
This lady is a class act and when
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1027 reads

She says, something funny, it is true.  

Classy lady and she takes, staying safe serious and appreciate it very much.

MidWestern2084 reads

Has anyone else run into a lot of agencies asking for real names? I'm verified with P411 for example and have plenty of reputable reviews locally from solid agencies/providers yet was recently asked, yet again, this time by Exotic Atlanta for my real name and to be prepared to show real ID.

My question to them: "Will you be showing me your ID and giving me your real name?"


You are saying you don't trust them. Why should they trust you with fake name. You may be a good person but, there are too many fucking creeps running around in this world with sole objective of hurting women.  

This is business based trust so, they should ask for real names and real phone numbers.  

Do you have certificate from the CIA, FBI, NSA, or the DHS STATING YOUN ARE NICE, DECENT, NORMAL NON-Violent person

I think some of those credentials are what the lady is screening for to not schedule extended stay visits.

Lol, just a thought

cashorcredit1116 reads

After all these ladies are about to fuck a complete stranger, I don't think asking for your name is too much.  

I only give the info I'm comfortable giving, so I would suggest you do the same, if you aren't comfortable giving an agency your real name then you shouldn't.

My 0.04

-- Modified on 7/1/2014 12:01:29 PM

Now you are going back and forth with me on email. Telling me to provide my real name and playing games. Like maybe you are LE,!!!  now your on a national board telling on me.... Like to who? Everyone gives me their real name! We have an excellent rep in this city. With tons more reviews and people willing to vouch for us then U!  So,  if you don't like what I'm asking move on and stop emailing me playing games. It's weird and creepy.  Do you know how many times p411 has been compromised? Tons! Sorry, I barely use them or trust them with a grain of salt, without my own verification too. So, gimme a break. And I won't mention names but, your references are known for not bring very thorough in their screening.  So, stop emailing with the bs and go find someone who will cater to your comfort level.  Goodnight. Geez!

GaGambler946 reads

I sleep just fine at night knowing this.

Maybe the OP thinks the rest of us are going to boycott you in support of him? Maybe he also thinks it is going to snow tomorrow in Georgia as well. Both scenarios are equally likely, speaking strictly for myself, I have been quite pleased with your agency, and the opinion of some border line stalker isn't going to change that.

Speaking of the OP, are you really so cowardly that you have to post this from behind an alias. I don't normally rag on alias posters, but when they obviously do it out of cowardice, I feel obligated to mention it.

Ha ha me and you go waaaaayyy back!   Thanks everyone he was getting smart by email then I saw this.  Kinda crazy you know.  


Posted By: GaGambler
I sleep just fine at night knowing this.

Maybe the OP thinks the rest of us are going to boycott you in support of him? Maybe he also thinks it is going to snow tomorrow in Georgia as well. Both scenarios are equally likely, speaking strictly for myself, I have been quite pleased with your agency, and the opinion of some border line stalker isn't going to change that.

Speaking of the OP, are you really so cowardly that you have to post this from behind an alias. I don't normally rag on alias posters, but when they obviously do it out of cowardice, I feel obligated to mention it.

IsorokuYamamoto827 reads

And that's because you regularly bloviate on how you're 'bulletproof.' Not everyone is.  

Posted By: GaGambler
I sleep just fine at night knowing this.

Maybe the OP thinks the rest of us are going to boycott you in support of him? Maybe he also thinks it is going to snow tomorrow in Georgia as well. Both scenarios are equally likely, speaking strictly for myself, I have been quite pleased with your agency, and the opinion of some border line stalker isn't going to change that.

Speaking of the OP, are you really so cowardly that you have to post this from behind an alias. I don't normally rag on alias posters, but when they obviously do it out of cowardice, I feel obligated to mention it.

GaGambler848 reads

My issue is him being a whiny little bitch about it.

I rarely bash people for alias posting, but if you are going to "name names" you should have enough courage of your convictions to use your real fake name. EAA will obviously know who the poster is, so he is only hiding his identity from the rest of us. The court of public opinion is usually swayed by the credibility of the person posting. EAA came out here and gave her side, without ducking any of the issues, and quite frankly made the OP look like a whiny little bitch, even if his underlying point was a valid one.

