Dom/Domme ethics
LeChiffre 3 Reviews 19570 reads

This came up in a fire play class I was taking from the former head of Threshold . . .  A fairly veteran player in our group was willing to do fire play on Her submissives, but was reluctant to experience it Herself.  That brought up the topic of BDSM ethics for Tops/Dominants, which is -- You should never do anything to Your submissives/bottoms that You haven't tried on YOURSELF first (in order to understand the sensations that you'll be delivering to others).

So, a good question as a bottom/submissive to ask a potential Top/Dominant is: Have You tried these things yourself?

As a Top/Dominant, the flipside of this is that once you've tried something on yourself, you effectively have "license" to do that kind of play on others, so it's sort of a perverse incentive.  For instance, I had others try a stun gun on me recently.  Now that I know how to safely use it and what sort of sensation it delivers, I can now ethically do that to others (with pre-negotiation, of course)!  :-)

Don't agree with this, and in fact usually react in horror when asked "Have you ever tried this on yourself?"

Almost everything I do I have had done to me. Obviously I haven't tried CBT, but have engaged in female forms of genital torture (including needles, sutures and saline infusion) so I feel I am pretty well versed in the effects, plus I make it a point to learn as much about the potential dangers so I know what to watch for and what to be prepared for.

RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink) is the way to go for me. If there is something I want to do I've never done before, I will find someone who does it and have them teach me, including letting them do it to me. It only makes sense.

I would never do anything to someone I haven't ether done to myself or had done to me and practiced on a none living thing. Plus I read up on it before I preformed any act or allow it to be preformed on me. To do otherwise in my limited opinion is careless. It is unethical to do other wise. Good post.

Unfortunately, the odds are that you probably will hurt someone accidentally eventually.  It almost can't be helped.  Your bottom/submissive might squirm in a direction that you didn't forsee, or I once had a piece of equipment break when I was submitting to someone.  I think those sorts of things are mutually understood.  "Shit happens."

Ironically, as a newer player, you are probably much more careful than a veteran player.  I've had several experienced players note that they sometimes get overconfident because of their past experience, and kind of have to "check" themselves mentally.  "Thou too art mortal, great Ceaser."

I am just saying I have a goal to be as safe as humanly possible. Fact is I have hurt myself once already learning how to use my new elk flogger. I got a black eye from a sloppy practice swing and it came back on me. But in my opinion it is better that I hurt myself then my bottom as the bottoms well being is my responsibility. You are right though sooner or later ether my equipment or my skill will be found wanting and I could hurt my bottom by mistake. I am doing everything I can to reduce that odds.

before you play together, at least as much as you can.

Yes, that includes knowing how much experience they have in a skill on the playlist and whether or not they have experienced that item.

i wouldn't say that just because i've experienced something gives me license to do it to another.  It does bring me closer to knowing what the experience will be like for another, but there is so much more involved in knowing how to do something in a way that won't harm someone.

The condition of my body changes day to day.  i may have a sore shoulder today or my neck is stiff, but tomorrow it is fine.  i have to be aware of what is going on to tell my partner before we play.

i think it comes down to communicate, communicate, communicate.

And making good informed decisions for myself.  if the Top has NO experience in using that brand new e-stim machine they just bought, perhaps we should play with it after finding someone who has experience tell us about it, demonstrate it and we start out slow and then build up to more difficult challenges.

Great topic, LeChiffre.

I would also suggest that the ethical Dom/me has an obligation to take a safety/first-aid training class, and should be able to administer emergency CPR.  

The ethical Dom/me also has an obligation to care for the bottom/submissive before Herself/Himself (i.e., if you are both on fire, but them out first).

And, finally, an ethical Dom/me should never be afraid to get their submissive/bottom to an emergency room if something goes wrong.  The care and well-being of a plaything always trumps concern about your reputation as a player.  In fact, the worst possible way to get a bad reputation in "the scene" is to be someone who mishandled their plaything and made them leave the lifestyle.

And one more :)

I also think emotional/mental care is necessary in many cases. When I am engaged in an activity that could create some real emotional upset (like a role play/spanking, particularly one that includes punishment) I make it a point to spend time afterwards making sure they are OK, then check in on them over the next few days. I also think we Dom/mes also need to be keep in mind that we are giving our bottoms an experience that they may have fantasized about for a very long time, and fantasy turned to reality can be overwhelming, either in a good way (Oh my gosh, that was amazing, you are the perfet woman, etc...) or it can be so underwhelming that it sends the bottom into a bit of a spiral, so we need to be prepared to talk and encourage (or discourage, if necessary). I saw a gentleman a while back who was looking for a very specific experience. I, unfortunately, couldn't give him what he needed, and we spent a lot of time talking about what he really needed, and who he might see that could give him that. I lost what might hav ebeen a very good client, but I couldn't be what he wanted, even if I tried, so why make him (and me!!) miserable!

submissann, if you read this and could answer a you ever find you need to do some type of aftercare with those that Top you?

The hobby, at least on the GFE/PSE side is strictly for a good time, it's the equivalent of going to an amusement park for your libido.

But role play has the potential to unlock a lot of emotional baggage and therefore can be very theraputic in the hands of a very skilled and empathetic provider or it could be destructive to some extent.

It's something to consider and I thank you for bringing this out.

Your concern shown in the post session bring back to earth session and even the follow up days later leads me to believe that you could be a really wonderful therapist to someone.  Kudos to you.

With your permission, could I move this post to the Erotic Highway Board?  I'd like to see The Love Goddess' take on it.

Thank you for the kind words! Since I am currently pursuing my doctorate in Psychology, with an eye toward working with those in alternative lifestyles, your words just encourage me a little further on my path!

I could talk on and on about how I feel about using role play as a way to move beyond past experiences. Done in the right manner, with a caring practitioner, all those times you should have gotten punished when you were growing up can be atoned for, and I also think that those that live BDSM lifestyles can learn many ways to control things like depression through different BDSM activities.

You are welcome to share my post :) Again, I appreciate your comments!

rather than a general discussion, so I won't be forwarding this to her, but I do very mucy hope that someday that sexual healing and similar therapies will be applied to mental health problems.

Heck how cool would it be if insurance would pick up the tab for hobbying?

for those of us over 60, maybe this should apply to ALL the fair maidens at TER

Posted By: LeChiffre
I would also suggest that the ethical Dom/me has an obligation to take a safety/first-aid training class, and should be able to administer emergency CPR.  

The ethical Dom/me also has an obligation to care for the bottom/submissive before Herself/Himself (i.e., if you are both on fire, but them out first).

And, finally, an ethical Dom/me should never be afraid to get their submissive/bottom to an emergency room if something goes wrong.  The care and well-being of a plaything always trumps concern about your reputation as a player.  In fact, the worst possible way to get a bad reputation in "the scene" is to be someone who mishandled their plaything and made them leave the lifestyle.

To be a true MASTER you have to have conquered all!  I would not feel right (KARMA) attempting something for the 1st time without being honest with the players.  

Honesty & Trust is a must when playing naughty!

Even when I, do brown showers I explain that it is hazardous prior to play.  Moderation is key, and if you indulged everyday it would not be such a delight.

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