
Frank_CC 6 Reviews 50 reads

Thanks for surfacing this out. She looks pretty but really not worth to give a try. Thanks

Anybody read the review of Savannah today or her other one for that matter? Not letting a client use the bathroom after a long drive and then providing that kind of session? Why in the hell is this person wasting everyone's time? It's obvious she hates doing this but for some reason thinks she's so incredible that the guy should just be happy to be there. You can't even get hooking right and you've got that kind of attitude?  

Went to a sugar baby site recently as I never really checked them out. There was one young lady that was asking for 10k a month and saying how great she is and then graciously stated that if she didn't reply, that means she's not interested. You're asking for that kind of money but won't even take 10 seconds to reply that you're not interested when somebody reaches out to you? Unbelievable.  

Makes me appreciate the great ladies we do have here in the ATL even more.  

Sir Cumalot

Not letting me use the bathroom would be a huge issue, its hard to get anything going if I have to urinate.  

As for the sugarbaby thing, 10k?  Damn, I'd help you bury bodies and clean up the crime scene for that kind of dough.

I think he may have been referring to #2

One guy had to pee and the other guy wanted to shower. She declined both. Hard to believe she wouldn't want the guy to freshen up and denying the guy pee privileges is just mean!

It's astounding. It's another case of someone that thinks they're better than the client they're meeting with. I guess it never occurs to them that if they are so awesome, then why are they hooking in the first place and on top of that, doing it badly?  

It'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Sir C

I guess the only positive is that it helps us appreciate the truly great and accomodating providers out there.  Not to go off on a tangent, do you guys think there's been a decline in the quality since the agency busts?  I stick to my one regular and thats about it nowadays.  I do see some great reviews out there, but its not like what it used to be.  Just my 2 cents,  I could be wrong. I mean no offense to the already great and established providers.

On a decline but really started with the agency bust back in 2013. I always had excellent service from that agency and the owner went out of her way a couple of times to make things right. I mostly use the sugar bowl now and have found it is more work but seems to pay off better in the end.  Also, I don't pay any attention to what they ask in their ad. If they don't despond, then they donx respond and I move on to someone else.

Wow, 2013!  I only got into the hobby 2 years ago but I do recall seeing a very nice selection and a wide variety of ladies.  I don't think we'll have it as good as we used to but lets hope I'm wrong.

I can’t speak for other providers but I myself don’t allow gentlemen to use my shower.  If you have to use the bathroom that’s fine but I prefer you come to me clean. I don’t think I’m better than anyone or anything like that; I just feel that’s something that you should have enough respect not only for myself but for yourself as well to handle prior to coming to me (even if it’s a quick was in the gas station sink or sink at work). You wouldn’t show up to a date with a nonprovider dirty and smelly so why should we have to tolerate that?

So let me ask you this. I am on job sights all day long. I do sweat and always take a shower in the am. I am meeting you at 1:30 pm. I have been to see 3 of my crews in Sept in Atlanta. Its 98 outside i come to your place and freshen my breath. You start to play and you go down for BBJ then come up cause it smells funky. Well finish what you started since i wasn't allowed to shower and clean my nasty ass before we got started. So then the bad appointment now is on you since i couldn't clean myself off.

Thanks for surfacing this out. She looks pretty but really not worth to give a try. Thanks

she was hiding her pimp or boyfriend in the bathroom. I don't care how pretty she is , if I have to piss i'm going to take a  piss. She's more than welcome to clean up after me if she will not let me use the toilet.

Why that's not condescending at all.  

Tell us more about shitty attitudes in the business.  

have my own successful business and would never treat a potential client the way she did.  

Second,  if you think any occupation where you put up an add and start the same day no matter what qualifications you have other than a vagina is a ‘bold’ career choice, then you’re delusional no matter what the circumstances may be. No one took in 8 years of Med or law school to be a escort.  

What is ‘bold’ are the ladies that excell at it, Ginger Taylor being a prime example and many more in ATL and are well respected. Savannah is not one at present.

