phillyguy1 20210 reads

can anyone tell me if there are any subs in philly??

I don't know about subs, but Philly has some great cheesesteaks!

Buh-dum-dum!  Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week.  Remember to tip your waitresses, and drive home safe!

(Sorry, philly, couldn't help myself!)

she is a switch so she may be a great sub for you!

or take some time to learn how to search for anything on TER that has to do with finding a specific fetish.....I can teach you that in about 10 minutes....and no it is not going to jump off the is a word search you can do here or on a link back from a search engine to find almost any kind of fetish, kink and/or bdsm provider on the planet......Anything from amputees to fisters to scat players to midgets to TS Men (yes we have a few DNA females who are now physically men) they are all here on TER. You should learn how to pinpoint a search here so we can all help and guide people to really invest in their own erotic journey.

Not to play on words, but this is a very "tricky" has the potential to be a wealth of information about alternative lifestyles. If readers are belittled, or made to feel like no one is taking them seriously or like the Mod has no clue how to help them.....this board will loose its purpose and effectiveness. I would not be shocked if someone asked where they could find a provider with no limbs...........and YES WE HAVE ONE! Should I assume you will tell an off centered joke about that person’s sincere search? BDSM, kinks, and fetishes will always walk hand in hand.

The OP asked a very very simple question, he wanted to know if there were any Subs available in his area. We should either answer the question (which could have been easily answered via the search function and not looking for anything beginning with Goddess or Mistress), show him how to use the search function, or skip the post.

This is a new board and many many TERainians are very curious about the lifestyle........esp. as it pertains to professional subs.......there is almost no way to do a SPECIFIC search for a sub or for that matter a pro-domme who allows would have to know TER very very well to find what he is looking for....soooooooooooooo at this point in the behooves those of us who know exactly how to search for Pro Dommes, Pro Subs, kinksters, and our fetish just answer the questions as professionally and accurately as possible.

It is already difficult enough to get anyone not already involved to at least be open to the experimentation in the BDSM lifestyle.....add to it, a Mod (you) who is supposed to help and be understanding....but instead someone asks a question and in return (from you) he gets jokes or demeaned (your post about which iso's you will remove) and you are making this more difficult than it has to be. Our goal is to not feed into the myth that we are all rude, unable to function outside of the roles we play in our BDSM Careers.

Again, I think it would be a better board if we all just answered the questions as accurately and professionally as possible, don't say anything, or say you have no clue how to search for a sub.


TheSquareOne20804 reads

Yes, there are a lot of people curious about BDSM. I am one of them. I am very curious, but a little scared as well. I am planning on taking the leap for my wife's birthday on the 6th of June. She has done this kind of play before and I haven't and for personal reasons I am nervous about it.

Now from an outsiders point of view this form of play can be a bit scary. A bit of light humor can help with that. If this board is both fun and informative I think you will help newbies like me more then if it was just informative. A little light humor is never a bad thing.

LeChiffre did not insult the poster in any way. If he did I feel your reprimand would be appropriate but it was not at all demeaning. Lighten up.

P.S. I sent you a PM as I never go after anyone with out letting them know who it is yet I have my reasons why I wish not to post this under my handle.

You are a you this is fun and games, to the ladies who offer the unique services a professional domme...(esp the ladies who offer specific services) this is fun and you see the difference?


According to our Mod........if anyone posts a vaugue iso...the post will be deleted.

Who do you think that effects? It is not going to effect you at all, you don't care if an iso is deleted ....however, if someone post: "I am looking for a mature african american top, with a dungeon, who can dt till she gags, and who can offer strap on play".....and this persons post is removed bc they did not specify a location?....who is going to be pissed? ALLURE IS GOING TO BE VERY UPSET.......sooooooo whose fault will the loss of a connection be? There is nothing in any of my reviews that says I have a full service DUNGEON in my in-call....but I do....yup cage, whipping post, sex toys a full two racks of them, electro toys, a collection of strap ons.....Imma be a wee bit upset....bc anyone looking for the services offered here who can get even as specific as that scenario would be....has the money to see me and will make an appointment, keep the appointment....and they are LOYAL regulars..or if they can't get here I know about 5 ladies in the country who are my age, body build, and price range who offer that and can at the very least rent space to work out of........there are not too many of us running around....that does not make us wildly unique....IN YOUR makes us very niche like to the men who see us.....

So since that particular part of my business is a huge part of my you get it? This is a fun and a sexy hobby to you...great we love having you around and you know I love you too pieces....but this is FUN AND A SEXY BUSINESS TO ME....huge difference.

You sell cars right? Ok say someone walked into your dealership and asked for a four cylinder........are you going to pretty much tell them to get the fuck out and don't come here anymore until you figure out what kind of car we sell here? No, you qualify the sale and if you don't know what you are talking refer them to someone who does.

xoxocoxox peace and blessings to you.........