As for me being "bulletproof" yes that's true, but I have regularly come out in support of the right of you guys who are not bulletproof to only give out what info you feel comfortable giving.

It's like HDH's I don't see hookers that charge what I consider excessive rates, but I don' come on here whining about them and naming names. If the OP wants to call out EAA he should have the balls to do so under his real fake name, otherwise he is not "standing up" to anything, he is, as I have said before, simply being a "whiny little bitch.

and for the record, I don't bloviate.

well ok, maybe  a little. lol

but the OP still comes across as a whiny little bitch IMO

Some of us go back a ways and know each other quite well.  

Some of us are really friends and know more than our real names.

Thank You

She says, something funny, it is true.  

Classy lady and she takes, staying safe serious and appreciate it very much.

IsorokuYamamoto941 reads

Why would anyone refuse to ever give an agency full/real name, employer, phone, address etc. Everyone knows agencies always protect their clients identity and never ever get busted. Good night. Geez.......

Posted By: exoticasianatl
Now you are going back and forth with me on email. Telling me to provide my real name and playing games. Like maybe you are LE,!!!  now your on a national board telling on me.... Like to who? Everyone gives me their real name! We have an excellent rep in this city. With tons more reviews and people willing to vouch for us then U!  So,  if you don't like what I'm asking move on and stop emailing me playing games. It's weird and creepy.  Do you know how many times p411 has been compromised? Tons! Sorry, I barely use them or trust them with a grain of salt, without my own verification too. So, gimme a break. And I won't mention names but, your references are known for not bring very thorough in their screening.  So, stop emailing with the bs and go find someone who will cater to your comfort level.  Goodnight. Geez!

I think it's called screening.

If you are long term member of community, well know on boards, and you are are back channelled referred from one provider to another that is known and trusted, you MAY get by without giving full screening, but that is real real rare.

I agree that some screening can be excessive, but I would suggest names are fundamental


-- Modified on 7/1/2014 8:28:08 PM

Good luck dude seriously. Leave us alone.  Now I'm really shaking my head.

GaGambler1081 reads

I think we may have a brand new SPOTY candidate.

What I find hugely ironic is while he is trying to remain anonymous here on the board by hiding behind his alias, I can bet you have already passed along whatever information that you do have on him to every other agency in Atlanta. Some people really are too stupid to be out in public on their own. lmao

Panthera121207 reads

While the OP could or should have posted this without mentioning the agency, I don't think it warrants that he get thrown under the bus for attempting to preserve his anonymity. He should be using an alias to post this too, but again shouldn't have mentioned the agency.  

When my references or okays are insufficient, I move on. To me it's not that big of a deal because there is so much pussy that it's not worth begging or jumping through hoops for, but the OP may have fell in lust with Sui and lost his bearings, lol.

GaGambler1097 reads

If the OP had made the statement in general, instead of calling out a very reputable agency that I have had great experiences with for years, I most likely would have agreed with him.

For the record, I don't mind at all giving out MY real information as I am completely black mail proof, but I do understand why a guy with something to lose would be loathe to do so. I don't believe agencies any more than you do when they say they don't keep contact info, the newpapers are full of proof to the contrary every time a major agency is busted.

That said, the guy was being a dick about it, and then he tried to "get even" by slamming the agency here and that's why I got on my White (actually Black) Horse and White Knighted here.

To me screening methods are just like rates, Nothing makes a man look like a whiny little bitch than coming here on the boards carping that a woman's rate is too high, or her screening is too tough. I pass on women all the time because I thing their rates are outrageous, or they insist on those insipid little screening forms, but I certainly don't come on the board whining about it and trying to impact their business because of it. That's my problem with the OP, not that he won't provide his real name, but because he comes across as a whiny little bitch.

Oh yeah, I agree about falling in love with Sui as well. I may have to fly through Atlanta and make a "layover" later this week on my way to Costa Rica:)

Panthera121057 reads

Funny that I was also going to call him whiny, but changed my mind. He's frustrated and I can understand where he is coming from. Since I don't know who he is my response to him was probably civil because I assume that he is fairly new.  
I also just think the "punishment" should fit the crime and he doesn't need to be passed around for being cautious and we both know that there are plenty of abusers of the screening process, agency in question not being one of them. It really should have stayed between the two of them.

