
What's your standard?
XXXWarning 1740 reads

How do you choose a provider in Atlanta, specifically?  Body shape/size?  Hair color?  Big, small? Big tits, small tits?  Is donation a prime factor in your choosing?  Banter on the board important? Of  course, age?  Not asking for names,  just a round about reasoning on your decision.  Oh and reviews, those infamous reviews, is that the clincher? Appreciate the feedback.  Oh,  can't forget location.


-- Modified on 1/19/2016 5:25:47 PM

I'm not from Atlanta, but do most of my hobbying there.

The first criteria is looks. I have certain  types I favor. Think Sabrina Star, Melissa Davis or Marisol from Rome, Italy (below), who I'll  be seeing in three months.  When I stray from that type, I've been disappointed. Dark hair, full lips, mesmerizing eyes and luscious body has been my standard since I was a horny little kid.  

I was okay with B or C cups until I experienced D's and bigger. Now it's hard to go back.  

Reviews have to be very good, although they're not always dependable. I'm learning to read between the lines, and also ask questions via PM.

I'm willing to pay to get what I want,  but I have yet to see anyone I'd pay more than $700 an hour for.

Age is a factor, but not for the reasons one might think. I'm recently divorced after being with the woman for 45 years. I don't want to get emotionally involved, because I don't want any more hurt. An age difference of 20 years isn't a complete barrier to a relationship forming; my late brother's wife was 20+ years younger. With a woman in her 20's, though, even in my most delusional state, I know that nothing will ever come of it. It's about as safe as I can get.

Location isn't an issue, as I live in the "Buckle of the Bible Belt", where few providers will go. I have to travel to see anyone.  

-- Modified on 1/19/2016 5:38:21 PM

XXXWarning712 reads

Is this the girl you are pimping out?

Triple X

No. Why would you say that? I'm going to Italy in April, and I'll be seeing her there for a day. She's my type.

I don't think I could do her business any good shilling for her from thousands of miles away. ;)

XXXWarning659 reads

Any business or post, or pic is good business...plenty of men travel for business...I've been to Italy many times.  Albeit, she is very's still a shill.  

Triple X

I don't see it that way.  It might be, if it were on the general boards. But, I can't see it on a regional board. I've been to Italy a bunch of times, too.  I wouldn't look on the Atlanta board for advice, though.


Posted By: XXXWarning
Any business or post, or pic is good business...plenty of men travel for business...I've been to Italy many times.  Albeit, she is very's still a shill.    
 Triple X

I find it slightly interesting that you solicit people's opinions while hiding behind your alias with zero reviews. You then take some constructive feedback from a man who has seen some of ATL's finest and throw that back in his face.

I wouldn't be surprised if the response from the community is underwhelming. I hope you find what you are looking for.

XXXWarning540 reads

Why post a pic of a girl on a thread?  This is not an Ad board.  That was my retort.  What is wrong with asking questions on what Atlanta dudes look for?  Obviously most do not have any taste.  From the looks of it.  And as you said:  OPINIONS.  Is it illegal to ask for opinions?  I guess to the Atlanta men it is.  I threw none of his opinions back in his face.  Get a grip.  I'm sure you have NEVER used an ALIAS!

Triple X

PorfirioRubirosaJr510 reads

Bucky made a very good point and is not hiding behind anything

But likely a wine drunk chick. No problem there. Lol

If the question were serious the reply with the foto was
A good illustration of mr Don's likes.

NYCforBusiness393 reads

This is so typical of TER Boards and any other board.  Some poor dude asks an interesting and harmless question just to get slammed by the whole community.  I admit that I'm not sure why the OP went after the first response as a shill but the whole response thread seems like overkill.

For me (usually)

- 5 but not more than 10 good reviews
- agency or independent not backpage
- 18-25
- athletic to highly athletic build
- natural boobs A,B,C, D but not "just plain huge" if not already ruled out by atheletic
- reviews reference CIM
- great pics that turn me on

Ok - rip me a new one! It's an alias after all

HarryWacker558 reads

I prefer 2 tits, 2 or more holes, and a heartbeat.

