Pro Dommes versus "escorts with a whip"teeth_smile
LeChiffre 3 Reviews 15029 reads

This is intended to be a very tongue-in-cheek look at those providers who are really more "escorts with a whip" than professional Dominatrixes.  If your provider ever answers like in this example, RUN -- don't walk -- out of her play space!  I personally found this hysterical.

That video is pretty funny! But I gotta chime in here and say that I think most Pro Dommes are too rigid in thinking that escorts don't know anything about kink or aren't competent just because they're escorts. There are definitely novices who are too big for their britches and incompetent...

But on the other hand I think an experienced escort who has a keen sense of male psychology, is in touch with her own erotic energy, and is intelligent herself, has great potential to be a fantastic top.

Definitely run if someone ever asks if you want a salad with that ;) I personally keep my distance from anyone too involved in the "scene" I find that to be the funniest part of the video. Going to fetish parties really doesn't teach you much about being a Dominatrix and if someone thinks it does....

This video was meant to be funny and I posted it mainly for everyone's enjoyment, but it does highlight the concern that we in the BDSM community have about how easy it is for a provider to buy a leather or latex outfit, and then maybe a crop or a flogger, and call herself a Dominatrix without any form of training at all.  You hopefully wouldn't try to take the controls of a 747 without some flying lessons, or perform open heart surgery without years of medical school . . .  and, yes, I know that this isn't quite as complicated, but it's important for a Top to know SOMETHING about how to play safely before they jump right in and potentially do damage.

The good news is that there is a wealth of material out there now -- books, on-line training videos, classes held by every major BDSM club in the big cities -- so there's really no excuse for a Top/Dominant not to at least learn the basic safety protocols of different types of play before hanging up their "shingle" as a professional.

And, on the hobbyist side, there's no legitimate reason that you should fear asking a potential play partner where they learned to play and how long they've been actively doing the type of play that you are interested in.  That really should be part of the pre-negotiation, along with safe words, a discussion of limits and your medical issues.  

Granted, most of the people here on TER are likely interested in a sensual experience, and it's almost impossible to do damage with very light types of play -- I've yet to hear of a single person dying as a result of body worship! -- still, if those reading my posts learn nothing else from me, please remember that it's okay to ask these kinds of questions before you start playing.  (For my part, I've gotten to the point where I can even tell someone is an inexperienced Domme by the quality of her play equipment.  If it looks like she bought it from the local adult novelty store, then she's a newbie.)

That said, everyone has to start somewhere, and there is a degree of "fake it 'til you make it", so as long as the escorts with a whip are willing to put in the time to learn their craft, they're A-OK in my book.  :-)

with myself, they have in mind what they are looking for. I do encourage some sort of information and communication before we actually meet. The best sessions I have ever had was with someone who wanted the fantasy to start the moment I knocked on the door. It was 2 hours long and the scenario was fantastic because he gave me a heads up as to what he was looking for and what he liked.

Although I am GFE, my true nature is Domme. I have always been this way. Seems to come naturally.. Some have even said I am Domme in my gfe sessions..and they definately enjoyed it..

I believe that a true Domme has it already built into her personality. It is not for everyone. Maybe its the redhead in me.. Not sure.. Either way I adore my sessions and always make sure he or she enjoys it also..

isn't that the point? fantasy to the fulliest extent!!

I think I just woke up a few neighbors I was laughing so loud at this.
We all know I offer both so no offense taken at all.
I know my momma gave me my dominate nature, its in my blood.
But, I'm also a friendly horny gal from the midwest that has no intention of ever giving away my pussy for free so you know how I do it....

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