I personally love you and your bestie LD! Your welcome with open arms anytime!  Our friendship has been ongoing for many many years!  

Posted By: GaGambler
If the OP had made the statement in general, instead of calling out a very reputable agency that I have had great experiences with for years, I most likely would have agreed with him.

For the record, I don't mind at all giving out MY real information as I am completely black mail proof, but I do understand why a guy with something to lose would be loathe to do so. I don't believe agencies any more than you do when they say they don't keep contact info, the newpapers are full of proof to the contrary every time a major agency is busted.

That said, the guy was being a dick about it, and then he tried to "get even" by slamming the agency here and that's why I got on my White (actually Black) Horse and White Knighted here.

To me screening methods are just like rates, Nothing makes a man look like a whiny little bitch than coming here on the boards carping that a woman's rate is too high, or her screening is too tough. I pass on women all the time because I thing their rates are outrageous, or they insist on those insipid little screening forms, but I certainly don't come on the board whining about it and trying to impact their business because of it. That's my problem with the OP, not that he won't provide his real name, but because he comes across as a whiny little bitch.

Oh yeah, I agree about falling in love with Sui as well. I may have to fly through Atlanta and make a "layover" later this week on my way to Costa Rica:)

Get real. They all want your real name! And I had no problem showing her girl my ID on my first visit

I use P411 as my reference, 9 out of 10 this is fine.  

Not wanting to share your real name with an agency (or provider) is just good sense.  I'm ok with showing an ID and verifying my P411 credentials on site, but emailing my personal info . . . not gonna happen.  And telling it over the phone, to some little note-taker assistant, who gets paid to log this information also not gonna happen.  Why?  Because in this business there is a very high probability that the provider/agency could be taken down, and we know where that goes.

Some scenarios:  
1) Agency gets raided, computers seized and all emails and files are scanned by some first year prosecutor or intern to build lead lists.  Then they start cold calling johns and providers to build case against agency (THIS HAPPENED a couple of years ago in FL, and Spitzer enjoyed this scenario too).  So, your voicemail could contain a simple message asking you to answer some questions for the D.A., they are not after you, just want your statement.  Now you can explain to you wife, why you got a friendly call, because she has access to your VM. :)

2) Some provider "provides" her client list, either to reduce her sentence or because she didn't encrypt her list, and some self righteous shit publishes your name in the paper, without any proof that you actually had a hobby transaction.  Don't need to rise to the level of a prosecutor pressing charges for a public shaming. (This happened locally, I believe) (and up north recently the ZUMBA provider).

3) The provider or her Play Station Pimp boyfriend tries to blackmail you one day, or recently someone mentioned that a break in lead to the provider's computer being stolen, and her client contact list being hacked, and then B&E theft turned into blackmail.

4)  OR you send an email to a provider who puts you into an email list and when she sends out broad announcements to that list, she sends your personal email to ALL of her other clients :)  Sort of a PM without the P.  This happened to me :)  Fortunately, my email isn't my real name, but MANY dudes used their real name from WORK email, WTF!  No shit, I had dozens of addresses realfirst.reallast@employer/

Giving real ANYTHING is a bad idea, you are WAY, WAY, WAY, WAY more likely to get outted than catch AIDS doing BBFS anal with a TS! :)

I'm creeped out enough by doing a call, I try to keep it to one call (not two), at gate code time.  That one moment alone is bad enough, they have your name and number.  At that point, I'm hoping one call is enough to maintain plausible deniability, just a wrong number I dialed - or a call to inquire, but not to complete . . . probably is still a major breach of info, but at some point you can only be so careful.  I always try a skype call first, before using the carrier.  But, 70% of my activity is all email.  Personally, I like these ditzy providers, that can't be on time and don't know where they are staying, it gives me comfort to know she won't remember ANYTHING about me once I walk out the door; it's the organized ones with lists you have to watch out for.

Curiously, how is a provider supposed to reference for me, when I am johnnycade to her?  My Alias is my reference, and I can have a few women reference my Alias, but not me (I don't give personal information), and that is more than enough for any provider/agency I've come across.  If they screen too hard, I just "Keep Calm and Move On", that's what plan B, C, D, and E are for.  But I fail to see the value that a live reference provides over an OK or whitelist reference.