Body type? Varies, but I admit to not being attracted to A cups. Otherwise, no big deal.  
Age? No, I've seen older, younger, and much younger.
Race? No. Equal Opportunity Opportunist.
Hair style and color? No and no, but I've never been attracted to bald women. So "more hair than me" is a must, but easily accomplished.
Height? Between dwarf and giantess.  
Fee? No.
Incall location? Kinda. I stay away from Hartsfield. Scary on the Southside.
Reviews? Kinda. Fan fiction is fun, but not entirely reliable.
Board and/or email banter? Helps a bit. Intelligence is sexy.
Tattoos are more negative to me, especially arm and neck.
Smoking is negative to me.
Breast implants are negative if too big for her frame.
Clear eyes (but not color) and decent teeth (reasonable color) are important.
Indy or Agency? Yes.

Hope you got the picture.

XXXWarning473 reads

Took some thinking, didn't it?  Good job, Harry!  

Triple X

A woman attracts me or she doesn't.  

I can be attracted to brunettes, blondes or redheads. I can be attracted to women with large or small breasts. Big butts or small, 20 years old to 50 years old (an example, not a limitation). Board personality helps, and certain menu limitations can be a date killer.

What standard do you use to limit your own experiences

XXXWarning490 reads

My standards are a bit higher than what I've seen on the Ad boards, that's why I have asked you people on the Atlanta board.  Guess that was a moot point.  My bad.  

Triple X

PorfirioRubirosaJr599 reads

Don has gained respect here as a wise man with good outlooks.

-- Modified on 1/19/2016 9:55:46 PM

I think it's really all about building a reputation.  People do business with people they trust.  And in this business, trust is very important because bad things can happen....  The primary advantage of TER is that it provides a place for trust to build.  It takes some time for a reputation to build.  

My primary objective is to find a lovely woman (or two...) to spend a fun, adventurous, safe morning with - usually three to four hours.   It takes me a while... not a great thing - I wish it were otherwise.

For me - the selection process for a provider who is new to me is actually something I think about for a long time in advance.  There are a few providers that I have seen before - and, honestly, they are a heck of a lot easier to deal with than seeing someone I haven't seen before.   As a result I don't often see new providers.  I saw a provider last weekend that I had been thinking about seeing since 2012.... but usually it's not that long.

Appearance is not a big thing; attitude is.  I do like providers who specialize in less common activities and seem to understand that the purpose of our time is for me to enjoy it.    I seem to select more mature providers - no idea why - but it's certainly not deliberate.  

Cost is a factor but it is not the only factor .....  That said, there are providers that I would otherwise have seen if their multi hour rates were more reasonable - and there are providers I see more often than I would if their rates were higher.

Reviews can be a factor - but not so much on scoring as who is doing the reviews.   Specific acts in the reviews are not important - and are honestly pretty boring.   If I know the reviewer - then I really do pay attention to them and I may back channel.  Further, oddly enough,  I have gotten some really good tips from providers that I have seen.  When I am reading reviews I am trying to get a feel for whether this is a person I want to spend time with. Some reviews you do get that - most, unfortunately, you don't.   If there is something "off" about the reviews, I'll stay away.  

Board banter can be important - but it's more a matter of whether someone expresses opinions in a literate and coherent manner rather than what the opinion is.  I think of it as a form of BSC screening.

Location - for me it needs to be an upscale incall - Buckhead or North OTP.

So far - I am 10 for 10 - I have no idea of what I am doing right - but I must be doing something right - because all of the women I have seen so far are all a lot of fun.

-- Modified on 1/19/2016 10:36:33 PM

-- Modified on 1/19/2016 10:43:47 PM

GaGambler506 reads

Sorry I came late to the party, but this particular troll seems to be a bit dull witted and downright grumpy. Trolls like him are not often good for any long term fun, just smack him around a little bit and move on to more entertaining topics would be my advice to the board.

Some trolls actually delude themselves into believing that anyone gives a fuck what they think. The OP appears to be one of them.

Over the years, we've been graced by the presence of the underage crowd - be they teenagers, under 30s, etc. - who are often immature and/or sexual lyrics frustrated. They'll ask seemingly innocent questions only to ridicule or make snarky comments.

I'm glad to see the tolerance of the group. Not only for playing along, but for the 'standard' seems to be Equal Opportunity Opportunist.  I think I'll borrow that one Harry.