You guys haven't seen all of the e-mails I get, but clearly, Allure has issues with me as a moderator.  Just so that everyone is crystal clear on this -- I am not a TER employee paid for this.  I'm just someone who suggested a need for this board and offered to volunteer to be its moderator.  If someone else wants to take over, that's fine by me, but providers can't be moderators, or I would let Allure take over to show us all how to do it properly.

To clarify the point I made before . . .  allowing posts that are so vague as to not include the city and/or interests would be counterproductive.


Poster 1: Looking for BDSM.
Poster 2:  Where?
Poster 1:  Looking for BDSM in Florida.
Poster 3:  Where in Florida?  It's a big State.
Poster 1:  Looking for BDSM in Tampa, Florida.
Poster 2:  Well, what kind of BDSM?  Are you a Top, Switch or a bottom?
Poster 1:  Looking for submissive in Tampa, Florida that I can spank and tickle.

Soooooo, I'm just asking that we jump straight to that last, USEFUL post, so that we can circumvent the game of "20 questions".  I don't think that's too draconian on my part.  And if I did delete a post of the vague nature, I would extend the courtesy of explaining why to that poster.  The example given above would have been perfectly fine, because it was quite specific.  Capiche?

GaGambler18079 reads

but she knows that if she ever wants a single one of her posts to see the light of day on anyone of my boards she won't ever try any of this kind of crap with me.

Allure has already run a one woman campaign to get me removed as moderator, guess what? I am still here.

LC, this is YOUR board, run it as you see fit and I guarantee the membership at large will support you as long as you are fair. Don't let a  couple of overly vocal malcontents that want to run YOUR board get to you.

and Allure, I DARE YOU to try this shit with me again.

I have the right to post whatever I want to post.....and I have to right to voice my opinion(s) of a mod....and nothing about that has or will EVER change.

You are simply pissed bc I ignore you and have ignored you FOR YEARS....and why do I ignore you? BC you are a bully.....and I will NOT be bullied by a moderator.

Try what shit with you? Oh the RUMOR that I tried to have you removed as a mod? Well, when did I care enough to do that? You are now buying into your own press THAT I ACTUALLY GIVE A SHIT WHAT YOU ARE DOING? I didn't care when I started ignoring you, and nothing has changed dear...I STILL DON'T CARE.

Overly vocal? PULEZZEEEEEEEEEEEEEE spare me your bullshit. Seriously SPARE ME YOUR dont give a fuck what goes on...on this board GA stop playing around you don't care anything about BDSM......unless you are going to make an appointment to have an anal hook put up your ass....your only point for posting was to mke sure the whole board reading population knew you were still part of the "he man" woman hating club.

News flash.....we already know you are never going to relinquish your chairmanship to the "he man woman haters club" and who cares

I'm just waiting for you to up the ante to "double dog dare"

Oooooo I dare you to cross this line....

Ooooo push this stick off my shoulder........

We should get some chalk and play jumpscotch!

Aint nobody scared of GA's BULLYING ASS...his power is a small bit of his over inflated EGO......what exactly is he going to do? Come over here and spank me? Ummmmmmmmmm ok? I guess?

GA wish you would grow up and realize ADULTS can agree to disagree without being CHILDISH......but this is yet more evidence that you are indeed Peter Pan and you are NEVER going to grow above the mental thought process of an 8 year old child.

Oooooooooo I am soooooooooooooooooooooo scareddddddddddddddd of the BIG BAD MODDDDDDD.............

TheSquareOne16375 reads

I do agree with you on the vague ISO post issue. Any post not violating TER policy should be allowed. I was not disagreeing with you on that, not one bit. Just about the cheese stake joke being out of line, that joke was well with in TER guide lines, was not rude, and was funny. Even the OP thought so.

I do not mean to be over critical of LeChiffre as he is doing a great job of posting useful information and has taught me much. I have my sources that have told me he had a big part in making this board happen. Over all I think he is doing a great job, but I do think all ISO post that are on subject for this board, that are with in TER guidelines should be allowed.

and we can be ok still chat, still trade information, sing Spank Me songs and laugh all the way through a disagreement.

I really appreciate the way you handled the fact that we don't agree....not a big deal....we are's cool we are still cool....we will always will be cool beans!!

That is the beauty of being adults and being smart....just because I disagree with the MOD and with does not mean anything other than we disagree.

I cannot for the life of me find this site I am trying to link for you.....arghhhhhh. I will keep looking...but i did send you some information...your questions are so broad and the information i sent you is very broad as well. We can narrow it down a little bit...but I have got to find this site.....and I know it is not down..........ok I am back on the hunt for you!!


Apollo-x19843 reads

It is also not his job or responsibility to do searches for others who have not done it for themselves. He was not disrespectful to the OP.

It would be a better board if you would stop trying to moderate it. Get it?

If you want to participate and HELP, then perfect. You are a good addition to this board, but attacking a moderator who is a volunteer is out of line. I would suggest refraining from that in the future.

Attitude`20518 reads

Maybe Attain A` Sense of Humor, that's all he was injecting to the thread.

i will be there June 6 to June 10.  Please contact me, i'd love to serve you.


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