Is fisting kinky?
keralo 78 reads

more kinky than vanilla!

Some friends and I have been having an ongoing debate about where fisting falls on the kink - vanilla spectrum and we can't seem to come to an agreement. Some think it is a pretty extreme sexual act, while others are very casually fisting without any BDSM associations at all.

What do you think? What aspects of fisting make it kinky or vanilla for you?

keralo79 reads

more kinky than vanilla!

Especially when you are an advanced player & engage in double fisting. I was always impressed by a kinkster who can take both my fists. Impressive to say the very least. Kinky yes indeed.

Double fisting is a favorite! The sensory experience of having that much of myself inside someone is unparalleled.

One looks plenty kinky to me !!!!!

I've also been having this conversation lately! I don't personally consider it kinky, but I have to remember that I live in a very freaky bubble. To the masses, fisting is kinky, especially double or anal fisting. Plus, the "stigma" associated with it (painful, scary, dangerous) and the fact that it's against TOS on many porn platforms further pushes it into the margins of "regular" sex.

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