
Welcome back my dear friend...
utrdude 455 reads

I tried sending a text to one of your old numbers last week.  Hope to see you soon.  Stay well

Posted By: SecretAgent_PT
Hello in there! I must say that even though I have been gone for almost 2 years, it was the hardest that I have ever done leaving all of this behind after 19 years. I have thought of so many of you in that time. I see many names I remember but more that I don't know. Is itsron, GMR, Lazydog, monsterjazz, Pleasureseeker, turtleman and c-something 7 still here? I see GaG and fougette and DER HELLO :) . I know that Veronica posted that she saw me and that I was out of the biz. At that time it was true.  
 I have recently met a woman that has convinced me to be her assistant. To teach her what I know as she is recently Independent and clueless as to how this all works. I have decided that I will help her as she truly reminded me of my Taylor. For those that remember her.  
 I am in process of trying to update the profile because for 2 weeks there has been an open problem report. I wrote TER today so Im waiting to be able to do that. I cant say who right now , I think that would be considered an ad. So many new things here on TER to learn :)  
 This is just to say hello and letcha know Im back.. Waiting for my VIP to kick in and Ill answer the 14 old messages that I have.. Any of you that had my personal number please feel free to call me. Ill be talking to yall real soon with great news :)  
 P.S. I searched out my old posts and theyre all gone :( all 4000 of them.... BOO HOO

Hello in there! I must say that even though I have been gone for almost 2 years, it was the hardest that I have ever done leaving all of this behind after 19 years. I have thought of so many of you in that time. I see many names I remember but more that I don't know. Is itsron, GMR, Lazydog, monsterjazz, Pleasureseeker, turtleman and c-something 7 still here? I see GaG and fougette and DER HELLO :) . I know that Veronica posted that she saw me and that I was out of the biz. At that time it was true.
I have recently met a woman that has convinced me to be her assistant. To teach her what I know as she is recently Independent and clueless as to how this all works. I have decided that I will help her as she truly reminded me of my Taylor. For those that remember her.
I am in process of trying to update the profile because for 2 weeks there has been an open problem report. I wrote TER today so Im waiting to be able to do that. I cant say who right now , I think that would be considered an ad. So many new things here on TER to learn :)
This is just to say hello and letcha know Im back.. Waiting for my VIP to kick in and Ill answer the 14 old messages that I have.. Any of you that had my personal number please feel free to call me. Ill be talking to yall real soon with great news :)


P.S. I searched out my old posts and theyre all gone :( all 4000 of them.... BOO HOO

itsron501 reads

Posted By: SecretAgent_PT
Hello in there! I must say that even though I have been gone for almost 2 years, it was the hardest that I have ever done leaving all of this behind after 19 years. I have thought of so many of you in that time. I see many names I remember but more that I don't know. Is itsron, GMR, Lazydog, monsterjazz, Pleasureseeker, turtleman and c-something 7 still here? I see GaG and fougette and DER HELLO :) . I know that Veronica posted that she saw me and that I was out of the biz. At that time it was true.  
 I have recently met a woman that has convinced me to be her assistant. To teach her what I know as she is recently Independent and clueless as to how this all works. I have decided that I will help her as she truly reminded me of my Taylor. For those that remember her.  
 I am in process of trying to update the profile because for 2 weeks there has been an open problem report. I wrote TER today so Im waiting to be able to do that. I cant say who right now , I think that would be considered an ad. So many new things here on TER to learn :)  
 This is just to say hello and letcha know Im back.. Waiting for my VIP to kick in and Ill answer the 14 old messages that I have.. Any of you that had my personal number please feel free to call me. Ill be talking to yall real soon with great news :)  
 P.S. I searched out my old posts and theyre all gone :( all 4000 of them.... BOO HOO

I have sorely missed you. I couldn't keep in touch. It was soooooo hard to break away. I cried for 2 months sigh... Call my old number my personal I know you had it or wait till I can fix profile.. TER still hasn't removed the problem report.


and you are doing well.  

I will email you.

So good to know that you are well :-)

So nice to see you still here too do you PM?


Hey You!!! :-)
Can not PM at this moment, but sooner or later, one way or another we'll touch bases.
Take Care!

Shaft Anonymousfun, Blackfire :) :) Teri and I don't think I know yet others yet! but I will.  
Dunno IF I can put my new email here? So just wait Im gonna se IF the profiles ready to be fiede and I will post an d, Also let me check my VIP Ill message you anon.


GaGambler399 reads

and yes some of us old timers are still here, alive and kicking.

Can't wait to hear more from you.

Good to see you back.  

Hope all is well.

I wa very happy when I saw you posted!