Canadian agencies have recently started getting pissy about numbers and names.  I just skype them to a landline and then tell them to call my hotel, then give them a misspelled name, so it is good enough to get past the front desk, but not good enough to be recognized in a news paper.

At the end of the day, the authorities could find me if they wanted to.  They could put all my information together with enough warrants.  But, fortunately they are lazy, why should I make it easy for them; hopefully they will just move on to easier pickings.

Stick to street walkers and auto in calls. No self respecting indie or agency is going to give you two seconds of their time. I for one, appreciate all of them for that.

There has to some implicit trust, and you don't you are toast.

You've banished me to street walkers and backseats? :)  

In point of fact, my 5 white lists have over a 1,200 reviews between them, and one retired at 78 and the other is still new.  I'm an equal opportunity fucker; I'll fuck a new provider or I'll fuck an Institution, which many of my ladies have been.  

My point is plenty of very, very, very experienced providers have seen me sans personal info, they have other ways of getting comfortable.  I've been to ER, ATF and JFL (they have/had an inter-agency referral system); only ER got my info, which concerns me to this day, but ONLY a name, email and cell number, no employment, no SSN, no home address, no home phone, but I did leave DNA samples with all ladies for future reference :)

You got me thinking, I never really thought about it until you said I have no trust . . . you are right, I have NO trust.  That's EXACTLY why I'm on TER doing my home work.  Sifting reviews and calculating the odds that the services offered will actually be delivered, because it doesn't even occur to me to take their word for it.

But also, I think my post points out exactly why trust is only a TEENY TINY part of that equation.  Only a couple of my scenarios require the provider to be untrustworthy; she could be a victim; she could have authorities take her information; she could lack technical computer skills.  I think of it more as a partnership, I help her or the agency to not reveal my information by act, omission, error, neglect or accident; and the best technique is to not share that info with them in the first place.

Only ER got my information which means you did give the information to someone and as a notary public, ER vouched for you at JFL and ATF. What does that mean to you? Try the same when you visit another city and see what happens.  

Your exaggerations are great, the discussion is about real name and not about any fucking thing you mentioned. Give me your Cell Phone number even, if it is track phone and I will find rest of the information about you.  

Completely disagree, trust is the major part.

The paranoids like you think you are protecting yourself and you are secure. Only way you are going to be secure is, if you don’t use any modern technology, if you do you are leaving electronic signatures every where and you don’t know it.

You think you use a fake name, use an email with that name, you cannot be tracked. Yes you can be and you are.

IsorokuYamamoto980 reads

You're full of it. I've been doing this for years and have never ever had an issue getting a date with a quality gal without giving up my personal info. Quit sucking up fungi.  

Posted By: anonymousfun
Stick to street walkers and auto in calls. No self respecting indie or agency is going to give you two seconds of their time. I for one, appreciate all of them for that.  
 There has to some implicit trust, and you don't you are toast.
-- Modified on 7/3/2014 3:50:03 PM

Why, don’t have the guts to say it with your real handle?

and you tell me to stop sucking up, priceless!

Panthera121538 reads

I side with you on not wanting to give your full name and ID. Today that is a smart move and I can't fault you for that. Maintain and you will continue to hobby safely. Perhaps when you have more p411 okays or additional references, it will be a little easier to get in to see more agencies or the stricter providers.  

However, the agency in question is also in the right by having screening requirements, so I also side with her. Besides, her reputation both here and Boston are good enough to even tempt Panthera to cough more then fur balls if I had to. My concern with her would not be trust but only in the event of LE securing her data, just like any other agency.

Just move on bro or give her what she wants. There are plenty of other agencies and providers that you can see while not risking your identity. Very many.
I personally would not have brought this to the board either. It's a no win scenario for you.

Atlantas sweethearts.  I haven't used exoticasian but she knows my real name as well.
You should never go outside your comfort level and always feel the tingling of your spidey senses
but you blew a chance a  good time.

Dontbelieveit1016 reads

You have to know that agencies do keep you in their "system" in some way.  

Real Life Experience:  
Txt To Agency:  Hey I was wondering who is available today at 2:00 pm
Txt From Agency: We have a & b & c and possibly d. Who would you like and for how long?
Txt To Agency:  I would like to see b for an hour.