Considering you’re an alias with no reviews, , you’re either a over-sensitive whiteknight or provider which is not a good trait in this ‘biz’

Sir C

Posted By: roanoke1979
Re: First, this is not the ‘biz’ I’m in...
have my own successful business.
Uh lol why are we talking about this?  What an interesting time to mention that you have your "own successful business."  Seems oddly off-topic.   Smacks of insecurity.  You must come up short in all kinds of ways.
Second,  if you think any occupation where you put up an add and start the same day no matter what qualifications you have other than a vagina is a ‘bold’ career choice, then you’re delusional no matter what the circumstances may be. No one took in 8 years of Med or law school to be a escort.
Is it JUST putting up an "add" though?  Apparently it also involves suffering whiny men who get into a tizzy over hookers they've never met before;  all while displaying an ironic measure of condescension about the thing they have such elevated standards about.  That's gotta be some kinda skill, right?
What is ‘bold’ are the ladies that excell at it, Ginger Taylor being a prime example and many more in ATL and are well respected. Savannah is not one at present.
Contradicting yourself to kiss ass is respectable
Considering you’re an alias with no reviews, , you’re either a over-sensitive whiteknight or provider which is not a good trait in this ‘biz’
Boy who gets teary-eyed about someone else's lackluster fuck session thinks I'm "over-sensitive"  

Lol, I'm actually looking foward towards his reply.   Grabbing popcorn.  

Sir C knows better than to feed brain dead trolls but then again, this could be entertaining! LOL!🤠

Posted By: SeductionMindHacks
Re: I hope Roanoke sees your insulting post because your ass will be grass
He is not going to let this stand, mark my words.

No one could accuse you of being corny as hell.  

...but your asinine response here is beyond my wildest dreams! Awesome, I just love hooker psychiatrists! So well informed, worldly, and obviously a purveyor of good judgement considering you're either fucking for money or on this site sharing your philosophy of a well thought out life on multiple boards here. Congratulations.  

Never has anyone proved my point in a thread quicker than you have, especially what the definition of 'insecure' is after your thought provoking commentary about it in your post above. Bravo! Obviously it struck a nerve or you wouldn't keep commenting. Another triumph in a well lived life, I can see.

'Come up short'? A dick joke is the best you can do? Pathetic. At least I'll be honest and say my dick is just over six inches hard, I could stand to lose some weight, and I'm mildly handsome. Unlike yourself, I have quite a good reputation here and go out of my way to treat the ladies I see with as much respect as possible as my goal is for them to enjoy our time together as much as I am, if possible. If you see contradiction in my comments, it's only because you've got nothing better....boring. The ladies here that excel are respected by me...the rest of you are not. The ease in which a lady can get into this business is a fact and I stand by that statement.  

A bitter alias hooker trying to make herself relevant on a fuck board is no way to go through life. Worse, you're not even good at it. Matching wits with a dullard is a waste of my valuable time and considering that no one else here cares what you have to say proves my point.

Your thoughts and comments are lazy and laughable at best. Now head on back to the general board or the kiddie table as that seems to be more your speed and places that your style of prose can be fully appreciated.

Sir Cumalot

You seem like you might be the bottom given these boot licking posts.

"I own a successful business"

"My dick is just over six inches"

"I'm a kinda handsome"

"I'm respected by women I pay to have sex with (I think)"  

"Other TER handles like me"  

With virtually no effort, I've got you on a message board trying to validate yourself to an "alias hooker."  I certainly don't need to be a psychiatrist to understand the pathology of a weak emotional cripple :) Boy I bet some unscrupulous hooker(s) had a field day manipulating you in the past.

Is there anything else you wanna tell me about yourself, sport?  I'll bet I could get you to Venmo me the contents of your checking account by calling you broke.

Besides your retread material, you did manage to use some big words! Bet your brain hurts. For a nitwit, at least you're trying hard so you got that going for ya.

I hate that I'm keeping you from your 'world peace/ cancer cure' time. Oh wait, what am I saying! You're just an alias hooker that's either too lazy or to stupid to do anything else. What was I thinking!  

You need to come up with some better material than this. Are you a little slow in the head?  I know 10 year olds that are sharper than you...weak.

It's not witty.  It's just really like - sore and bitchy sounding.  Like you were watching the The Talk and soaking your feet in epsom salt when you typed it.  You could use a shot of testo, my man.

Some hobbyist don't like women no matter what. They may for that hour or so of pleasure (if they do their pathetic job right, according to some).

There are many reasons I'm reluctant or scared to hobby, these type of men are one. These men, you're damned if you make them happy and you're damned if you don't. The girls he's speaking of, they do seem very wrong to me as well. But, he uses extra terminology that sheds light on who he is as a person.

It's best to stay away from them altogether pronational. I've spent quite a bit of time with one in particular. You know the red flags based on your responses. It's best to stay away from them. I won't revisit this thread myself as I'm sure I will be treated poorly as you have been. Thank you though for bringing to surface those in agreement with his distasteful terminology. So, pronational, if you want to respond to me, please pm me or email me.  

