.

Please let us know how it goes,

ddupree476 reads

Hi,  I have just started wearing a cock cage, more for the novelty (and secret wish that I could find a Dom or Domme to force me to wear one).  I was going to order one from Mature Metal, but there were too many unknowns in the required measurements.  So, I ordered a fairly inexpensive one to try out from Amazon,

I have to say, it's pretty cool.  This one is fairly heavy, and I like the way it feels.  But continuous wear causes my scrotum to stretch out (not permanent) so it shifts downward and I can actually fish my penis out of the cage even when it's locked.  It's amazing how small a space you can get your flaccid penis in and out of.

Anyway, I now know what the appropriate measurements are for me, so if I decide to order a custom one I'm confident I could get a good fit.  But I'm pretty happy with the one I have.  It's solid, a good fit and well made.

About nocturnal erections, you don't get one while wearing it of course, but it is uncomfortable in the beginning.

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