Now question to yourself.  This happens regularly with me and I never mention a thing about who I am.  
Conjecture: They KNOW who I am and have it in a record of some fashion.  (happens with all the agencies I use)
Do I have a problem with it?  Not at all, makes my life a lot easier when scheduling.

How many places on the internet. You are a commodity for sale by many information peddlers. You are nothing but $$$$ ringing in.

Get over the privacy fantasy because you don't have any.

MidWestern811 reads

Thanks everyone for the responses.

I just wanted to get some idea for the general feeling about that practice. Exotic Atlanta seems like a great agency with nice people.  

I only disagree philosophically with the practice and harbor absolutely zero personal emotions toward them. I like to question ideas without it being a personal attack and it looks like I've walked into a hornets' nest of people who cannot nuance, consider ideas, or think abstractly without getting personally offended.

Happy Independence Day

GaGambler1167 reads

but when you do so, you have to be prepared for differing opinions, especially when taking on someone with a stellar reputation. As you might have gathered by now EAA has a stellar rep.

I will admit that like Panthera I can actually agree with your major point, whether or not to give out certain personal information, but there is never going to be full agreement on this issue. The ladies have a need to be safe, IOW not arrested or murdered, the guys have a desire not to have their life ruined by being outed, either by a vindictive and BSC hooker, or by accident as in an agency getting raided.

Here's the problem when you call out someone for their screening practices, it then becomes a credibility issue. and when posting from behind an alias you automatically lose the credibility battle, as we have no idea who the fuck you are, but we all know EAA, and as you can see, we not only know her, but we like and trust her as well.

If you had put up a post asking how most of us felt about being asked for our personal info as a "general rule" I think you might have gotten a very different response. As a matter of fact since none of us know who you really are, why don't you wait a week or so and post this question again under your real handle, but next time, ask it as I  and others have suggested and do it in general terms and you might be surprised at how differently your post is received.

MidWestern1020 reads

Thanks GaGambler. I appreciate you sharing your insights and perspective.  

Like many of the posters in this thread - you have used your handle in all kinds of other boards and sites and it's very easy with some simple engine searches and cross referencing to uncover your real name and background. I could sit here and do it literally all day long and have done it and I'm more than certain LE can do it if they get time or motivation. I think it's unwise and a far greater risk to these wonderful girls, in my view.

Thanks again for sharing your opinions.

GaGambler1097 reads

I don't have a bit of problems with a man considering his privacy to be just as important as a provider's  wish to feel safe. I also freely admit that there are many more cases of a man's life being ruined by being "outed" than there are cases of women dying at the hands of axe murderer. There are plenty of valid arguments on both sides of this issue.

Where I took issue with you is my perception that your act of calling out EAA by name, while hiding behind the safety of your alias to be rather cowardly and a cheap shot at the agency, and I stand behind those words.

Now to your point, How do you connect the dots between my "real" name being linked to my fuck board handle presents the slightest risk to the ladies I see? Are you honestly making the leap that they are going to follow me from appointment to appointment and that they don't already know how to find these same ladies that have ads splashed all over the internet. Please connect the dots for me What exactly is LE going to do with the information that XXXXX fucks hookers?

Posted By: GaGambler
but when you do so, you have to be prepared for differing opinions, especially when taking on someone with a stellar reputation. As you might have gathered by now EAA has a stellar rep.

I will admit that like Panthera I can actually agree with your major point, whether or not to give out certain personal information, but there is never going to be full agreement on this issue. The ladies have a need to be safe, IOW not arrested or murdered, the guys have a desire not to have their life ruined by being outed, either by a vindictive and BSC hooker, or by accident as in an agency getting raided.

Here's the problem when you call out someone for their screening practices, it then becomes a credibility issue. and when posting from behind an alias you automatically lose the credibility battle, as we have no idea who the fuck you are, but we all know EAA, and as you can see, we not only know her, but we like and trust her as well.

If you had put up a post asking how most of us felt about being asked for our personal info as a "general rule" I think you might have gotten a very different response. As a matter of fact since none of us know who you really are, why don't you wait a week or so and post this question again under your real handle, but next time, ask it as I  and others have suggested and do it in general terms and you might be surprised at how differently your post is received.

MidWestern865 reads

Thanks for your response and I appreciate your perspective and opinion.

Was that better?

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