Re: You unwittingly hit on another problem:
jayshap 2 Reviews 2345 reads
1 / 4

The LA K-Girl reviews frequently mention that they do S&M, but their website doesn't say anything about it.  Anybody have any actual experience?

LeChiffre 3 Reviews 701 reads
2 / 4

A downside of getting the BDSM board up so late in the game is that almost every provider listed on TER supposedly does some S&M.  There's no clear delineation between providers who, say, like to be spanked on the butt, versus legit submissives.  Furthermore, if the first reviewer isn't sure if the provider does S&M, they check the box anyway, and then everyone follows suit.  It would be awesome if there was some way to re-wind and have TER correctly reflect which providers are BDSM players -- and which are NOT -- but, sadly, that ship has sailed.

I was going to make a gallows humor comment about what the K-Girls were really trying to say is that they were getting beaten by the crime syndicate who sold them into a life of prostitution, not that they were BDSM providers, and maybe you misuderstood, . . . but that would be in bad taste, so I won't do it.

RokkKrinn 665 reads
3 / 4

You refer to the the issue of providers getting eternally tagged with either "light" or "don't know" on the S&M box--and then say that there's no way to distinguish between providers who are ok with a little butt-spanking vs "legit sub missives".  But….

How about the problem of S&M providers who are only willing to play one side of the fence?  i.e., willing to sub but not willing to domme, or vice versa.

I'll keep saying it until I'm blue in the face, but this here site needs to cater to this component of the market more effectively than is currently the case.  If not, somebody else will start a site that handles this stuff better..

MistressKiley See my TER Reviews 732 reads
4 / 4

I dont think TER needs to change, after all, it is an escort review site, not a Dominatrix review site.

Maybe it is time for someone to come up with a BDSM review site. Might be kinda fun to put together !!


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