
You don't know if you don't ask!
redfox7 44 Reviews 1048 reads
1 / 9

I am seeing a semi-retired provider on a regular basis once every 4-6 weeks. She and I enjoy our time together so much that our sessions have evolved from one hour sessions to 2-3 hour sessions. Our last session was 4 hours and we could have easily gone 6 hours if we had had the time. She recently shocked me by suggesting that we take trips together. I did not see that coming.!  Yes, I am interested but I am a little nervous. We have a good thing going and I don’t want to spoil it. I told her that I am definitely interested and we will discuss it in the future.

My question to providers and hobbyists alike. How should I negotiate rates with rates with her? We are talking about a 2-3 day trip to Florida or NC. Also, I am considering asking her to a sporting event here in Atlanta. Her hourly rate is $600, 3 hours $1500, and 4 hours $2000. My income is good but I do not have an unlimited hobbying budget. How can I accommodate her request and be fiscally savvy at the same time?  

I am trying to come up with an approach that is fair to both of us?

Blakelovely2 See my TER Reviews 39 reads
2 / 9

Have you asked her what she expects? This is something you guys would have to discuss especially since you guys have a close relationship I'm sure you guys could come to agreeable terms.. I have a Siegal friend that I see regularly and he gets special treatment and breaks on what he gives me but he also does ALOT for me outside of our dates.

redfox7 44 Reviews 36 reads
3 / 9

This was so sudden and unexpected I decided to wait to discuss it at a future session. To give you some background her website is no longer active and her P 411 account expired. She started in 2017 and her last review was in 2022. By the way she had outstanding reviews  and her average score was around 9.3 to 9.4 .She has a job outside the hobby and heavily involved with her family. She no longer wants reviews. Our personalities mesh well together and we have incredible fun together.  At our next session I will try to bring this up.  

Any input and suggestions from hobbyists and providers who have been in similar situations will be greatly aprreciated.

Crisp040 7 Reviews 32 reads
4 / 9

You might want to discuss an allowance with her. You give a certain amount every month and then you get to see her multiple times or travel with you. That would be something you would have to work out with her. Just a thought.

redfox7 44 Reviews 48 reads
5 / 9

I have actually considered that option. The challenge for us is that we have busy lives outside of seeing each other and sometimes it is 6-8 weeks before we can get together. There is a part of me that hates to discuss the business part of the relationship but sooner or later I am going to have to do it.

StinaValentine See my TER Reviews 39 reads
6 / 9

with a super fun, easy to hang out with client. I believe I charged him my overnight rate multiplied by days together. We did mostly touristy things, and he didn’t have me in bed the whole time, so I felt good about the arrangement, and he was able to afford it.  

Maybe that could be an idea you suggest.

OlympicGold 40 reads
7 / 9

Don’t screw up a good thing

beccablossoms See my TER Reviews 33 reads
8 / 9

I've done many extended and FMTY dates and can say I truly enjoy them.  I get to spend time with some great people, have some unique experiences together and really connect on a human level.  I give a fair rate and never get insulted when someone inquires about something.  You don't know if you don't ask!

beccablossoms See my TER Reviews 35 reads
9 / 9

I've done many extended and FMTY dates and can say I truly enjoy them.  I get to spend time with some great people, have some unique experiences together and really connect on a human level.  I give a fair rate and never get insulted when someone inquires about something.  You don't know if you don't ask!

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