
well you got to write that first review
ga_kosh 22 Reviews 733 reads
1 / 9

Let me elaborate on my definition of a One-timer before you get your heads in the gutters. I'm not talking about us old farts who are One and Done. This topic has a bit to do with a post below but is askew of that topic.

I mean "One-timer" as in "He's only ever posted one review" but he scored her (the all mighty) 10/10. Agreed, there are some one-timers who score 9/10 or 10/9 but I can't recall seeing anything lower from a One-timer.

So... Can we get a consensus here on "Who are the One-timers?"
Are they:
A) guys so impressed with the first lady they've seen that they have no desire to ever see any other provider;
B) Self-reviews by providers to inflate her score;
C) guys checking off the bucket list line of  "pay for play";
D) _____________  (I got nothing else so fill in the blank for me).

There are some providers who have dozens of reviews from One-timers so I think those scores are skewed higher. Also, the One-timers tend to see ladies who advertise "2 references required".  
So count me as a B.


Panthera12 391 reads
2 / 9

Many times a provider will get a low score and it gets followed up with a 9 or a 10 by a one shot wonder. How coincidental and how convenient. Many times if you check back on a suspected review 6 months or a year later there are no other reviews. Those are mostly fake or self reviews.  
Another pattern is that this one shot wonder claims that he has seen provider XXX on several occasions. Why wait until the third visit to post a review?  

Granted there will be newbies who are socially inept and haven't been laid by a civvie for 10 years, and those guys will throw out a high score because it's the best sex they have had in recent memory. Those guys are also prime candidates for a manipulative (or some will say marketing strategist) provider to show them TER and how to score a 10/10.  

E) Providers will write fake reviews for each other, an exchange of favors if you will. That is more common then you think.

airmantroy 28 Reviews 361 reads
3 / 9

A and B...with C being taken out completely..(bucket list??? that was a stretch) How about just flat out fake reviews so they can get the coveted VIP?

In case there are any potential review writers reading, here are some tips from a seasoned veteran:

A 9 or 10 in appearance is NOT the number of beers it takes to make her Penthouse material...
A 9 or 10 in performance is NOT the number of lines of blow she has to do in order to fuck like a rabbit...

And for the sake of my and everyone elses wallet, just because it's the first time you've had a blow job in 10 years, and you smoked a pipe full of crack 10 minutes before you walked in her door....If you can't bounce a quarter off her ass or stomach then she is AVERAGE...not ATHLETIC body type...and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop going to see the same girl who got a 5/5, 6/6, 7/7 score and expecting anything to be different, especially if she is on Backpage 14 times a day...the only thing special about you is that pea brain thinking you are gonna get better service cause you brought her a bottle of wine (she's not even 21 yet dumbass)...

Enjoy gents...

ga_kosh 22 Reviews 262 reads
5 / 9

You might be surprised by Bucket List.  
I know two college friends who did Hobby once and only once each.  

One had a great time, but eventually felt guilty enough to admit it to his wife - who left him shortly afterwards (strong Christian values and all). They eventually worked things out but he's on a very shortened leash. He did not write a review though he smiles broadly about his 2 hr visit - quotes "Scent of a Woman";

The other was single at that time and said WTH? Why not? - but he went BP. Wasn't great or even good as he clearly states it wasn't for him, but he's not opposed to trying once more. He didn't know about TER. His current wife is bi-curious, so I was the one who advised him about TER but cautioned him to let Her make the arrangements if that's something they Both want. Otherwise, learn from the other guy's mistake and keep his mouth shut if he goes it alone.

We're all a bit of YOLO types, though I have refused to jump out of a perfectly functional airplane and/or run with the bulls in Spain or anywhere else. South Africa White Shark cage sounds fun though.  So, "My hypocrisy only goes so far."

BTW, I left "D" blank because I seriously could not come up with anything else.  

Thanks for the post. Good one!


foguete69 38 Reviews 219 reads
6 / 9

before you write the next one.  My first review was a 9 / 9.  (the lady delisted herself so don't bother looking)  I never really thought I would review but it took an awesome woman to bring it
out.  lol  I guess a total ripoff clockwatcher might have prompted me too.  lol

xyz23 45 Reviews 228 reads
7 / 9 her ass and or stomach. LoL! I think I'll tell her you told me to do it! HaHa.

I agree with what you said.

Advisor2008 212 Reviews 237 reads
8 / 9
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