Full Sensations
octovert 34341 reads

Fullness fetishes were something I used to think were a perversion unique to my own sexuality. In the past few years I found out there are other guys who get off the idea of a female being filled to the point of visibly bulging and becoming physically uncomfortable. Next came the websites with the "stuffers" both "gaining" (not my thing) and
"non-gaining" (my favorite). Now I find there a young women who even enjoy the sensation of being super-full, such as one gorgeous hottie on YouTube who drank two liters of water, stroking herself as she did so, and a South American woman who put up a photo in a Yahoo group of her self tied down and force-fed water, and madde picture of two corsetted tormentresses grinning over a women strapped to a table, with her limbs tied to its legs, her head hanging back with a tube running down to a mask over her mouth, frantically  swallowing water as her swelling stomach gurgled. In Spanish the tormenters discuss there plans to squeeze and slap the woman's full stomach.

The corset fetish adds an opposing force to the predicament.

yeppers.   Full of water or pee seems to be a fetish people will call ask for.  the corset makes it especially difficult.  the scene makes me twitch, as it is very stressful for the submissive.

Enema's taken over and over again provide that over full feeling too.

octovert24288 reads

Thanks for your perspective, Submissann. Doesn't seem like much of a sensual experience for you; more like something to endure. So is there a set of standard scenes based on overfullness? Tight clothes to show up the distention as it forms? A safe way to force you to ingest liquids? Role playing, such as mother/child (ie "Mommy is going to make sure you drink all your milk, sweetie!"), doctor/patient, teacher/pupil? And when you are painfully engorged, do your nipples become extra-sensitive?

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