Everything is absolutely phenomenal with me love!
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 5712 reads
1 / 6

I have had a few contract subs that I owned in my lifetime. I would not consider ownership seriously without a written contract. Does anyone else have experience with real ownership? Please share.

netnoy 38 Reviews 74 reads
2 / 6

Encounters at first as you get to know one another is fine without it.  But if it starts to go long term, definitely write it all down.  Especially what everyone expects from the relationship, when/if contact is allowed, what soft and hard limits are, and how either side can communicate needs to change things or end it.

I had several that went very well but when it was time for it to end it ended amicably.  We had agreed in advance how to talk to one another.  I had one that ended in a horrific manner and we did not have a contract.  I found out she was really the sub for someone else and he was using her to make him money (pimping).  We had verbally agreed to be exclusive and she clearly was not.  I don't know if a contract would have changed anything in this case, but it ended when I found out she was living with him.  But I would have had something that she signed saying she was not seeing anyone else to quote as I blocked her and cut her off.

Feel free to pm or text me if you want to talk more about this.  Everything ok for you?

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 67 reads
3 / 6

What is the point of a slavery contract?  Since they would never hold up in court.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 71 reads
4 / 6

Thanks for asking. I highly recommend contracts for arrangements. To be honest if you had a real contract with the lady who was supposed to be exclusive you could have held her, and her pimp accountable. Looking at your reviews I assume it was not enough money to take them to court, but if it was 5-10k I would think your justified to redeem your monies.

When I have had an exclusive arrangement in the past I will take down any ads I have online because I am totally not available to anyone, but that person. I had a lifestyle relationship for over a decade, and even lived with a sub for several years, but discovered the submission was not 100% it was bullshit to be with me. Lying to have a relationship with someone is absolutely not cool.

Honesty is the only was to have a successful relationship & arrangement, but having a written contract is key just in case someone over steps the boundaries that have been discussed. Especially, when business is being discussed over drinks. Follow up when the other party is sober because people make promises when under the influence that they had no intentions of keeping. Lifestyle relationships can be lots of fun if you meet the right person who shares your same desires & kinky fun interests.

netnoy 38 Reviews 67 reads
5 / 6

I'm glad everything is going well for you!

She has nothing to sue for.  It is more than that amount so I'm letting the police sort it.  The only time she ever kept a steady job was when I was on top of her to make sure she showed up and did it.  Her boyfriend/pimp can't keep a job as a janitor so he uses women to make him money.  Pretty scummy situation.  My lawyer said I have two choices, sue them into bankruptcy where I'd be lucky to get a settlement of $100 a month for years or walk away and not be tied to her, let the prosecutors decide if/when to press charges.  I decided to be less stressed and happy.

My reviews are deceiving, most of the higher prices girls I've seen have either asked me not to do reviews or I just didn't.  At that $ amount, like what you charge, I'm looking for something fairly special.  I like the anticipation of the date, all  the email/texting in advance.  Discussions of what we are going to do.  I also want to ensure I am not at all rushed or stressed.  I want to make sure I have plenty of time before and after.  That's why I've had a hard time figuring out when I'm coming down to SD to meet you finally.  I'd like a longer session.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 72 reads
6 / 6

No negative anything this New Year!

I love the arousal of anticipation that’s why I updated my website with incentives for booking in advance. Hopefully, you book me sooner, than later. lol Smile for me!

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