He should read "Nasty People" or "Nasty Men" by Jay Carter. The women he speaks of should read "Nasty Women" but he would think that they are unable to read. They should just all read all of them actually.

Oh, yeah, the word I'm looking for that might describe this guy, he might be a misogynist. Yes, the misogynist out there are one of the reasons I work my ass off at two normal jobs and avoid doing something I love to do.

...out of this whole thread the only thing you got is that you think I'm a 'misogynist'.  

In your next to last review (dated 2005), the reviewer writes that you stuck a big dildo in your backside while in shower and told him that you needed to 'clean yourself out'. He then states that because you were such a heavy smoker, you still smelled of cigs even after the sexy.  He then goes on to say he lost his erection and got 'skived' out when you tried to use a cock ring on him as he didn't know how many clients it had been on before him.

I bet you think he's a 'misogynist' too? That is just sub-par and nobody needs to read 'Nasty People' to know it. You'd rather blame 'nasty men' and mysogynists' for your exit from the 'business you love' of providing that level of service for hundreds of dollars of men's hard earned dollars. Who's really being the 'nasty one' here? Unbelievable.

Sir C

but I have a question for you regarding the Sugar Baby, did she come right out and say she needed "$10K" a month, or did she just put down "high" under her "lifestyle budget" which by SA guidelines is supposed to mean $10K a month, but in practice rarely does?

I saw a smoking hot chica I met off of SA several times and in her profile she not only listed her lifestyle as "high" but also stated "if you don't make at least $500,000 a year, don't contact me" I ended up seeing her several times for the price of $300 for a multiple hour date each time.  It doesn't pay to take anything too literal that you read on those sites.

As for not replying if she is not interested, I have ZERO problems with that. I get messages all the time from women I have no interest in, I don't reply either. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Ya, Gambler, it was either 'high' or 'substantial', whichever the 10k a month deal is. Duly noted on your experience and good to know. I have no experience with the site so yours is appreciated and something to keep in mind.

As far as a 'no response if not interested', it just came across as very arrogant considering what she was asking for. That alone would make me never reach out though mine could be an isolated incident. As you say said' goose/gander'.

Glad we agree on Savannah. After reading about her behavior, I wouldn't jack off to her pic if she was paying me, much less anything else.  

Sir Cumalot

If you need to now anything more about the one idiot who did argue your point, you were right "pronational" is a hooker, check out some of her dumb shit on the DC board and you'll get the picture.

As for the POT SB's on the Sugar Sites, some of them do come off as a bit arrogant, but sometimes they can be a lot of fun, once you bring them back down to reality of course. That's one thing that a lot of guys prefer about the hooker world over SB's, I would be about as likely to contact "pronational" for a date as I would any hooker who wrote an ad like many of these POT SB's do on a regular basis, which means the chances are even LESS than zero. lol

I am kind of surprised the second reviewer of Savannah didn't see her previous review before booking with her, I can only hope he TOFTT team and saw her "before" the first review was approved because if he saw her AFTER reading that first review, he's a moron and deserved what he got, and I didn't get the impression by checking out his other review that he is a moron.

Did you guys see the 3rd review?  Apparently he was had as well bc he didn't see the other 2 reviews in time.  Might've been a timing issue.

HappyChanges61 reads

I feel bad for the girl who doesn't let me take shower takes a whiff of my sweaty balls and swampy ass after a long day. Reading shit like that makes me appreciate the pros as well.

Most women don't like smelly balls or asses

hands, mouth, ass and balls.  LOL

but wanted to chime in that not letting someone use the bathroom is ABUSE.  I will no longer patron a store that declined a small child a restroom.  That makes me so mad.

I'm sorry even if it's been an hour and a long drive of you squeezing your balls together and them sweating,  it would be good to go "freshen up' lol I know I'm ALWAYS about 45 mins out if the shower when I see a guy. Well unless it's a request.  
And a guy is always welcome to take a shower before and after. No surprises in my bathroom.  
Also guys nice clean fresh hands, don't want to put germs on our sensitive part.

Maybe she meant he could do a number two in there lol because that crazy and unprofessional.

NYCforBusiness50 reads

Just engaged with her on a truly amusing text message chat. Wish I could share. Not a happy young lady

...'dummy' and a 'hater'. She's got the IQ of an avocado.

Sir C

...any idiot with a vagina can become an hooker ( pro-ass-tional being another perfect example).  

Being a great one is a different story.

Cuz up there ^ you said "add."  Oopsies.

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