I hope to hear from you soon as I can fix the profile... My new number will be there but I think you may have my old personal one?


utrdude456 reads

I tried sending a text to one of your old numbers last week.  Hope to see you soon.  Stay well

Posted By: SecretAgent_PT
Hello in there! I must say that even though I have been gone for almost 2 years, it was the hardest that I have ever done leaving all of this behind after 19 years. I have thought of so many of you in that time. I see many names I remember but more that I don't know. Is itsron, GMR, Lazydog, monsterjazz, Pleasureseeker, turtleman and c-something 7 still here? I see GaG and fougette and DER HELLO :) . I know that Veronica posted that she saw me and that I was out of the biz. At that time it was true.  
 I have recently met a woman that has convinced me to be her assistant. To teach her what I know as she is recently Independent and clueless as to how this all works. I have decided that I will help her as she truly reminded me of my Taylor. For those that remember her.  
 I am in process of trying to update the profile because for 2 weeks there has been an open problem report. I wrote TER today so Im waiting to be able to do that. I cant say who right now , I think that would be considered an ad. So many new things here on TER to learn :)  
 This is just to say hello and letcha know Im back.. Waiting for my VIP to kick in and Ill answer the 14 old messages that I have.. Any of you that had my personal number please feel free to call me. Ill be talking to yall real soon with great news :)  
 P.S. I searched out my old posts and theyre all gone :( all 4000 of them.... BOO HOO

My Dear UTRguy!!1 How I have thought of you.. For my sanity I had to make a clean break or I would've been miserable half in half out... Well Im full in and that number is gone. As soon as I can fix the profile call that number


Welcome back!! so wonderful to see you back!
I'll definitely be calling you soon dear friend :)
Love you B!!! :)  
Hugs and kisses

So glad to see you are ok. Was worried sickabout you!!!! Foxy

Posted By: SecretAgent_PT
Hello in there! I must say that even though I have been gone for almost 2 years, it was the hardest that I have ever done leaving all of this behind after 19 years. I have thought of so many of you in that time. I see many names I remember but more that I don't know. Is itsron, GMR, Lazydog, monsterjazz, Pleasureseeker, turtleman and c-something 7 still here? I see GaG and fougette and DER HELLO :) . I know that Veronica posted that she saw me and that I was out of the biz. At that time it was true.  
 I have recently met a woman that has convinced me to be her assistant. To teach her what I know as she is recently Independent and clueless as to how this all works. I have decided that I will help her as she truly reminded me of my Taylor. For those that remember her.  
 I am in process of trying to update the profile because for 2 weeks there has been an open problem report. I wrote TER today so Im waiting to be able to do that. I cant say who right now , I think that would be considered an ad. So many new things here on TER to learn :)  
 This is just to say hello and letcha know Im back.. Waiting for my VIP to kick in and Ill answer the 14 old messages that I have.. Any of you that had my personal number please feel free to call me. Ill be talking to yall real soon with great news :)  
 P.S. I searched out my old posts and theyre all gone :( all 4000 of them.... BOO HOO

Call me if you still have number? IF not.. Still waitin to fix profile with my newer number XoXo


Posted By: SecretAgent_PT
Hello in there! I must say that even though I have been gone for almost 2 years, it was the hardest that I have ever done leaving all of this behind after 19 years. I have thought of so many of you in that time. I see many names I remember but more that I don't know. Is itsron, GMR, Lazydog, monsterjazz, Pleasureseeker, turtleman and c-something 7 still here? I see GaG and fougette and DER HELLO :) . I know that Veronica posted that she saw me and that I was out of the biz. At that time it was true.  
 I have recently met a woman that has convinced me to be her assistant. To teach her what I know as she is recently Independent and clueless as to how this all works. I have decided that I will help her as she truly reminded me of my Taylor. For those that remember her.  
 I am in process of trying to update the profile because for 2 weeks there has been an open problem report. I wrote TER today so Im waiting to be able to do that. I cant say who right now , I think that would be considered an ad. So many new things here on TER to learn :)  
 This is just to say hello and letcha know Im back.. Waiting for my VIP to kick in and Ill answer the 14 old messages that I have.. Any of you that had my personal number please feel free to call me. Ill be talking to yall real soon with great news :)  
 P.S. I searched out my old posts and theyre all gone :( all 4000 of them.... BOO HOO

ope you are doing well. I am hardly ever on the board anymore myself. Pretty much retired from everything. I remember Taylor. She was why we met and one of the greats. I might have to check out this Lady you talk of. Miss Lily too. Have you stayed in contact with her?  I droped my VIP here but you have my e mail.  Wood

Owns her own business and is doing very well :) She is not in the Biz BUT Im gonna visit her soon and she may make a little visit to ATL... Ya never know. Ill email ya! Great to see you too!


Great to see you posting.  I sure do remember a number of your girls but Taylor stands out above all!



I still have your number in my old phone... That still work? Get Ready for a Blonde Taylor!!!   :)


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