Having fun in the snow,

hy would a guy be looking for feedback, yet use an alias? Why would he then insult the gents and ladies of Atlanta at the same time by saying the men have no taste and that the OP's standards are higher than what they see on the ad board? Sounds to me like someone isn't as busy as they'd like to be...but what do I know? Lol!


Plus she passes out when she had to post replies so much.  
Defs a lightweight.

Caylee is a sniper with deadly aim...and right on target =)

I thought the same last night ... but didnt write anything.

Posted By: ThisIsCaylee
 Why would a guy be looking for feedback, yet use an alias? Why would he then insult the gents and ladies of Atlanta at the same time by saying the men have no taste and that the OP's standards are higher than what they see on the ad board? Sounds to me like someone isn't as busy as they'd like to be...but what do I know? Lol!  

I'm pretty sure the OP is Donald Trump.

Or at least attends The Donald's lecture series on "How to win friends and influence enemies... or if you can't - just make them feel really bad about themselves".

The only thing missing was a sign off saying "You are stupid, your mother dresses you silly, and nobody likes you."  Oh, and "Where were you born and why do you have that funny name anyway?".   ;-)

I personally see nothing wrong with a brand new alias coming on, asking a whole slew of personal questions, then acting surly, dismissive, and juvenile to the folks giving him the benefit of the doubt and posting a thoughtful response.  Then proceeding to taunt, disparage our community, and call us shillmeisters even as we are trying to help "educate" him.

I see nothing wrong here.

It is a free country after all.

That is until said Donald gets his hands on it.


Ok it was a joke people.
Well...  mostly.

And our Trump could very well be a Trump-ette.
Trolls are equal opportunity employers.  

Posted By: ga_kosh
Over the years, we've been graced by the presence of the underage crowd - be they teenagers, under 30s, etc. - who are often immature and/or sexual lyrics frustrated. They'll ask seemingly innocent questions only to ridicule or make snarky comments.  
 I'm glad to see the tolerance of the group. Not only for playing along, but for the 'standard' seems to be Equal Opportunity Opportunist.  I think I'll borrow that one Harry.  
 Having fun in the snow,  

and your daddy smells like kudzu. Either stick with the Classics, or adapt them to your style.

Seriously, Trump? E thinks the troll-esque OP is Trump?  
I thought OP to be a "she/it", because manure can be useful, but if E wants to give Trump a rimshot.... well at least it's between consenting semi-adults.

E, wear protection. You don't know what Trump has humped.
Also, penicillin.


There can be only one gentlemanly response to such a ridiculous accusation on my maternal and paternal lineage...

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!

PS:  A Trump humper?  Where on earth do you get these ideas?  I'm crazy, but I'm not CRAZY...

Posted By: electr0nsrealm
There can be only one gentlemanly response to such a ridiculous accusation on my maternal and paternal lineage...  
 Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!  
 Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!  
 PS:  A Trump humper?  Where on earth do you get these ideas?  I'm crazy, but I'm not CRAZY...

I like what I like.  that's what I prefer.  Other people..may have the same preferences and they may not.  it's all personal and subjective. whatever you like and make your own choices.  Be original... or not.  it's up to you.

gain self-esteem by bashing others and presenting themselves as superior. I've gotta check the DSM-IV for that particular diagnosis code.

Quite sad, especially on a fuck board using an alias.

LOL... his (if he is a he) standards are higher than all the ladies in Atlanta who post ads on the ad board. Way to insult every monger and provider in Atlanta.


What a train wreck.  I think everyone should go get laid with whomever they want.  No need to keep the bashing up really. Truly is like high school around here sometime.  Ahhhh....Thank god for good cock lol

"A good cock needs many hens".

And now the converse... if a cock cannot find many hens (that meet his standards, of course), is he a good cock?

No, just means he's highly selective on the hen(s) he lays with lol!!  

My standard is she has to be attractive and our time together can not be vanilla.  Hell, I can get laid every day of the week if I am happy with a perfunctory BJ, missionary, and doggy.  When I look for a provider I am looking for an experience that is a bit more than I can expect in the civvie world.  Not to say I am not able to find everything I am looking for the civvie world.  Just that it can be a lot of work.

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